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50% It Started With Devils & Artefacts / Chapter 49: Finishing Ares Manor and New Guests

Bab 49: Finishing Ares Manor and New Guests

"Wait, sis!" Ares dodged a spear thrust from Athena who looked pissed.

"You stole a Nemean Lion and gave it to Marcus! Do you realise how much chaos you can cause!?" Athena was pissed that this could lead to misunderstanding and she could embarrass herself in front of her future husband!

Hera could throw a fit and the Brown-Haired Goddess would end up at the crossroads of this misunderstanding.

"Chill! It's not like the lion is big! It's a cub! Besides, it's not like mom will notice that the cub is missing!" The God of War reasoned with her as he continued to dodge the Goddess of Wisdom's spear thrusts.

"...Do you want to bet on it!?" Athena hissed at him as she stopped trying to stab him. This wasn't going to lead to anything!

She can't kill Ares here nor can she seal him away for a couple of years.

"I won't kill you or maim you for this. Since Marcus is your guest. For now, you are off the hook. However, the moment Hera smells something bad and comes here, I am throwing you under the bus." The Goddess of Wisdom said that while dismissing her spear and fixing her glasses.

She turned around and proceeded to leave.

In the meantime Ares sighed in relief. He didn't look angry or sad or anxious or anything. It was just another day for him being the God of War.

This stuff happens so often that he barely reacts to it anymore.

"Well, for now, I am safe! Time to check out the progress!"

The Golden-eyed Greek God giddily went to see the progress which was happening in his Greek Style manor.

He survived the anger outburst from his sibling, which is a common occurrence! Now, more importantly, he can focus on…



Upgrading a home with his tech is quite a new experience for Marcus. He had never done anything like this before.

Because all of his creations are most of the time done from scratch.

While not difficult, he had this feeling of doing something partially new.

One Psionic clone would add cables to the walls, and the second would follow with Realitus Projectors.

Setting the basic holographic system was smooth and quick progress.

What needed more of his attention was the power itself, a small Diamond Core Heart.

The Heart was the only means to power the Entertainment Dome. If Ares were to connect to the power grid he would bankrupt the country.

The output would depend on the simulation so if he is to fight massive armies he would fry the grid.

"Just to be clear. You can't fight supernatural opponents. Your basement would not hold it. If you want that I would need to come back here again and upgrade the main structure of this place." Marcus explained to Ares as they looked at Diamond Core Heart and the computer panel.

"...I don't care about that stuff. Bro, I want war. Not a fight if you catch my drift." Ares said with a hard look.

"Fighting one on one is boring. I had enough of those fights. What I want is a battlefield! Blood! Hundreds of men slaughtering each other. I want to experience the times when we slaughtered each other with simple bronze and iron weapons! With discipline harder than steel!" The more Ares spoke the more he got passionate.

Bloodlust started to roll from him. Showing that this guy was the God of War! The ugly side of it. Nothing that he felt from Athena when they were having their strategic fight inside the simulation.

"I see. Well, it's a good thing that I am prepared. I have an A.I. prepared for you."

"... Artificial Intelligence?"

"Yep. He will help you run simulations and assist with running the manor for you." As Marcus said that he proceeded to demonstrate.

"Strategos, are you up?"

[Ready and waiting, sir.] A male voice said from the walls. It sounded quite serious. Like a general or commander in the official military.

"...Strategos, huh? The strategist? I can dig that. You went whole Greek on me. That's cool!" Ares looked quite intrigued by the whole idea of this!

"Yeah. He will help you to set up the matches, and other things. Like air conditioner, TV, audio system, and food processing in the kitchen.

However, it's still not connected to my Aurora Network so he won't be getting updates for a while. But, once the satellites are on, then he will get his updates."

The God of War nodded a couple of times.

"He can't use the Phone network?"

Marcus grimaced upon hearing that.

"Yeah, about that. I don't think you want to break it, do you? The compatibility and the size of data would melt the phone network. That's why I am saying satellites.

But we could switch to bits and pieces of data exchange." He pondered about that for a bit. Before shrugging at this idea, he could not decide.

