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86.66% I Will Become Football Manager With My System / Chapter 26: A New Horizon (2012)

Bab 26: A New Horizon (2012)

The familiar scent of London filled James's lungs as he strolled through the city streets. He was back in his parents' home for a short holiday, a much-needed respite from the relentless pace of Premier League football. The exhaustion of the season, the pressure of survival, and the constant grind of training had taken their toll. He needed time to recharge, to reflect, and to reconnect with his roots.

While he enjoyed the quiet moments with his family, his mind couldn't help but wander towards his coaching career. He had achieved so much in the past few years, helping Swansea City to the Premier League and establishing himself as a rising star in the world of football. But the UEFA Pro License, his ultimate goal, remained elusive.

He was still on the waiting list, but the chances of securing a place seemed slim. The FA was notoriously selective, and the competition for enrollment was fierce.

One evening, as he sat in his childhood bedroom, the familiar comfort of his old surroundings a welcome respite, his phone rang. It was Andrew Gates, his mentor and guide within the FA.

"James," Andrew's voice boomed through the speaker. "I've got a job offer for you."

James's heart skipped a beat. A job offer? But he was just on holiday. He had no intention of leaving Swansea just yet.

"Andrew, what's going on? I'm just taking a break," James replied, his voice a mix of surprise and apprehension.

Andrew chuckled, "I know, James. But this is a good one. It's a head coach position."

James couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. A head coach position? That was something he had dreamed of for so long.

"Where is it?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Eupen," Andrew replied. "In the Belgian Second Division."

James's excitement waned. Belgium? The Second Division? It was a far cry from the Premier League.

But, it was a head coach position, a chance to lead a team, to make his own decisions, to build a squad, and to implement his own vision. It was also an opportunity to gain the experience he needed to be eligible for the UEFA Pro License.

"I need to think about it, Andrew," James said, trying to mask the conflict of emotions raging within him. His contract with Swansea was ending at the end of the season, and he was unsure if he was ready to move on.

"Take your time, James," Andrew said, his voice understanding. "It's a big decision. But I believe in you, and I think this could be a fantastic opportunity for you. It'll be a chance to build a team, to implement your own philosophy, and to establish yourself as a head coach. And, let's be honest, the UEFA Pro License is a big deal, and you need the experience."

James hung up the phone, his mind racing. He knew that a head coach position, even in a lower division, was a significant step in his coaching career. He had worked tirelessly to get to this point, and he couldn't deny the allure of leading a team, of taking on the challenge of building something from the ground up.

He knew that he needed to consider his options carefully, to weigh the potential benefits of this opportunity against the comfort and stability of his current position. He also had to factor in the implications of his UEFA Pro License aspirations.

With a sigh, James decided to meet with Andrew at the FA headquarters. He needed to gather more information, to understand the expectations and the opportunities this new job offered. He knew that he couldn't make a decision without understanding the full scope of the challenge.

As he walked towards the FA headquarters, his mind filled with a whirlwind of thoughts, James couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. This was a turning point in his career. It was a chance to embark on a new adventure, to embrace a fresh challenge, and to continue his journey towards achieving his ultimate goal: to become a successful and respected head coach.

The FA headquarters, a building steeped in tradition and authority, felt strangely familiar to James. He had been here before, taking his FA Level 4 exams, a pivotal moment in his coaching journey. He was now back, a different man, a more experienced coach, ready to take on a new challenge.

Andrew Gates, his mentor and guide, greeted him with a warm smile. "Good to see you, James. How was your break?"

"It was good, Andrew," James replied, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "I needed the time to relax and reconnect with my family."

They sat down in Andrew's office, the shelves lined with coaching manuals and trophies. The air was filled with the scent of old leather and the faint whisper of history.

"So," Andrew began, his voice a mix of excitement and curiosity, "what do you think about the Eupen offer?"

James took a moment to gather his thoughts. He had spent the past few days contemplating the opportunity, weighing the benefits against the risks.

