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3.7% Itachi Uchiha in ATG / Chapter 1: Itachi Uchiha and Yun Che
Itachi Uchiha in ATG Itachi Uchiha in ATG original

Itachi Uchiha in ATG

Penulis: Itachi90aizen

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Itachi Uchiha and Yun Che

In a distant dimension, on a certain planet, a war of a millennia was going on. A war to attain peace and finally break the cycle of hatred. Embroidered in this cataclysmic battle were two brothers whose life had been dictated by this ever existing and eternal curse of hatred. This was the world of chakra where strength determined the rights a person could wield while, at this moment a raven-haired young man who seemed in his early twenties was standing across his younger brother in an enclosed cave like space.

Although, it appeared that the elder youth was trying to reach his brother while his body was just fading away. Somehow, through his extraordinary force of will he was able to get close enough to look directly into his brother's eyes.

Itachi slowly lifted his face as his blood red Sharingan induced eyes stared directly at his little brother's eyes:

"No matter what you do from here on, know this: I will love you always…"

Itachi looked into his brother eyes as he felt a pull through his soul. Itachi smiled as he was ejected from the reanimated Shinobi's body as he said in his mind 'goodbye sasuke. This will be our last farewell. Never again will you have to confront your failure of an older brother. I just wish I was able to see you without that hatred in your heart.'

While Itachi was returning to his soul state, in a faraway dimension another soul was who looked like him was battling a distorted entity in the centre of a wide spinning black hole of energy. Yun Che stared at the ancient one which had already destroyed most of the primal chaos dimension. All that was left was void as afar as his perception could sense. There were no more living beings left in the known universe. After losing most of his family Yun Che had become too tired to care about anything at this point. As the creature let out a terrifying roar that shook the surrounding void creating countless spacetime vortexes, Yun Che took out a small mirror like pendant with a smooth surface. After looking at it for a while Yun Che finally seemed to come to a decision, just as the creature was going to attack again, Yun Che held up the pendant as it gave a shiny-silvery white light that swallowed him whole. Just as the ancient being's attack reached him, Yun Che started fading away while he kept clutching the mirror in his hand.

Yun Che stared at the ground below while he lamented in his heart about his pitiful end, he could neither protect his family nor the universe. Now all he had left was this emptiness, this void that just couldn't be filled even if he went to the past with the help of the Mirror of Samsara. He just wanted to sleep now, he didn't want any more power. Strength always led to disaster, no matter how powerful he became, when it came to matters where it mattered the most, his strength was never enough. That's why this time he wasn't going to give his fate the satisfaction of playing with him. The Mirror of Samsara was one of the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures although it ranked last in terms of raw power but spiritually it was the most powerful treasure out of all the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures. All the heavenly profound treasures from the rank first to seventh only depicted it's relative raw destructive power but in terms of it's respective domains of laws, each of it were supreme in it's own. The Mirror of Samsara was the supreme treasure of soul that could restore the soul of the user to a prior universal state. The master of the Mirror of Samsara could reincarnate before 20 years from the current timeline effectively resetting the fate of the universe to a prior state. However, Yun Che was tired of dealing with all the shit, so he decided to try and eject himself from this reality all together.

The ethereal form of Yun Che soul kept passing through countless planes of existence as silvery white flashes of light kept coming from the mirror. Just as Yun Che was racking his brain on how to leave this plane of existence altogether, he saw another soul in a red cloak hurtling directly towards him at a very high speed with immense profound energy. When he took a closer at the guy, he noticed that he wore strange clothes, had strange blood red eyes with a spinning wheel pattern but the most shocking feature was his face that was quite like his own.

Itachi already had a very strange few days but it became even more strange when his soul form suddenly felt a pulling towards something and just like that he started accelerating towards the source of his problem.

Yun Che and Itachi collided within this tunnel of reincarnation as both of their soul forms disappeared inside the Mirror of Samsara.

Itachi felt like his soul was experiencing things that he couldn't make sense of, there was love, hatred, darkness, strength, as well as myriad of complex emotions that went through his mind, and Itachi felt like he was just a spectator in his own mind. He didn't remember how much time had passed since he came into this strange place and began experiencing the memories of this man named Yun Che, just as he felt that he was going to die completely this time, a familiar voice called out to him. Itachi couldn't remember whose voice he was hearing but there was one sentence that kept replaying in his mind again and again.

A voice was whispering in his mind in a melancholic tone, as if, it was lamenting about something. He could hear it more clearly now as it said … 'Itachi Uchiha, it may seem like I am imposing this destiny upon you but I believe you can do better than I ever did, Thank you for accepting this, things may seem confusing right now but in time as you absorb my soul force and experiences gradually you won't be as helpless and confused as you are now. After sharing our memories, I have come to realize that you will do much better than I ever could. Shinobi …. what an interesting concept …let these memories and experiences guide You and at the end of everything if You wish to….then…..save them….and Remember, Now, You are not just You anymore, You are me as well ….the master of the Mirror of Samsara ..how fate plays … to think I will meet You here in the tunnel of reincarnation….just when I had entirely given up ..hm hahaha' with that, the voice faded away completely as Itachi's vision darkened completely.

