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87.23% I am the owner of a breeding house in the Pokémon World / Chapter 41: Chapter 1087: External Output

Bab 41: Chapter 1087: External Output

Yuga didn't pay much attention to the events between Sneasel and Persian, and even if he knew, he likely wouldn't have intervened. In his view, with so many Pokémon in the Sub-Park, it's normal for there to be some minor conflicts between them.

Several months passed quickly, during which Yuga gradually relocated two Cloyster, one Dewgong, a group of Lapras, and the two Vulpix that Principal Samson had previously sent, from the Shallow Seashore Sub-Park to the Snowy Mountain Sub-Park.

The Cloyster, Dewgong, and Lapras didn't react much to their new home; in fact, they found the ice lake in the Snowy Mountain Sub-Park more suitable for them and settled in comfortably. However, when the two Vulpix moved into the Icicle Forest, they got along well with the Glaceon, but not so much with the Sneasel. Another part of the icy rock that Sneasel had occupied was taken, leaving Sneasel quite unhappy.

During the past few months, Yuga had been contemplating how to handle the main task issued by the system but had made little progress.

A few days ago, Yuga took some time to watch May participate in a major Pokémon Contest. Robert did not participate this time, and although May and Drew didn't win, Saori took the victory.

Yuga found this quite normal. Saori had been competing in the Pokémon Contest for years, so it was no surprise she was stronger than newcomers like May and Drew and won the championship.

Since Robert didn't participate in this major celebration, his old rival, Suzuna, didn't attend either.

Suzuna is still working at the Verdanturf Town distribution department. Because of the Potential potion, Yuga often encounters her. If he hadn't seen her frequently training, he would have suspected she had given up on being a Coordinator.

Although May didn't win the Pokémon Contest, Yuga thought she performed quite well. As a newcomer, she has a lot of talent as a Coordinator. As long as she continues to work hard, becoming a top Coordinator in the future won't be difficult.

While watching the competition from the audience, Yuga discovered that the person seated next to him was also in the same profession.

After some conversation, Yuga learned that this fellow ran a small daycare, one that sold Pokémon with ordinary potential, mainly to the general public. It was similar to the Yoyo Daycare before Yuga took it over.

Because these small daycares are limited in scale and funds, they don't have their own eco-parks to breed Pokémon, so they need to purchase Pokémon from other breeding establishments.

The main customers of these small daycares are not Trainers but ordinary people who buy Pokémon as pets or companions. Therefore, the Pokémon they sell are usually of ordinary potential and low cost.

While chatting with this fellow, Yuga suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Right, he could imitate the Alliance's daycares and wholesale the unsold Pokémon with ordinary potential to those small daycares that needed stock. If the Alliance's daycares and breeding bases could do this, why couldn't he?

With this idea in mind, Yuga rushed back to Verdanturf Town immediately after the Pokémon Contest.

Though he had the basic idea, executing it wouldn't be simple. Yuga didn't plan to casually hand over his Pokémon to those small daycares. Even though these Pokémon were of ordinary potential, he still hoped they could have a good home.

So, before selecting a partner, Yuga would need to conduct a detailed investigation to determine which daycares had a good reputation and which were suitable to collaborate with the Yoyo Daycare. This was very important.

Yuga's target partners were small daycares in the nearby towns of Verdanturf. Partnering with daycares that were too far away would be inconvenient. Each town had small daycares, so finding them wouldn't be difficult.

To better understand the situation of small daycares in the surrounding towns, Yuga contacted the White Light Intelligence Agency and asked them to help investigate the reputation of each daycare.

A daycare's reputation can't be judged just by appearances; Yuga needed more detailed information.

As always, the White Light Intelligence Agency was highly efficient. In just three days, Yuga received all the information about the small daycares in the surrounding areas.

The White Light Intelligence Agency's headquarters is in Mauville City, close to Verdanturf Town, so they were very familiar with the local situation and provided Yuga with very detailed information.

After a week of careful selection, Yuga finally identified seven small daycares as potential partners. Of course, these seven were just Yuga's selected targets; whether a partnership could be established would depend on the decisions of these small daycares. Yuga wasn't arrogant enough to think that just because he wanted to collaborate, others would immediately agree.

