Unduh Aplikasi
25% Kamen Rider: Singularity(Re-Written) / Chapter 1: Chapter 1:The Singularity's Arrival on Kouh

Bab 1: Chapter 1:The Singularity's Arrival on Kouh

A/N:Heya guys! I apologize I haven't posted a chapter of my pokemon fic.. Its just that I haven't found an inspiration on it yet..Instead I found inspiration for another Fanfic!

Though this fic I will post rarely, because It's gonna have at least 10k+ words!

So enjoy!

Word count:18,236K


*Huff* *Huff* 249..*Groan*250!


*Cough* you might be wondering what i was doing and some of you may have already guessed it, Yes, i was doing push ups. My last set for the day...

Oh? You're wondering why i can converse with you through this wall? Ehm. You can ask the writer then!

(???:Ehem. Dont worry ill Only let you do this in this chapter)

Oh. Well i guess ill make the most of it then!

So! back to the topic at hand.

I was just doing some push ups just to compliment my Stamina exercises as i really need stamina for the thing i am doing.

And what that thing is you ask? Well...Ill just show you another memory like the memory i showed you before of me doing my push-ups.

*Flash back Music*

//A Week and a day before.//

*Yawn* I yawned as i opened my eyes, to once again geeet the day of my Boring life, after doing yet another anime marathon which is the only source of excitement for me these past few months.

My life, how do i say it, is mundane and miserable. I just wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, afterwards go eat dinner then sleep, while feeling an utmost hate towards myself from the things i did in the past.

Just remembering about it makes me hurl.

Anyways Forgetting about the unpleasant memories of mine just as the thought passed by.

Anyways,The cycle of me Waking up and going to school and Going back home to eat and sleep went on for almost 4 years till i reached my junior years in college.

I never really had any friends, i refuse to do so, after what i have done to my Best friend..Im not just worthy..I dont deserve to be friends with anyone else.

*Cough* Moving past that.

Well after experiencing a mundane and miserable life for four years. I was introduced into Japanese media.

Things like Anime, Manga, Tv Shows and Novels. Stuff like that.

So, The first ever Anime that i watched, courtesy of that one person on the internet was none other than Buko no pico...Yes...That show...

The experience taught me a lesson to never blindly trust a random person's recommendations ever.

so anyways, after that one unpleasant Mishap. I stayed far away from anime for a few months. And i switched focus on manga this time!

on which i was hooked! Ive read a few works, namely JoJo's Bizarre adventure and other notable series back then.

but then i was horni...And since i was hooked at manga that time i thought "Why not search for Manga P*rn, and i did. and found the Heaven/Hell of the Doujin industry. Nhen-...Yeah im not gonnna finish that.

Continuing,I found some good things here and there and i decided to take some recommendations which i properly checked this time, and all of them were good.

Well that is untill that once particular day...After i finished reading a slice of life Manga where a girl has communication disorder.

My hormones kicked in...So you know the drill...I searched through the site but found nothing good, so i asked some peeps on the internet and being given good recommendations a lot before i got complacent and just accepted his recommendation.

He sent me a string of numbers that starts with 177...You know what it is. So being horni at that time i just searched the code and i was brought to a certain doujin that has a cover of a girl with glasses, her hair was done in a twin braids.

She looked cute ngl, so i just read it and didn't bother checking the tags, which was the biggest and last mistake i made on that site.

I read through it and at first it looked normal, the girl being depressed that shes not that pretty compared to others and decpded to self improve, which was admirable really and afterwards she did looked prettier although for me the her before looked more pleasing.

But then, it turned pretty dark.. Really really dark. After the girl went to a convenience store to buy some magazine...There she was searching when a guy suddenly introduced himself..I thought at first that he would become the girls love interest but i thought wrong... Really wrong....

Saki, the girl in the doujin, being the way she is, even if shes prettier shes still not that great at socializing just went to the flow..

and well...That ended up pretty bad....

that i aint gonna continue..*sniff* Poor her...I wish i couldve stopped that, but sadly im just me....

anyways...I was scarred... Pretty bad...It was so bad that i didn't get horni for a month and i stopped reading manga the entire month that happened.

By the way, i cursed the person who recommended that to me Really hard that i got banned from the social media platform.

*sigh* Anyways i decided to switch to TV shows this time, and you know what they said Thirds time the charm and it did.

As i found this TV show called "Kamen rider" And oh boy..That got me hooked, like really hooked that i forgot all the thinga that happened before.

The first Kamen rider i watched was Faiz, Then i googled the right watching sequence and there i started watching from kamen rider the first all the way to Geats.

I loved watching all of them. Especially Build, Since his final form is really aesthetically pleasing for me.

Continuing.After a while i started to watch anime and read manga again..And i enjoyed all of it.

And that leads me to Yesterday...Since I dont have parents because of "that", incident, which is a story for another time.

Anyways, The anime i was watching was a marathon of Highschool DXD, all the way till the last episode the current season had.

and well, it awakened the slumbering horniness inside of me...Which made me go back to the you know what site where i read a few doujin's...well that, after i remembered what made me stopped in the first place.

But the horniness won so i just forgot about it and went on reading.

After that, i fell asleep and had a dream about meeting a person.

"...." A mysterious person stared at me, as we sat in a sofa, face to face.

He, wasnt talking at first but then muttered.

"Are you happy?"He asked me with a neutral tone.

"...."I didn't reply and chose to not talk.

"Are you happy, child?" He once again asked, Only this time, with a much softer voice, which somehow made me tear up.

"No...I am not"I replied quietly, as i tried holding back my tears.

Hearing my answer the person asked with a soft voice "Why not?Child"

Hearing hia questions. I chuckled, "I aint no child, my age is way past at being called a child" I said with a depreciating laugh.