"It's a tough decision, Andrew," James finally admitted. "I'm enjoying my time at Swansea. We're in the Premier League, and the players are fantastic. But, I can't deny the appeal of being a head coach. And, getting the UEFA Pro License is a big goal for me. Eupen might be the chance to get that experience."

Andrew nodded, understanding James's dilemma. "It's a big step, James. But it's also a great opportunity. Think of it as a chance to build something from the ground up, to create your own team, to implement your own vision. You'll have full control, the chance to make real decisions."

He paused, his voice softening. "Don't get me wrong, James. I understand that the Premier League is the pinnacle of football, but you can't underestimate the value of a head coach position. It's a crucial step in your career. And, if you perform well in Belgium, you'll be in a great position to attract attention from bigger clubs."

James, his heart filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, nodded. Andrew was right. Eupen offered a chance for him to prove himself, to build his reputation, and to gain valuable experience. It was a risk, but it was also a step towards achieving his ultimate goals.

"I need more time to think about it, Andrew," James said, his voice filled with a sense of determination. "I'll let you know my decision as soon as possible."

He knew that he couldn't make a decision without discussing it with Paulo Sousa, his mentor and friend. He needed to hear his perspective, his advice, and his support. He also needed to consider the implications of leaving Swansea at the end of the season.

With a sense of anticipation and a heart brimming with a mix of excitement and uncertainty, James left Andrew's office. The world of football was filled with possibilities, and he was ready to embrace the next chapter of his journey.


The phone buzzed in James's hand, the familiar ring a jarring interruption to the peaceful evening he was spending with his family. He glanced at the screen, a sense of dread creeping into his heart as he saw Andrew Gates' name.

He knew, with a sinking feeling, that this wasn't just a casual check-in. Andrew wouldn't call unless there was something important.

"Hey, Andrew," James answered, his voice a touch too cheerful.

"James," Andrew's voice, laced with a hint of sympathy, echoed through the speaker. "I've got another offer for you. It's from Crawley Town. In League One."

James felt a wave of disappointment wash over him. Crawley Town? League One? His heart sank. He had been dreaming of a chance to manage a club in the Championship, or even better, the Premier League. He had worked so hard to get to this point, to build his reputation, to prove himself as a coach. And now, he was being offered a job in League One?

"Andrew, I appreciate the offer," James said, trying to sound polite, "But I'm not sure if it's the right fit for me right now."

He couldn't deny the bitterness that laced his voice. He had come so far, and now he was being offered a job in a lower division.

"I understand, James," Andrew said. "But it's a head coach position. It's a chance to lead a team, to gain valuable experience. And, Crawley Town is a good club, with a solid foundation."

Andrew's words were meant to be encouraging, but they fell flat. James was disheartened. This was not the opportunity he had been hoping for.

He knew that he needed to make a decision. His contract with Swansea was ending in a few weeks, and he couldn't afford to let time slip away. But he also couldn't accept a job that didn't excite him.

"I need some time to think, Andrew," he said, his voice laced with a mixture of disappointment and determination. "I'll call you back later this week."

He hung up the phone, feeling a sense of frustration and a touch of despair. He had come so close to achieving his dream of managing a club in the Championship or the Premier League. Now, he was being offered a job in League One, a stepping stone he felt he had already passed.

Despite the frustration, James realized he couldn't dwell on his disappointment. He needed to make a decision, and he couldn't afford to wait. He decided to go back to Swansea, to talk to Huw Jenkins about his contract and to assess his options.

The following week, James found himself back in Swansea, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision. He had been offered a new two-year contract with a 10% increase in salary. It was a fair offer, a reflection of his contribution to the team's success. But it wasn't what he truly wanted.

He met with Huw Jenkins in the chairman's office. Huw, a man of few words but a sharp mind, looked at James with a hopeful smile.

"James, we're delighted with your work," Huw said, his voice firm and reassuring. "We're offering you a new two-year contract with a 10% increase in salary. We believe in you, and we want you to be a part of our future."