"I am not in a rush. All I want is those simulations." Ares didn't care either.

"Fair enough. Let me show you how this works."

A grin appeared on God of War's face when he heard that! Marcus took him to a room adjacent to the Diamond Heart Core. It was a simple and empty room.

Only Realitus Projectors and air vents were in this place.

"Since I am working with already pre-set rooms I had to adjust with projectors and the vents."

"..." Ares didn't say anything, he was simply grinning and waiting for the fun part!

Seeing that he was in a 'Different Dimension' the inventor decided not to bother with explanations instead he decided to start the show.

"Strategos, start the Entertainment Dome."

[Certainly, sir.]

[Dispersing Realitus Particles]

[Activating Light Prism]

[Adjusting Temperature]

Soon enough the room shifted, the rainbow particles reacted to the light prism, and distortion of surroundings started. It shifted to grasslands stretching in all directions.

"...Amazing! If not for my battle sense, I could easily pass this as reality!" Ares snapped out and looked around, marvelling at the technomancy.

"That's the idea. What you see is what the particles want you to see. This stuff can't work without A.I. In place."

"How did you even come up with this?"

"Gundam Seed."

"...An anime!?"

"Yep. Mirage Colloid, a technology they created in that place. I copied the idea.

Think of it like small glass pieces which reflect colours from a prism. Add some sprinkles of magic and you make anything you want."

Marcus explained to him as he lifted his hand and made a flower bloom, then it turned into a squirrel, the squirrel jumped off his hand and turned into a three-metre-tall squirrel monster with a huge amount of drool before it shattered like glass.

"...not bad…I like Jojo's as well!!!" Ares saw through the reference the teen just made.

The teen snorted with amusement when he heard that.

Who doesn't like the weirdness of Jojos?

"Who doesn't? Anyway, since we are here. Why don't we test out the system?"

Ares grinned from ear to ear when he heard that.

"Let's do it! As a suggestion, I want to face those Persian fuckers! It's an old festered wound!"

"...With pleasure. I did come here prepared. I got all the relevant Ancient History installed in Strategos."


The surroundings shifted into a mountainous area. Marcus was building a familiar battle of Thermopylae.

"...Yes! Yes! You know it! You read my mind! Let me give you the details!!!" Sure enough, the God of War started to tell him in detail how everything went down!

The inventor was baffled at how Ares recalled everything in minuscular detail.

Perfectly honest this is what he wanted! He wanted to meet Ares so that he could do just this! Give him the details of such historic moments!

So that he could add it to his collection!

And indeed it happened. The God of War for his 'perfect' war told him how Leonidas looked, how Persian Immortals looked, and how Xerxes looked and behaved.

Ares observed this whole war from Olympus. Marcus is still curious about what other Gods were doing when the Persians were invading.

Regardless he didn't comment on any of this. He simply collected his data for his Realitus simulations.


Atalanta looked at the golden lion inside its cage. This was a Nemean Lion. She has heard about it before. After all, she was part of the Argo crew and knew the original Heracles who had the fur cloak made from it.

This thing can grow into a massive beast. The Biblical God even made the original Nemean Lion soul into a Sacred Gear.

So it can grow quite powerful… but!

It's not a threat to her, not a threat to her position as the cat of her Master.

This thing is a regular pet. Not something like her, Who has more value!

"...Amazing. To think that father got something like this for my future husband!" Hypolyta said with a wide smile. She is amazed by her father's genius! Such a gift would surely raise Marcus' opinion of her father and in turn her!

The redhead didn't even realise that Ares was not even thinking about her. As he wanted to customise his manor.

And Nemean Lion was the best offer he could make. And this is because he heard rumours about Marcus' fascination with lions which came from Atalanta who was sitting on his lap when Marcus' forces were invading Tepes faction!

The whole thing went through a circle and the girls didn't even realise any of it!

"...*Sigh* this is one big pain in my neck!" Athena said as she entered the living room dropped onto the couch and started to massage her forehead.

"Goddess Athena?"

"Apollo and Father are getting burning feet."

"What do you mean 'burning feet'?" Atalanta is getting a bad feeling about this.

