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46.34% Ice Release: I Become the New God of Shinobi / Chapter 19: Origin (2)

Bab 19: Origin (2)

Black Island.

The sand here is grey in color for some reason, probably that's why the island is named this way.

'Thank you ossan'.

"No problem". The old uncle paddles his small boat away.

There are few little boats here and there - people catching fishes with their nets. Nothing unusual.

As they walk deeper they reached a small village. The houses are built with woods, looks more traditional than the mainland.

The villagers are warry of them seeing they were Shinobi. Shinobis are really unwelcomed in most places here. As they walks, Shou sees little kids without shoes running around laughing and playing.

"Heyy. Can brother ask a question".

The boy upfront look at Shou with some snot coming out of his nose. He eyed the cool looking mask Shou had.

So cool..., the boy thought.

"What is it".

'Do you know Yuki clan? Brother want to visit a place you see'.

The boy seems to be in deep thoughts, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Uhhh. I don't know". He shook his head.

The little girl behind him added,

"Maybe village chief knows...".

'Ooh. So smart. Can you lead us to him?'.

The girl lead them both to a house. It looks slightly bigger than the rest.

After knocking a few times, a middle-aged man come out, looking warily at the shinobi pair.

"Yes. How can I help you?". He's afraid of Shinobi most. They are known to be ruthless and wouldn't bat an eye to their ordinary lives like them. He really wants them to go away.

'Do you know about Yuki clan. We are looking for their hometown; well, the place that's used to be theirs'.


Shou sees he looks a little in a daze upon hearing it.

'Its on top of the cursed mountain. People would get sick if they come close to it. I don't suggest you go there'.

They looked at where the man pointed at the peak of the mountain. Strangely, although it does not seem to be that high but it's visibly white and therefore it's snowing up there. Strange.

"Thank you". The siblings ignored the warning and went ahead. They come across few villages, all warry of them.

After half a day of travel, they finally reached the foot of the mountain. There's even stairs leading up there. What's peculiar is that just as they arrive they felt, a strange chill. But it's just a little cold that's all.

They went ahead and climbed the stairs up the mountain. The trees around become sparse as they climb, and greeneries become rare as they come closer to the top. Shou can already see some snow forming in the atmosphere and on the ground.

It shouldn't be that high, and yet the shift in temperature is quite radical. Is it a natural phenomenon of some kind?

They finally reached a snowy flat land. There's buildings here and there with signs of burning and cracks. Old arrowheads seen sticking onto the walls and the roofs as well.

Its obvious something happened, and people had attacked them in the past years. This place seems to be abandoned completely with no sign of humanity left.

They went to check out the empty houses.

'Bloodstain...'. Shou noticed the dried up purplish mark on the wall and floor.

Unfortunately they can't find anything in those houses nor any information.

As they walk deeper into the settlement, they come across an abandoned shrine at the end.

2 ancient dragon statues stood at the sides of the Tori Gate. Shou went to check out the statue, wiping the snow on top of it to see it clearly. The statue lost its majesty due to its structure chipped away with time and looks more roundish instead. It seems really old... As if it's been here for hundreds of years seeing the wear and tear it had.

He should have brought a camera with him if there's a portable one. It's quite interesting to see some ancient looking shrine in a snowy mountain.

"Shou, look over there".

Shou sees behind the offering table, there's 2 closed doors behind it leading to the inner shrine hall.

Shou checked his bag to see what offering he can give just because. Dry biscuits? Protein bars? Umm...

He decide to put 10 Ryo on the offering table, much to Haku's weirded out expression.

Shou went to shake the bell and bowed a little. He's not sure the exact way of prayer but intention is what matters. He wants to experience culture of Yuki clan just to 'return to his culture' or something. Haku followed suit to pay respect to the deity the Yuki clan worshipped. He didn't leave any offering though.

They both opened the doors to enter the inner hall.

It's empty, except there's a big dragon statue at the end of the hall.

The siblings walked around and found there's nothing except the dragon statue. Shou went to touch it all over and can't seem to find anything abnormal.

There's few cabinets and shelves but it's all empty as well.

Hmm... It's as if the whole place had been cleared out. Sigh. Maybe there's really nothing here. What secret jutsu?

Shou felt a little dispirited.

The sun is setting already too.

"Shou, lets rest here for the night". Haku suggested. It would take one or two hours to climb down the mountain and it would be dark then.

The inner hall seems to block the cold well too so Shou agreed.

