Movie POV
Jack's memories of Jeannie were back but not all of his memories from when he was alive had returned but that was unimportant at the time he had to save the Guardians so he flew off to help. He found the tooth fairies could not fly and the lights were going out but one light believed, Jamie, the only light who mattered to him (even though he didn't really know why yet). He quickly went to Jamie and made sure he still believed. He even managed to make Jamie believe in him! The other Guardians showed up almost a moment too late. North crashed the sleigh, Tooth couldn't fly, and Bunny was a little 'bunny.' Bunny and Jack shared a moment when Jamie told Bunny that Jack had made him believe. Pitch of course crashed the moment riding in on a Nightmare cloud. Everything was going wrong from there, Pitch was stronger, Jack fell from the sky, the Guardians went to a dead-end, and Jamie started to be afraid. Until Jack found his center, fun! Pitch was about to say the best bad guy line in history, "So, what do you think, Jamie? Do you believe in the Boogey…" Jack hit him with a snowball before he could finish. The Nightmares looked confused, Jamie and the Guardians laughed, and Jack smiled ready to throw another. Instead he decided to recruit more children. They rode trashcan lids on a sledding path Jack made to recruit all the children of the town. Only to find that the Nightmares were greater than originally thought!
Tragedy's Story
Tragedy arrived just in time to see her home town surrounded by Nightmares. Pitch was riding on Kōri. Jack, Jamie, the Guardians, and other children were in the middle of town. She could not hear what was said, her heart beating in her ears, as she watched in horror. Jack put his hand on a broken North and went to step forward but Jamie beat him to it. The other children followed. He was too much like her Colin. The Nightmares charged Jamie but as he reached out his hand they turned into Sandman's golden dream sand. The children laughed and the Guardians smiled. Tragedy was torn; she didn't want any of the spirits or children hurt but the Nightmares were her family!
She wanted to step in and get Pitch to stop but Manny shined down on her and she felt his embrace, just as she had on the lake when Pitch told her not to call out to a scared Jack. The Tooth Fairy flew, North held his swords high and Pitch sent more of her beloved Nightmares to attack. She watched as they were turned into dust as the Guardians fought. She then watched the worst thing, North killed Kōri. Tragedy dropped to her knees, what would she do? The children ran past her at that moment and she followed, they each put all their thoughts on the Sandman. She knew because he showed up and knocked out Pitch taking away all the Nightmares and turning them into dreams. She frowned, the only one sad as Jack had a snowball fight with the children. She laid down on the snow and just watched.
Pitch woke and stood angry and yelling something, Tragedy could not hear and did not want to hear. Jamie ran through Pitch and he looked scared but she did not want to comfort him. Pitch ran from the Guardians and when they followed so did she.
He made it to Jack's lake, Tooth punched him, and Tragedy saw some of her Nightmares. She felt joy for a moment then they started to attack Pitch. They dragged him under her bed pulling him into the shadows she chased but realized she was too late. Pitch had found the afterlife.
Who he was before he was the Boogeyman, she would never know but she felt terrible about not saying anything, again she was held back listening to others and the ones she loved were hurt.
"Stupid Moon!" She yelled. The tunnels ran together and she was lost, she fell to the floor wondering what she would do, she had no one. Jack was a hero with a new family, Jamie would never know her, and Pitch. Well, Pitch was dead, dead to both the living world and the spirit world. She was alone. She was dead. She was invisible. She was the Angel of Death, who would want to be with her. She didn't even want to be with herself! She crawled out of the tunnel, only to find herself in a forest. She heard a woman yelling and looked around only to find she was still alone. Alone and cold and crazy. What a better way for a girl named Tragedy to be? She laughed and fell back into the leaves that covered the forest floor. Nothing really mattered anymore anyway. She laughed even harder. The moon was blocked out by the leaves still in the towering trees. She was in darkness, the shadows overtook her and she laid there happy to be free of all those who wished to control her. Then again the only way that could happen was by being alone.
The End.
So this is the end of Part one, Jack's Sister is a 4 part story. Part one is during the movie. Part two is called Day Dream and it is Daniel and Katherine's story. I hope you enjoy it as well!