Profound Calendar Year 1996, Floating Cloud city, Blue Wind Nation

Itachi woke up from a dream like state with pain all over his body. He felt like all the bones in his body were aching. His mind too was in chaos with memories of many different lives.

He was sure that he had died again but he could still feel everything around him. Itachi brought his hand to his head as he experienced an unimaginable pain inside his soul, mind and even his spirit. After a few moments of thinking, he began remembering everything starting with his departure and meeting that person who looked like him in a strange space. As more and more memories came to his mind, he was dumbfounded … for once in his life he was truly speechless.

Itachi felt a bit unreal just thinking that he had reincarnated in another world with the memories of this current body user who himself had reincarenated two times before and was going to reincarnate a third time, how he became a great warrior but lost everything in the end so he decided to give his memories to another soul, where he found Itachi himself and not only that but the Mirror of Samsara which could reset the state of the world by 20 years had also brought Yun Che back to this day when he remarried his first wife ..Xia Qingyue in his his second life.

As Itachi sorted out his memories a sudden voice called out form the courtyard.

"Little Che! You woke up I was so worried, you just fell asleep after eating and with fever too. Come on! today is your wedding, can't you be a bit more careful"

Itachi opened his eyes and silently sat up. He found himself in a familiar comfortably soft bed, with a red banner hanging above him, rendering a festive atmosphere. A girl's gasp of surprise was heard from his ear and the same girl appeared in his line of sight.

At a glance the girl dressed in green looked to be fifteen to sixteen years of age. She was as fair as snow with charming rosy lips and a delicate nose. She also appeared to be familiar, she was Xiao Lingxi, Yun Che's little aunt.

Staring at the nearby girl, Itachi said unconsciously, "Xiao Lingzi"

The girl put her hands onto Itachi's forehead and spoke, "How delightful, your temperature is almost back to normal. You nearly scared me to death. Little Che, are you okay? Tell me if you feel uncomfortable anywhere."

In the face of the girl's eyes that filled with deep concern, Itachi calmly shook his head. He stared openly into space with a vacant gaze.

"Rest here for a while, I'll go and tell your grandpa that you're awake. Today is your day! When you fainted, your grandfather almost went crazy and personally went to find Doctor Situ for you."

The girl was in such a rush that she did not notice the abnormality of her Yun Che's current state. She pushed Yun Che's shoulders, signaling him to lie back on the bed and hurriedly left.

As the door shut Itachi sat up on the bed, hands clutching his head, searching through his memories that were still a bit fuzzy.

This city was one of the cities in the far east located in one of the Seven Empires of the Profound Sky Continent—Floating Cloud City. And he was the only grandson of the fifth elder of the Xiao Clan—Xiao Che! He had just turned sixteen this year. Of course, the previous occupant of this body had already been reincarnated from Azure Cloud to Profound Sky Continent and then back to Profound Sky Continent. And now, Itachi was reincarnated again on this planet- Blue Pole Star.

Itachi closed his eyes as he tried to meditate in order to calm his emotions, so that he could think rationally about the strange situation he had found himself in.

After a few minutes of sorting through the memories of Yun Che, Itachi came to somewhat understand his predicament.

Itachi took out the Mirror of Samsara that was giving a strange shine, while admiring the treasure he muttered in a low voice "Even such a powerful artifact could exist in this world... This world is full of wonders."

Suddenly, the mirror gave a strange light as Itachi felt immense pain in his eyes just as he tried to close them, he saw the reflection of his eyes in the mirror which showed a familiar blood red pattern. Looking at his eyes, Itachi eyebrows knitted together as he gave a low imperceptible sigh "It seems, I will never really be able to get rid of these cursed eyes of mine. Since the Sharingan is basically a visual prowess which comes under the effects of soul, I can still use it as long as I provide it with sufficient amount of energy..This Mirror is really is a supreme treasure of soul"

As that thought came to his mind, Itachi tried to circulate some chakra in his body and to his mild shock, he could still use chakra, although, right now his reserves were running low, so he just decided to shut it off to examine it later.

Since Itachi could use both chakra and Sharingan at the elementary level at the very least, hence he could still relax since he wasn't as helpless as the real Yun Che was when he initially arrived.

While Itachi once again went through the memories of Yun Che which were mostly from the Blue Pole Star along with some random memories of the Realm Of The Gods.

After a few minutes of going through his memories, Itachi had already seen everything up to the moment Yun Che left for the Realm Of The Gods and even some important and unforgettable events and memories from the Realm Of The Gods along with that he also heard the message given by Yun Che to him which said that he would unlock other memories with time, since that was the case, Itachi simply started assimilating all the memories of Yun Che before he left for the Realm Of The Gods.

