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74% Journey Of Ben Tennyson / Chapter 74: Chapter 74 - Simple Life

Bab 74: Chapter 74 - Simple Life


After Sweet Sharky has resigned from the Avengers, he goes towards New Jersey. He knows since Tony knew about his Super Ultron now, he will try very hard to take over it. But Sharky has hid all his secrets, now he just waits and time passes, for main Sharky to come. So he will leave this Universe 12041.

And since Sharky has absorbed all the powers of Thanos, now he is stronger. Not as strong as his main body, but still he was 1 out of 50 fraction of his main body, his powers increased by 20 times.

He has already sent the message to his main body. So he was traveling in the Jersey City forest. It was not so hidden, but it was deep inside, so no one could find it. So he was living in the jungle for a few days.

But Sharky became amazed, when he noticed two girls were training themselves. The amazing thing is not the two girls were training, the amazing thing is their trainer was a squirrel.

He can't help but visit them, while both girls notice him. One was a blonde-haired girl, she wore a red jacket and black shorts, while the other one was a blue jacket and blue shorts.

They both were a little confused, who he was, but when they focused on him, both of their mouths gaped into O shape. "You… you… you are Sharky Tennyson?" The black haired girl asked, and she quickly stopped her training and stood up. Both of them remembered him, when Thanos nearly destroyed all the Avengers, Sharky had defeated him in the end moment.

So Sharky was the most amazing superhero till then, he gained a massive fanbase. But for half a year, the public has not seen Sharky.

"Yes, I am, who are you? I am impressed, a cute squirrel is training both of you," Sharky replied as his focus was still on the cute squirrel.

"My name is Kamala Khan," Kamala introduced herself, as she gave her hands for a handshake.

"My name is Doreen Green, and I can control the squirrel, so they listen to me, and train it," Doreen introduced herself, she also gave her hands for handshake.

"Nice to meet you," Sharky replied as he shook hands, Kamala and Doreen then smelled their hands, and both of them fell to the ground, with a shocked and amazing expression.

"What happened?" Sharky asked them, they closed their eyes for a few seconds, then they quickly stood up. "Sorry sir, we just don't know what happened," Both apologize but their faces are blushing.

"Ok, so you can control the Squirrel, how?" Sharky asked the blonde haired girl.

"Sir, we need to go to a secret place," Doreen replied, and before Sharky said, she caught him in his hand, and easily dragged him.

Sharky was amazed how easily she could pick him up, Kamala also ran behind her. They come to a tree. Doreen pushed some button, which was hidden on the tree, and then a way appeared towards the underground. There were many computers and tech machines.

Sharky now forgets how amazed he was after meeting the two girls, they even have an underground base. "So, why did you bring me here?" He asked.

"Sir, this is our base, we created it to keep control on the villains around New Jersey," Doreen explained.

"You both fight the villain?" Sharky looked towards them again, because both are teenagers, "How old are you?" He asked them.

"I am 18 years old, sir, a legal age to all facilities," Kamala proudly said, while Doreen also followed the same stance, "I am also 18 years old sir."

Sharky chuckled seeing their funny expression, as the cute squirrel also copied the same stance as them.

"So, can you now both explain your powers," Sharky asked. "Yes sir," Both saluted. Then Doreen started taking off her pants.

"What are you doing?" Sharky asked, a little bit confused. Doreen blushed a little, then she replied, "Sir, this is my tail." She showed a big squirrel that gets out when she puts down a little bit of her pants.

"Wow," Sharky was amazed, he quickly touched her tail, and started feeling them, which caused Doreen to blushed, her face was completely red. As she released a purr sound, just like when someone patted their pets.

"So, this helps you control the Squirrel," He asked.

"Yes sir, I was born with this tail, from the childhood, I able to listen the squirrel's voice, so from then my codename is Squirrel Girl," Doreen replied, them she pointed at the little squirrel, "This is my partner Monkey Joe," she introduced the little squirrel, while little squirrel also give his tiny hands for handshake. Sharky is surprised by his actions, but he handshake with Monkey Joe with his finger.

