Liu Yong's astute intuition proved correct; Ding Wen's invitation to a sumptuous dinner held a significance beyond mere hospitality. The zeal with which Ding Wen seized the menu spoke volumes about his intentions; dishes, each more extravagant than the last, were ordered with an unspoken purpose that both intrigued and impressed. The platters that materialized were a testament to his generosity, an elaborate spread dominated by the opulence of raw seafood that turned the table into a feast of epic proportions.
With a good-natured chuckle, Liu Yong remarked, "You're certainly not one to hold back, Ding Wen. But I must ask, how do you plan on tackling this culinary mountain? The three of us alone would be hard-pressed to conquer this feast."
Ding Wen's response was laced with a warm smile, "Brother Yong, I owe you an explanation. It's not just the three of us partaking in this banquet tonight; we're awaiting the company of two additional guests."