James nodded, acknowledging the offer. He knew that this was a good deal, a step up from his previous contract. He appreciated the club's faith in him. But he couldn't ignore the longing in his heart to become a head coach.

"Mr. Jenkins, I appreciate the offer," James said, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and uncertainty. "But I've actually received other offers as well. Offers to become a head coach."

Huw's smile faltered slightly. He had assumed that James would be staying with Swansea. He had already planned for James to be a part of the coaching team next season.

"Head coach positions?" Huw asked, his tone laced with a hint of surprise. "Where? I thought you were happy here at Swansea."

James, acknowledging the surprise in Huw's voice, explained, "I've received offers from Eupen in Belgium and Crawley Town in League One. It's not the Premier League or Championship, but they're both head coach positions."

Huw's expression shifted, a mixture of surprise and a hint of disappointment. "I see," he replied, his voice a touch colder than before. "I must admit, I thought you were committed to Swansea. We're willing to increase the offer to a 25% salary increase, which will be a significant boost, and the club is willing to cover the cost of your UEFA Pro License."

James, appreciative of the increased offer, recognized the club's commitment to him. But he couldn't deny his yearning for a head coach position.

"Mr. Jenkins, I truly appreciate the offer, and the club's belief in me," James said sincerely. "But I need to think about it. This is a big decision."

Huw Jenkins, understanding James's passion, acknowledged his need for time. "I understand, James. It's a big decision. Take your time, and think about what's best for your career. Call me when you've made up your mind."

James nodded, feeling a mix of emotions – gratitude for the offer, excitement for the potential opportunities, and a sense of responsibility towards the club that had given him a chance. He knew that this was a pivotal moment in his coaching journey, and he was determined to make the right decision, one that would lead him towards fulfilling his dreams and achieving his goals.


James found himself back in his familiar London pub, a place of laughter, shared stories, and unwavering support. He had called his friends, Alex, Mark, and Solly, for a much-needed break from the turmoil of his career choices. He needed their perspectives, their honest opinions, and a chance to escape the pressure that had been weighing heavily on his mind.

As they settled into their usual corner booth, pints of beer in hand, James shared the news of his coaching offers. He laid out the details, the challenges, and the opportunities. He spoke of the allure of becoming a head coach, the chance to build a team, to make his own decisions, and to implement his own vision. But he also acknowledged the risks, the uncertainty, and the potential for disappointment.

Alex, always the most ambitious one in the group, leaned forward with a mischievous grin. "James, come on, you're a Premier League assistant coach! Don't you want to stay at Swansea and climb the ladder there?"

Mark, the pragmatist, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, James, you're already in a great position. Don't throw it away for a shot at a lower division team."

Solly, ever the level-headed one, took a slow sip from his beer before speaking. "I agree with the guys. It's a big risk, James. But, at the same time, I understand your desire to be a head coach. It's your dream."

James listened intently, his brow furrowed in thought. He appreciated their honest opinions, their concern for his well-being. But their advice didn't resonate with him. He knew they were right, that staying at Swansea was the safer, more logical choice. But his heart wasn't in it.

He was tired of being an assistant. He was ready to take charge, to lead his own team.

"I know, guys," James said, his voice filled with a hint of resignation. "It's tough. I just don't know what to do."

The banter ceased, replaced by a comfortable silence. James, looking at his friends, sensed a collective understanding. They knew that he was torn, that his heart was yearning for something more.

Mark, realizing that words weren't going to solve the problem, put a comforting hand on James's shoulder. "James, you know what I think? Just trust your gut. You know what feels right."

The other two nodded, their voices united. "Yeah, James, trust your heart," Alex chimed in. "We're all here for you, no matter what."

James, his eyes filled with gratitude, looked at his friends. He knew that they were right. He needed to trust his instincts, to follow his heart. He took a deep breath, a sense of clarity washing over him.

He nodded, his voice firm, "You know what, guys? I think you're right. I'm going to follow my heart."