"But, you will always be a child in my eyes.

and becoming an adult isn't about age, jts about experience"He said softly.

"Yeah... Experience..."I said weakly.

Noticing my mood, the person asked.

"Why are you sad? what makes you unhappy? and what makes you hate yourself so much?"

and me thinking that it was just a dream, started explaining why.

I explained what i experienced before, how because of me, my parents died, and afterwards my best friend.

and how i just tried to forget about them, and be happy while they have suffered because of me.

While the person just looked at me kindly.

And after i finished telling him all my secrets, i feel refreshed somehow, which once i realized made me once again hate myself.

noticing my self loathing.

The person fuerowed his brows for a bit and muttered,"This child is more broken that i thought"

He then looked at me Before saying.

"You were not at fault of what happened...to both your parents, and your friend".

Hearing his Words, i furrowed my brows before shouting at him.

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!?" "You weren't there, you didn't see what happened..I, caused that...If i just listened to them, none of the things should have happened,I

wouldn't have caused a fire and they would have been alive today...."

"I should have been the one to die, not them...Not my parents, and not my Best friend, who was kidnapped, ra*ed and later killed. because i didn't accompany her, even when she asked me to, and gave an excuse even though...even though *Hic* I didn't have anything have to do, and thought it was bothersome"

As i finished my outburst, a palm landed on my head, caressing it. It was warm, like the first warm sunshine that you experience in the morning.

"Child...It was not your fault, The reason why a fire was started was not because of you. It was all an accident, Everybody makes mistakes, and even using human standards you were just a child."He said softly before having sadness at the end.

"It is inevitable that children makes mistakes, some smaller or bigger but it wasn't on purpose, if so then you wouldn't be talking to me right now.

Adults in your world could even make mistake or worse do something bad on purpose, but not anyone would do that without a reason.

Some just didn't have any choice in life.

While some do lost their way, either by greed or power.

Alas, i cannot punish all of them myself, as i would cause catastrophic damage or worse destroy the said world if i up interfered directly, but i found some ways around it.

I made some worlds here and there that has people that can govern them like gods and such. and sometimes i find good people in worlds like the one you previously reside and let them see the worlds there through dreams.

Which, some deciding to share it throughout their world through books and other media's, like the anime and manga you are watching and reading."

Hearing his words, Woke me up, and i realized that maybe, i was not in a dream, and that i. actually talking with the big G..

Which made me open my eyes all wide which he noticed.

"You must have realized it by now Child"He said with a smile.

"Y..Yes, are you really God?"I asked, stuttering for a bit, as i remembered that i just shouted at GOD if he is it.

"Huhu, You do not have to worry child, i forgive you for what you have done. beside you already experienced enough pain and suffering."He said with a soft voice and a small smile.

Hearing his words..I started to tear up once again.. Before i asked "Why me?, Why do i get to meet you even though, there are others who suffered worst than me."

And as he heard my question, his smile rose before saying. "Do not worry child, as the others that you mentioned are also talking to me, Omni-presence is such a great ability to have right?."He said before trying to make a joke at the end.

which made me a bit better.

"Child, even though you made mistakes in your life, it is fine, as Everyone makes mistakes, even me."He said, before continuing.

"And i know about your 'Doujins' and other activities you do related to lust..and don't worry about that, as long as you don't hurt anyone, you wont get punished"

Hearing his words, I blushed so hard that i was like an anime character.

when he saw my reaction he laughed, befoee saying "do you like the rule i added at this place?

It basically makes everyone in this room except me have reactions like some of the worlds i made, which the "Anime" of your world was based upon, so when you blush it would make your face red like in the anime you watch."

Deciding to dodge the question, i tried changing the topic to the topic i was most interested in knowing.

"Umm, If its ok with you, can i ask where my parents and best friend are? Did they go to heaven?"I asked him, having a little agitation in my tone.

Hearing my question, he smiled before saying. "They are alright my child, when they met me, the first thing they asked is your safety.

And when i gave them their three wishes, they asked if i could pass on their wish to you. Which i refused, saying that you would also have your wish after you meet me, and hearing what i said, they instead asked to be together as couple in their next life,

and be reincarnated in a relaxing world together, and as for the last wish of theirs, they asked for my blessings which grants protection from harm. I granted all of their wishes, but i cannot tell you what world they are sent in as that is against the rules of reincarnation.

and as for your best friend, she was of course sad that she died, and in the most imaginable worst way possible as well. And by the way, i already punished those who touched her by sending them to hell to repent before reincarnating them as animals, without their memories of course, and they would reincarnate as an animal for a few more lifetime of theirs before making them humans again.

and if you are wondering, The worst is reincarnated into fauna's(Basically Plants) for tens of their lifetime, though that punishment are reserved for those who has taken many life or committed a lot of crimes."

"After your friend met me, she started crying. before telling me her regrets, of not being decisive enough. I wont tell the details as it is your job to find out yourself, and when she made a wish, she firstly asked for the both of you to be able to meet again in her next life,while the other two, is to make her forget what happened to her, which i refused, because i was doing it free of charge.

So she changed her wish to be reincarnated in a world where she could gain strength,to be able to protect herself while keeping all her memories of her past life except for the reason why she died, and as for her last wish, she asked for her body to be perfect in every way, that also includes unlimited potential to compliment her second wish."

I smiled as i listened to God explaining how both my parents and best friend reacted.

"I hope they have a good life in their new life "I muttered.

Hearing my words, God just smiled before saying."Youll be surprised!Now where were we?...Oh yes! The wishes!

you have three wishes that i can grant, although the wish can't be to become a god like me, and also no coming back to life in the world you were born before."

Hearing his last words i was shocked before i exclaimed.

"I DIED?!?"

"Oh yesyou did, i forgot to mention it"God replied.

