Unduh Aplikasi
50.8% I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross) / Chapter 62: Chapter 22: Reunion

Bab 62: Chapter 22: Reunion

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 22: Reunion

This is the last chapter I have publicly posted, from now on WebNovel folks will get an update whenever everyone else does, generally once a week unless something comes up.

If y'all wanna read more there is 10 extra chapters posted on my patreon.


- Felix -

I could feel my eyes widen as I took in the appearance of the Daemon I summoned. "Old Man?!"

"Huh? Kid?!" Well… at least I know the summoning magic worked. 

Still, I never imagined that I would summon the Old Man, I mean what are the chances.

"Ahaha, hey, what's up?"

"Bah, don't what's up me!" He spread his arms, I accepted his unspoken invitation and went in for a hug.

Once we broke apart he said, "Haha, it's been a while kid how've you been?"

"You're one to talk, who's the one who ditched me first?" I joked.

"Bah! We all have to do our own thing sometimes."

"Yeah yeah, you chose a real shitty way of leaving though."

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, "Yeah, you're probably right about that, I never was good with goodbyes."

"Haha, don't sweat it, I'm just messing with you, I was summoned not long after you left anyways."

As if he was just noticing where we were he took a look around, I won't lie, seeing the shocked look on his face was funny.

"Is it me or has the world advanced a ton since I was last summoned?" Ah, he's probably pretty confused huh? The Cardinal World is quite different from modern Tokyo afterall, even if the Cardinal World is advanced in its own way.

"Did you? Ha! Haha, I knew you could do it kid!" Ah, it seems he was able to figure it out pretty quickly, which makes sense seeing as he has Magic Sense. He should be able to sense that there are no Magicules in the air around us, and seeing as he isn't being weakened by a Holy Barrier it is pretty easy to come to the conclusion that he is somewhere where Magicules aren't found commonly. Especially since I told the Old Man that I wanted to go to other worlds, then there is the fact that he can probably sense the Cursed Energy all around us.

"So this is another world huh? My sensing range might not be incredibly vast, but I'm surprised that there aren't more people in what seems to be such a large city."

"Yeah, we got a lot to catch up on Old Man, but welcome to Japan, specifically Tokyo!"

"Japan huh? I've never been, but I didn't quite imagine it would be like this."

Ah, he probably can't sense very far can he since I still have my barriers up. I quickly dispel my barriers so he can get a better look at everything.

"Ah, now this seems far larger than what I was sensing earlier. Interesting, this energy in the air is new, what sort of world did you summon me to brat?"

"Shut up Old Man, I'll explain it to you later, let's go back to my place first, I'll introduce you to my subordinates too."

"Subordinates huh? You someone special now?"

"Haha, you could say that." I spread my arms out and said, "You're lookin at the Demon Lord Felix White, also known as the Usurper of Black!"

"Huh?!" Ah, that stupefied look is priceless.

I took this chance to teleport us back to my place, I can give him a tour of this world a little later.

It seems Kurumi is awake now, and Raiden is in the kitchen. I swear that girl practically lives there at this point.

I sense both of them approaching me so I wait for them so I can introduce them to the Old Man.

The Old Man recovered from his shock relatively quickly, "So this is where you're stayin huh? It seems pretty fancy."

"Yup, this is my temporary home, one of the bigshots of this world gave it to me."

"You're livin the good life huh, Mr Demon Lord?"

"Yup! With status and power comes luxury."

"Don't I know it, I visited one of those Primordials places after you left, and boy was that shit fancy as hell."

"Haha, I imagine, which Primordial's place did you visit? And were they present at the time?"

"Hmm? It was the Primordial of White, apparently she was summoned by some madman so I decided to check out what was up with her territory. There wasn't as much chaos as I would have expected, apparently one of her subordinates was keeping everything in check." Hmm, probably Moss. At least I'm able to get a timetable of when he visited Arcueid's territory.

And madman huh? I guess that's what you could call someone that summons a being that's been around since the dawn of time.

"Haha, so they're calling me a madman huh? Well they aren't wrong." The Old Man's head snapped to me, "You seriously summoned Blanc?!" 

"She goes by Arcueid now." I corrected.

"And even named her?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! How are you still alive?! Naming her alone would require an absurd amount of power! I'm a pretty strong Daemon now and I couldn't even imagine how much power is needed for that!"

