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95.29% Jobless Reincarnation x COTE| A Masterpiece / Chapter 81: Redundancy: Chapter 10 - The Fourth Cub.

Bab 81: Redundancy: Chapter 10 - The Fourth Cub.

Following the events of the failed coup which attempted at removing the Queen and instilling her son who still wasn't a year old in attempts to gain power for themselves, for the next few days, the whole Kingdom of Asura fell into a disarray as a "Crusade" was started. 

The Prime Minister----Cedric Stormrider----was publicly executed with his body parts hanged on spears that extended towards the overcast, murky dark sky above. 

This horrifying, macabre display served as a stark and horrifying example, with circling crows picking at his remains, carrying his nose, eyes and ears with them, leaving a hollow shell behind. It was a statement. A statement of what waited for those who dared to betray the Queen again. 

The "Crusade" mercilessly eradicated anyone associated with the Prime Minister and his plot. Those who had any connection to the Man God or had even shown the slightest reaction to his name were summarily executed without hesitation. 

Over the course of two grueling days, Adam carried out the assassinations, targeting both soldiers and civilians alike. The aftermath of the Coup in Shirone Kingdom had now been surpassed by the staggering number of people who either perished or vanished overnight by Adam's hands. 

It was a systematic approach, conducted under the pretext of "cleansing" the population of the perceived "evil influence" of the Man God.

Within the castle's confines, Ariel occupied the throne, with Xavier comfortably settled in her lap. The boy appeared content, quietly suckling on a dummy, occasionally emitting soft cooing sounds. 

The atmosphere around them, however, was oppressive, akin to the thickness of tar, with each breath feeling like a frigid dagger against the back of the throat for every surviving minister. Heaviness hung in the air, as hearts raced and lungs seemed to prick, shrouding the chamber in an unsettling stillness. 

Doga and Kalman the Second positioned themselves just behind the ministers, holding their weapons at the ready. However, their hands hung in a relaxed manner, partially resting at their sides. 

Randolph stood beside Ariel, his expression one of disinterest. He stretched his mouth widely, audibly yawning, seemingly unaffected by the tense atmosphere. 

"Well, with all that's done so far, you have been selected as the new replacements for the minister spots. Official appointments would begin tomorrow. Until then, there is a feat prepared for everyone in the castle. Please make your way there." Ariel spoke in a relaxed but firm way as the newly appointed ministers bowed their heads and happily wandered off. 

Once the minister who were being accompanied by Doga and Alek left, Ariel turned her attention back to Xavier who was looking at Ariel with wide eyes. 


"Little Xavier seems quite smart for his age." Randolph commented as he lovingly looked down at him. 

"He is." She replied, beaming. "Do you have any experience with handling kids, Randolph?" Ariel asked. 

It was a casual inquiry. Ariel had never truly found herself on amicable terms with everyone associated with Julian or those close to him. However, there was something about the way Randolph regarded her, not solely as an individual but as the mother of Julian's firstborn, which made her feel comfortable in his presence.

"Oh, yes. His Majesty, Pax, now has a son. I've been appointed as Pax Jr.'s caretaker. I work in Sharia for three days a week and spend the other four in Shirone. So, I've gained some experience in caring for kids of this age," Randolph explained with a somewhat joyful expression on his face. 

However, the way his skin clung to his skull made his visage appear somewhat eerie whenever shadows fell upon his face.

"And Lord Pax is in agreement with this arrangement?" Ariel inquired, her fingers gently smoothing back Xavier's hair as he squirmed with delight, producing soft giggles. 

"Teacher played a vital role in his majesty's ascent to throne. He doesn't mind at all." Randolph replied as he stretched his face with his fingers to make a funny face towards Xavier, sticking his tongue out. Much to his disdain, Xavier's expressions suddenly turned stoic. Almost deadpan. As if asking why he was making a joke out of himself. 

Coughing awkwardly, Randolph started talking again. "If I may..." Out of respect, he maintained the cursty before talking. 

"Go on." 