"How?!"I exclaimed

"Well, seeing you suffer so much, and hearing your pleas of Rest. made me do just that. Typically other people can stand back themselves after i bless them and guide them a little, but rarely some people just gave up even after i guide and bless them..So i decided to grant their wishes"

Hearing his reply i couldn't help but be speechless. I basically just killed myself then, only this time its Holy, and im not mad, quite the opposite actually.

"Thank you...and im sorry, i just couldn't take it anymore."I muttered weakly.

Hearing my Gratitude and apology He once again gave me a head pat and said.

"It is alright Child, Now what would you like to wish for? I can stay here with you for all the time you need but i dont think you'd want to stay inside a room with an old man like me,all alone HoHo"He asked before making a joke.

"I wouldn't mind actually, But i know you are busy, so i would get on my wish then.

So my first wish is related to a TV show i have come to adore, i hoped before that i could get all the items they use to use for myself but i know you said that its not allowed for my wish to get strength that quickly, so i found a solution.

That is to have the ability to make them!

So for my first wish, I would like to have a system capable of making every kamen rider items there is using materials i could obtain."

Hearing my wish, God nodded before saying "perfect substitute, and i must say i can understand why you want that. as all of them looks "cool" in your vocabulary and Powerfull to boot.

So i accept! You would get your system once you wake up in your next life.

Now, for your second wish"

Hearing Gods word and his compliment i couldn't help but be a bit embarrassed, before replying.

"For my second wish, I wish to be reincarnated to an anime world where i could get the materials for the System in huge amounts, but none the less not that easy to get as it would be boring. And the world should be enjoyable for me as well! so i can experience some adventure....Is that fine?"

hearing my second wish, God chuckled before once again praising me.. "You're really smart, child, and i will grant your second wish..Now for the last one!"

Hearing his praise, reminds me that of a parent praising their child well done, which makes total sense as he's basically the father of all.

I then replied

"For my third wish, I want to have a the best adaptability there is while having infinite potential in my body which i wish to customize myself. And be reincarnated without parents or anything but my Identity in wherever i get reincarnated in.

Kinda like mochizuki Touya from that Isekai anime i like which also kept his memories."

Hearing my last wish, God nodded approvingly before saying "Very well your third wish is granted.

And touya was a good child as well, he's being taken care of by my colleague."

Hearing his words, i couldn't help but exclaim"Eh?!! colleague?"

Of which God responded with a smile and said. "Well yes, you see, Us Caretakers have diffirent domains they take care of.

Mine is Domain or Omniverse 69 in your Vocabulary... while all the Domains we take care of are similar there are difference in thim. It's like the an Alternative World, Only this time, Its on an Omniversal scale.

And I take care of Domain 69. And if you're wondering how there could be Different Omniverse' Contrary to what you knew.

Is because humanity in your World just didn't think of it and refuse to believe the notion of multiple Omniverse Existing aside from the one they reside and well, there's also the fact that each Omniverse has a much much bigger wall than the wall each multiverse has. Besides its best to just be oblivious to some things that they can't change anyways.

And as for your thoughts, Yes. There are different species that is as smart, if not smarter than humanity.

Continuing on the matter before. All the Omniverse has a caretaker, and each of the Omniversal Caretaker are on good terms with each other, The reason being that, if we entered in a conflict and fight we might just destroy the Omniverse we are taking care of. And no Caretaker would want that to happen."

Hearing the huge revelation, i couldn't help but gasp, before asking "Why tell me all of this? Isn't there a rule or something that you shouldn't let others know?"

Hearing my words he chuckled and said"There is no such thing child, but most the caretakers dont tell such information to the children they meet, as they have some kind of hobby of their own, so more often than not they want their interactions to be fast and go back to their hobbies"

His reply made me think... and realized that the gods would also get bored like humans.

Guessing what i was thinking GOD made a light chuckle and said "Well, Taking care of each Omniverse in all our life without any entertainment is kind of boring no?"

Hearing his words i couldn't help but be curious on what the hobbies of the gods are, and once again he guessed what j was thinking and chuckled before saying.

"Well there are multiple hobbies a god can have, some just like the inhabitants of Earth and other similar planets Play games, and some like watching some kind of T.V show that the other gods also made.

We are after all just like humans, have a society. But with a few extra steps, although there is no corruption here which is understandable considering that we could get what we want whenever."

Hearing his words once again made me shocked.

Noticing my reaction once again God couldn't help but chuckle one .ore time before saying. "Looks like the time is up my child, Since you want to be reincarnated with memories intact you cannot stay in this plane much longer because when you stay here long enough, the plane would guide you to the cycle of reincarnation and cleanse your soul. Now lets choose the world you would get reincarnated shall we?"

Hearing his words, I nodded Before saying"Once again, thank you for giving me the chance to meet you, and thank you for giving me a second chance at life. Although im a bit curious about some things ill just figure them out on my own, since i could later with the help of my system."

"Mhm, that is a good idea as curiosity can be a driving force as well. Now lets choose where you'll get reincarnated shall we?"

After saying those words he materialized an Old Book before opening it and revealing a list of words in it.

"I have a few worlds in mind for you, and one of them is actually the last anime you watched, DXD was it? the world of Draconic Deus"He muttered as he flipped through the book, before saying.

"There's also the Pokemon world, the Danmachi world, and the other Worlds that has Mythical creatures and Minerals in them,Like the world that the game Satisfy was based upon. Considering your request of the world having an abundant resources as well as a good adventure and challenge, I would suggest you pick DXD, Pokemon and the world of Terra the world which satisfy is based upon. Although DXD is a much better choice because in most pokemon world people dont really fight themselves there that much and instead rely on their pokemon partner.

Plus, You can go there on your own, after you build one of the specific items that you can get.

Meanwhile in DXD you can have a thrilling fight and as well as get Better and Abundant resources needed to craft the items you would want.