"Haha, ascending into a Demon Lord grants you a significant power boost, you probably can't even imagine how much stronger you can get by becoming a True Demon Lord."

"So it seems, you really became someone strong huh kid?"

"I was practically forced into it, though I don't regret the choices I made."

"That's good." The Old Man wasn't naive enough to believe that one can become a Demon Lord without any bloodshed, even Rimuru, a pacifist slaughtered an army of 10,000+ Humans.

"You know… I heard that Jaune, and Violet had left their territories as well, do you know anything about that?"

"Haha, yup, I wanted some more overpowered subordinates so I had Arcueid recruit them for me."

"Hah, I'm not even going to bother trying to comprehend what you just said. Still, it's good to see that you're doing good for yourself now."

"Haha, you worried about me Old Man?"

"Hah! As if!" Ah, the typical tsundere behavior.

"I see you've evolved into an Arch Daemon, what's up with that?"

Yup, the Old Man managed to evolve into an Arch Daemon. I wonder what happened, to evolve into an Arch Daemon without receiving a name is quite difficult, I had to fight a fucking Dragon for it after all.

From my analysis I can tell he didn't gain any Unique Skills from his evolution, but he was far more powerful than before, he is a bonafide Arch Daemon after all.

I sensed Raiden and Kurumi were about to meet us so I said, "Hold that thought, I want to introduce you to my subordinates first."

Raiden entered first, she gave me a curtsy. "Welcome back Master." She then turned to the Old Man and said, "Welcome."

"You even got a maid huh kid? Really livin the good life. Hello there, thanks for takin care of the kid."

"Heh, you're just jealous."

"It is my honor to be of use to my Master, there is no need to thank me." Raiden responded.

"Ah, she's the devoted type eh?"

"Haha yup, I don't know anyone more loyal than her!" Though there are those that can tie with her in terms of loyalty.

"Ara, did you perhaps forget about me Master?"

I turned to where the voice was coming from and wasn't surprised to find Kurumi standing at the doorway.

"Now now, I'd never forget my beloved pet, I just said I didn't know anyone more loyal than Raiden, that doesn't mean there aren't those that tie with her."

Kurumi came up to me with a pout, as if just noticing the Old Man she turned to him and said, "Oh, and who might you be? My name is Kurumi, the pet of my Master."

"Pet, you into that kinky stuff huh kid?" He said with an infuriating smirk.

"Buzz off, you know she didn't mean it like that."

"Ara, I would not mind such a scenario Master." I'm surrounded by lewd women. Truly my life is great.

"Haha, you really scored huh kid? Anyways nice to meetcha, I don't got a name, but I used to go by Ronald, but you two can just call me Old Man like the kid does."

Raiden shook her head, "That would be rude to one of my Master's guests, I will refer to you as Ronald-sama."

"Aha, you maid types take everything so seriously."

"It is my duty as my master's maid."

"Never said that it wasn't good, it's nice to see that the kid has such loyal subordinates."

Kurumi interrupted Raiden before she could even get a word out, "Well speak for yourself Raiden, I'll call him Ronald if he's fine with it. How did you meet our Master Ronald?"

And I interrupted before the Old Man could reply, "Let's go sit somewhere before we continue this conversation."

"Sounds good to me, lead the way kid."


The Old Man took a sip of the tea Raiden made, "Ah, this is some damn good tea, I haven't had anything like it in a long, long time." Hmm, even though he was from the United States it seems the Old Man can appreciate tea, though I personally don't care for it much, but that doesn't mean I wont drink it.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Ghaha, you really lucked out kid, gettin a maid like that."

"Haha, yeah I know!" Aww, Raiden is blushing, how adorable, especially when she is so lewd in bed, truly the gap moe is amazing.

Kurumi was also here, sitting in my lap in her fox form.

After giving the Old Man some tea, Raiden ended up standing behind me, leaving Raiden, Kurumi, and I all facing the Old Man.

"So how did you become an Arch Daemon Old Man? Last time I saw you, you were only a Greater Daemon."

"Only eh? Well when I was visiting Blanc's territory I felt some Daemons keepin an eye on me, to this day I'm not particularly sure why." Hmm, maybe they were interested in his Unique Skills? A Greater Daemon with a single Unique Skill is unheard of, let alone two Unique Skills. I'm the only one who could surpass that and I had a cheat Skill that let me copy Skills.

