"Are the packages ready?" Cobra asked one of his men on the ground in the city of Tondo.
"There are still one site remaining sir!" One of his men in the ground replied.
"Hurry up, we cannot afford delays. Enrique will be displeased if you delay the plans any further. Move it!" Cobra yelled and looks to Enrique beside of him overlooking the situation in the city.
The two were staying in one of the tallest buildings in the city, several kilometers away from the conflict zone. The view of the presidential palace was seen by him with the rebel forces now on route to overcome the government forces.
"It's about time..." Enrique looks at Cobra handing him a small device.
"Are you sure about this Enrique?" Cobra asked him.
"I trust your judgment about this matter my friend. After all, they do not call you the "butcher" for nothing." Enrique walks away from him and waves his hand.
"Where are you going?" Cobra asked him.
"To my friend, it's time to escalate the plans to the next stage. Please be careful of the insurance package I gave you a while ago." Enrique refers to the device that he gave to Cobra.
Cobra on his radio calls on all of his colleagues and said, "Operation Chimera's Breath shall commence soon. Standby for orders!"
Luis and his men returns fire at the rebels who are trying to breach their position. They fell many of those who tried break through the defenses. Despite of their best efforts the defenses at Santa Cruz is failing.
"There's too many of them!" One soldier shouted at the rooftop with his Squad Assault Weapon.
"Quit yapping and return fire!" A Colonel who is in charge of the defenses replied to him.
Despite of being in bad shape the improvised defenses held against the rebel attacks. The rebels lost at least one hundred men and two light tanks. They put the other two in reserve and are now shelling the defenses with mortar fire.
"Use the Slinger APS!" The Colonel ordered at the soldier manning the S.A.W. at the rooftop.
"It's low on battery sir, the laser could only shoot a few burst." The soldier said to the Colonel.
"I do not care, activate it now or they'll pound us to dust!" The Colonel continued.
"Roger!" The soldier stood up and ran towards the APS.
As he ran towards it a loud thud was heard. The soldier was hit behind his head with the bullet went in the middle of his eyes. A sniper from afar hit him.
"Sniper, take cover!" The Colonel shouted.
His men followed suit and took cover.
"What shall we do now?" Luis asked the Colonel beside him.
"We need to take care about that sniper." The Colonel said.
Luis looks at two of his men and asked them to move closer to him. The two quickly dashed towards the Lieutenant's position and ducked behind cover. They asked the Luis what to do.
"We need someone from the two of you to act as a decoy, and one as a spotter." Luis said.
"Roger, I will be the decoy!" The soldier on his left side said.
Luis looks on the other and asked, "Can I rely on you about the spotting?"
"You can count on me!" The other soldier replied.
Luis then contacted one of his marksmen who rushed towards his position. He was carrying a long 8 mm sniper rifle. When he arrived he reported to his commanding officer.
"We have a decoy and a spotter, I need you to shoot down their sniper." Luis told the marksman in front of him.
"Can do sir!" The marksman looks at the two soldiers beside him.
The Colonel looks at the three and looks at Luis beside him, "Are you sure we only need three people to take down the sniper? There may be a lot of them hiding."
"It's okay sir, we are going to spot their position not kill them yet." Luis said in reply and signals the three to move out.
"Roger!" The three said in unison and went to the rooftop where the soldier earlier was shot.
"Sir, we are having difficulty in breaching the defensive lines by the government forces. Shall we press on the attacks instead?" A rebel official asked a rebel General.
"General Doce Mayor will not be pleased if he will hear this. What on earth are you doing!?" The rebel General said to the official.
The once angry General's face suddenly changed on the arrival of General Doce Mayor. With him are some of his bodyguards and some of his officers.
"I hear you are being ineffectual in your task General." Doce Mayor said to him.
"I apologize sir, I do not know they would be this determined! If you'll give me another chance..." The General begged in front of him.
General Doce Mayor shook his head and calls on his bodyguards to take him away. The General again begs for mercy but was ignored.
"Take him out of my sight!" The General said and took a pack of cigarette.
As the General tried to relax and think of his next plans, a soldier suddenly knocks the door of the command center. The General tasks one of his bodyguards to open the door for him. As the soldier entered he saluted at the General and said his report.
"Sir, it's the Atlanticans. A squadron of CF/A 26 C Wasps fighter jets have been causing trouble to our operations."
"At this time!?" The General looks at the windows and saw two of his rebel aircraft being shot down.
He quickly picks up his phone and contacts Enrique to ask about the matter. After six rings Enrique picks up the phone and greets his friend.
"Enrique, you should have known by now. It's the Atlanticans, they have came to help. Where is our help from your "friends"?" The General asked him.
Enrique paused for a while and replied seconds later, "That's unfortunate, unless you want to spend your time in prison. You'll have to come with us!"
"What? That is what you'll answer me? We have come this far and a chance like this will never repeat!" The General yelled at Enrique.
"I do not care what you are fighting for General but you will have been a sacrificial pawn for my plans. Because of you, the birth of a new future for this country, no, this world has come. With it's breath, the Chimera shall rise and take over the world!" Enrique laughed loudly.
"What are you talking about Enrique!?" The General asked him furiously.
Enrique ended the call and looks at the horizon from the place where he is standing. "At the end of the day, the need for Chimera to rise is needed."
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