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25% Just A Kryptonian In Marvel / Chapter 1: -~<|¦A Whole New World¦|>~-
Just A Kryptonian In Marvel Just A Kryptonian In Marvel original

Just A Kryptonian In Marvel

Penulis: JazmineShyly

© WebNovel

Bab 1: -~<|¦A Whole New World¦|>~-

-~<|¦0.A Whole New World¦|>~-











^~Ear rape

"*Smiles* This!"

^~Action while talking



|3rd Person's POV|

Located somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, a woman in a tattered and worn down all-covering blue suit, with something resembling an "S" in a diamond as a symbol right on her bosom, a similarly torn red cape with golden clasps, a golden dinged up belt, and over-the-knee red boots.

The woman, looking to be in her mid 20's, was down on the cold, cold ocean floor, unconscious, not realizing the dangerous predators that lurks the ice-cold ocean, or even noticing the pressure the ocean brought onto her.

With her blonde, shoulder-length hair sprawled on the sand, slightly floating up, the woman, although beautiful, looked haggard with her current appearance. And beside her, was a blue glowing cube, making the deep parts of the ocean glow eerily. And, what's scarier are the big silhouettes that keep passing the radius of the glow.

As the shadows of the silhouettes passed the woman's face, slowly, her eyelids opened, revealing the woman's wonderful blue eyes. For a moment, the woman remained stupefied, not understanding the situation she was in.

However, she began to feel her chest tightening, pressure could be felt in her entire body. Though faint, the pain began to increase.

Without thinking about anything else, the woman broke the laws of physics, more than she already did, by shooting straight up in a speed no normal human could achieve. She didn't swim up, rather, she flew!

The sand beneath her cleared, a crater was visible on where she used to lay on, and what replaced her place, was the blue cube, that, for a fraction of a second, glowed orange before turning back to its original color. Then, after reaching the surface, a torrent of water followed the woman as she continued to fly close to the edge of the troposphere, before suddenly pulling into a stop.

The blonde hung her head low, only for a moment, before she deeply inhaled.

"Haaa. Haa. Haaa. Haah. Why...haa...was I...haa, underwater?" The blonde said as she eyed the ocean down below her, not a single trace of liquid on her as it went away due to how fast she flew.

Looking around her, the woman sighed, "The ocean? Haaa. How did I even get here? I'm sure I didn't do, anything stupid. Can't I just grieve in peace?"

Once again, the woman looked around her, however, this time, her pupils went wide.

"Water...water...more water...hmm a whale? Some more water...water...land! An island!" The blonde exclaimed. From a normal person's view, all they would see would be the ocean, yet somehow, the flying woman was able to find land, as if she had telescopic vision. Well, considering she could fly, withstand the pressure of being deep in the ocean, something like enhanced vision can be added.

Then, the woman striked a pose mid-air, and gradually, she picked up speed and flew to the direction of the islands. Unfazed by her own speed, it only took around a minute for the blonde to reach the island, however, during her flight, the woman had a shocked expression on her face as she got closer to said island.

It was connected to a much bigger land, but what surprised her the most was that she saw humans! Abruptly stopping in place, the woman "stood" in the air as shock overcame her.

"H-How is this po-possible? I've checked every nook and cranny of Earth, flew around it for how many times, used my super-hearing countless of times, and yet I didn't find any humans!! HOW!!" She shouted as she clutched her head in disbelief, memories of how the earth perished came to her as tears fell from her beautiful face.

Unconsciously, the blonde began to slowly descend to the ocean, only snapping out of her denial when she felt the difference of temperature surrounding her toes. With fear evident on her face, she looked at the island once more, wishing that what she saw was just her imagination.

Yet, to her surprise, there she saw, humans. Live humans.

The woman was beginning to hyperventilate, but before it could get worse, she stopped as she noticed how the humans looked. They wore clothes from the late 20th century, from what she could tell from the movies she's watched, the buildings didn't look modern, but was what made her realize something was wrong was the cars! Yes. The cars!

They reminded her of the old cars in the movie, "Cars" and other movies taking place in the 20th century. And, as she realized that, the woman began to look confused.