He paused, a hint of sadness in his voice. "But," he added, "I think my heart is telling me it's time to move on from Swansea."

James's friends exchanged surprised glances. They had sensed it all along, the discontent that had been bubbling beneath the surface of James's seemingly happy life at Swansea.

James, his heart lighter, smiled at his friends. "Thanks, guys. You're the best. I wouldn't be here without you."

As they raised their glasses in a toast, their laughter filled the pub, a testament to their enduring friendship and their unwavering support for James's journey. They knew that no matter what path he chose, they would be there for him, ready to celebrate his successes and offer comfort during his failures.


After a heartwarming farewell to his friends, James found himself back at his parents' house, the familiar comfort a welcome change from the hectic world of football. He sat with his parents, John and Sarah, at their kitchen table, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air.

"Mom, Dad," James began, his voice a touch hesitant, "I need to talk to you about something."

John, his eyes filled with concern, leaned forward. "What's going on, son? You seem troubled."

James took a deep breath. "I've been offered a few coaching jobs, but none of them are quite what I'm looking for." He explained about the offers from Eupen and Crawley Town, the allure of being a head coach, and the disappointment of the less-than-ideal opportunities.

Sarah, always the comforting presence, reached across the table and gently clasped James's hand. "James, darling, we're here for you, no matter what. You've always been a hard worker, and we know you'll make the right choice. We'll support you through whatever you decide."

John, ever the pragmatic one, added, "We're proud of you, son. You've achieved so much already. It's important to follow your heart, even if it means taking a risk."

James, overwhelmed by their unwavering support, couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude. He knew that his parents would always have his back, no matter what path he chose.

"Thanks, Mom and Dad," James said, his voice filled with sincerity. "It means a lot to know that you're behind me."

He shared his thoughts about his coaching career, his desire to become a head coach, and the challenges he faced in balancing his aspirations with the need for financial stability and the pressure of his current job.

John and Sarah listened intently, offering words of encouragement and practical advice. They reminded him of the strength and resilience he had always shown, and they reassured him that he could overcome any obstacle.

As the conversation drew to a close, James felt a sense of calm wash over him. He knew that he couldn't make a decision without considering all the factors, but he also knew that he had the love and support of his family.

He stood up, his heart filled with gratitude, and embraced his parents tightly. "Thanks, Mom and Dad," he said. "You're the best."

As he prepared to leave, James felt a sense of peace. He knew that whatever path he chose, he would be walking it with the unwavering support of his family. And that, he realized, was truly invaluable.


Back in his childhood bedroom, James lay on his bed, the familiar comfort a welcome respite from the whirlwind of decisions swirling in his mind. He picked up his phone, his fingers instinctively tapping out Jenna's number. He needed to talk, to share his predicament with someone who understood him, someone who could offer a fresh perspective.

He scrolled through their recent conversation, a mix of playful banter and heartfelt confessions. He smiled, remembering the intensity of their night together, the raw passion that had rekindled their connection.

As he was about to type a message, Jenna's name popped up on his screen, a notification that she was calling. He answered, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and a touch of nervousness.

"Hey, Jenna," he said, his voice a mix of warmth and a hint of hesitation. "What's up?"

"James, I was just thinking about you," Jenna's voice, filled with a playful warmth, echoed through the speaker. "I saw the news about you and Swansea. You're making big waves, my friend."

James chuckled, a sense of gratitude washing over him. "Thanks, Jenna. It's been a whirlwind of a journey. But, I'm at a bit of a crossroads right now. I need your advice."

He shared his predicament with her, detailing the offers he had received, the challenges he faced, and the uncertainty he felt. He needed someone to talk to, someone who wouldn't judge his ambitions, someone who understood the complexities of his career path.

Jenna, her voice now laced with a touch of seriousness, listened intently. She had always known that James possessed a unique blend of passion, determination, and intelligence. She had seen firsthand how those qualities had propelled him forward in his coaching career.

"You know, James," she said, a contemplative silence filling the air before she continued, "I think you should go for Eupen. It's a chance to be a head coach, to build your own team, to implement your own vision."