Itachi… The current Xiao Che stilled for a long time as he slowly calmed down and settled his thoughts.

A strange smell came from his lips and Itachi's lips tucked slightly. His expression became pitying for some reason as he stood up and said in a disdainful manner "No matter which world I go to, is the destiny of a clan always to succumb to infighting due to petty bouts of jealousy?".

This is… Murdering Heart Powder!!

Since Itachi had already seen through Yun Che's memories and due to the absolute ability of the Mirror of Samsara, he already knew the culprit of the effect. However, unlike Yun Che, Itachi didn't feel one bit of hatred towards the Xiao brothers, in fact, he even pitied them for their simplistic and petty thought process. He was simply fed up dealing with such uncomplicated clan matters. In his short life, he had already given it all to understand human nature and even overcome it's dark side but no matter how much he tried to , there is only one truth that he came to understand…human nature is one of self destruction.

Clearing his mind of unnecessary thoughts, Itachi focused his mind on his current predicament. It never even occurred to him what he would do if he was able to live past his lifelong goal since in order for his goal to be fulfilled, his life had to come to an end.

The concept of death always seemed so final to him that anything past it seemed superficial as well as unnecessary. But, now that he had this chance of a new life in a new but different world….how should he go about it. It would be best to examine all the tools that he had at his disposal, although he had a basic understanding of them through Yun Che' memories but still he needed to see them for himself.

With a sudden thought, Itachi appeared inside the Sky Poison Pearl's vast space and he was once again a bit amazed to witness the power of these so-called Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures and said in a low mutter "Sky Poison Pearl…."

As his voice dropped off, his entire world was flooded in green.

This world of green was wide and open. There were no boundaries to be seen and there was a faint aura of the Sky Poison Pearl throughout this space.

After spending some time inside the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures Itachi concentrated a little as he closed his eyes and reappeared inside his room.

But now that I am you…. I can't allow Xiao Che and Yun Che to go through the same path as before, it is just as you said Yun Che, your reality is now just an illusion for me. I will make a new reality for myself not as Yun Che but as Itachi Uchiha.

Itachi brought one of his hands closer to his eyes as he thought about his purpose in this world. Life without purpose is utterly meaningless and may lead to the path of evil. But there is no need for him to hurry. He would just have to search for a new purpose.

Before that, Itachi had to take care of the matters of today.

Today was the day of the wedding between him and Xia Qingyue.

Xia Qingyue, being the same age as him, was sixteen. Through Yun Che's memories, Itachi knew almost everything that there was to know about her, even more than Xia Qingyue herself. He was also aware of her fate of being tied to Yun Che, and now to Itachi himself.

Xia Qingyue, in a way resembled himself where Itachi wanted to protect his younger brother, she just wished to reunite her broken family, although, ironically enough, both of them failed at their respective goals and ended up making things even more difficult.

Itachi had never really thought about marriage even with Izumi, since he was just a kid at the time but just thinking about this upcoming day's events regarding his marriage with Xia Qingyue gave him a headache. Yun Che's had seemed to have deliberately hidden or simply not given him the memories that involved him being intimate with any woman. Itachi was really grateful for that now.

Suddenly, the door opened, and an ethereal figure hastily came in. Itachi immediately stood up and tried to smile lightly, "Little Aunt, is grandfather back?"

After doctor Situ did a regular check-up and gave his ok. Things went similaryly as previously happened.

Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi relaxed a bit as Xiao lie let out a sigh and said in a cheerful voice, "Now you must get ready for the wedding. Oh, right, do you want to take the horse or carriage"

Hearing Xiao Lie's question, Itachi's eyes twitched a bit as he contemplated and decided to just go by carriage and said "l will take the carriage"

As Itachi walked out of the room. Xiao Che's bodyguard kindly smiled at him, "Young master, please get on the horse. On the way I will be protecting you with everything I have…. But of course, today is young master's big day. I should not worry that much since there would only be good things that are waiting to happen."

A gentle voice suddenly came from his left,

"Look like I came at the just right time. Is Brother Xiao Che going to retrieve his bride now?"

Itachi's eyebrows furrowed slightly at that sound and saw two young men slowly walk to his side. But Itachi ignored them as he walked right past them while instructing the bodyguard Hong "Let's go elder Hong. Let's not keep them waiting and get this over with."

Xiao Yulong and Xiao Yang were both dumbfounded seeing Xiao Che completely ignoring them as they stood there with their mouths agape.

After Itachi went away, Xiao Yulong slapped Xiao Yang angrily as he said with a murderous expression "That bastard dares to ignore me. This young master will make him a eunuch along with a cripple!! Didn't that fucking powder of yours work? Now he is going to marry my woman…you fool"

While these fools were messing with each other, Itachi's carriage arrived at the Xia manor.

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