"I am Inhuman, my powers are, I can increase my size, sir, and since my idol is Captain Marvel, I put my code name is Ms. Marvel," Kamala replied, as she shows by stretching her body.

"Show, both of you formed your own team," Sharky asked them.

"No sir," Kamala and Doreen said, but before they completed their sentence, Sharky Interrupted them, "Stop calling me sir, call me Sharky, ok."

"Yes sir, our means, Sharky," Kamala and Doreen said, then they started explaining, "Although we both spend time together, we have our own team known as Secret Warrior, we worked under our model Captain Marvel."

"So, you have a legal team," Sharky nodded, then he asked, "How do you come under the Carol tutelage?" Sharky asked.

"It happened, when one guy named Victor Kohl is searching for Dante Pertuz, an Inhuman who can turn into fire, to protect him from his destructive powers," Kamala explained, then she takes a breath before continuing.

"Since, I know about Inhumans pain, and wanted to show the world, Inhumans are not a menace to society. I and Doreen decided to sort out this by ourselves, but then we found that Victory Kohl is not an Inhuman, but he transforms into his superhuman persona, Exile."

"What?" Sharky asked, he didn't know how they were saved from the Exile.

"But then we also meet with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Quake and Patriot, who have also been tracking violent incidents involving Inhumans. And we also meet with America Chavez, who has her motorcycle stolen by Dante. Together we found the Exile is working for Hala the Accuser, who is scouting Inhumans to join the Kree, a militaristic alien race," Doreen explained their adventure, and since this was their first superhero job, they explained with funny expressions.

"And just when we are going to lose, our Idol Captain Marvel comes there, and together we defeat the Exile and Hala, and also rescue the innocent Inhumans from their imprisonment, and one of them was Lockjaw, a giant bulldog who can teleport. But the Exile and Hala fled from our capture. Then we together formed the Secret Warrior under Captain Marvel and decided to work together," Kamala explained her full story.

Sharky was amazed by hearing the adventures of the Kamala and Doreen, with Dante, America, Quake, Patriot and Lockjaw they come together to form a superhero team under Captain Marvel's guidance and Quake is appointed as the leader.

"Then this is your team's secret headquarters," Sharky asked them, because although this base was good, it was not as good as headquarters.

"No, it was our personal headquarters, which we formed before joining any team," Doreen explained, then they now focused on Sharky, his smell awakened a teenage love between them, and they were continuously blushing seeing him.

"Sharky, why are you not with the Avengers?" Kamala asked.

"Well, it has some trust issues, so I resigned from the Avengers, but don't tell anyone about it. You have seen me here, ok," Sharky didn't give a full explanation, but still, he gave them the main reason, and he also warned them not to reveal his location.

Both of them nodded, "Ok, good bye, see you later," Sharky said farewell to them and was ready to go away.

But both of them stopped them, "Sharky, since you do not work with Avengers, why do you live alone, why not stay together with us, and in the meantime you can train us," Kamala gives suggestions. She didn't know why but she decided it, and Doreen also nodded with her.

Sharky thought for some time, since he was just waiting for his main body, then why not stay here. "Ok, but, not tell anyone about me," He agreed, but again warned them.

"Of course," Kamala and Doreen nodded. "Then, first I need to upgrade your base, so bring me these things, and I will upgrade it," Sharky then decided to upgrade the base, and give them a list of some materials.

Both of them nodded, but they were hesitating, "What happened?" He asked.

Doreen explained with a shy expression, "We have not the budget?" She just wants to find a hole, and hide there.

Sharky understands, he was not in Avengers, where a rich Stark is make everything easy, "Ok, then use these diamonds," Sharky then gives them the many diamonds, he has many stocks of these, because of his living facilities main Sharky left the many diamonds with his multiples, so they didn't start with a poor.