"Did I travel back in time? Impossible. I wasn't even doing anything. And even if I tried with my powers, I couldn't. Not even my cousin can do that. Barry can, but that's because of the Speed Force. I mean, unless Kryptonians had a hidden power of time traveling, then yeah. But still! Impossible." And so, the woman began to ramble on about subjects related to time traveling, only stopping when she heard the splash of water.

Turning around to the source, she saw that it was caused by dolphins. Putting a hand under her chin, the woman observed the marine mammals as the played around her.

"There are even animals! Dolphins!" She squealed in delight, the urge of hugging the dolphins were in her mind, but she restrained herself, knowing that it would be bad for the animal.

-If I'm back in time, I hope I am, then in what timeline? Definitely not the 21st century. It just screams "the classics" here.- The woman thought as she gazed at the car from afar.

She thought about flying there and asking, but past experiences(human hostility to the unknown), told her not to. Eyeing her suit and the human's current fasion, she decided to not show herself like that. Nor should she show her powers.

Furrowing her brow, the woman, then, grew a smile as she saw pieces of clothing being hanged on a clothesline.


|3rd Person's POV|

A woman, wearing a long sleeved red blouse with white polkadots, the sleeves having puffy gathers and wide tight cuffs, worn under a creamy-white cardigan and is paired with a similarly white, high-waisted trousers. All in all, she didn't look any different from the women around her.

She also had a brown felt hat that covered most of her upper face as it was pulled down, yet her blonde hair still flowed in the air.

As she walked down the streets, rogue-ish men catcalled her, along with the other women passing by the alleyways, causing her to have an unpleasant expression.

"Men." She said in a low voice, not wanting any trouble, her blue eyes slightly glowing in irritation.

This was Kara Danvers, originally Kara Zor-el, and mostly called as "Supergirl" by the public. A Kryptonian woman from the 21st century somehow finding herself in the 1940s.

Currently, she was in her early 70s, yet she still, looked to be in her mid 20s, a trait of Kryptonians.

|Kara's POV|

-Okay. Let's get it straight. I was visiting Earth to take care of everyone's graves(friends and family), was then suddenly sent back in time? Currently unknown. But, after steal- "*Cough*" -borrowing these clothes, and asking a nice old man the time, I at least know that it's 1945.- I thought as I aimlessly walked around, taking in the sights of the place which I dubbed as buildings of the past.

From what she could remember, World War 2 ended in September 2, 1945, and today was November 24, so, she didn't have to worry about the war. But she did have a problem.

She didn't know if this was the past, if this was her earth, or if it was a different dimension. If it was a different dimension, was there a version of her in this dimension? Questions similar to that swirled around her head, and luckily, with her enhanced senses, she was able to weave through the crowd as she was deep in thought.

-Where should I go now?- was the thought that was most prominent in my mind. And, as I began thinking about just finding a place to hide and eventually find out the reason I was here, my instincts told me something.

Looking to my left, I saw a man in his late 20s, grumbling and huffing as he walked down the street. With my enhanced hearing, I was able to hear what he was saying.

"Damn it. Another project nearly lost because of a lousy assistant! Why did I even hire him. Tch. Gotta find a new one the." is what I heard and my interest was immediately piqued.

-It's like a higher being heard my woes and have granted me a way. Hey. Can you...you know...tell me why I'm here? Hmm? No? No signs. No godly being coming down and calling me the "Chosen One". Nope? Welp. Worth a try. My instincts were always good, helping me out in my problems, and my instincts is telling me to be close to this man! But...how? Can't really go up to the guy and say "Hey. I want to be your assistant." and everything will turn swell! Ugh-

As I wracked my brain for a way to get onto the man's good side and somehow become his assistant, hopefully for something good, I heard him curse as a man suddenly appears beside him. Straining my ears, though unneeded, I began to eavesdrop into their conversation.

???: "S-sorry bo-boss! I nearly failed in the o-opening again!" The younger man said as he walked beside the man I've felt to be someone important and would somehow be related to me being here.

???/Boss: "Can it Martin! I'm warning you. One last slip and you're fired! Got that?!"

With the younger man being threatened by his boss, he nodded, fearing for his job, I think, or maybe it's for his life.