"...as you know Apollo is quite protective of his sister. He was one of the few who declined the engagement between me and Marcus.

So now he is getting ideas to 'spar' with Marcus while my father is thinking of testing him out.

As you may know, I declined any of these ideas. I don't want both of them to die, or get humiliated." As the Goddess of Wisdom explained, a female voice replied from the surroundings.

"This sounds just like my brother." With a burst of red a circle with fire inside of it appeared in the room.

Seconds later a beautiful woman with brown hair and red eyes which looked like flames appeared in the room. She wasn't as tall as Athena. More like she was of a smaller size compared to other Olympian Gods.

"...Aunt Hestia?"

"Yes. I am here to make sure Apollo or Zues don't plan something stupid and try to provoke our guest." The oldest Olympian Goddess smiled at the Goddess of Wisdom.

"...My thanks. I don't think they will plan anything stupid with you around here. They have far too much respect towards you."

"...You give me far too much credit." Hestia brushed the compliment away and instead, looked at the other pair in the room.

Hypolyta and Atalanta swiftly got on their feet and became much more respectful towards this Goddess than Athena.

The Goddess of Wisdom pouted internally as she realised that these two respect the Goddess of Hearth more than her!

It's annoying and she can't do anything about it!

"You two were with Artemis… before the whole debacle?"

"...yes, Goddess Hestia." Atalanta swiftly answered.

"...I see… I can sense that you are happy where you are. This is a good thing. I suppose Athena, this whole marriage deal you have is not bad."


Hestia smiled to herself as she heard the tone of that answer. It was amusing in a sense.

"...Good. Well? Anyone want some tea and snacks?" The Goddess of Hearth clapped her hands and food started to appear on the table.

The trio gulped down when they saw a selection of homemade food. Atalanta especially! She saw apple pie! Her tail wiggled from one side to another with rapid speed in quick succession!

Food made by a Goddess! What a treat!

"Of course!"

"What a feast!"



In the shadows cast by the old land of Greece. A skeletal man was sitting on his throne.

He gazed upon what was happening in his homeland.

This God hoped that the madness which his family was moving towards would change its course at the very last second.

But, it wasn't so. He hoped that his brother and nephew would intervene and cancel this stupidity at the very last second!

It wasn't so.

"What a disgrace. To become the first Patheon which will have a Goddess leave its pantheon. To be intimidated by a mortal.

A mortal who is nothing more but a pawn used by that disgusting upstart pantheon.

Even if he is not a pawn he is still helping those upstarts in banding together.

Such a thing simply can't be allowed." Skeletal God said with a bitter and angry voice.

It has been over 2000 years since he was given a job he had no interest in.

It may have given him more power. But just like always he has been treated the same, nothing has changed.

Well, it has changed for the worse.

And he is tired of this.

"...Call Nyx. There is something we have to discuss. It's time for us to cleanse them once and for all." Blue flames started to burn in the skeletal God's eyes.

He will deal with them on his own. They send more than enough souls to his domain. So he will use this power to purge this upstart Pantheon.

Their God is dead. He has more than enough proof. That human brat was good enough as a test. The Brat collected an array of powerful Sacred Gears!

And Heaven did nothing! He was not stopped or intercepted.

'However, this new faction could be pesky. Hmm…'

One thing is for sure he needs more firepower and grunts.

Nyx will help him with monsters. But it's not enough. All he can think of is to get a source of new monsters.

"Ah, yes…" Skeletal God had an idea.


Marcus with a grin left the basement of Ares' manor.

He was super happy with what he got. The inventor wouldn't mind upgrading another tens of manors if he could get this much data!

Though his gaze went on the new arrival.

He never sensed such a soothing aura before. It was like his house on Saturday mornings.

He curiously walked over.

What he saw were four girls talking among themselves.

"Hmm? Stopped playing war games with my nephew?" This woman noticed Marcus and asked with a sweet voice.

"...I am finished. But, I don't think he will come out anytime soon." The teen inventor explained as Hypolita made some space for him to sit.

The redhead of course used this opportunity to get close to her beloved future husband.

"That much is given. Modern times have made my nephew quite dull and bored with his life. Now that you brought him such a gift he will remember this for the rest of his life.