Kamala and Doreen were amazed to see the diamond, it was so beautiful. They quickly work on buying the material, which Sharky has given them.

And using the Super Ultron, Sharky has upgraded the base, much to their amazement, it was even advanced then their main headquarters of Secret Warriors.

And Sharky started training them. He always gave them the tactics to use minimum powers and good results, and he also helped them to do the minimum damage to the property.

And this result showed on them, when one time, Kamala together with Dante, who has chosen his codename Inferno, were invited by Captain America for a tour of Avengers Towers. When they helped the Avengers in solving a threat from Modok.

Ms. Marvel was exuberant to meet some of her greatest heroes, who have worked together with her mentor Sharky. However, the tower was soon after invaded by Ghost, an enemy of Iron Man's who had also gained powers from the Terrigen wave.

Ghost quickly incapacitated and abducted the other Avengers, stole Captain America's shield and Iron Man's armor, jammed every signal in the tower, and sent the roof caving in. And Ghost stole Friday, Iron Man's advanced AI system.

Ghost released his hostages and used his powers to phase the ground underneath the tower to bury the heroes alive.

Fortunately, the teenagers saved the older heroes, Inferno was able to turn himself into a human rocket engine, overcoming gravity and bringing the tower back up. Meanwhile, Ms. Marvel was able to rush Iron Man back to his lab to engineer a way to block Ghost's powers.

With the tower back online, Ms. Marvel defeated Ghost for good by repeatedly slapping him with her enlarged hands. Friday was returned to the Avengers, and just as the teens were about to go home, Iron Man admitted that the pair had earned his respect.

Kamala is happily showing the selfie which she takes with Captain America to Sharky. "Well done, Kamala, you have done a good job," Sharky praised her, then he whispered in her ear, "But, Tony hasn't found out anything about me, not even the slightest link."

Kamala nodded, and replied, "Yes, I didn't give any little clue."

But then something happened inside Kamala, as when she noticed Sharky's mouth near her ear, she turned her face, she joined her lips with his lips, before Sharky understood something, she pushed her tongue inside his mouth and started licking him.

"What are you doing, Kamala?" Sharky asked, a little bit shocked. Kamala started blushing, she didn't know what happened, but after gathering her courage, she replied, "Sharky, I want to tells something to you,"

"What do you want to tell me?" Sharky asked, a little bit confused. Kamala put her head downwards, and said in a meek voice, "Since two months, whenever I come here training, I feel I want to do something more than just training with you"

"What do you feel?" Sharky asked, as he rubbed her back to make her comfortable. It gives Kamala more courage, "I want to make a connection with us, more than just a trainer," She said.

Sharky now understands what she wants, he holds her chin, and brings it to his level, "You know, you are just 18 years old, you are so much younger than me, I don't want to cross a line."

Kamala feels so shy, but she hugged Sharky, "I don't care, I just want to cross the line."

"You don't know anything about me," Sharky replied. The reason is that if he lives in this Universe, then it's no problem, but he has decided to leave this Universe 12041.

"Then tell me, I will accept it," Kamala's boldness is growing inside her.

Sharky released himself from his hold, "Even if I accept you, first you need to talk to your parents," He said. If this was Sharky, another personality like in the Universe 11052, rude Sharky. He didn't hesitate and took down Kamala in his pants.

But it was Sweet Sharky's personality, he cared about everyone, it has been more than One year till he has come into this Universe, but still now, he has not engaged with any girl in this Universe.

"Ok, then I talk with my parents, then you will have to accept me," Kamala said in a forceful tone. Sharky looked at her, and found her voice was a little bit comical, it made him laugh a little.

But Kamala after taking Sharky's consent, she again kissed him, and this time Sharky cooperated with her. But unknown to them, someone was seeing the whole scene. It was none other than Doreen, the Squirrel Girl. And she also feels heat inside her, and she also wants to do something extra with Sharky.

