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75% I was transmigrated into little Clark Kent (DC Superman Fanfiction) / Chapter 36: Chapter 9: The Rise of The Kents (Part 6)

Bab 36: Chapter 9: The Rise of The Kents (Part 6)

Themyscira, Beach of Paradise Island

"Τίς εì σὺ, καὶ πìς εìδον èς τήνδε νñσον äνδρα;"

Clark blinked in confusion. The girl's voice was firm, commanding, but her words were foreign to him. The girl—tall, striking, and unlike anyone he had ever seen—stood with an air of authority, her eyes narrowing with curiosity and caution. She was clearly waiting for an answer, but Clark had no idea what she had just said.

"Uh... what?" Clark mumbled, clearly out of his depth. Just as the awkward silence stretched between them, Homelander's voice rang in his ear.

[Clark, I'm still able to operate translation functions offline, despite the disconnection from KA-01. I can translate her words for you.]

Clark exhaled in relief. "Please do," he whispered.

The translation echoed in his ear: [Who are you, and how did I see a man on this island?]

He quickly realized that no men were allowed here, which explained the girl's shocked and wary expression. But how was he supposed to explain that he hadn't come here intentionally? "Translate this for me: I didn't mean to come here. My ship crashed, and I'm just trying to fix it. I didn't want to cause any trouble."

Homelander relayed his words, and the girl's eyes widened slightly as she listened to the translation. Her expression shifted, a mixture of confusion and curiosity now replacing her earlier caution. She opened her mouth to speak again, but this time, her question was directed at Clark's translator.

"What is this voice? You have no voice of your own to speak my tongue?"

Clark blinked as Homelander translated her question. "Oh," he said, realizing she'd heard Homelander's translations. "That's just my... uh, assistant," he explained awkwardly. "It's helping me speak your language. I can't understand you on my own."

She tilted her head, intrigued. "Your assistant... a voice in the air? I've never heard such a thing. Is it magic?"

Clark chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Not magic... just, uh, technology. It's... complicated."

Diana frowned, her eyes studying him closely. "Technology... I do not understand. No man speaks with a voice that is not his own."

Clark, feeling his awkwardness grow, quickly tried to change the subject. "I didn't mean to intrude. I'm Kal-El," he said, hoping to steer the conversation toward introductions.

The girl blinked at him, processing the name, then nodded. "I am Diana," she said.

Diana? Clark's eyes widened slightly. Diana? The name rang bells immediately. Diana of Themyscira? Wonder Woman? It clicked into place—her beauty, gracefulness of the royalty and the aura of power around her. He'd read all about her in the DC comics back in his original world. The stories described her as the most beautiful and powerful woman, and now, standing in front of him, Clark understood why. It was like the comics had come to life.

"Wait... Diana? You're—" Clark nearly blurted out the rest but caught himself just in time, not wanting to sound like a complete weirdo.

The reason Clark didn't initially recognize the girl he met as Diana was simple—she was much younger than the legendary figure he knew from the comics. At this age, she didn't wear her iconic tiara, bracelets, or the Lasso of Truth. To him, she appeared as just another young Amazon warrior, albeit an incredibly beautiful and confident one. It wasn't until she introduced herself that Clark realized he was standing before the future Wonder Woman.

Diana, still intrigued by the mysterious voice translating for him, remained quiet for a moment before nodding. "I am Diana," she said, watching him carefully. "No man has ever stepped foot on this island. You are... strange." She narrowed her eyes slightly, her curiosity getting the better of her. "You do not seem like the men I have heard of. Are they all like you?"

Clark's eyebrows shot up. "Uh... I hope not. I mean, I guess men where I come from aren't that different from me, but I'm not trying to cause any problems."

Diana seemed intrigued by his response but kept her distance, still unsure. "Men are cruel, weak. That is what we are told. You speak softly, but I do not yet know if you can be trusted."

Clark chuckled awkwardly again. "Yeah, I've been told I'm different... but I'm not here to hurt anyone, I promise. I'm just... kind of stuck here by accident."

Her expression softened slightly. "Stuck? And this... voice helps you?"

Clark nodded. "Yeah, Homelander—it's my assistant. It's... well, it's hard to explain, but it helps me communicate. It's not magic or anything."

Diana crossed her arms, still processing what he was saying. "We do not have such things here. Only strength and wisdom." She stepped forward, her curiosity overriding her initial caution. "And you, Kal-El... do you come from a place of strength or wisdom?"

Clark shifted nervously, trying to figure out the right answer. "I guess a little of both?" he offered, unsure of how to explain his world without making things worse. "But I really just want to fix my ship and leave. I don't want to cause any trouble."

Diana's gaze softened slightly. "We shall see."

Before she could say more, another voice rang out from behind her, sharp and commanding. "Princess Diana, back away!"

Clark tensed as he saw several armed Amazons approaching rapidly, their eyes locked on him with suspicion and hostility. Diana's face twisted into confusion, but her stance remained firm.