They gathered some woods from nearby and put them inside the fireplace squares at the corners of the hall. Shou observed the structure works like chimneys letting the smoke out from the space under the roof.

They lay down the portable sleeping bag and ate dry ration bar for dinner. Maybe he should have get some proper food when he was at the village before climbing this mountain, he lamented.

Night fell as they try to sleep.

Shou does not understand what part of this mountain is cursed other than being a little chilly. Well, doesn't matter much.

As Shou lay down, he noticed at the sides of the roof there are windows made of glasses letting light in.

It's quite interesting to see the light turned into a straight beams from the windows, barely visibly due to the light from the fireplaces.



Shou sat up and look at it carefully. Why it becomes a beam like that. Unless the glass window is shaped like lens of some sort. But why the sunlight doesn't turn like this before? So it only do that to moonlight...

If it's some games, this beam of light should have a meaning no?

"Haku. I want to check something out. I am going to put out the fire for awhile...".

Haku opened his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.


They went to put out the fire and noticed the 8 beams of moon light coming out the windows into the hall.

Shou look at the 8 beams of light landing on the floor.

There's a puzzle is it...?

Based on his gaming intuition he needs to lead this beams of light somewhere. The windows are fixed, so it means he needs to use ice mirror to direct them, he guess.

But to where is the question.

Maybe, the statue?

"Haku, make mirrors to redirect the lights to that statue. To its eyes maybe". It's logical to direct beams on light to the eyes so it can 'see' right?

Haku had question marks on his face but followed Shou's whims.

"You take the 4 on the right and shine them into its right eye, I take the ones on the left".

They went to make mirrors on air and direct the light to the dragon eyes. The moon light beam turned bluish once it's reflected of the ice mirror they made, making Shou felt excited.

But seconds passed and nothing happened. Haku felt Shou is imagining too much due to not finding anything. However Shou does not give up.

Shou went to observe the statues eyes up close. It does look like its made of different material.

Wait. Maybe it's the dust?

He went to wipe the left eye with his sleeve, and then the right eye.

Just as he lift his hand, the whole room shake!

O'kami! There's really a mechanism!

Haku made a surprised Pikachu face, not expecting something to really happen.

Shou felt his body trembling in excitement with a huge smile. The dragon statue actually moved aside!

Beneath the statue, a spiral staircase is revealed leading to a secret basement.

The siblings look at each other, light up a torch, and come down to look.

They looked around and sees this place is like a cave, and the walls is reinforced with ice that gives off light lighting up the cave dimly, filled with chakra.

At the center of the cave, stood an altar with an object on it. There's writings on a tablet in front of it with some writings.

They both went to check them out. The tablet is weathered out causing some words can only be guessed.

"... Hundreds years ago the clan was, destroyed? Remnants... descendants, among the ones, wish they could restore the clan? Be careful of human nature...?".

From Shou's understanding of this parts of writings, basically the Yuki clan was once destroyed few hundred years ago. Isn't that before Madara and Hashirama? Warring state era?

Shou fell into deep contemplation. So Yuki clan had already undergone a bloodline purge once even before Hashirama's time. So the current Yuki clan was already a remnant and a shadow of its former self and was once again purged due to recent xenophobia.

Based on the words he suppose it's asking the present descendent to restore their clan. Well, as for having children to restore the clan he does not care for it honestly.

As for the artifacts that are left behind...

Shou look at the bow on the altar in front of them.

It looks like it's carved from a type of wood. And the middle part of it has a rectangular box like shape with some carved holes on it.

What a weird bow.

Shou went to the altar and pick the bow up. Upon touching it, he felt, zen? It feels comfy to touch.

He stretch the string a little, feeling it. As he released it, the bow actually produced a nice tonish sound with a hint of oscillation.

So the rectangular part on the bow actually produced, or amplify the sound? 

The sound really makes him feel at ease.

Oh. There's a description on the altar.

"Bow of Azusa. It's sound cleanse the spirit and the mind, its arrow return restless soul to rest?".

This bow shouldn't be ordinary. But as for how it works he needs to test it.

He channeled some chakra from his hand while holding onto the bow to test it.


The chakra coats the entire bow in dim purplish color, making it truly looks like a legendary equipment drop!

With a huge smile, Shou make a gesture to pull an arrow while gathering the purplish chakra from the bow; the energy coalesce to form an ethereal arrow made of chakra.