And although Terra could offer you the same thing as Draconic Deus, i think you would rather be reborn in a world similar to Earth 6969 the Earth you we're in before right? Now, what world will you choose?"

Hearing the world choices i pondered for a minute before voicing my decision.

"I choose..the DXD world.."

*nod* He nodded before saying "Good choice, And ill be sending you to a literation where the power system is clear, And ill even throw you a little gift as well! you can look forward to it."

As he finished replying i couldnt help but stood up and expressed my utmost gratitude.

"Once again, I sincerely thank you. For everything."I said while bowing towards God.

"Its no problem child, now lets send you there shall we?

Oh! by the way, You'll meet your friend soon enough if you use your system well."

After saying those words which made me widen my eyes he snapped his middle and index finger which turned my vision blank as i lost consciousness.

Then, as i woke up from my slumber, I realized that I was in an unfamiliar room. The room is not that spacious, only Enough to fit a bed, closet, a small table and chair, and a bookshelf.

I looked around, head still a bit woozy, before i remembered all what happened before which made me widen my eyes as my consciousness turns clear.

"I just met GOD...and he granted me wishes after curing me of my self loathing."I muttered quietly, still a bit shocked that i met god.

I then remembered the conversation we had about my parents and best friend, and sighed in relief before uttering quietly. "I hope you guys are happy always, wherever you are" after that, i just entered in a daze for a few minutes before i woke up and got out of bed.

I then went towards the curtain covered windows and peeked outside, and what i saw outside are rows of houses, big and small, as well as what i think is this house's backyard.

how do i say it, The world's color i am seeing right now are more vibrant than than what i always saw in the past.

The leaves, ocean, the houses, everything.

I couldn't help but inhale, and what i inhaled for some reason isn't like the air of a big town or City like in the past which was full of pollution. The air is much much more fresher, probably the work of all the supernatural beings, especially the Angels.

and as i thought of all that, i greedily inhaled more of the freshest air I've inhaled ever since i was born from my past life.

"I guess having angels and other supernatural creatures around do wonder for the Planet's environment"

After saying those words i looked around outside once again, spotting people walking from time to time. I couldn't help but think "This is my new home huh? Im already enjoying it and im looking forward for more." After i thought of that, i closed the windows again, deciding to explore the interior of the house i am currently in.

I looked around my room, from my bed,the closet, the bookshelf that only has one book currently and lastly the table, where a folded paper could be seen.

I walked towards the study table and picked up the folded paper before starting to read its contents.


Hello there child! I left this not to inform you of about the gift i gave you and also about tour identity in that world.

First of all for your Identity, You'll get to keep your First name Gabriel, and as for your family name, its Cruz, a close one for your previous family name "Del Rosario"

And as for my reason for giving you that family name?, it's because your name is closely related to the biblical faction in that world, so i thought "why not?" and decided to make your family name related to the faction too.

I also want to see that child Gabriel's reaction once she meets you, HoHo~.

And as for your gift, You must have guessed it already, but the residence you are currently in is one of the two gift for you, it has 3 abilities. One, it is completely indestructible, unless of course if you want it to.

and as for the second and third ability it is related to the bathing area and the beds in each bedrooms.

The bathtub, once used will help the user restore their stamina at a fast rate, whilst also healing them of their fatigue, and any Injuries you have, albeit slowly, much faster than your normal healing rate..always, but not too much..

And for the bed, Anyone who sleeps in them would sleep as if they were a baby.

Plus the bed will also make the person sleeping in them be invulnerable from attacks.

and lastly, I've also taken the liberty to add a workout gym underneath the residence, for your training. It has complete gears from treadmills to Dumbbell's and other stuff you can find in a normal gymnasium, along with Testing Gears for you to use, Oh and Dont forget to attend School! I've already enrolled you to the Kouh Academy ..

That is all for my first gift!

as for your background story, and id's they are inside the cabinet of the table.

That is all, Take care and good-bye, child.

I would never forget you! Literally.

Thanks to omniscience~ a really handy ability to have, especially if you are a caretaker of an Omniverse.


PS: Enjoy your life in kuoh.


Finishing reading the Letter, I couldnt help but once again be grateful towards GOD..

He's just too nice and considerate.

And as for the name, I dont really mind it.

and speaking of the Biblical Faction, I just remembered that i am in DXD world, where dangers can struck unexpectedly.

so i must have the strength to protect myself, and i just have the thing for that!

well system in this case.

"Menu" I muttered, before a system window like that of sung-jin woo in sololeveling has.



 [Status]. [Material Exchange]. [Craft]

 [Inventory]. [W. Quest] [System Info]. 


"I really have it..."I muttered in shock upon realizing that i could finally get the chance to make my dream of getting all the kamen rider items true!

Shaking with excitement, I pressed the [Status] Button, and another system window popped out beside the [Menu] Window.



Name: Gabriel Cruz. Age:17. Gender:M

 Stamina:300/300(250 Average)

Strength:4.5(E-) Durability:4.1(E-) 

Speed:4.8(E-) Magic:1(F-)

Intelligence:6.9(E+) Will:3.8(F+) Charisma:6.9(E+)


 [Stat Info] 

1-3: Weak. (F) 

4:Below average(E-) 


6:Above Average.(E+) 


9-10:Peak Human/predators(D)

11-15: Superhuman/Normal Devil(D+)

16-20:Low Class devil/angel/fallen(C-)

21-30:Middle Class(C)

31-50:Pseudo High Class(C+)

51-100:High Class(B-)

101-150:Pseudo Ultimate Class(B)

151-250: Ultimate Class(B+)

251-500:Continental(Seraph/Satan/Gov/Dragon Kings)(A-)

501-1k: Planetary(God/Super Devils/Heaven Dragons)(A,A+)

1k-10k:Universal(Primordial Gods,Ophis,Great Red,Trihexia)(S-,S,S+)



????-????:The caretakers of the Omniverse's



Seeing the comparison between my Stats and the [Stat Info] i couldn't help but heave a sigh and mutter.

