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46.51% Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic / Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Bab 20: Chapter 20

Brian was scared... more scared than he had ever been in his entire life, and not because of his older brother. Regarding that, he didn't feel the slightest regret, from his point of view he had deserved it. No, the reason he was so scared was Snape, he was furious. It wasn't very difficult to know that Snape detested him, something that had already been previously endorsed by his father and Uncle Padfoot, something like he would detest him because of the envy he had always had of them, but incomprehensibly, he liked his brother.

At that moment, Snape was taking him to the hospital wing at the same time that he was taking Harry there so that he could receive medical treatment and then he would surely call McGonagall to talk about his punishment, although he was not scared by that, he knew that he would emerge relatively unscathed from the infraction since during the two and a half weeks he had been at school he had yet to receive a punishment from a teacher other than Snape. He was convinced that it was Albus Dumbledore himself who was interceding for him, thus showing which of the two Potter brothers was more worth it... although Snape was a different matter, he would make sure that he was punished and if they didn't, then he would do it.

By the time they reached the infirmary, the younger of the two Potter brothers was a nervous wreck, wondering what was going to happen next. Also, in case he forgot how angry the professor was, the violent push he gave him to get him in, had reminded him convincingly. After the look that clearly meant 'Stay here if you don't want to get into more trouble,' Snape walked away to look for Madam Pomfrey.

"Poppy! Get out!" The teacher shouted as soon as he placed Harry on one of the beds.

"What are these screams about?" The matron asked, leaving her office. "This is an infirmary and you have to have a little consideration with the... Oh, Merlin! What happened?"

The nurse looked at the injured student in horror, before rushing to his side to do her job, shoving the head of Slytherin House in the process. Wand in hand, the woman began to cast spell after spell to cure him. At first she cast a couple of spells to clean all the dirt and blood he had, then another to find out what was happening to him... When he read the results, he gasped and gave the teacher a fierce look.

"May I know what in the name of all hell has happened to this boy? It's like someone beat him up!"

"That's exactly what happened to him, Poppy." The potions master said furiously. "His own brother attacked him and beat him up..."

At this, the woman turned around and stared at the youngest of the Potter brothers, a mixture of disbelief and anger. Then, ignoring those present, she began to do her work, healing the different wounds he had, as well as the different fractures. Meanwhile, Snape went to the fireplace and called both Sprout and McGonagall, ending with the headmaster, although the latter called him rather reluctantly.

"Severus... What can I do for you?" Professor Sprout asked while she was caught taking care of one of her plants.

"I need you to come to the infirmary, Pomona... It has to do with one of your students."

"I am coming right away!"

"First one is on her way, only two more," Snape muttered before pouring floo powder into the fireplace again. "Minerva McGonagall, transfigaration office!"

"Severus... Is something wrong?"

"I need you to come to the infirmary immediately."

"For some reason?"

"One of your Gryffindors has gotten into big trouble."

"I'll be right away," the woman said before ending the discussion.

"Last one. Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster's office!"

"Ahhhh… Severus, my boy… What can I do for you?"

"You are needed in the infirmary, Albus... I caught a student beating another to death."

"I'll be there in a moment."

He had not long gotten up from in front of the fireplace when Professor Sprout appeared at the door, all flustered. If he was not mistaken, it seemed that she had run from her office to the infirmary. It was always the same with her, it was enough for someone to tell her that something had happened to one of her Hufflepuffs for her to forget all her sweet and motherly attitude and transform into a dangerous, enraged badger.

"What happened, Severus? Which of my Hufflepuff was it? Come on! Speak!"

That was one of the factors that scared him the most about the Head of Hufflepuff House, forgetting all her naivety for being an aggressive woman, willing to defend one of her students... Considering that he could be the one harmed if he spoke, he just pointed to where Pomfrey was tending to the boy, so that they could understand each other.

It was just as Sprout ran to check on her student, when McGonagall and Dumbledore entered, they must have met on the way and both had continued together. The two of them had their most serious expressions and looked around the infirmary to see what had happened. Snape did not fail to see how the old man's eyes lit up again when he saw Brian Potter, for him there was no other student. McGonnagall for her part gave him a hard look before looking at Harry and adopting a horrified expression.