You could say you have earned an ally for life."

The brown-haired woman explained to Marcus. Who slowly nodded at her words. He did ponder on this. But, never to such a degree.

Though Ares' daughter was grinning from ear to ear. She never cared about her father but she doesn't mind the extra brownie points in this situation.

"I see. My thanks, Goddess Hestia."

Her eyes widened for a bit and she looked ashamed for a second.

"Where are my manners!? My apologies. I forgot to introduce myself.

I am Goddess of the Hearth, Hestia. The oldest Olympian."

"My pleasure. I am Marcus Goldman. An inventor and engineer."

She smiled with some amusement when she heard his introduction.

"...You didn't mention your other titles." Hestia somewhat teased him for a bit. This was quite an opportunity for her! She will be his Aunt-in-law after all!

"...I mention those when I fight enemies."

"...Oh, I see. So you act humble around your people but flaunt around your enemies." She pretended to think while looking at the ceiling. One of her fingers was on her chin.

"Indeed. Infuriating enemies is one of the basic tactics one can employ on a battlefield."

Athena smiled when she heard that. What he said is true, and she approves of such tactics!

"I see. How curious. No wonder Athena is so in love. You have similar traits to hers~"

Hestia proceeded to tease Athena when she realised this.

"Aunt Hestia! Don't tease me in front of my future Husband!"

The Goddess of Wisdom went on total defence! This was embarrassing! One of the reasons she never found herself a husband before was because she would be teased very daylight by her family!

"That reminds me. I do need to get something for you." Marcus casually interrupted the whole tease.

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"I mean an engagement ring or something." The inventor clarified.

This made the Goddess blush quite a bit. Hestia smirked as she gently elbowed her niece.

"Did you hear that? Dear Marcus wants to get something nice for you~ what you should say?" The Goddess continued to tease the poor Goddess. It was obvious that this was a new thing for her.

"...Aunt Hestia! I know! Okay!?" Athena exclaimed as she pushed her glasses up. Trying to hide her embarrassment behind her glasses and hand.

This was not the end as Hestia continued with more tease. The tease switched to whispering, which only made the Goddess of Wisdom blush even more!

As this was happening Atalanta and Hippolyta were enjoying this! Finally, the annoying Goddess is getting back! Karma is a bitch!

This continued for a couple more hours until Marcus heard Aurora's voice.

It was getting late and Ares didn't leave the basement.

"...Ladies it appears we won't be able to explore the ruins. Our guide is stuck in the basement and we are running out of time."

The conversations have ended. Hestia and Athena sighed in disappointment.

"Apologies for my brother's actions."

"No worries. I just have more excuses to visit Greece." Marcus smiled at Athena who smiled back with a thin blush.

"...Then next we should visit Athens. If Ares is not available." The Goddess suggested to her future husband.

"Good idea. We can do that."

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~

"Is there a reason why we took a plane? These things are absurdly slow. It took us 15 hours to arrive here." A white-haired teen dressed like a punk said with an annoyed tone.

"Now-Now. We can't teleport into this country and flying is just asking to provoke the whole faction." A black-haired man with blonde tips said with a jovial voice. He was excited to be here, to say the least.

"...This faction… Do you think he is strong?"

"...Can you take on the whole of the Greek Pantheon?"

"...No. Not with my current strength." The punk kid said with a frown.

"Well, there you have it. By my estimations, he is one of the most powerful beings in the world. If it's true that he took Artemis without any gadgets of his own."

"...Isn't he around my age? To have such power…" The white-haired teen was impressed and at the same time intrigued. What kind of methods does he use? To wield such power?

"He is. The issue is that we haven't seen him fight properly before. He is like me and the old man. He is a creator and a builder through and through. This is why he has a faction of his own."

"...Old man? You are comparing him to THAT individual!?"

To think that the leader of Fallen Angels would compare a teen who is around his age to the Biblical God!

"I am. He invented an array of Sacred Gears already."

"...I see… so he might be worth fighting…"

"...Fighting? Vali— you are coming with me as an offering of friendship."


"I will ask him to scan your Divine Dividing and fix it."