"Wow...". Shou have his eyes light up out of excitement. Haku too look very curious and slightly excited seeing such a unique weapon.

Now let's add nature transformation...

Voila, the purplish arrow had a whitish hue to it.

Damn it's so cool Shou can't contain the excitement in his heart. If he had to make a guess this bow is on par with Mirror of Yata, Kusanagi, or artifacts owned by Hagoromo ect.

"It looks so cool... Haku here try them".

Haku went to try it out and form the same purplish arrow and fiddled around with the bow.

Shou went to read the writings on the next paragraph. It says it's used for ritual of worship or ward of evil spirits. Now he knows the supposed deity name - Okami; a dragon deity of rain and snow.

Shou fidgets his fingers, he feel it's a little too much to take something sacred used for religious purpose.

Is it fine to take this?

O' kami, this bow would only be buried under the dust if I don't take it. Let me use it to help protect the planet from aliens. Shou said it in his heart out of respect.

Shou happily held it in his arms like it's a treasure after Haku had played with it. He smiles seeing Shou is happy. His big imagination actually leads to something surprisingly.

They got out of the cave and need to go to sleep since it's already late night. It's cold too since they put out the fire.


Shou is surprised to see the dragon statue move by itself to close the entrance as soon as they went out. Interesting.

He really wants to test the bow out but he had to force himself to sleep while hugging it.

Hours of night that seems to last for eternity finally ended seeing the sun rises.

First thing first Shou went out and try to find a random tree as a target.

The purplish chakra gather, an ethereal arrow formed.



The chakra arrow hit the tree and disperses. The leaves sways a little, leaving a little dent mark on the tree trunk.

But... That's it??

Shou tried over and over again. Even adding ice nature transformation to it; it barely freezes a little on impact after a few times but... doesn't seem that good.

Shou felt a little disappointed.

Maybe this bow wasn't an offensive weapon to begin with? It's used for a ritual, and the description says it can cleanse the mind and spirit and send restless soul to rest.

He guessed the arrow probably targets the soul.

So that's why it doesn't seem that damaging physically most likely.

Well, having a unique type of attack is still useful for some unique enemy. Can this hit Obito? Shou touched his chin, quite curious whether it could ignore his ignoring attacks bs. 

"Haku, lets search the buildings again. Maybe there's other things we missed".

Haku just nods and went to search the buildings again. Shou even rip the floor board and the walls if he thinks the pattern is off or if it makes squeaky sound.

Shou wants to find something for Haku too but there's really nothing after searching for hours.

Shou felt a little bad to take the bow for himself but Haku doesn't mind it seems.

They stopped the search after they can't find anything else and climbed down the mountain.

"It's a bit difficult to carry this bow".

Shou grumbled since he was not used to having something strapped around his shoulder. Most ninjas try to keep themselves as free and light as possible, using sealing scrolls for things to carry. They don't have an empty sealing scroll for the moment though.

Shou plucked the bowstring, making the bow produce a pleasant tone. He felt his mind emptied in a sense that he felt free.

It cleanse the mind and spirit indeed. Thinking about it, does this bow able to remove genjutsu? Maybe it can? With the way genjutsu works maybe this bow could remove them.

He contemplates of the descriptions about it and guesses it's use. It's just that he wished it can shrink or turn into a bracelet or something to use it easier. Otherwise he had to seal and unseal it from a scroll every time he wants to use it and store it back. That's annoying.

With that thought, suddenly the chakra from the bow is pulled into Shou hands and the whole structure becomes ethereal. The whole thing seemingly absorbed into his hand.

The siblings had a surprised Pikachu face. Shou look at his palm and sees there's a unique mark on the center; like a seal.

Legendary weapon indeed!

Shou felt elated that his wish came true. He can feel like he could release the bow whenever he wanted. Whoever create this bow really knows how a treasure supposed to be like.

Haku just smile again seeing his little brother walking happily unable to hold back his own smile.



The sudden bird noise interrupt Shou happy mood.

He look upward and saw a huge white owl with beautiful pure white feathers and golden eyes. It's looking directly at them. The siblings stopped their track and had staring contest with it for few seconds.

Seeing no response, they both ignored it and keep going down the mountain. But they noticed the owl is still following them.

Shou turned his head and sees the owl perching on a tree meters away from them.


The owl just look at him.

"I know you can speak. You are a sage animal aren't you".

Haku side eyed his little brother. His imagination is really too big these days, even talking to a random bird.

The owl blinked twice hearing his words.