"Baby steps, Strength cant be gained instantly, not without being a kamen rider that is, and even if i am one, I still need time to develop to become the strongest!. Speaking of being a rider, lets continue checking all the system functions."

I then closed the status tab for now and opened up the [material exchange] tab.


 [Material Exchange]

 [ ]=[ ]


The material exchange is as what it name said, Its exchanges local Items and Materials for suitable materials to use for crafting the kamen rider belts,Or kamen rider items themselves if the exchanged item is equivalent. You can also Upgrade your materials/Items using multiple of each materials/Items.The rank and Rarity of the materials is based on the strength and Race of the being the material is from.(Ex:Dragon materials are Legend in Rarity while the most common rank of the said materials are Rare) The ratio for the exchange and upgrade are shown below.

 [Local] [Exchange Ratio] [Rider]







 1000 Unranked = 1 Common

 50 Common = 1 Uncommon

 100 Uncommon = 1 Rare

 2000 Rare = 1 Epic

 5000 Epic = 1 Legendary

 10000 Legendary = 1 Mythical

 [Material Rank]

Unranked: Materials obtained from beings that doesn't have an ounce or a single drop of mana in them, like normal humans, Common rocks , common metals, and common animals.

Common: Materials obtained from beings who have mana or have a magic stat of 1-14 or have physical stats of 11-15

Uncommon: Materials obtained from beings who have a magic stat of 15-49 or have a physical stat of 16-30.

Rare: Materials obtained from beings who have a magic stat of 50-99 or have all their physical stats at 31-100.

Epic: Materials obtained from beings who have a magic stat of 100-499 or have all their physical stats at 101-500.

Legendary: Materials obtained from beings who have a magic stat of 500-9.99k or have all their physical stats at 501-10k

Mythical: Materials obtained from beings who have a magic stat of 10k-99.9k or have all their physical stats at 100k and up.


Seeing the info of the [material exchange]

I once again couldn't help but but gasp in amazement before sighing in despair at the exchange rates and Exclaimed.

"Looks like i would be grinding, A LOT!, Hopefully i can get decade or Diend for that matter and travel to different worlds, because i could probably wipe out all the supernatural beings in DXD and only be able to make a few mythical materials... Anyways Lets continue"

I then closed the [Material Exchange] Tab and tapped the [Craft] tab.



 [___]. [___]. [___]. [___] = [___]


As its name suggest, The [Craft] tab is where you can craft the Kamen rider items, From the belts and it's accompanying items, like the lost driver and gaia memory.

all the way to items that can change your race, Example:Orphnoch, amazon, Undead, etc.

Although you need to have the corresponding Blueprint for the Belts and other items.


"Wait Blueprints?!?" I exclaimed before Saying" Oh god...This is more troublesome than i thought.. How do i even get blueprints? From the quest or something?...Lets skip the Inventory for now and check the quest." As i bit on my thumb.

I then closed the [Craft] tab and Opened the quest tab.


 [World Quest]

 [Side]. [Main]. [Daily]


Quest tab is where you can acquire and complete rider missions issued by the system from all around the Omniverse.

The rewards can be Material's, Blueprints and some items once the missions are completed.

There are three types of world quest:Main, Side, and Repeat.

Main quest will give you Major task from all the worlds you visit, tasks like saving someone that have a major impact of the said world like the main characters, all to being tasked with eliminating threats that the world can not handle themselves.

Side Quests will give you side tasks, like training certain characters, obtaining certain items and so on.

Repeat quests, as its name suggest are quests that you can repeat. An example of a repeat quest is [Exercise!] Where you will have to do a set of exercise every day..And upon completion each day the quest will reward you.

Note:Do bare in mind that quests rewards corresponds with its difficulty so be sure to think about the quest that you accept!


I nodded as i read the info of the quest while muttering "Got" and "Alright" from time to time, After reading the information, I opened each os the quest Tab, one by one starting from the [Main Quests].


 [Main Quest]

 [Defend the Draconic Deus]


 [Defend the Draconic Deus]

 [Type:Main Quest]

 World:Draconic Deus(DXD)

Info:The draconic deus is in an imminent Danger because of the forces of EXE Dimension, With nobody on this world able to stop them, it is up to you to defend and Defeat them along with the chosen protectors of the world.


1.Grow to become somebody who can protect the world.(Incomplete)

2.Save Great Red and Make him agree to a Request (Incomplete)

3.Kill all the Invading forces of EXE.(Incomplete)

Quest Start:Once EXE invades.

Failure Condition:

*Draconic Deus Lost the war.

*Your Death

Rewards: Dimension Fragment,Random Kamen Rider blueprint


"....Oh well, Nothing i can really do with that quest, hopefully i can grow before those EXE god's invade" I muttered before opening the [Side quests].


 [Side Quests]

[Beat your First Supernatural Being]

[Stop Kokabiel]

[Make Connections with all the World's Factions]




Just seeing the names of the quests already explains the task, so i didn't fully check it and moved on to the [Daily] Quest tab.


 [Daily Quest]


[Stray Hunt]




Once again the names are self explanatory, but I decided to read them this time.

I tapped the first quest, the [Exercise!] Quest.



 [Type: Daily Quest]

Info:You, as an aspiring Kamen Rider, Need to be in shape! As well as have Stamina for days! The reason? Kamen Rider belts consume a lot of stamina per use, so, you need to build up your own to be a proper one! The Grind Starts Now!!