"Who? Who did this to my student?" Sprout asked furiously, and when she saw Brian she gave him such a look that he even backed away. "I should have known it was you!"

"Now, now Pomona... You don't know for sure that it was him... You must not forget that he is his brother and never..."

"Albus, don't try to excuse him," Snape cut in. "You know as well as anyone else that it was him." It was something that was seen coming, and we all know it.

"Severus, I don't think you understand, but it is impossible that young Brian could have..."

"Are you implying that I'm lying, Albus?"

"No, of course, you just misunderstood, my boy."

While this discussion was taking place, Brian not only regained his calm, but also his arrogance. He had given a lesson that his scum brother needed and he was going to get away with it.

"Don't talk nonsense, Albus! Do you forget that I was the one who found it? This brat was punching and kicking his brother while he was unconscious, and you know what I discovered when I stopped him? That he had previously petrified him so that he couldn't defend himself! Don't even think about saying that I didn't understand what I saw."

During the entire conversation, Sprout had not once taken his eyes off the youngest of the Potter brothers, and it was a look full of genuine loathing. The headmaster could say whatever he wanted, but she knew that Severus was right, everyone had been able to see how Brian Potter detested his older brother, insulting and degrading him whenever he had the chance, and she was not going to let him go unpunished.

The possible reply that the headmaster was going to make was cut off by the school nurse, who approached them while giving Brian a dirty look, making them remember that Poppy Pomfrey had also been a Hufflepuff in her day.

"This boy must be punished harshly, Albus... After what he has done, it is what he deserves."

"How is the boy, Poppy?" Minerva asked.

"As expected after the beating he received, three broken ribs, five cracks, a broken left arm, as well as a broken left leg. Wounds and bruises all over his body and a severe concussion due to several blows to his head... honestly, it's incredible that it didn't kill him." The woman said without stopping her murderous look at the Gryffindor.

"Are you sure, Poppy?" The Headmaster asked without giving it importance.

[T/N: F*cking C*nt]

"Do you question my work?"

"Of course not…"

"Well... then I think you will listen to me if I ask for an exemplary punishment for the boy." Snape said, looking coldly at Brian. "Considering the terrible nature of the action, as well as its different consequences, I say that he should be expelled immediately."

"Severus!" Dumbledore exclaimed furiously.

"I agree." Sprout stated.


"No Albus! He almost killed him!" The herbology teacher exclaimed furiously. "If it hadn't been for Severus, he would have killed him!"

"But Pomona... I'm sure that's not what young Brian intended. Most likely, they both argued and fought... one punishment will be enough... maybe two or three arrests..."

"No Albus..."

This time it had been McGonagall, the boy's own Head of House, who had cut off the headmaster, while everyone looked at the old man in complete disbelief, faced with such an ostentation of favoritism from a student, although Snape was not completely surprised after all when he was a student he did the same with Black when he tried to kill him by sending him after a dangerous werewolf.

"I have never been so disappointed in one of my Gryffindors in my entire life," the woman said incredibly seriously. "I never believed that any of them could stoop so low to do what they have done, Mr. Potter, considering that it was his own brother and without any provocation... The corresponding punishment is my responsibility, but since the Headmaster refuses the expulsion, to which I would also agree, it will be detentions from tomorrow until the end of the school year in June with the different teachers. Pomona, Severus, do you agree?"

"It seems fair to me... as long as he is punished..." Pomona Sprout murmured.

"Yes, I do too," Snape stated.

"Very good, it's decided. Your parents will be informed of what happened Mr. Potter. Now follow me, I will escort you to your common room."

The news of what happened spread quickly throughout the school, and by dinner time everyone knew what had happened. They were furious with Brian. There was no one in the entire student body who did not want to do a lot of harm to the young Gryffindor, after all, Harry was very well known and appreciated... The Hufflepuffs and Harry's friends demanded revenge and did not understand why the boy had not been expelled in the same moment in which they caught him committing such an act, but they suspected that it was because of the favoritism that the Headmaster had shown on many occasions so far this year.