'You are sharp'. The owl spoke in a surprised tone with a deep voice.


The siblings opened their eyes wide. Talking animals are rare in this world and they have never seen it themselves.

Shou was only making a joke to himself; but it turns out to be true!?

'Why are you following us?'. Haku ask the leading question.

"The bow. Are you of the Yuki clan descendants?".

'We are'. Shou replied.

"Prove it to me".

The siblings looked at each other and just made some ice in front of him.

The owl seems to be in thought for seconds.

"I see. Then you own it". The owl turned around and seems to want to leave but Shou shouted for him to stop for a moment.

'Wait! Who are you?'.

The owl stopped and replied,

"My clan had been friends with your clan for hundreds of years. Chief sensed someone disturbed the shrine and sent me to investigate. But since you two are from from the clan there's no problem".

The own turned his head and want to leave again but Shou stopped him again. This is a chance!

'Owl-san! Wait!'.

The owl turned its head 180°, quite creepy to be honest but he put that aside for a second.

"Uhh... Can I learn senjutsu from you". Shou twiddled his finger. That's the first thing he thought about.

'You are quite informed... but, neither of you have enough chakra to even try... yet'. The owl scanned the siblings.

The owl spit out a scroll and come down the tree.

Shou had his eyes shining with excitement seeing the contract scroll - and a little disgust since its drenched with drool while holding it.

'This is a summoning contract. Once you grow up you would have enough chakra from your current progress. But most people failed, some died trying, just keep that in mind. You can inform them and we could use reverse-summoning to get you to our place in few years. Write down your names here first'.

The siblings sees the names listed on the scroll. Most of them have Yuki surname.

Shou still felt it's unreal, his heart is burning with excitement. He really met a sage animal randomly, and a mysterious one that aren't in the show either.

After writing their name and printing their fingers on them with blood, the contract is done. Shou can't wait to summon something.

'Owl-san, where do you live?'.

"Basan Range. The highest peak in the Land of Valleys". It's the east of Land of Water, Shou thought in his mind.

'Owl-san, do you know about our clan history? You said your clan had been friends with my clan for hundreds of years. We don't know much about our clan'.

"You two seems young... A child that came after what had happened recently I assumes. As far as I know, your clan was founded by Yuki Tamatori hundreds of years ago. One of her descendant befriend one of my ancestor and establish friendship with my clan since then. There's a story of how your clan was once close to be annihilated 500 years ago or so from joined forces of many clans back then. But some still survived and become the Yuki clan now".

'Why did they target my clan?'.

"It's human nature - fear. Your clan are quite powerful from what I heard. I don't know about the specifics, you can ask the chief someday once you come to our land to learn".

The siblings contemplates the information.

"If there's nothing else, I will take my leave".

The siblings watches as the owl flies away and disappear. What an exciting encounter. They even get a summon contract too.

To think he can try to learn senjutsu in few years is very exciting. He can't wait to grow up and have enough chakra. Anyways, should he try the summoning jutsu now?

Okay let's try.

He can't hold his excitement.

He prickled his finger with Haku's needle and weaved hand seals;

Boar, Dog, Bird, Ram;

Summoning Jutsu!

He slammed the ground as black lines of symbols come out.


A brownish owl with golden eyes suddenly appeared. It's as large as an adult hawk or so.

He looked around in a daze. Where am I, who am I?

'Hello?'. The siblings look down on the owl curiously.

"Gosh you startled me! I was having a good time with my girlfriend! What is it?!". The owl is visibly upset.

Shou scratched his cheeks.

'Sorry. Uhh. I just want to test the summoning jutsu... Hihi...'. Shou smiled silly.

"So there's nothing then? I want to return back quick". The owl is getting impatient.

'Umm... What's your name? I am Shou by the way'.

"It's Fukurochi. I am going back. Don't summon me for nothing next time".

Poof! He's gone with the poof of smoke. Shou felt a little bad for disturbing his time due to his curiosity. 

Haku laughed a little and felt curious what kind of owl would he summon. He would try to it out later, he thought.

The siblings continued climbing down the mountain and journeyed to return back to Kirigakure. Shou imagined what kind of sage mood would he get and daydreams the whole journey. Maybe he would have good visions like owls? Fly? Turn his head 180°? He just can't wait. It feels he would become a cool protagonist in his mind.

Finally returning back to Kirigakure, Mizukage immediately asked them to come to her office for an important business...

next chapter
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