Push Ups:0/100

Curl Ups:0/100



*Random Blueprint of a Kamen Rider's transformation item (One time).(First time)

*Materials for the Blueprint(Set) (First time)

*Blueprint Shards(5)

*Random Uncommon Material.

Note:The quest will adapt based on your strength so, if your body would handle it, all the rep, Distance, and time needed to complete the quest will be upped.

The Quest is a Daily Quest which can only be done once every 24 hours. The timer will start upon the quest's completion.


I have several questions, Specifically about the Blueprint Shards, I can think of an answer to one of them, But i can confirm it later once i got one.

Other than that, it seems that the system, or rather God, the creator of the system is generous. Actually giving me a free Blueprint for a kamen rider transformation item, along with the materials and the accompanying items for said item to transform, as a first time Rewards for a Daily quest.

And as for the "Starter Gift" Other host's would get after Opening their system, I had no such thoughts, as i already received enough from the big G.

Now, continuing, the second Daily quest is

[Evil Hunt] I have some idea, but I'll just check just to be sure.


 [Evil Hunt]

 [Quest Type:Daily]

 [World: Draconic Deus(DXD)]

Info:A Rider's Job is to protect humanity and the world, be it directly or indirectly. So why not hunt beings that threatens the lives of Humanity and the Whole world for that matter.


*Kill anybody that would endanger the life of anyone or everybody on the world:0/10


*Blueprint Shard(Quantity is based on the Hunted Stray Strength)

Low class(16-20):5-10 shards

Middle class(21-30):10-15 shards

Pseudo High Class(31-50):15-20 shards

High Class(51-100):20-50 shards

Pseudo Ultimate (101-150):50-100 shards

Ultimate (151-250):100-200 shards

Continental(251-500):200-500 shards

Planetary (501-1k):500-1k Shards

Universal (1k-10k):1k-10k Shards

Multiversal (10k-100k):10k-100k shards

Note:The Quest is a Daily One, Meaning you can only complete it one time every 24 hours. The countdown will start at the quest's completion.


Now this quest, is a bit intriguing, Basically the Blueprint Shards i could get each quest depends on the Strength of the Stray i hunt.

Which means, If i kill rizevim i could get shards between 500 to 1k, and if i kill any or all the invading EXE gods i could get tens of thousands or heck even hundreds of thousands of shards... But that would be far off in the future, right now i cant even beat a normal human since i dont have a single Belt to transform into.

Now, where were we? Ah yes! Inventory!

Although i dont care if i get any starting gift or not, it wouldn't hurt to check it right?

and find out how it works is good to know as well!

Making up my decision to check the inventory who may or may not have a starting gift. Made me close the [Quest] Tabs and Tapped on the Inventory on the Menu.



Current Items:1


What do you know..It did have one item.

I then tapped on the Said item to check its information.


 [Bracelet of Singularity]

Info:The bracelet of a person that turned into a singularity after meeting one of the Caretakers in their divine domain.It was created using a part of the existence and soul of the singularity making it soul bound, and indestructible as long as someone remembered the singularity's existence.

Note:The bracelet of Singularity is just one of the many items a person could rarely receive from the Caretaker as a momento, for meeting him.



*Soul Bound

*Singularity's Records


Bound To: Gabriel Cruz


Well.... It wasn't a starter gift from the System and is probably the other gift God mentioned before.

Still, once again i am not disappointed.

Although the Bracelet info is a bit intriguing.

Based on the info of the bracelet, it seemed that i have become a Singularity and this bracelet is like a personal item of sorts which is soul bound because the materials used to make it is a part of my soul and Existence. Which made it impossible to destroy if a single being remembers and acknowledge my existence.

Then it clicked on me....That one line wrote in the letter. "I would never forget you" he said...So basically the item is indestructible even if nobody else Remembers and acknowledge my existence. Because God himself would never forget about me, thanks to his omniscience.

'Haah... Truly, he is so generous.' I sighed inside my mind. I then tapped into one of the functions of the bracelet to know of its information, that function being *Singularity's Records* as the first and second Function is already self explanatory. while the last one, is probably not accessible yet.


 [Singularity's Records]

The singularity gains the ability to record an item into the bracelet.

The recorded item will have a percentage bar, and upon its completion, the singularity can etch every ability/function that recorded item has into their very soul and existence making them able to use the Recorded items ability without needing to use the said item ever again.


*Only one item can be recorded at a time. After the Record is complete, the Singularity can choose another item to record.

*After the Record is Complete and the ability is etched into the soul, Said abilities must need to be developed from scratch again.

Ex: Yamato Driver:After recording the Yamato driver completely the Singularity would need to eat the Helheim fruits to be able to get access to the rider form of the said fruit instead of turning it into a lockseed.

and after eating all the same Yamato fruit that he has as a lockseed before,they can access the last and strongest form of gaim.

The Kiwami Arms form.


"Hahaha, Truly, God is so generous, even gifting this. This itself is a cheat on its own"I muttered as i thanked God once again from the bottom of my heart.

After thanking God for a few more minutes, I decided to do the side quest "Exercise!" So I can obtain my first Kamen Rider belt.



And with those Words, My Long Grinding Journey Began.



"Eighty nine ...Ninety Three!...*Groan*"I groaned,Sweat dripping from my body. as I my counted,Im on my final Push Ups to complete the Side Quest that I got, It's now 7PM and I started at 8AM;Taking breaks in between 15 Reps, and Other things like eating and bathroom.

It was hard, really hard..Just Running for 1 K/m took a lot of time and stamina, but I preserved, i know it would be worth it once I get the reward Kamen Rider belt, Especially since it is a set blueprint, which means, regardless of the Belt I get, The Items needed for its requirements would be given as well....I do hope that I can get something good! like the Amazon's Driver or better yet- the Zero-one Driver! Since Aside from the Belt...The Satellite would be a great Boon too!

