Paula's mind was running away with her, she knew by now if a vampire is 'staked' it means he's basically in some sort of coma, all she needed to do was remove it.
Question was where would they take Deno? Her only thought is either at Anastasia's mansion or maybe Guile's, heavy security, and she as a human would barely stand a chance to save him.
Stopping at Deno's house she wanted to jump out but the news airing had her dive back and turn the volume up.
"Las Vegas police department was attacked by a werewolf not long ago, the large female was said to storm in and bite more than thirty officers, and reports say they are all now turning into werewolves"
Paula was cold silent, another wolf? And she attacked a police station? That had revenge written all over it.
So the Wendigo is aiding Bella hey? Donallee and Saria working together.
Of course Dezmond won't take this lying down right? let's see if he has something up his sleeve next.