"His Majesty, Pax, would like to discuss a few things with you. He wants to meet the queen in person. If I have your permission, I would like to escort his majesty here for further delegations." Randolph asked, keeping his eye on Ariel and Xavier, while the eye patch on his other eye was slightly removed. 

"Since you came as an envoy, why don't you tell me the general premise of his majesty's visit?" 

Walking from beside her, he stood a few paces away from her and bowed his head. Since she mentioned the word "envoy" for the "Shirone Kingdom", it was only appropriate for him to act as such. Only in this case. This amount of bowing would've led to the death of the person on the receiving end by now. 

"Most are trivial matters and things I don't really understand. I am a simple man. However, main thing was to rally the forces of these two kingdoms." 

Ariel's smirk became almost apparent. "Very well. I will be waiting." She replied as she started thinking of multiple ways this meeting could go. 



"Young Master Luke has passed away." 

A servant, clad in plain attire concealed by a weathered robe, leaned in to whisper the solemn news into the ear of Pilemon Notos Greyrat. As the elderly man received the message, he sank to his knees in profound grief... or regret born of his infinite selfishness. 

'Damn it. Why? That bastard. Why did he kill my son... I will kill him.' 

A wave of regret inundated him as he pondered whether the decision of collaborating with Cedric in the first place was a good idea or not.

'He would've assumed his power by now. I can't even oppose him now... damn it!' 

"One more thing, my lord." The servant pressed on; his expression somber.

"What!?" Pilemon exclaimed, his voice resonating with a mixture of grief and anger. Tears streamed down his cheeks, landing upon the marbled floor below. 

"Prime Minister Cedric Stormrider was publicly executed. Queen Ariel is still in power."

His entire being trembled, and he felt a shiver run through him. He rose from his kneeling position and began pacing the room, consumed by anxiety that gripped him like a vice, tightening its hold with every step.

"How!? How is that woman still alive!?"

Losing control, he lashed out at a nearby maid, striking her and causing her to tumble to the ground, blood trickling from her nose. He took rapid, purposeful strides, tracing the room's perimeter, ruffling his hair as if he were a man who had lost his sanity, haunted by a foreboding premonition.

"I asked how!" 

"My lord...Kingdom of Asura...it's...i-it's being protected by Three of the Seven World Powers. Void God, Magic God and Death God. All three were spotted in Asura. Not much is known about the Void God but the rumoured kid she had was with the Void God. The armies that were looking to invade Asura when there is infighting among them have also recalled their troops. Invading and capturing Asura has officially become an i-impossible task for anyone." 

Pilemon slumped against the wall. The light from his eyes had disappeared. Like a dead man, he stared emptily into the corner of the room. He felt a chill run down his spine. 'He is going to come for me... I have to run away.'

Pilemon had previously crossed paths with Julian, although he didn't possess much knowledge about the Rank 3. Even so, just the mention of Julian's name was enough to send shivers down his spine. 

In their prior encounter, Julian had spared him due to their familial connection. This time, however, everything was bound to take a dire turn for Pilemon.

If it turned out that the queen was, in fact, his wife, which was a complex and contradictory matter, only death would await him.

"Get out of my sight," Pilemon commanded, his tone harsh, and the servant hastily retreated, equally gripped by fear. The servant had refrained from sharing the information about the ongoing "cleansing" with Pilemon. 

If it proved to be true, not only would Pilemon face a grim fate, but every servant within that household would be at risk of slaughter.

Pilemon rushed to his room, his hands trembling as he fumbled with the keys in his pocket to open a drawer. From it, he retrieved an ancient bottle. Swiftly uncorking it, he began to drink the century-old wine. 

The potent liquid coursed down his throat, searing it with a burning sensation, but he endured the discomfort. When it became too overwhelming, he withdrew the bottle from his lips and leaned against the wall. 

"It will be fine. It will be fine," he repeated to himself, like a mantra, in an attempt to soothe his racing thoughts.

"I've never been particularly fond of alcohol. The scent is quite overpowering for my taste. However, it does have its merits in cooking. Deglazing can work wonders," a voice unexpectedly pierced the tense atmosphere. 