"...Fix it?" Vali was baffled to hear that! What is there to fix!? The gear is working perfectly!

"According to Sona Sitri, Balance Breaker is not built in naturally. This means you are constantly forcing it to do what it is not supposed to do.

Bringing you to Marcus Goldman will allow him to scan it. This data alone will be an offering of friendship to him. Of course, we will be getting something out of it. He will allow Divine Dividing to achieve Balance Breaker naturally." Azazel, the leader of Fallen Angels explained to him.

"...Albion doesn't quite agree on this. We have no idea if this will work."

"...Marcus Goldman could potentially allow you to fight the Red Dragon Emperor as much as you want."

The Fallen Angel said with a grin. A victorious grin.


Vali agreed the very next second.

"Hold it! Vali! Don't just jump into this!" A pair of wings appeared behind Vali. It was a pair of energy wings made from blue energy. It looked draconic.

"...Now you did it," Azazel said with a serious look as he looked around.

They haven't even passed border control but all the people looked spacey.

"...What is going on?"

"You triggered the security system." The Leader of the Fallen explained as he looked around. He sensed a ripple spreading in all directions. The security in this place is very tight.

It's like a cloth dropped on the whole nation. The moment someone raises their magic energy the blanket reacts. This means the whole faction knows they are here.

"...And? We are supposed to be coming here as guests. All we did was Albion reveal himself."

"He is right. Don't be so skittish, Azazel."

"... I guess so. I wanted to keep your identity a secret for a bit, Vali. I didn't want to reveal my cards like that."

The white-haired punk snorted. He casually shrugged without care.

"You know me, I don't care about politics."

"That you do."

Regardless, the pair proceeded to try crossing the border. But at that moment armoured people took over. They looked nothing like the border force.

They were wearing plate armour with S.P.B.A. Insignia on their shoulder.


"Are not normal beings."

As it was the pair's time to show passports the armoured people motioned to pass the barrier.

"Leader of the Fallen Angels. Our Lord is waiting for you. Follow us." One of the armoured men motioned to follow them.

"...Oh, you guys do look like Mandalorians." Azazel nodded with an approving look as he passed the barriers, closely followed by the Vali.

"...Our looks are inspired by them. Smallest of details, included." One of the soldiers mentioned that it had a double meaning. Something the Leader of the Fallen Angel Faction picked up.

"I see…"

In other words, from looks to fighting, they are Mandalorians. This means they know how to fight like those mad lads from the space opera called Star Wars. What Azazel doesn't even realise is that the genome and the experience these soldiers have are constantly upgraded.

They are biological machines. Machines which can get 'upgrades' depending on circumstances. This makes them even worse than any other main fighting force in the world.

One thing for sure is that Quinella is a meticulous sadist. Anyone who tries to fight Marcus' faction will find it the hard way what this endless horde can do.

While Vali simply observed these armoured men from the side.

'They are strange. Their magic is particularly strange.'

Albion spoke directly into Vali's mind.

'It's as if they are handmade. Like tailored wood or sharpened blades to a specific level.'

'In other words. They are not natural.' The White Dragon Emperor pointed out.

'Precisely. They are man-made creations.'


Azazel didn't know what to think of these Mandalorians. His sharpened senses over thousands of years are telling him that these beings are 'alive' but not quite there.

This means they are 'living' dolls.

And if they are dolls this means they can be created more.

If this is true. Then they are dealing with someone who most likely has the means to have thousands if not millions of soldiers running around.

As the pair followed the group of Mandalorian look alike they left the Capital airport.

What waited for them was a futuristic-looking passenger plane just outside in the middle of the car park. A line of soldiers were stationed there as well.

These were heavily ornamented guards which gave the Fallen angel just the weirdest of feelings.

"These are good."

Vali instantly pointed out. The white-haired teen seriously looked at this line of soldiers. His battle instincts are telling him that these soldiers are strong!

Before he could comment more a female voice got their attention.


Vali and Azazel looked at the white-haired maid.


'A God!'


"If you two would, Master is waiting for you in the shuttle," Artemis said with a professional voice. She sounded like an annoyed maid.

