The minute the rune was completed, a huge wave of energy was emitted from the body. The body burst in front of him, the blood exploding into the air. The blood congregated into a single drop before dropping onto the ground.
The ground greedily absorbed the blood immediately, leaving no trace of it. The ground was completely free of any traces that there was a sacrifice. It left him doubting whether he succeeded or not.
"Did it work?" He asked Nefrati.
"Yes," she replied.
"But I don't see-"
As he was talking, the ground opened as a blood hand reached out and grabbed him. It enclosed him inside, cutting off all his senses. The ground closed up when the hand went back into the ground. The forest didn't show any signs of Leo and Elise being there.
Meanwhile, Leo was going through a rollercoaster-like experience. He could feel his body being taken somewhere. But with his senses closed off by the blood hand, he could not understand where.
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