Basic ability: --->grants limitless luck <----
Detailed:User is blessed with levels of luck so great that it bends the very structures of reality, constantly rearranging them to their advantage, whether they want it or not. Their luck affects them to the point where probability means nothing, as in they can defy logic itself
they're fated for boundless wealth and prosperity, are infinitely successful in all aspects of life and are completely invincible in every way imaginable, allowing them to overcome all impossible odds and defeat unbeatable foes.
Their luck may be so powerful that no force within their universe or reality can take it from them, not even death, allowing their luck to be carried on into the afterlife or into their next life if or when they pass on. Luck Erasure will only reduce its effectiveness temporarily, rather than permanently removing it entirely
2.Existential Distinction
Detailed:The user possesses an essence that is absolute in its otherness and entirely exclusive to their nature alone. They are able to distinguish themselves from absolutely everything, everywhere, everywhen, and everyhow, without any exception
3.Video Game Physics
Basic:--->Take on characteristics of any video game<----
Detailed:Users possess the ability to exist and function unders the physics laws of any and all video games. This power can give the user a wide variety of abilities.
4.Essence of All CYOA
This Essence gives you access to an archive of every version of every CYOA that will ever exist, including the Meta Essence.
You can offer a copy of any CYOA you've completed to another person for them to fill out. You are able to edit the [Locations], [Options], and [Conditions] of the copy to suit your purposes. You are however obligated to hold up your end of the bargain to anyone who's held up their end. The only thing you can't do is offer a power greater than what the original already offered.
5.Overwhelming Infinite Cosmic Might
Whenever used in conjunction with a CYOA all possible resources choices and possibilities are rendered infinite.
Any of your powers, skills, and abilities can never be drained, reduced, or otherwise limited in any form or fashion unless you will it so.
Any drawbacks that are a result of your choices in a CYOA or required complications may be nullified at will. Further restrictions may also be disregarded as suggestions rather then concrete iron clad rules.