But all it did only made the Fallen Angel more curious! So the rumours and tales were right!

Marcus Goldman has utterly 'crushed' Greeks! There was no war or anything like that! If anything would happen to Artemis in normal circumstances it would be a war!

But in this situation, Artemis became his maid AND the Greek Pantheon did nothing!

"Of course! Let's go, Vali."


The pair swiftly climbed the stairs and entered the spacious shuttle.

At the end of the plane, a black-haired teen was sitting comfortably on a wide sofa. Behind him were more maids. A blonde and a redhead.

There was a yokai-looking cat girl who was behaving like a cat and lazing next to him her head was on his lap while Marcus Goldman's free hand was stroking her hair.

Marcus didn't pay attention, yet as he was looking at his tablet.

"General Governor, Sera said you wanted to meet me." The inventor spoke first as he lowered his tablet and looked at the pair.

"Indeed! We can finally meet! I wanted to for months!" As he said that he saw Artemis walk over to Marcus' side. The Goddess of the Hunt behaves as if nothing is strange.

"Well, here I am." As the inventor said the plane took off vertically, going up for a bit before proceeding to fly off.

He motioned the pair to take their seats.

"The flight will be only for a few short minutes but if you want you can sit down."

"My thanks. There are a few things which I wish to speak about." The Leader of Fallen Angels walked over and took his seat opposite Marcus. The 'shuttle' was more like a private jet as it had seats arranged like a living room with a coffee table and all those fancy little things, like carpets and a small fridge with drinks.

A very advanced private jet. Azazel has a few questions about how things work in this plane but for now, business first, hobbies later.

"I assume you want to learn a few things about Sacred Gears?"

"Of course! But, those can wait."

"...Oh?" Marcus was surprised that the geek in front of him wanted to talk about something else!

"I wish you to use your influence and persuade Devils to open peace talks between three factions."

"...I see… you want to use my connection with Serafall to propose such a thing?"

"Indeed. If one Satan of Foreign Affairs does such a thing then I will second it and Fallen Angels and Devils will enter peace talks. Angels will have no choice but to enter the talks as well." Azazel explained his plan.

"And what do I get from this?"

"I am glad you asked."

"I have three Vritra Sacred Gears. Do you want it?" The Fallen Angel leader proposed with a smile.

"...This… you are one evil man. Playing one's greed like that…" Marcus joked with amusement.

All his maids looked at the inventor with deadpan eyes. Look who's talking! Lucifer complaining about other people imitating Lucifer's techniques!

"It's for the greater good after all."

"...Hmm, Dumbledore would be pleased with your dedication." The teen joked for a second. Before getting somewhat serious.

"Hahaha! No doubt he would!" Azazel understood the reference. No doubt that old wizard would agree with him! Both of them love peace after all!

"Fine. I don't see any reason why I shouldn't do such a small favour, knowing devils they will be delighted about this peace talk you are planning." Marcus doesn't mind, either way, these three factions don't have anything of imminent interest for him.


Before talks can continue the plane has landed in an open and wide cavern.

By this point, Vali was already looking through the window, as he hadn't sat down in the first place.

What piqued his curiosity was the amount of things this place has. There are rows and rows of these soldiers, planes which look like fighters, several types of those. Most likely some of them are carrier planes meant for army transport.

'Is that a spider robot!?'

His gaze went to the far side where tall metal things with large barrels were walking. They were like spider tanks or something like that!

'Most likely is… that barrel is impressive. If it shoots Power of Destruction like they say this faction can.' Albion commented on things he was seeing through Vali as well.

As the shuttle landed the group proceeded to leave it.

As they got outside they were able to see the scale of this place.

"...We are fully underground. There are no support pillars. I assume you use alchemy to make the weight of the ceiling hold as it is." The Fallen Angel commented the moment he saw the expanse around him. What stuck for him was the lack of support pillars.

"Partially correct."

"...Oh? I see. I can sense mana flowing through the walls." Azazel quickly started to figure it out. But, at the same time the more he figured out the more questions popped into his mind.

"Indeed. Now follow me. We can talk in peace when we arrive at my home."


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