The woman propped her cheek onto her knuckles as she was left in her office, in deep thoughts.
"Aaah, I'm so bored." She whined, exasperatedly throwing her hands in the air.
"No more thinking, no more thinking." She chanted as she pulled her swiveled chair closer to her table and turned on her laptop to play one of her favorite games; Nightingale.
"Hmm...not bad for a person who's famed to be aloof and stoic." It's impressive how Lillie Bai could come up with interesting games when her life seemed to be so tedious.
"Hehe...which lair should I destroy today? Hmm...arch angels? Orcs? Elves? Aahh, too much effort. I'll go for goblins." She logged into the game and made her avatar fly across the game's map to search for a goblin's cave.
"Goblins are overlooked because they're the easiest to kill, but not many know that they have a secret cave filled with useful treasures...oh?" An information about the potion she got popped on her screen.
Oohhh, who is this woman? Is she a new character or an old one? Is she a potential friend or another crazy foe?
Enjoy the Mass Release! Sorry for the delay, the internet is acting funny again.