Pilemon's neck jerked towards the bed as he heard the words. Someone was not just sitting but reclining on the bed, casually munching on grapes from a nearby bowl.

"Hello, Uncle," Julian greeted, an unsettling gleam in his eyes as Pilemon stumbled and fell face-first, stubbing his toe.

"Y-You...what are you doing here? Get out of my house!" Pilemon tried to raise his voice at him but all that he managed was a feeble whimper, like a little child pleading to their parents to fulfill a wish. 

"How unkind. I came to offer my condolences," Julian remarked as he sprang off the bed and retrieved a bouquet of flowers. Bending down, he settled it in his lap.

"Your son passed away while pursuing his own desires. He's now at peace, at least. Perhaps," he concluded, his voice trailing into silence as he became lost in his thoughts. "Do you know why I am here?" 

"I have no information on that matter," Pilemon lied, maintaining a composed expression while concealing his thoughts from Julian. "I am already grieving. Your intrusive and arrogant demeanor, solely due to your high world ranking, is utterly distasteful. It demonstrates that you are indeed Paul's offspring. Like father, like son."

Observing Julian's casual demeanor, Pilemon attempted to navigate his way out of the situation.

"I believe it's only equitable, don't you think so as well?" Julian began, his tone measured. "You've aimed at Ariel on two occasions. This time, you even involved my son. At the very least, you owe me an explanation. Or perhaps cowardice and subservience are innate to your character and defy justification?"

Julian's words were devoid of overt scorn, yet an unmistakable air of hostility surrounded him. His gaze had turned glacial, an unrelenting and freezing stare that didn't waver, not blinking. Just a still, cold, sub-zero void. 

"Lies!" Pilemon directed his finger at him. "How dare you!" 

"I see. So, you won't confess," Julian remarked indifferently. "I don't need you to admit it, anyway. Adam."

At Julian's signal, Adam materialised behind Pilemon, a small dagger pressing against Pilemon's neck. "Any final words?" Julian inquired.

"W-What is the meaning of this? I-I am the Lord of Milbotts. You are extinguishing the Notos Greyrat lineage with me. How dare you?" Pilemon spat out menacing words, yet tears streamed down his face as he sobbed uncontrollably. 

"End of Notos Lineage? Hm. Am I supposed to care about that?" Julian paused, letting his words sink in. "But it won't end with you. A Notos will take your place." Pilemon's eyes widened. "In case you overlooked it, I have a father and older brother. I am sure they'll do anything I ask of them." 

"Y-You...damn you!" 

Adam's eyes bore heavy bags underneath, his fatigued countenance marked by spatters of blood. Growing somewhat exasperated by Pilemon's pitiful conduct, he pressed the knife harder, causing a thin trickle of blood to escape from his neck.

"Only respond to what the master is inquiring," Adam urged, his voice tinged with impatience.

"What do you know about Man God?" Julian asked, "Who told you Ariel even has a child before she officially announced it?" 

"I don't know. I swear on my life." Pilemon whimpered. 

"That's quite a low bar you've set on the swearing. You can't swear on something so cheap and expect me to believe it." Julian replied as he cocked his head, keeping his chin below and eyes up at him. "I will ask you again. Who was it?" 

"Believe me. I don't know..." His voice continued to become incoherent. 

"Hm. Kill him." Julian spoke with a shrug of his shoulders. Without any hesitation, Adam smoothly sliced his throat. Placing his hand on his mouth, he controlled his body to stop the dying spasms and convulsions before his body eventually turned cold. 

Placing a hand on his head, Julian sat close to his dead body for a few hours before opening his eyes. "Nothing. Seems like the apostle only came in contact with Cedric. Hmm. Well, let's go back, Adam. Dispose off his body first." 

"Yes, master." 

Despite the overwhelming exhaustion that had taken hold of his body, Adam managed to remove the lifeless body and prepared to bury Pilemon in an undisclosed grave.