But if even four or five of these seven daycares could establish a partnership with the Yoyo Daycare, it would be enough to solve the issue of those low-potential Pokémon that had been accumulating.

After much thought, Yuga finally sent out invitations to these seven small daycares, inviting them to Verdanturf Town for a meeting to discuss the business of running daycares.

The owners of these seven daycares were almost shocked when they received invitations from the Yoyo Daycare. They couldn't understand why the Yoyo Daycare would invite them to such a meeting.

What kind of place is the Yoyo Daycare? Because of its owner, Shimizu Yuga, the Yoyo Daycare is now a shining star in the daycare industry.

These seven owners thought that if the Yoyo Daycare were to host a meeting, it should invite large daycares like the Aromatic Daycare or the Black Night Daycare. What would be the point of inviting small fry like them?

What Yuga didn't realize was that in the eyes of these small daycares, the Yoyo Daycare had always been an unattainable existence.

Initially, Yoyo Daycare became famous on a small scale due to the high-quality Pokémon it sold in limited quantities each month. At that time, Yoyo Daycare didn't offer low-quality Pokémon for sale.

This sales model of focusing on quality over quantity didn't attract the attention of large daycares at first, but many small daycares felt that Yoyo Daycare was quite unusual, especially because trainers who wanted to buy Pokémon had to personally go to Verdanturf Town to pass a daycare assessment.

In the eyes of some small daycare owners, this behavior was seen as quite audacious, as if saying, "Look, I have an endless supply of high-quality Pokémon, and I'll do things my way, and customers will have to follow my rules!" This was confidence. Would an ordinary daycare dare to do such a thing? Afraid of going bankrupt too slowly? In short, the first impression Yoyo Daycare gave to many small daycares was one of "high class." Once this initial impression became "high class," the perception naturally followed.

As rumors about the Yuga Gym Leader, the one who defeated Rayquaza, and a Hall of Fame-level trainer spread, Yoyo Daycare's reputation grew bigger and bigger. Many small daycares thought: See, I told you, they have confidence! Now, in the eyes of those small daycares, Yoyo Daycare's status was definitely no lower than that of those large daycares. Even though Yoyo Daycare hadn't opened one branch after another like those large daycares, the more it stayed like this, the more they felt that Yoyo Daycare was in a different league.

Now, the fact that such a high-class daycare was inviting them to attend a conference made the owners of these seven small daycares feel honored.

Why does this feel so unreal? With uneasy hearts, all seven small daycares responded with a "Yes" to Yoyo Daycare.

Time quickly passed, and the day of the conference arrived. The owners of the seven small daycares arrived as scheduled in Verdanturf Town. Since they were all from towns surrounding Verdanturf Town, these owners arrived very early.

Once everyone was there, Yuga invited them all into the reception room of the store. Seeing everyone looking nervous, Yuga laughed and said, "Today's just a small conference, no need to be nervous, just relax, relax!"

But the owners couldn't relax. In their eyes, Yuga was a big deal, someone they could only admire from afar! However, as the conference began, they found that Yuga had a very easy-going personality, and gradually, they became less tense.

Although Yuga's real purpose in holding this conference was to find partners, since he invited them under the pretext of sharing daycare management experiences, he didn't just go through the motions; he genuinely organized everyone to share their management insights and the difficulties they encountered.

As the conference was nearing its end, Yuga suddenly suggested, "How about we go and visit the Yoyo Daycare's ecological park?"

Yuga was referring to the new park. Since he wanted to cooperate with them, he needed to show them what kind of Pokémon Yoyo Daycare had.

"Can we? That would be great!"

"To be able to visit Boss Shimizu's ecological park is truly a worthwhile trip!"


The owners were delighted to hear Yuga's proposal. They didn't have their own ecological parks, so they naturally envied others'. But the cost of building and maintaining an ecological park was too high for these small daycares to bear.

If it weren't for the system's help, Yuga couldn't have built an ecological park at first either. Building the park wasn't the most expensive part; the most expensive part was its maintenance.

Ordinary daycares would never open their ecological parks to outsiders because it involved their own secrets. But Yuga was different; his secrets were all in the sub-park, and the new park was just for show.

Led by Yuga, the seven owners arrived at the entrance of the new park. Looking at the "luxurious" ecological park, their eyes were full of envy.