Now, Lets Finish this shall we?

"Ninty Eight...Ninety Ni~ne!...*Huff* *Huff* ONE HUNDREDEED!"Right after exclaiming the last word, I fell down, my face first on the sweaty floor, while the system released a Notification, Bell and afterwards a System Window appeared.



 [Type: Daily Quest]

Info:You, as an aspiring Kamen Rider, Need to be in shape! As well as have Stamina for days! The reason? Kamen Rider belts consume a lot of stamina per use, so, you need to build up your own to be a proper one! The Grind Starts Now!!



Push Ups:0/100

Curl Ups:0/100



*Random Blueprint of a Kamen Rider's transformation item (One time)(First time)

*Materials for the Blueprint(Set) (First time)

*Blueprint Shards(5)

*Random Uncommon Material.


[The rewards has been sent to the Inventory]


At last! I finally Did it...Now..For some deserved rest...After saying those words in my head, I fell asleep on the floor.

*zzzzzzz* *zzzzzzz*....



//Hours Later//

I opened my eyes groggingly, I looked towards left and right and noticed that I was on the floor, Then I remembered what I was doing before and just as my consciousness started to clear, I was assaulted by pain throughout my body..

"AAAACK! F*** It hurts!"I exclaimed, my body feels like its been squeezed tight, especially at my arms and legs..

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff* "I forgot about the consequences...*sigh*...guess I'll just lay here for a few minutes before trying to get something to wear..."I muttered before laying back down the floor...then i remembered one of God's gift...The bath-tub.

"OH Right! The Bath-tub in the house can help me... I just need to go to the bathroom...no biggie"I stated...before I tried to sit up, and the moment I did, pain assaulted my body.

"Ack!..*Huff* This is fine...Its just a little Sore Muscles, this is nothing compared to getting stabbed by a light spear...that I would inevitably experience sooner or later.."I muttered, after finally able to sit down..now i just need to stand up.

"Now, I just need to stand up, then walk towards the bathroom...I got this!"I muttered before attempting to stand up, which as I did so, pain once again assaulted my body, but strangely, it doesn't hurt that much anymore..

"Eh?..It doesn't hurt as much?"I wondered, before shaking my head afterwards,"Focus! Lets get to the bathroom for now, then wonder about the body later.."I said to myself, before I started to walk.. Step by step towards the Bathroom.

And as I continued to take a step, the pain that my body felt started to fade, slowly with each step.

And after reaching the living room, the pain was already negligible that I could now walk normally towards the bathroom.

And as I reached the bathroom, the pain was gone, but I got into the bath anyways, first of all, I smell like sweat, and well my body is sticky too!

*Fwooosh* "Ahhhhhhhh....."I sighed in comfort as I sat down on the "For some reason Large Bath-Tub", of course I took a shower first before I entered the bath.

"Alright, now to question what happened before...lets see– The pain on my body disappeared, or rather my body adapted to the pain... that's why I dont feel anything now *fwooh* If my body, adapted this fast, then It was right for me to spend my wish on the Best Body Adaptation..."I murmured, pinching my chin as I did so..

'With this gift...Maybe- no...Its completely possible for me to be able to use every Rider Belt or Driver there is... Because I can just have my body adapt to all the genes that ate needed to be able to use the driver...And I'm pretty sure that my blood would be a huge asset when it comes to making the Genes available to me...I just need to manipulate the said Genes to accept the Adaptation of mine, so they can adapt with each other and not enter a conflict. But let us shelf that idea for now and save it for the future, Right now, lets just rest.' I thought, before I stretched my hand and relaxed by closing my eyes.



//Minutes later//

I opened my eyes, before I looked left and right and realized that I must have dozed of in the bath, I don't know how much time have passed since I dozed off but its probably not that long considering that the water in the bath is still warm- 'wait does the water of this magical bath even gets cold??' I wondered before shaking my head and said

"Lets just leave that question for later as it is not that important of a question."

Afterwards I got out of the bath, and pulled the plug of the Tub which made the water drain.

Afterwards I proceeded to dry myself with one of the towels that has been placed nearby before I got out of the bathroom and walked towards my room, with the towel covering my privates.

*Humm* *Humm* I hummed as I walked towards my room, happy that I can finally get my very first driver!

And as I was walking out the bathroom, I walked passed a body mirror which, I failed to notice before as I was too busy thinking about the bath...

I stopped on my tracks, wondering how my body looked now compared to before..Of course my face already differed from my past life, courtesy of the wish God accepted.

I gazed towards the body mirror, which reflected my current appearance. A height of 6feet and 3inch, with long Onyx like hair, Porcelain like skin, and amethyst eyes.

My body, is at the perfect ratio of fat and slim, showing signs of developing visible abs and muscles.

I could've made my body to have the ideal muscle's but that would be cheating of me, and I wanted to have a body that I worked on myself, plus it would be easy getting that body, since my perfect adaptation would make my body easier to have muscles.

after appreciating my body for a few more minutes,I continued walking towards my room, which I reached not too long after.

But right as I touched the door knob, I suddenly remembered that I have not brought any shirt, and If the near-empty bookshelf is not a sign that there are no shirts in the closet, then I dont know what is.

I haven't really checked before because all I've been doing was exercising, there's food though, but clothes are different from food.

After having an Inner monologue once more, I continued to open the door to my room, the room where I first gained consciousness..

I looked towards the closet before taking steps towards it..one by one, my steps kept getting heavier and heavier the nearer I was towards it because of nervousness.

*gulp* I gulped down, before reaching out on the closet's door and opening it, revealing a black leather coat which has fur each on the end of its sleeve and its neck, hanging in a hanger..