As Julian meticulously drew the intricate teleportation circles on the scrolls, he remained wholly focused on the task at hand. Each line, curve, and symbol were etched with precision, his movements fluid. 

The magical symbols he inscribed pulsed with mana. 

Ariel approached him from behind, her soft footsteps barely audible. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck, gently pressing her body against his back. Her presence was warm and inviting, a delightful distraction that would have easily unsettled a less composed individual. But Julian's concentration remained unbroken.

He continued his work, his fingers moving deftly, his eyes locked on the scrolls. Even as Ariel nuzzled his neck and placed tender kisses along his jawline, he kept his composure. His focus was unyielding, as though he had placed an impenetrable barrier around his concentration.

Finally, the last symbol was complete, and Julian released a contented sigh. 

He attempted to rise, but Ariel, undeterred, slid herself around from behind and settled into his lap. Her warmth enveloped him, and their bodies molded together in perfect harmony.

She pressed her lips to his as he tasted the sweet aftertaste. Julian's hands gently cupped her face, their kiss deepening. 


"Yes." She immediately dived in for another. 

When their lips finally parted, Julian glanced into Ariel's eyes, filled with affection. "I should be going soon." he said softly.

Ariel looked into his eyes; a plea hidden within her gaze. "Stay one more night with me," she whispered, her fingers tracing the contours of his face. "Please."

Julian sighed before nodding. Ariel beamed with joy, and her arms tightened around him, embracing him with unbridled affection. She nestled against him, content to linger in his lap a while longer.

Then, as a memory struck Julian, he gently encouraged Ariel to rise. She reluctantly complied, her expression reflecting her reluctance. Curious, she watched as Julian retrieved a spherical object from a pouch.

The object was composed of iridescent scales, glistening in a myriad of colors under the soft glow of the room. Julian approached Xavier's crib, his movements careful and reverent. He placed the spherical object next to the infant.

Ariel's eyes widened in surprise as she beheld the extraordinary gift. Her voice was filled with emotion as she asked, "What is this, Julian?"

Keeping his attention at Xavier, Julian explained, "I wasn't able to give you much when Xavier was born, but I wanted to give this to him." His gaze remained on the precious little life before them.

Tears welled up in Ariel's eyes as she watched the object's colors shimmer. "Thank you, Julian," she said in a choked voice, her heart overflowing with gratitude and love. Unable to contain her emotions any longer, she leaned in and captured Julian's lips in a heartfelt kiss, again.

With her arms around her neck, she parted, "But what is it?" 

"You'll know. Maybe in a few years." 


A month passed since the failed coup of the Asura Kingdom. All of the Greyrats based in Sharia had gathered in the same house again. Roxy finally gave birth. There was an initial complication due to her size, however, that complication didn't result in anything serious due to Julian being there. 

Roxy was currently sleeping after cradling her baby for a while. Everyone else, including Julian were now in the living room. In a flower basket, there was a baby with everyone leaning down on it, some with happy faces and some with a rather conflicted one. 

It was a girl. A girl with Julian's hair and Roxy's eyes. Their eye colours were same but she had her mother's shade. 

"How come all of your daughters have the same deadpan look? I mean it's still cute, but why?" 

"Rudy! Don't be rude." 



All three of his wives chastised him sternly, their voices filled with reproach, while Eris administered a kick to his knee, causing him to topple to the ground, wincing in intense, bone-cracking pain.

"Well... Rudeus isn't wrong. She does looks like Julian a lot." Zenith commented as she looked at the girl and then at Julian who was sitting with his arms crossed, his mind somewhere else. 

"I agree. It's adorable in its own way." 

"Look here! Its grandpa. Say granpa!" Paul made horns sprout on his head using his fingers and crisscrossed his eyes, letting out a weird voice. The girl's eyes brimmed with tears and cheeks flushed, obviously uncomfortable with Paul's antics. 

"Stay away from my granddaughter." Zenith admonished Paul with a disapproving gaze and moved aside, creating a significant distance between them. The bitterness that lingered between them was palpable, and it was neither Julian nor Rudeus who chose to mediate in the situation. 