Meanwhile, Sharky has met with Kamala's parents. Although Kamala's parents hesitated at first, because they found Sharky ten years older than their daughter. But, since they live in America. And Kamala has already crossed 18 and become an adult. They agreed with Kamala's decision. Sharky also saved the world, so they agreed with Sharky as their son-in-law.

With Kamala's parents' tradition, Sharky and Kamala's wedding is completed. There were only a few guests, because Sharky didn't want to show himself, so Kamala accepted his decision.

And now, Kamala and Sharky are in the bridal chamber, Kamala has worn her traditional wedding gown. And Sharky has also worn the traditional wedding dress.

"So, Kamala, you even convince your parents," Sharky said as he was staring at Kamala. Although she was just 18, she is still so beautiful.

"Sharky, forget everything, and just love me, today is our wedding night," Kamala said, and she made him drink the milk, and then she took off Sharky's sherwani.

"Okay Kamala," Sharky said, and he started kissing her, and took off her dupatta and lehenga.

"Oh my love," Kamala said, and she also removed Sharky's pajamas.

Then slowly Sharky took off Kamala's blouse and petticoat, leaving only a bra and panty on Kamala's body. Sharky started licking her toned body, Kamala also licked Sharky's body.

Then Sharky also removed Kamala's panty and bra, Kamala also removed Sharky's underwear, now both were looking at each other completely naked.

Kamala then licked Sharky's Dragon first with her lips, then she kissed it, and then she started sucking it in the mouth.

While Sharky started biting her Oranges. Then both of them get hot, and Sharky places his Dragon in front of her Sacred Forest.

"Ready," Sharky called out. Kamala nodded his head saying yes. Then Sharky inserted his Dragon into Kamala's Sacred Forest in one go. Kamala groaned in pain, red blood started dripping from her crotch.

Kamala's hymen was broken, her virginity was taken away by Sharky. Sharky stopped for a while, when Kamala's pain subsided a little, Sharky again gave a slight push, and inserted his entire Dragon into her Sacred Forest.

Kamala felt pain again, but as her pain subsided, Sharky started moving his Dragon inside her Sacred Forest. With each push Kamala's pain subsided, her pain then changed into pleasure.

Sharky fucked Kamala the whole night. And Kamala also started enjoying it. Kamala liked fucking by Sharky very much. Sharky also fucked Kamala's Nether Region twice. Now Kamala finds solace just in Sharky's arms.

Sharky turned Kamala into a mare. Kamala now likes to feel solace in Sharky's laps, when Sharky's Dragon enters her Sacred or Nether Regions. The first rays of the sun fell on their face. Kamala's Sacred Forest and Nether Region were swollen. And Sharky's seed was visible from both of them. Still Kamala kept sleeping with Sharky in her arms.

Meanwhile, after their wedding nights, Kamala is resting in her home. But Sharky returned back to the Base. And just when he returned to base, he found Doreen was already there.

"Hello Doreen, is everything good, you have not gone to save New Jersey," Sharky asked, because it was rare for Doreen to wait in the daytime.

Doreen didn't reply to anything, she used her tail and caught Sharky with it, before Sharky asked her anything she throwed him on a bed.

"What are you doing, Doreen?" Sharky asked, but instead of reply, Sharky found Doreen had torn his clothes with her claw, making him nude.

While she also became nude, in front of him, she held back his hand with her tail, and started licking Sharky's Dragon. Sharky understands what she wants, and he releases all the struggle from her hold.

After seeing Sharky's Dragon was now awoken, she positioned her Sacred Forest on it, and with a force she sat on it, while Sharky's Dragon broke her hymen, and took over virginity.

Doreen paused for a few seconds, and then again, she started moving up and down. As her speed grew, she found her pain turned into pleasure.