Still, I needed a way to get the job. This man just radiates "Rich and Successful", something I got used to with Cat, but she was more bitchy, arrogant, and shitty, and did I mention bitchy? Yeah, like that.

I would want to research about him, but I don't even know his name, nor do I want to be a stalker. Too bad his assistant keep on calling him boss instead of his name.

And, like god-send, an opportunity arose for me to make a good impression came. From the road, a car was losing control, going to the wrong lane and coming back to the right one, barely missing the other cars and the people on the sidewalk.

However, as it swerved right, a kid got in front of it. The driver panicked and made a hard left, nearly drifting as it changed its direction to the man and his assistant.

By impulse, I nearly flew over there to lift the car off the ground, but I was able to immediately throw that plan out the window as I realized that showing my powers would be something bad for me, so I went with a more human approach.

Since he didn't expect such situation, the man stood frozen in place, unable to comprehend his dilemma. And, without a moment hesitation, I ran at him and tackled him away with speed rivaling Usain Bolt!


*Car crashing into a window sfx sounds*

Landing on the cold, hard sidewalk sideways with the man I saved in my embrace, I froze for a moment, before quickly pushing him away from myself. Seeing him now, his face was pale, probably from the near death experience, but safe, I stood up patting the dusts away as people began to crowd the car.

Bending down, I stretched my hand towards the man.

"Are you hurt?" is what I asked him, tired of asking "Are you okay?" when they're obviously not.

Grabbing my hand, the man pulled himself up, his initial fear slowly disappearing.

???/Boss: "Just a bruise, I think."

Now off the ground, the man checked his body for any kind of injuries, but I was already a step ahead of him and used my enhanced vision to see if there were any, and luckily, he only had a slight bruise on his nose.

???/Boss: "Hah. That was scary." He sighs as he eyes the vehicle that crashed into a clothing store, the crowd surrounding it completely ignoring him and helping out the unconscious driver. Then, putting his attention on me, he nodded gratefully and smiled.

???/Boss: "Thank you for the save madam. If you didn't help me out, I'm sure to be flattened and be used as a decoration for the sidewalk! Me! But, many thanks lady. And here they say men are better than women, yet my own assistant..."

He, then gestures at his assistant, Martin, laying on the sidewalk, a questionable stain evident on his crotch area.

???/Boss: "...was too scared to even save me. Tch. The man even pissed himself. How unruly. If possible, may I know my savior's name?"

The man was a bit arrogant, but I could tell that he was a kind man, however, since the opportunity showed itself, I didn't hesitate to grab it. With a smile, I replied,

"My name is Kara Danvers. Just your typical hero looking for a job as an assistant."

The man raised his brow in amusement, probably because of what I said, but later on, he chuckled.

???/Boss: "Well, Miss Danvers, I usually wouldn't do this, but since you've went out of your way to save me, I would like to give you a reward. And because I am such a kind person, why don't you become my assistant?" he said with a rather arrogant tone, but he still remained looking like a gentleman. With a giggle, I kept on smiling as I spoke.

"Sir, I may be looking for a job, but I, sorry if this offends you, don't even know you, nor what kind of work I'm getting pulled into. I don't even know your name."

Realizing his blunder, the man scratched his mustache before nodding.

???/Boss: "Hmph. Sorry about that. I thought everybody already knows me by know. So, since you are my savior and all, you deserve to know my name. *Clears throat* I am Howard Stark, founder of Stark Industries." he proclaimed acting high and mighty, expecting something, an applause maybe, but I only gave him a confused look.

Seeing my current expression, his jaw fell and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Howard: "You surely don't know?" he asked, but I just shook my head no.

Howard: "Not a single clue? Come on. I made the company when I was 23, and it's one the best industries ever! Seriously? It doesn't ring a bell?"

I was beginning to get irritated, because I didn't like speaking about stuff like these in the middle of the road, so I thought about urging.

"Nope. Not a single clue. But, hey, why don't we talk about this in a restaurant or something." I suggested with a smile as I looked around for any nearby restaurant, and luckily for us, there was one a few blocks ahead, and it looked nice for a restaurant from the 1940s.

Howard: "Uhh...sure."

¦Word count: 2,593+4¦

next chapter
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