James, surprised by her unexpected suggestion, couldn't help but ask, "Eupen? Why? It's in Belgium, and the Second Division? It's not exactly a big club."

Jenna, her voice filled with a gentle confidence, replied, "I can already see it on your face, James. Eupen is what you want. It's a chance to start from scratch, to prove yourself, to build your own reputation. You'll have full control, and that's something you crave, right?"

James laughed, a sense of amusement bubbling within him. Jenna, the glamorous model who had always been drawn to the glitz and glamour of the fashion world, was suddenly offering him advice about a coaching job in a lower division in Belgium? It was a testament to their connection, to the way their lives had intertwined, even though they had taken separate paths.

"You know me so well, Jenna," he chuckled. "You're always reading my mind."

He then added, "I miss you, Jenna. You're now a top model, a successful woman, and I can't just drop by for a coffee or lunch anytime. You're a huge celebrity, and I don't want to cause any trouble."

Jenna, her heart touched by his words, replied softly, "I miss you too, James. It's been a while. And, you're right, my life has become a bit… complicated. But, I'm always here for you. Anytime you want to talk, I'm just a phone call away."

The conversation continued, a mix of heartfelt confessions and playful banter. Jenna, despite the vast differences in their lives, had always been a source of comfort and understanding for James. Their connection, though unconventional, had always felt genuine and meaningful.

As the call neared its end, a sense of nostalgia filled the air. James, reflecting on their shared history, felt a pang of longing for the simpler days of university, the days filled with shared dreams, intellectual sparring, and stolen moments of passion.

They both knew that their paths had diverged, their lives now taking them on vastly different journeys. But for a brief moment, they were able to reconnect, sharing a sliver of the special bond they had forged years ago.

As they said goodbye, a whisper of hope lingered in the air, a sense that their paths might cross again, that their connection, though seemingly lost, had not entirely faded.


The morning sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over James's childhood bedroom. He lay in bed, his mind abuzz with thoughts of his conversation with Jenna. Her words, her confidence in his decision, had resonated with him.

He knew that accepting the Eupen job was a risk. It was a far cry from the Premier League, and the challenges would be significant. But it was also a chance to lead a team, to make his own decisions, and to implement his own vision. And, perhaps most importantly, it was a step closer to his ultimate goal: earning the UEFA Pro License.

"Essy," James whispered, his voice a mix of excitement and apprehension. He knew that the system could provide him with invaluable insights into the club, the players, and the league.

Essy, her holographic form shimmering beside him, appeared with a playful smile. "I knew you'd choose Eupen, James. It's a great opportunity for you. Have you had a chance to look at their stats?"

James shook his head. "I'm just getting started. I was just thinking about it last night."

Essy, her eyes gleaming with knowledge, began to provide a detailed analysis of Eupen's current status. She detailed their recent performance, their player attributes, their tactical approach, and their financial situation. She compared them to Crawley Town, highlighting the potential for greater success and a more challenging environment.

As Essy spoke, James's confidence grew. He realized that choosing Eupen was the right decision. It was a step up from Crawley Town, a chance to challenge himself and to grow as a coach.

"You're right, Essy," James said, a sense of determination solidifying within him. "Eupen is the perfect next step for me."

He wasted no time in heading to the FA headquarters, ready to inform Andrew Gates of his decision. As he walked into Andrew's office, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and anticipation, he could see the surprise on Andrew's face.

"James, I didn't expect this so soon. Are you sure about this?" Andrew asked, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and concern.

James, his voice firm, nodded. "I'm ready, Andrew. Eupen is the right choice for me."

Andrew, his expression softening, smiled. "I'm happy for you, James. It's a great opportunity. But, you'll need to do an interview first. And, you'll need to fly to Belgium for that."

James nodded, his excitement growing. "No problem, Andrew. Thank you for everything. I'll let you know how it goes."

He left Andrew's office, his steps springy and light. He had made a decision, a leap of faith. He was ready to embrace the new challenge that lay ahead.