It wouldn't surprise me if some Daemons were able to find out about the Old Man's Skills and were interested in how he acquired them, the Daemon Realm is a place where strength rules after all.

"Thankfully there were no Arch Daemons part of that group or I would be done for, but they ended up attacking me as a group of Greater Daemons, unfortunately that wasn't nearly enough to get rid of me, after I had fended them all off I ended up evolving into an Arch Daemon. Those Daemons never showed up again."

"Haha, that's funny, I wonder how they feel knowing they helped another Daemon evolve into an Arch Daemon." I said.

"Hehe, yup! I bet they're cursing themselves to this day. Now enough about me kid, what's up with you? How'd you end up becoming a Demon Lord?"

I sighed. "Well, that's a long story."

"I've got time, I should have enough Magicules to sustain myself for a few weeks, but weirdly I don't feel the world rejecting me." Ah, that's right, the Old Man incarnated himself using a Magic Body made out of Magicules. Once his Magicules run out, he won't be able to interact with the Material World anymore. He shouldn't be booted back to the Daemon Realm seeing as this world isn't rejecting him like the Cardinal World rejects Daemons.

I'll have to get him a body later.

"Well it all started with a Dragon…."

I placed a barrier around us, and then went on to tell the Old Man about everything that happened. From when I got summoned and fought a Dragon, then evolving into an Arch Daemon, then meeting Saeko in the Ogre Village, to then meeting Milim and receiving a name causing me to evolve into a Daemon Duke. 

Then meeting Rimuru on the way to Dwargon, I talked a bit about Tempest as well. Then the Orc Invasion and my gathering with Milim, Frey, Carrion, and Clayman…. 

He stopped me to ask some questions in between but he went silent once I started talking about my Awakening. Then after my Awakening I talked about the Walpurgis. The Old Man was quite interested in the Walpurgis, though that makes sense seeing as the Demon Lords are said to be at the top of the world.

Kurumi and Raiden were paying close attention as well, it's not like I go into detail about what I was up to before I met them often.

"You've lived one hell of a life huh kid?"

"Haha, yup, it's only been like three years since I've been summoned too."

"So you've got a kingdom of your own with plenty of subordinates now huh?"

"Yeah, though I don't really do much work for my territory, I mostly leave that to Arcueid."

"Using one of the Primordials to do your job for you…" The Primordials are a pretty big deal to most, so using them as scapegoats to do your work for you must be surprising to him.

"Well, she's happy to do it, those Primordials are incredibly loyal."

"So there are no Primordials left in the Daemon Realm huh?"

"Yup, and it'll likely stay that way for a long, long time."

"Ha! Well that's bound to make things interesting. At least now I know exactly what happened." The Old Man turned to look at Raiden, "Ah, Miss Raiden, do you have more tea I can have?"

"We do, and as my Master's guest you may call me by my name. I am but a lowly maid after all."

"Haha, lowly maid my ass, us Daemons respect strength, and while I might not have always been a Daemon, I am one now, and I can tell that you could erase me with a wave of your hand." Ah yeah, there is that. The Old Man might be an Arch Daemon, but at this point that level of strength is little league stuff for me and my direct subordinates.

Raiden accepted his explanation and poured him another cup of tea before standing behind me again.

"Now that we've caught up, it's time I ask you, what did you summon me for kid?"

"I was mostly just testing out if I could summon a Daemon in another world, I ended up modifying the summoning ritual to get it to work, but other than that, I've got an experiment of sorts I'm running in this world, and I wanted someone to make sure that everything doesn't go to shit when I eventually leave this world."

Staying in this world would suit the Old Man, last I heard he just wanted to chill out and relax for a while, and this world is a great spot for that. He has enough strength to brush off basically everything in this world, his abilities are even direct counters to Satoru's what with Spatial Severing being able to no sell Infinity.

It wouldn't be much work either, but in the end it's his choice, I wouldn't have given any other Daemon I summoned a choice, but I owe the Old Man that at the very least.

"I won't force it though, if you'd rather go back to the Daemon Realm and hang out there, or if you just wanna hang out in this world with no strings attached that's fine too, I owe you that much."