Clark, quickly calmed down and stood as still as he could while the Amazons surrounded him. Their armor gleamed in the midday sun, and their expressions were fierce and suspicious.

Diana, the girl who had first spoken to him, remained in front of him, her body tense but her curiosity clear.

The other Amazons, led by General Philippus, moved closer, their weapons raised and ready. Clark could feel the intensity of their stares, and he understood why. From everything he had learned from his world's stories and comics, he knew that no man was allowed on Themyscira. The island had been a sanctuary for the Amazons for centuries, after they had been betrayed and hurt by men in ancient times. Now, no man could set foot on this island without consequences.

Clark wasn't here to fight. He didn't want to cause trouble. So he raised both hands to indicate that he has no weapons and has no intentions of resistance.

Philippus stepped forward, her eyes narrowed, studying him carefully. Her voice was sharp and authoritative as she spoke. "I am Philippus, Chief of the Royal Guard of Queen Hippolyta of Themyscira. You are a male, a boy who has no right to be here. State your purpose."

Clark blinked and straightened himself slightly, feeling the weight of her words. "I'm... Kal-El. My ship crashed here by accident. I don't want to cause any trouble; I just want to fix my ship and leave."

Before Philippus could respond, a voice echoed in perfect Greek: [My ship crashed here by accident. I don't want to cause any trouble; I just want to fix my ship and leave.]

The Amazons froze, their eyes widening in confusion. Philippus, momentarily taken aback, scanned the area, trying to locate the source of the voice.

"What sorcery is this?" she demanded, her tone sharp. "Where is that voice coming from?"

Diana, however, looked mildly amused, her lips curving slightly into a knowing smile. She had already heard Clark explain about his assistant translator, Homelander, and had grown used to the disembodied voice. Watching her fellow Amazons react with confusion was oddly entertaining.

She glanced at Clark, waiting to see how he would explain.

Clark, sensing the rising tension, quickly spoke. "That's my assistant. It helps me communicate. It's not magic, just... technology."

Philippus's gaze narrowed even further. "Technology?" she repeated skeptically. "What sort of sorcery is this 'technology' that speaks for you?"

Homelander's voice echoed once again, translating his words: "It helps me when I don't know the language. It's not magic."

Clark then continued calmly, trying to keep his voice steady despite the situation."I don't want to resist, I'll go with you to speak with your Queen. I know she's the only one who can decide whether I can stay or leave."

The explanation didn't seem to fully ease the warriors, but they sensed no immediate threat. Philippus, after a long pause, nodded slowly. "Bind him," she ordered cautiously. "But do not harm him—yet."

The Amazons approached cautiously, tying ropes around Clark's wrists. He allowed them to do so without protest, knowing he could break free if he wanted to but choosing not to.

Diana shot him a glance, her expression a mixture of curiosity and surprise. She had expected him to panic or resist, but his calm demeanor caught her off guard.

As they led him through the beautiful forests of Themyscira, Clark marveled at the island's serenity. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen before—lush greenery, ancient temples, and statues filled the landscape. It was clear that this place had a rich history and deep-rooted traditions.

Clark continued to walked with the Amazons as they escorted him through the heart of Themyscira. Their armor clinked softly in the midday sun, and their expressions were fierce and suspicious. Diana, the girl who had first spoken to him, kept her distance but her eyes were filled with curiosity.

As they neared the grand city of Themyscira, the reactions of the Amazons became more intense. It wasn't just the guards who were on edge—every Amazonian citizen they passed stopped in their tracks, their eyes widening in shock and disbelief. Whispered murmurs spread like wildfire through the crowd as more and more Amazons gathered to see the boy who had somehow set foot on their sacred island.

"He's a child... but a boy nonetheless," one woman whispered to another.

"No man is allowed here... what is he doing on our land?" another hissed, her voice filled with resentment.

Many of the citizens stared at Clark with open hostility, their hands twitching toward their weapons, but they refrained from acting under the watchful eyes of General Philippus and the other guards. The whispers grew louder, and some of the younger Amazons exchanged uneasy glances.

"Could he be a spy? An invader?"

"Why has he not been dealt with?"

Clark could feel their intent stares, the centuries of distrust and resentment toward men hanging in the air. He kept his head high, though inside, he felt the tension and unease. He knew from the stories that men were not allowed on Themyscira, and he could see how deeply ingrained that belief was in every Amazon he passed. But he wasn't here to cause trouble—he just wanted to explain himself.

As they passed through the streets, Clark could hear the Amazons muttering to one another in their language, which Homelander dutifully translated for him. As they followed him, their distrust and wariness evident in every step.

"No man has ever come here before."

"He shouldn't be allowed to live."

Their words stung, but Clark understood why they felt that way. He didn't want to make things worse by reacting, so he remained silent, offering only a small smile as he walked through the city. His eyes wandered over the beautiful architecture—the towering temples and statues, the lush greenery that seemed to thrive everywhere. Themyscira was a paradise, but its people were as tough and battle-hardened as any warrior he had ever read about.