Rudeus, too, had been taken aback by the revelations he had heard about Paul.

The brothers had a rather short, yet meaningful conversation. 

----Don't you think we should solve the rift between mom and dad, Julian?

----Paul tried to sleep with mom when she was in a vegetative state.

----Never mind. He's a scum. 

----He is. A scum. 

----Indeed, he is. A scum. 

----Hm. Hm. A scum. Indeed. 

----Of the lowest degree. 

----Rock bottom. 

----Never saw someone so down bad. Other than me. Even I am ashamed. 

----What's down bad?


"Well, well, let's not fight or be sad at such a happy occasion. Err, how about we name her? Yeah? Let's give suggestions." Rudeus tried to lighten the mood. And it somehow worked as the tension dissipated. Everyone started to think of names. Except Julian. 

Julian had been strongly advised by everyone not to choose the name. They all knew his naming sense, or rather, lack thereof. However, there was a common misconception that the first three children had been named by their respective mothers. In reality, this was not the case. 

Pretending that he wasn't skilled in such matters was a tactic he employed for moments like these, which allowed him to dodge the responsibility of making such a crucial decision.

It was a stress-free approach. This was made evident as he leaned back in his seat and began to gaze at the ceiling, his demeanor relaxed and nonchalant.

"Sooo, uhhh, how about Violet? Like the flower? Eh?" Rudeus suggested, looking at Julian. 

He shrugged his shoulders. "You were the one who suggested I shouldn't name her. But hm, personally, I think Guinevere would be perfect." 

"Yeah. Shut up. Sorry that I asked." Rudeus huffed, sitting back into his spot as everyone started laughing. "Why did I even ask? Something must be wrong with me." 

"That sounds like a good name. But it's lacking a bit." Aisha interjected. 

"I feel the same." Sylphy added. 

Sara and Eris remained mostly silent during this discussion. Eris had been instructed to refrain from commenting for the same reason as Julian. It was not intentional, but her naming sense was indeed exceptionally poor. Horrendous even. 

"Let's hear what each of you has to suggest," Rudeus proposed as they continued their conversation, gathered around the flower basket in which the newborn girl laid. 

While they talked, she stirred and observed her surroundings with a quiet, newly awakened curiosity. Although she had only come into the world moments ago, Julian could discern a hint of apprehension in her eyes.

As they conversed, Julian rose from his seat and approached the flower basket. No one seemed to take issue with his actions, as he was, after all, her father. Lifting the basket carefully, he carried it back to his seat and cradled his newborn daughter in his arms. "Too much noise."

Upon realising his intention, the others promptly lowered their voices in response.

After a few readjustments, everyone started discussing about the name. 

'They really don't want the parents to decide, huh? Well, I guess if mom is okay with it.' 

As Julian contemplated various thoughts, he glanced down at his baby daughter, who gazed back at him, her eyes narrowing in a curious expression. It was the first noticeable change in her countenance. Rekindling his interest in the newborn, he adjusted his position and bent down closer to her.

"What are you thinking?" Julian asked, almost as if he expected a response. The infant, in return, simply regarded him, her gaze mirroring his own. "Hm. Hmmm. Hmmmm," he hummed softly. 

Picking her small hand, he pressed his index finger on her palm. Despite how meek it was, her little fingers curled around the index. Julian's eyes widened as he realised something. 

'I see.' 

After that, Julian started talking to her, without getting any reply. 

"Is he talking to her? Has he finally lost it?" Rudeus commented, noticing how he was talking to the newborn. 

"....it looks like it." Norn added. 

"Norn. Don't talk like that about your brother." Zenith admonished as she sulked. 

Nanahoshi, who was sitting close with Norn patted her head and stood up, slowly walking over to Julian. 

"Is everything okay?" She asked, leaning down while tucking her hair behind her ear. 

"Hm. Yeah. I think we should name her Lara." Julian spoke up, holding her in his arms. Nanahoshi also looked down at her, eyes closed. 