"I wonder when I'll be able to have an ecological park like this!" This was the shared thought of the seven owners at that moment.

"Whoa, isn't that a Druddigon? It looks so majestic!"

"They actually use Dragon-type Pokémon to guard the gate, truly worthy of Yoyo Daycare!"


Upon entering the park, the group immediately noticed the Druddigon sleeping at the entrance and began discussing it excitedly.

Disturbed from its sleep, the Druddigon lazily lifted an eyelid. Seeing a group of strangers chattering in front of it, it impatiently slapped its thick tail against the ground, making a "thud thud" sound, until Yuga shot it a stern glance, and it settled down.

The area closest to the entrance was a small artificial lake in the new park, home to many Clauncher. Additionally, there were some Carvanha, Shellder, and Remoraid.

At that moment, several Clauncher surfaced. Some were lying by the shore with their eyes closed, some were fighting with their claws, and others were splashing water with their tails...

"These are Clauncher from the Kalos region, now one of the signature Pokémon of Yoyo Daycare. You won't see many of them in Hoenn." To achieve his goal, Yuga praised his Pokémon to the fullest.

The seven owners, familiar with the signature Pokémon of Yoyo Daycare, naturally knew of Clauncher's reputation. Currently, Yoyo Daycare was the only place in Hoenn selling Clauncher on a large scale.

After introducing Clauncher, Yuga led the seven owners to see Gliscor, Trapinch, various Grass-type Pokémon, and more. These were all groups where low-quality Pokémon were born in large numbers.

If it weren't for the help from Drew's family in consuming the butterfly Pokémon, Yuga would have had to add some Bug-type Pokémon as well.

As they continued to visit various rare Pokémon, the seven owners were amazed, especially when they saw the huge Never-Melt Ice placed in the new park. They were truly "awed."

As they toured, Yuga asked the seven owners, "What do you think of these Pokémon?"

"As expected of Boss Shimizu's ecological park, the Pokémon here are really enviable!"

The speaker was the owner of a daycare in Lavaridge City. For daycares like theirs, they mostly sold common Pokémon, and it was only occasionally that they could get a hold of some rare ones. Rare Pokémon were much more popular than regular ones.

The Clauncher, Gliscor, Trapinch, and Swablu here at Yuga's place... each one was a rare Pokémon.

Hearing this, Yuga smiled slightly, "If any of you also want rare Pokémon, we at Yoyo Daycare can supply them to you."

The owner from Lavaridge City's eyes lit up at Yuga's words, "Boss Shimizu, is that really true?"

Ever since the daycare run by the Alliance in Lavaridge City closed down, this owner had to travel further to Rustboro City to get stock.

It was fine if the stock was Pokémon; they could be transported directly through the teleportation device. But Pokémon eggs were troublesome, as they had to be transported. The longer the distance, the greater the risk.

Not long ago, one of his shipments was robbed, which was a big blow for small businesses like his.

Compared to Rustboro City, Verdanturf Town was much closer to Lavaridge City. If he could get stock in Verdanturf Town, that would be ideal.

Yuga replied, "Of course, it's true. We at Yoyo Daycare don't plan on opening branches, so we can't fully utilize all the Pokémon we breed. To be honest with you, the reason I invited you all today was to discuss cooperation.

We have many rare Pokémon at Yoyo Daycare, something that's hard for other daycares and breeding bases to achieve. I hope you'll consider it."

Upon hearing Yuga's words, several of the owners immediately showed interest. The rare Pokémon at Yoyo Daycare were indeed very attractive.

But some owners were hesitant, such as the one from Mauville City.

Unlike the daycare in Lavaridge City, Mauville City had its own Alliance-run breeding facility, so they didn't face the same stocking issues.

Moreover, Yoyo Daycare was ultimately a private daycare, and relatively speaking, the Alliance's breeding facilities were more reassuring.

However, this owner from Mauville City had other thoughts.

Mauville City is a big city with many daycares, and there was more than one branch of large daycares. To be honest, their small daycare was not very competitive.

But what if they had rare Pokémon from Yoyo Daycare?

Although getting stock would be more troublesome, rare Pokémon could bring in competitiveness!

(End of Chapter)

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