Diana, walking beside him, finally spoke again. "You are calm," she said, her voice low. "Most men would be afraid."

Clark shrugged, offering a shy smile. "I've learned that fighting when you don't need to causes more problems. I'm not here to make things worse."

Diana didn't respond right away, but her expression softened slightly and she seemed to be thinking deeply. This boy, Kal-El, was not like anything she had heard about men. He was... different.

As they reached the grand temple where Queen Hippolyta resided, the whispers behind them grew louder. The citizens who had followed them now gathered at the temple steps, their eyes fixed on Clark as he entered the throne room.

The temple was magnificent, with towering pillars and carvings that spoke of ancient legends.

Inside the throne room, Queen Hippolyta sat gracefully on her throne, her golden crown gleaming in the soft light, her eyes wise and her presence commanding. She studied Clark with quiet intensity as the Amazons knelt before her.

Clark bowed his head slightly as a sign of respect. He knew from the stories that Hippolyta was a fair but formidable queen, and her decision would determine his fate.

Philippus knelt before the queen, her voice steady. "My Queen, we found this young male, name Kal-El, on the shores of Themyscira. He claims he arrived by accident. He offered no resistance and has agreed to be brought before you."

Hippolyta's gaze shifted to Clark, her eyes studying him carefully. "A boy on Themyscira..." Her voice was soft but filled with authority. "Such a thing has not happened for many centuries. Tell me, Kal-El, why should we believe that you are not a danger to us?"

Clark met her gaze, trying to keep his voice steady. "I didn't mean to come here. My ship crashed, and I ended up on your island. I'm not here to hurt anyone—I just want to fix my ship and leave. I know your people have reason not to trust me, but I'm not like the others you've heard about."

Before he could continue, Homelander's voice translated his words into flawless Greek. The disembodied voice reverberated in the temple, and Hippolyta's expression shifted subtly, her eyebrows rising ever so slightly. The Queen of the Amazons was not easily startled, but even she was momentarily taken aback by the presence of this invisible translator.

"Technology, my Queen," Philippus said, answering the unspoken question. "He claims it is not sorcery."

Hippolyta's gaze remained steady as she regarded Clark. "This... technology, as you call it... speaks for you?" Her voice carried a note of skepticism.

Clark nodded, his tone respectful. "Yes, it helps me when I'm in places where I don't know the language."

Hippolyta leaned back in her throne, her eyes still on the boy. "You speak well, Kal-El, but words alone do not earn trust here. Themyscira is a place of strength and wisdom, and trust is earned through actions."

Clark nodded, having expected that. "I understand."

Hippolyta leaned forward slightly. "Here on Themyscira, we have our own ways of determining someone's true intentions. If you wish to prove yourself, you will undergo the trials of our people."

Clark blinked, surprised. "Trials?"

Hippolyta's lips curled into a subtle smile. "Yes. You will face trials of strength, wisdom, and honor. Only if you pass these tests will you be treated as a guest on this island. If you fail... the consequences will be severe."

Clark took a deep breath, knowing he had no choice. "I'll take the trials."

Diana, watching from her place beside her mother, couldn't help but feel a flicker of excitement. She had never seen a man—let alone a boy—willing to face the trials of Themyscira. This was going to be... interesting.

Hippolyta leaned back in her throne, her voice steady. "Very well. The trials will begin at dawn."


As the Amazons began to lead him away, his mind was already racing. He had about four hours before dawn. Plenty of time to prepare for what was coming—especially if he was going to be tested on more than just strength.

His Greek was... nonexistent, and understanding the language would be crucial.

I have to learn Greek. Fast.

"SS," Clark whispered quietly, knowing the Amazons couldn't hear him. "Simulate an ancient Greek-style classroom where I can learn Greek."

There was a brief pause before SS responded.

[Understood. How many hours do you wish to set for the simulation?]

Clark glanced at the sky, estimating the time. "I've got about four hours before the trials, so let's set the time in the simulation to two days for each hour of reality."

[Very well,] SS confirmed.

[And who shall be your instructor?]

Clark grinned, a playful spark lighting up his eyes. "Make it... Diana, but in glasses. You know, like a teacher. I feel like that'll boost my learning motivation a lot."

SS hesitated for a moment, clearly processing the request.

[11-year-old Diana of Themyscira, in glasses? Is this for... educational purposes?]

Clark chuckled, trying to suppress his laughter. "Absolutely. Totally for educational purposes. You know, a little incentive never hurts."


SS replied, though there was a subtle tone of amusement in its voice.

[The simulation will begin now. Diana will be... adjusted accordingly.]

As Clark was led to a small chamber to wait for the trials, he allowed himself to relax, closing his eyes. In his mind, the simulation began, and there, standing at the front of an ancient Greek classroom, was Diana—wearing glasses, with a chalkboard behind her.

Clark grinned to himself. "This is going to be fun... and productive."

next chapter
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