Sharky then pinned her down, and started fucking her. From morning to night, Doreen enjoyed getting pounded by Sharky. She also explained, after seeing Sharky with Kamala, she also wants to be together with Sharky.

Sharky nodded with understanding, and now he decided to change his decision to leave this Universe, and finally decided to settle here with his Sweet Sharky personality.

Lemon End

Sharky then met with the Secret Warrior and started training them, but he also warned them to not reveal his location to anyone.

The problem is not that he isn't able to face the Avengers, the problem is Tony will stick with him, till he can't give his Super Ultron to him. And since he had a little bit of friendship with them, he didn't want to hurt them.

And since Sharky was able to get mixed with the Secret Warrior, he also met with Carol Danvers. First he tried to avoid meeting with her.

But Carol is curious how easily the Secret Warrior can control their power and their fighting tactics become more cooperative.

For when the Sheath is framed Ghost-Spider for Kevin's death, while the Sheath has killed Kevin herself. Secret Warrior then with a good coordination, they defeated the Sheath and Exile, who had joined the Sheath. Quake also helps Ghost-Spider clear her name for Kevin's death.

And then Carol, curious , leads her to meet Sharky. She returned to Earth and teamed up with the Avengers member; Captain America, Falcon, and Thor to defeat Galen-Kor, a Kree militant that intended to kidnap Inhumans and weaponize their powers to expand his empire.

They go inside the Kree ship, where they find many kidnapped Inhumans. When Galen-Kor released air which harmed the Avengers. But the Avengers were able to escape from the situation, and were able to control the ship.

Galen-Kor attacks on the ship with his own jet, but Carol and Thor was able to defeat Galen-Kor. Then Galen-Kor launches some missiles on the Earth, which emit a dangerous gas on Earth.

But together Hulk and Tony with Black Widow and Hawkeye able to save the Earth from the dangerous missile, and eventually they are also able to save the Inhumans. Carol then returned the Inhumans to Attilan.

Impressed, the Avengers offered Captain Marvel reserve membership on the team, which she was happy to consider. Then she returned back to check her Secret Warrior.

And now both Carol and Sharky were in front of each other. While Carol looks with curious eyes at Sharky, "So you are the Sharky Tennyson, nice to meet you," Carol handshake with Sharky.

Sharky greeted her with a handshake, then he pulled her in his arms. "What are you doing?" Carol asked, Sharky didn't reply but his hands showed her what he wanted.

She found, Sharky was undressing her, "I want to eat you, are you okay with it?" Sharky replied as he bit her ear. She released a meek voice, and wanted to tell him no.

But his smell makes her intoxicated, and she replied, "Yes, you can eat me," Even she didn't believe it. How can she say it, when she already knew Sharky was Kamala's husband.

Just in a few seconds, she was sitting nude in front of Sharky. She feels shy, but still, she accepted the situation.

Sharky placed his Dragon in front of Carol, "Suck it." Carol obeyed Sharky's orders, and placed his Dragon in her mouth. First she sucked slowly, then she sucked it faster. Sharky's Dragon was going all the way to Carol's throat. And just like the other Universe Carol, she also fell in Sharky's pants. Sharky has taken her virginity and made her his wife.

Meanwhile, Avengers have gone to Las Vegas, because Maximus has attacked there.

"Who is Maximus?" Black Widow asked.

"Brother of Black Bolt, tech genius. He got a thing against humans. Heard the Inhumans exiled him," Hulk answered.

"What's he planning?" Captain asked. "Don't know, Captain, Black Bolt, didn't include any details. I assure you the alert came from him," Tony replied.

"It's one dude. How hard is this gonna be?" Hawkeye replied, and then Avengers landed on the front of Maximus. Ready to defeat the city from the exiled Inhuman.

Sharky_Monster Sharky_Monster

This Chapter Has Many Lemons Scene, if you didn't like Lemon scene, Just Skip it after reading last few lines.

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