"Uhh... I mean, shouldn't we ask Roxy as well?" Nanahoshi whispered. 

"She told me to name her. So, she won't mind." 

"Why Lara though? It's not bad. Just curious." She sat beside Julian while none of the other family members noticed her. It was because she wasn't taking part in it anyways. 

"Hm. Long or the short form?" 

"It's rare to see you talk much. I would've preferred the long form but make it short. We have guests." She crossed one leg over the other and inched closer. 

"Orsted called her Lara. Not her. But Roxy's kid in specific." He explained. 

Hearing Orsted's name, a bitter smile formed on Nanahoshi's face. "I wonder if he's okay. Orsted, I mean. He should've returned by now..." Her voice trailed off as she looked up at Julian. To find any trace of news, however, there was nothing. He seemed just as blank as her. 

However, something reassuring finally left his lips. It was empty hope with nothing to back it up but it reassured her. 

"Don't worry about him. He's the strongest. It might be hard, but he'll come out alive." He assuaged. "Maybe." 

Nanahoshi squinted her eyes at him. "You really had to add that 'maybe' at the end, right? Ugh..." 

"I mean. I can't be certain about everything." Julian shrugged his shoulders. "Hm?" A tug on his trousers made him look down. His first daughter, Luna was tugging at him, waving her hands up, as if asking for a swing. 

Julian placed Lara back into the basket and turned his attention to Luna. She was standing on her feet, without any support or wobble. Xavier could do the same, but his legs used to jolt a lot. Seeing how she was extending her arms at him; Julian picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. 

"What about Elijah?" Julian asked, looking at Nanahoshi. 

"He's still crawling...or rather struggling with crawling as well. Can you not compare your children?" 

She seemed actually angry. 

"Uh, I didn't compare anyone, though. I just asked about Elijah. Where is he?" 


"Hm. Ok. I think I will take Luna out then." Julian said as he removed her from his shoulder and slung her in a proper hip hold. 

Nanahoshi was speechless. It was the first time he was expressing any interest in any of his children. It was more troubling for her since he only started taking interest in her after he saw her stand up at such a young age. From an average baby perspective, they take their first step at the age of 11 to 15 months. 

So being able to stand at 8 months was something out of the ordinary. She couldn't walk, but the building blocks to that milestone were already set. 

"Take care then." She greeted. She tried touching her, but she averted her head and hugged Julian's neck. "I think she likes me more." 

"No, she definitely likes me more." She countered. 

"I mean, she isn't ready to go with you. That explains a lot." 

"You... She is just using you to go out." 

"The sheer capacity of humanity to instill the mechanism of finding happiness in lies is truly something." Julian spoke with an air of a poet around him. 

"What does that even mean?" 

"Uh, in simple words, you are coping. Anyways, I will see you later." Before she could fully comprehend the words, he was gone, like a brisk wind. 

'AHHH. You have to come regardless, dear Julian. We will resolve this matter then.'

"Gotcha. Well, let's name her Olivia." Rudeus spoke as he thumped his chest. "All of us have come to this conclusion." 

Nanahoshi looked at him with a deadpan look. "Julian decided on a name already. I don't think he is going to accept anything else now." 

"Oh, good heavens, what abomination did that monster select for the poor soul?"

Everyone's heart sank. They were sure he named her after a city and Rudeus thought he named her after some ancient pharaoh. 

"Lara. Lara Greyrat." Nanahoshi annoucned as everyone went into silence. 


"Huh... wait what? That's actually not bad." 

"Bad? It sounds quite sweet." 

"Julian decided on that?" 

"No way." 

"Brother sure hides a lot of things." 

As they talked, Lara soiled herself and started crying. 



Well, well, time to speed run this volume. I am planning on ending this volume and the entire fic soon enough. Ideas keep popping and I keep implementing them. Lol. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapters. If you did, leave a vote, and comment about any suggestions if you want to see Julian doing something with his family. 

(Other than smut)

I am taking requests on discord. One has already been fulfilled in this chapter. (noodle)

Well, that's it. See you all in next chapter. 

next chapter
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