And just Underneath the coat is a folded plain amethyst T-shirt and Deep gray trousers. On top of the folded shirt and trousers is a piece of paper which has written words that say's

"Saw that you would forget to buy clothes, so I prepared this outfit as a final gift for you~

Aside from the Jacket which has thermal control, which always makes you feel Hot in cold weathers and Cold on a hot weather, as well as self-repair and always being clean. The T-shirt and Trousers are just normal... I cant really favor a child that much you know? So this will be my final gift.. Ciao!


*sigh* "Once again, thank you..."I heaved a sigh of relief after reading the note, before thanking him from the bottom of my heart.

Afterwards I wore the T-shirt and Jeans

before taking the coat of the hanger and wearing it as well.

*whistle*"Dayum, God has a good fashion sense"I said, as I looked at my current appearance in the Room's Mirror.

The outfit really compliments my eyes, hair and skin tone..

Plus! Even if I am wearing the jacket in the middle of the day, I dont feel hot at all! Heck I feel fresh and cool even.



After Doing some poses for a few seconds I sat on the bed. "Its time...*fwoooh*"I sad, after taking in a deep breath.

"Menu.."I muttered, before the Menu Window of the system appeared in front of me.

I tapped on the [Inventory], which opened another System window.



*Bracelet of Singularity.

*Blueprint Shards (5)

*Kamen Rider Transformation item Blueprint(One time)(Un-Identified)

*Material Crate for ?????(Materials for the Blueprint)(Depends on the blueprint available)

*Angel Feather(Uncommon)(1)


"Okay... it's time... Hopefully its something good..."I said, wishing for the blueprint to be a good one.

After wishing myself good luck, I tapped on the [Kamen Rider Belt Blueprint] and Opened it...


 [Identify the Blueprint?]

 [Yes] [No]


I pressed [Yes] which made the Screen change into a Blue-print teared shard..It slowly got repaired, piece by piece untill the last piece was pieced, and the blueprint released a Blue light for a few second, signifying that its a Rare one, which made me extremely happy as my heartbeat increased.

*Dug-dug* *dug-dug* my heart loudly beat for a few seconds until the light subsided.

Showing a Blueprint of a White Card.

"F! Yes!!"I shouted happily, seeing the name of the Blueprint being revealed.


 [Advent Deck]

An Item Created By Shiro Kanzaki, which lets people transform into a Kamen Rider.

Would first start as a blank kamen rider which has little to no power, and only having one attack card, but after contracting a monster, new cards would appear inside the deck which will magnify the power of the Rider a lot, as well as making the Kamen Rider form get a new look based of the contracted monster.

Originally made only accessible for a certain dimension brawl, but has been modified by ?????, allowing the transformation in reality stay in exchange for stamina, as well as Allowing the contract of monsters outside the Mirror Dimension.


Mana Infused Card Decks.(Rare)

Metal Decks(The stronger the better)

Energy Core(Epic)

Esence Container(Rare)

Soul Container(Epic)

Note:This is a One-time use Blueprint, that will disappear after successfully creating the belt in question.


"Hell yeah! Just got one of my favorite Belt/Driver there is! The Mirror Deck or Advent Deck! Thank God! and its modified so I can transform and contract monsters outside the mirror dimension! And DXD is a verse where Powerful monsters exist!"I exclaimed celebrating the fact that I got the most suitable Belt for this world.

Why is it suitable you ask? Well the Mirror or Advent Deck basically gains power based on the monster it contracts with, The stronger the monster the stronger the rider will be.

And I am in a world where some of the strongest beings are monsters, Dragons to be exact, which are Great Red,Ophis, and Trihexia.

Much less in this world literation, which god said that the power levels are Fixed.... meaning nobody would be stronger than ophis, because she represents infinity.

Though, I can only wish to contract with them now... Because I am too weak.

"No matter, lets just do what we can when we reach that stage...for now, it's time to get the materials!"I said enthusiastically, being one step closer towards becoming a Kamen Rider will make any fan happy.

I once again Opened the Inventory, before tapping on the material crate which now changed Information.


 Advent Deck's Material Crate(Set)

Contains the materials needed for making the Mirror or Advent Decks.


 [Open the Material Crate?]

 [Yes] [No]



I tapped on the [Yes] button excitedly which prompted the Inventory Window to close, replaced by a System window showing a regal looking, wooden chest.

And seeing the chest I exclaimed "OPEN!" Inside my head.

And its as if the system heard my command, the chest slowly opened, and once it was fully opened the Chest disappeared, replaced by a System window, listing the materials I got.


 [Obtained Materials!]

*Mana Infused Card Decks.(Rare)

*Mythrill Deck(Epic)

*Energy Core(Epic)

*Esence Container(Rare)

*Soul Container(Epic)

*Un-Activated V-Buckle (Rare)

(Material Info Here)


After Checking the info of the materials i excitedly opened the [Crafting Window].

I tapped on the [Advent Deck] Immage which opened up the Bluprint of it.. It showed Empty item slots in each of the Item needed in which I tapped and filled with the Materials that I just got except for the [Un-Activated V-Buckle]

And as i placed each items, my heart thumped loud, like a bass drum.

And after i finished putting each and every materials needed, my heart thumped even louder.

I Enhaled air deeply before exhaling it, which made me more relaxed. Afterwards I slowly moved my index finger on top of the [Craft] button.

And as my Finger reached the desired position, I once again breathed deeply, before bringing my finger down, Tapping on the [Craft] button.

Right as my Finger tapped on it, music started to play, music which I can only hear, before a voice was heard.

⟨⟨Crafting! Crafting!...Ready! Set! CRAFT!⟩⟩

the voice loudly said, and as the voice finished, a white ball of light materialized in front of the system window, It kept spinning as it got bigger before it stopped and released a small wooden box, with intricate carvings..

The wooden box slowly descended into my palms, and once it reached on my hand the music finished.

next chapter
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