James wasted no time in contacting Paulo Sousa, his former head coach at Swansea City.

"Paulo, I've decided to take the job at Eupen," James announced, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and a hint of sadness. He knew that Paulo would be disappointed that he was leaving Swansea, but he also understood the opportunities he had been presented with.

"I'm disappointed to hear that, James," Paulo replied, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment. "But, I understand. Opportunities like this don't come around very often. You've worked hard, and you deserve this chance. Go out there and make the most of it. Do your best, James."

James thanked Paulo for his support and wished him the best for the next season. He then called Huw Jenkins, the chairman of Swansea City, to inform him of his decision.

"Huw, it was a tough decision," James said, acknowledging the club's commitment to him. "But I've decided to take the head coach job at Eupen in Belgium."

Huw Jenkins, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation, said, "I knew you were going to make this choice, James. You're a driven man, and you're ready to take on a new challenge. Do your best, James. And, don't forget where you came from."

James, feeling a mixture of gratitude and excitement, thanked Huw for his support and encouragement. He knew that his journey with Swansea City had been a defining chapter in his coaching career, but it was now time to move on and embrace new opportunities.


James, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and excitement, dialed the number Andrew Gates had given him for Eupen's representative.

"Hello, this is James Cooper," he said, his voice a touch nervous. "I'm calling to confirm my availability for the interview."

The voice on the other end, filled with a warm, welcoming tone, replied, "Mr. Cooper, it's a pleasure to speak with you. We're delighted that you're considering Eupen. We'd be happy to welcome you for an interview next week. We'll send a car to pick you up from the airport."

James, taken aback by their gracious hospitality, couldn't help but smile. This was his first experience with a club offering such a service, a gesture that showed a level of professionalism and commitment he had not encountered before.

"Thank you so much," James replied, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I'm really looking forward to it."

He hung up the phone, his mind abuzz with excitement. Eupen was taking him seriously. It felt like a sign, a confirmation that he was on the right path.

With his decision made, James knew he needed to return to Swansea. Preseason training was starting the next day, and he wanted to say goodbye to the team, the players, and the coaching staff who had become like family to him.

The atmosphere at Swansea's training ground was a somber one. James, entering the familiar grounds, felt a weight settle upon him. The players, their faces etched with a mix of disappointment and concern, greeted him with a mixture of hugs and awkward smiles.

"James, you can't be leaving," said Lucas his voice laced with a hint of sadness. "We're going to miss you."

Leon Britton, the seasoned midfielder, nodded in agreement. "We've come so far together, James. It feels like just yesterday we were fighting for promotion."

James, his heart heavy, felt a pang of sadness as he looked at the players' faces. He had grown close to them over the past few years, sharing victories, enduring defeats, and working tirelessly to achieve their common goals.

Oliver Hewitt-Fisher, the young winger he had nurtured from the youth team, approached James with a hesitant smile. "Coach, we're going to miss you. You taught me so much. Thank you for everything."

James, trying to keep his emotions in check, placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder. "Oliver, you're a star. You've got everything it takes to succeed. Just keep working hard, trust in your abilities, and never stop dreaming big."

He then turned to the rest of the team, his voice firm and reassuring. "Guys, I know this is tough. But I want you to know that I'll be cheering for you from afar. I believe in you. You've got what it takes to survive in the Premier League. Do your best, and I have no doubt you can excel even further."

The players nodded, their faces a mixture of sadness and determination. They understood James's decision and respected his desire to take on a new challenge.

As James walked off the training ground, he couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. He had left Grimsby Town and Swansea City, two clubs that had played a significant role in his journey. He knew that he was embracing a new chapter in his coaching career, but he also knew that he would cherish the memories he had made and the friendships he had forged.

He had grown as a coach, he had learned from the best, and he had made a difference. Now, he was ready to face the unknown, to embrace a new challenge, and to continue his pursuit of excellence in the world of football.

next chapter
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