Lily's lie seemed to have left Agent May a bit confused since she didn't remember the girl getting away, nor did she see the girl among the crowd of rescued people, but she had no reason to doubt Lily's excuse.
"She must have slipped away or something."
Lily added, but she quickly left the conversation so she wouldn't be questioned further.
She made her way out of the building and decided to wait for them outside since they had to wrap up the mess that had been created— plus, they had to deal with the international issues this might cause beforehand.
Lily had no part in this— not only was she merely a field Agent who was just meant to complete missions given to her— but she was also a child.
Thanks to this, no one really questioned her or bothered her as they wrapped up the situation inside. During this time, Lily had time to think about her next course of action.
Honestly, Lily's plans had drastically changed now that she had gained the ability of the girl— and she was much more paranoid after having met the being made out of light.
Originally, she was planning to take things slow and build up her position within S.H.I.E.L.D. so that she could use them to not only gain information but also new powers.
However, after taking the ability the girl had, she no longer needed to do this personally, or rather, she no longer needed to do this with her true body.
After her mental capabilities increased drastically, all her mental abilities became intertwined, working in perfect harmony with each other to not only aid her enhanced mental capabilities but work off them to be better.
Her hivemind had grown even more— not just the range but also the depth. She could now be each individual member of her Hive at the same time— she was able to not only see, hear, feel, taste, and know everything her Hive units knew, but she could now be them.
It wasn't just a command; no, it was much deeper than that. Now she could become them, control them with such precise depth that she could make them think how she wanted them to think, act how she wanted them to act, speak how she wanted them to speak.
Now she was truly a Hive— they were her, and she was them.
This worked perfectly with the units she had that looked exactly like her; she could use them as clones— replacements— for herself in situations or locations where she didn't need her true form but still had to fill the position.
One such location was her current identity at S.H.I.E.L.D.
It was settled; she didn't need to overthink it— making a clone to take over her position in S.H.I.E.L.D. while her main body furthered other goals would be the best course of action for her growth, and that was what she was going to do.
Right now.
Lily slipped away into an empty alleyway, making sure she wasn't followed as she hid herself and began the process of creating a clone.
She needed the clone to look exactly like herself; that alone wouldn't cost too much Mass since she had a lot, but she also needed the clone to be as strong as she had shown herself to be— that way, they wouldn't question it.
To do that, she had to make sure the Mimic had a few of the abilities she had so that it wouldn't be suspicious.
Poison Resistance
Parasite Resistance
Illness Resistance
Regenerative Healing Factor
Canin Physiology
Feline Physiology
Hardening XGene
Energy Condensing XGene
Superhuman Body XGene
Vampire Physiology
Hardening and Hardening XGene were to replicate the durability she had shown them, Superhuman Body was meant to show the strength, Vampire Physiology was to add to that strength but also for the Regeneration and Mind Control if she needed it.
Energy Condensing XGene was one she had shown them, so she had no choice but to give the unit it— even if it was a very hefty price to give to a unit.
The others were just added insurance since she wasn't sure what might happen in S.H.I.E.L.D. or what they might try to do.
In total, the making of the unit took 8700 Mass, which wasn't a lot compared to how much she currently had, but it would have been a hefty price for her just a little time ago.
With the Units made, she decided to start referring to them as Clone Units; that way, she could easily distinguish them from other mass-produced Units.
As the clone was created, she could instantly feel it alongside the Hive; what's more, she could control the clone as if it were her own body, all the while still controlling her own body.
It was odd, something she had never experienced before as a human, but somehow it felt natural— it was like second nature to her— she knew instinctively how to do it, and it didn't feel wrong.
It felt right.
She made an attempt to speak through the clone, and it was perfect; it sounded just like her, and there was little to no difference in it. If she had to point out one flaw, it would be the fact that it sounded slightly rugged, but that would be fixed with time.
"This is perfect."
"This is perfect."
She spoke through both bodies at the same time, perfectly executing the idea she had in mind.
This was beyond her expectation— she knew it would work, but she didn't know it would work this well; this made it possible for her to do so much more.
'Can I replace people with this?'
The idea appeared in her mind for a second, but she decided to leave that for later; that was a much bigger project that she would need to do after careful planning.
For now, she had the clone go to the spot she was and take her position in the team— as for her, she would camouflage her body with her abilities and leave this location.
She had a new nation to explore.
I'm Back.