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Takumi arrived home at 6pm. As soon as he entered the gate, he dodged an oncoming fist and avoided a follow-up kick. The person continued attacking and Takumi was forced to abandon his school bag and defend against the attacks. Eventually, he started his counter and successfully mobilised the person.

"Do you have to sneak-attack on me? I thought my training was finished," said Takumi sighing. The person in question, Takumi's former teacher, clicked his tongue as he sat up from the ground.

"I admit, I really underestimated you this time. I guess the student finally surpasses the master."

"I surpassed you long ago old man,"

The old man scowled and tried to hit the teen again who dodged and laughed.

"You, you brat! Respect the elderly!"

"Hai hai, calm down --eek!" A knife shot out and grazed Takumi's cheek making a shallow cut. "WHAT THE HELL?!! MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!"

Now it was the old man's turn to laugh and he ran off while Takumi was busy assessing his cheek. He clicked his tongue and cursed his old master who knew very well how he hated wounds on his face. "Damn him,"

Grumbling bitterly, Takumi went around the house and opened the sliding door to his room. He dumped his bag on the ground and took a warm bath before wearing his usual yukata and put a band-aid on his cut. After that, he sat on the ground in front of his table and did his homework (because he's a good student).


"Who is it?"

"Young master, dinner is ready at the main hall."

Takumi sighed, "I got it. I'll be there shortly,"

He finished off the last bit of homework and packed away his things before heading to the main hall where his Uncle and executive members of White Tiger were seated having a meal.

"My apologies for being late," said Takumi entering the room. His uncle waved it off and told him to sit in the spare seat next to him.

"How has school been Taku-kun? Meet any girls?" asked uncle suggestively. Takumi wore a blank face. "School is fine and it's not about finding a girlfriend. I told you didn't I? I joined the basketball team. We're having a practice match tomorrow at Kaijo,"

"Ah yes yes. I forgot about that. Make sure you annihilate them,"


'Uncle...they're not Yakuza. I'm not even playing.'

Takumi didn't respond to his Uncle's ridiculous wording and ate in silence. The table was filled with lively chatter and clanging of cups filled with sake. Takumi wasn't really paying attention to the noise until a conversation between his Uncle and his Uncle's right-hand man, Yaku caught his attention.

"....mhm yes. He will be coming here with his son,"

"Boss, are you sure it's a good idea to have 'that' man come?"

"His father was like an older brother to me. Now that he's passed, I should at least meet with his child and grandson."

"But this is Akashi we're talking about. He's a cunning and powerful person..."

By that time, Takumi was fully invested in eavesdropping on the conversation and couldn't help but pause when he heard the name 'Akashi'. Coupled with the words; cunning and powerful, he had a pretty good guess it was the Akashi he was thinking about.

'To think Uncle would have a connection to Akashi's grandfather. Fate certainly works in mysterious ways.'

"His grandchild...Seijuro I believe, if he was female, I would arranged a marriage between Taku-kun and him,"


Takumi choked on his food prompting someone to hand him a glass of water.

"Eat slower Takumi,"



Kaijo. A prestigious academy who puts a lot into training their athletes and sports clubs as seen by the large grounds and top-notch equipment.

Seirin walked through the premises admiring the buildings and fields. Kagami, unlike the rest, wasn't paying attention to his surroundings as his mind was filled with excitement for the oncoming match. His red eyes however gave away his lack of rest.

"Tiger, it's bad to not get rest before a game," Takumi commented. Kuroko agreed and added, "Staying up due to excitement...you're like a kid going on a field trip for the first time,"

"Shut up!" growled the red-head.

Right then, a lob of blonde came running towards them with a smile on his face.

"Yo, Seirin. Coach thought you might be lost and I offered to come lead you," Kise grinned.

"Where's the gym?" Kagami asked.

"Oh Kurokocchi!" Kise completely ignored Kagami and appeared in front of the shadow. "I couldn't sleep last night thinking of your words. No girl has ever rejected me before!" he cried fake tears.

"Phantom's not a girl though," Takumi said. "And your sarcasm stinks."

At that, Kise stopped his act and smirked. "Hmm, I curious about the person making Kurokocchi say such things," he looked straight at Takumi and Kagami, mainly at the latter.

"I don't really care about being a 'miracle' but I'm too childish to accept such an obvious challenge,"

He was obviously referring to Kagami who stared right back at him. Takumi wondered if these people were really high-schoolers. Like seriously, what kind of high-schoolers talk like this. He knew the blonde seemed wary of him, probably from yesterday when he caught the ball Kagami threw before Kise.

However, since he was declared 'manager', Kise didn't think he'd be much of a threat.

The blonde led them to the gym where they met the team and the coach who so rudely only provided half a court to play on.

Seirin was pissed aside from Takumi who ended up taking a seat on the bench and whipping out a book to read leaving his team and a few others confused.

Initially, Kaijo thought the tall guy was a player but realised he was wearing a regular school uniform and not a jersey like the rest.

"Oi Kise, who the hell is that?" Kasamatsu, Kaijo's captain and point guard, asked the blonde.

"Seirin's manager apparently,"

"EH?! A big guy like that is the manager?!" one of the team shouted.

"It's true. I was shocked as well but..." Kise looked at Takumi, "He definitely plays basketball,"

Meanwhile at Seirin's bench, Riko slapped the book out of Takumi's hand making the latter pout.

"What was that for?"

"Fool! Can't you take this more seriously? That coach only gave us half a court to play on,"

Takumi gave a deadpanned stare, "And what do you want me to do? Beg him to let us use the full court? It's obvious they're looking down on us so just bust out a cool opening or something."

He picked up his book and started reading again but stopped when he heard Kaijo's coach telling Kise to sit out making Seirin fume even more. Although he was familiar with the plot, he was pretty ticked off as well and sighed before placing his book down and standing up.

The team watched as Takumi made his way over to Kaijo's coach who stopped and raised an eyebrow and the teen.

"What is it?" he asked Takumi frowning.

Everyone held their breath as Takumi leaned down and whispered something in Coach Takeuchi's ear.

"What the..." muttered Kasamatsu.

All of a sudden, coach Takeuchi paled and his hands began shaking.

Takumi straightened up again and stared down at the adult with a condescending look before walked back to the bench.

Coach Takeuchi swallowed and shouted, "OI!! Clear the netting! We're gonna play full court and Kise, get yourself ready. You're starting."



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