Perhaps, what Brian could notice most was the absolute emptiness that his housemates showed him, no one spoke to him, and the older students did not even bother to defend him from the older Slytherin students and what were his classmates. Of course, they were making his life impossible. Such treatment was normally due to the large loss of points by one person, but on this occasion, this had not been the case, deciding to punish the offender rather than the entire house.

Furthermore, then to overcome the height of the misfortunes that he had brought upon himself, the Weasley twins decided to help themselves in making his life even more unbearable... they were only a few years older, but the two had earned a good reputation as the best pranksters who had passed through the school for many years, and the two had put their genius into doing one thing, making Brian Potter's life very miserable.

So, by the time the day ended after the incident, Brian was already regretting having approached his brother, especially because he seemed to have friends everywhere, and having two expert pranksters within his closest circle was the best thing to do, which made it more risky. He didn't even want to know what else they had in store for him, just for it to be over now.

McGonagall, for her part, had also fulfilled her threat and had not taken ten minutes to write a letter to the boys' parents, informing them of what had happened and inviting them to come to the school to talk to them as well as to see Harry. About an hour later James and Lily Potter were sitting in the office of their son's deputy headteacher and Head of House, eager to know what had really happened.

"Thank you very much for coming so quickly," McGonagall said as he offered them some tea and pastries.

"Your letter said it was urgent," Lily answered as she accepted the cup of tea.

"That's how it is…"

"What happened, Minerva?" James asked very seriously.

"Honestly... I don't really know how to explain this to you." The transfiguration teacher said unsure. "I had never found myself in such a situation..."

"Minerva, you're scaring us," Lily murmured.

"Very well... I don't know how to smooth it out so I'll tell you. A little over an hour ago, Severus found that Harry was being brutally attacked by Brian." She said quickly. "Of course, he stopped him on the spot and took them both to the infirmary where Harry is currently recovering from the attack. As you will understand, an action of this type is punished with the immediate expulsion of the aggressor student, but since Albus has interceded on his behalf, he has only been punished until the end of the course..."

"Oh, Minerva... You didn't need to punish Brian... these kinds of things happen between siblings." Lily said, now calmer knowing that Brian was fine.

"It's just a dispute between them, a misunderstanding that they had to resolve."

[T/N: ...Mcgonagall better get Harry away from these psychos.]

The teacher looked at them in disbelief as she internalized what they had just said... a misunderstanding? Hadn't they been listening to him while he was talking to them? In those moments, she felt a deep anger begin to fill her since it was not very difficult to guess what the couple's behavior had been towards him concerning their eldest son.

"Have you not been listening to what I just explained to you?"

"Of course, Minerva."

"And I don't think so... Severus caught Brian beating Harry to death... if that weren't serious enough, Harry was both unconscious and petrified previously, which suggests that he didn't even have the opportunity to defend himself against the attack..."

"I'm convinced that Snape lied to get Brian expelled."

"Poppy confirmed Severus' words and added that Brian could have killed Harry and that he surely would have done so if Severus had not stopped him when he did it." McGonagall said very coldly. "What I believe is that all of your life you have favored your youngest son over the eldest and taught him that this was the correct situation, making him believe that mistreating and insulting Harry was the most normal thing in the world... You don't know how disappointed I am in you two, don't you? I can't believe you were two of my best Gryffindors."

[T/N: Dam straight!]

The next day, McGonagall wrote to Remus, having heard that he and the boy had maintained a good relationship. She didn't really know what to expect, but when he arrived, she was relieved that the werewolf seemed to have a great affection for the eldest of the Potter brothers... in fact, he was furious that the situation had degenerated to that... While the deputy headmistress accompanied him to the infirmary so she could be with the boy, she thought it was lucky that Harry at least had a father figure in the man who accompanied her.

[T/N: F*cking House of Potter, I hate this group of c*nts, if the story wasn't so interesting I would have dropped a book like this ages ago! It's rare that I find a novel that's been written well enough to pull me in emotionally and have me invested. If you wish you could stump the potter's spleen in then leave a comment in if not then I don't want to know. Drop some stones if you enjoyed it and check out the p@treon to the Ko-fi, the entire Translated book is on there.


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