"Haha, you don't owe me anything kid, you're a Demon Lord now, act like it!"

I rolled my eyes, "Being a Demon Lord doesn't mean you need to be a dick to everyone. Hell Clayman is the only blatant dick Demon Lord, and look what happened to him."

"Haha, yeah I'm just messin with ya. Anyways I accept! I'll monitor this experiment of yours, I could use the vacation. Heh, I'll even get to try all sorts of food. Plus it's been a long time since I got to mess with modern technology, and I'm sure it has only gotten more advanced over time."

Nice! Now I won't have to summon another Daemon.

"Alright, let me make you a vessel theoretically you shouldn't be getting drained of your Magicules since this world isn't rejecting you, but I'll make you a physical body so you can interact with the Material World much more easily.

"Yeah, that'd be great, I don't feel a drain, but I'd prefer a physical body over this Magic Body."

Now what should I make his vessel out of, I think magisteel should be fine. Then I'll also have to do what I did with the other Daemons, consume the Old Man with Beelzebuth, then merge him with a pseudo soul, and then implant that pseudo soul into the magisteel body I make for him.

"Alright, I'm going to have to use one of my Skills on you."

"Alright kid, I trust you."

I gave him a nod, "Alright, follow me. I don't want to do this in my living room." Kurumi ended up hopping onto my shoulder, I guess she wants to come with us.

Before we left, Raiden interrupted us, "Master, is it okay if I go back and resume my duties now that our guest has been taken care of?"

"Ah yeah, make sure to prepare some extra food since the Old Man is gonna eat with us today."

"Yes Master." She gave a bow, and then left.

"Alright, follow me Old Man."

I took him outside to the yard and had him stand in front of me.

"Alright, now this might feel a bit weird but don't resist Old Man." 

"Okay kid."

I raised my palm in his direction, "Beelzebub."

Once he was stored inside my Stomach I began creating the magisteel body, with that done I merged the Old Man's soul with one of the pseudo souls I have stored in my Stomach.

Once that was done I merged the pseudo soul with the magisteel body.

'How long will it take him to adapt to this Odin?'

'Answer, the Daemon Ronald should adapt to his new body within two days, during this time he will be capable of shaping the body as he pleases in order to have better compatibility with the magisteel body.'

'Alright great.'

The Old Man can just chill inside my Stomach while he adapts to his new body then. I'll have to wait until he's done to explain my plan then. Now what should I do while I wait?

I do still need to get the stuff on Rimuru's list, I can also create, and hide those weapons I want to leave lying around in this world. 

Oh! I can probably hunt down some people with interesting Innate Techniques and have Odin analyze them.

They might not find any use but I'd still like to have the data on them.

I can probably ask Satoru to help me find people with such Cursed Techniques, he owes me for healing Nobara after all. I can also use one of the favors Satoru owed me for getting rid of all the Barriers around Japan, but I doubt I will need to.

Umu, that's what I'm going to do.

Hmm, I should also probably let Raiden know that she doesn't need to make extra food since the Old Man is indisposed.

"Raiden, you don't need to make extra food for the Old Man, he's currently getting used to his new body so he's indisposed at the moment."

"I see, then I will store the extra food for when Ronald-sama is ready for it then."

"Alright, thanks Raiden."

"Of course Master."

Hmm, it is getting pretty late so I guess I can start my self given quest tomorrow. 

It seems Raiden isn't quite done with making dinner so I guess I'll practice some new applications of Spatial Manipulation that I've come up with. I should have an hour or two before dinner is ready.

I scratch Kurumi who is still sitting on my shoulder, "Go on inside Kurumi, I want to test out some abilities of mine."

She gave me a lick and then hopped off my shoulder and went back inside the house.

Now that that's done, time for the fun part.

I was able to draw inspiration from other fictional worlds I remember from my first life so I have a few different things to test out that shouldn't be too destructive as long as I don't wish it to be.

I can also mess with some new applications of Gravity Magic, thanks to Law Domination, Gravity, and a bunch of other aspects of reality are basically my bitch. Hell Space itself is my bitch, I don't even need to come up with new ways to use my current abilities since I'm already at the top of the pyramid when it comes to the elements I have mastery over, but if I have the time, then why not have fun with my abilities?

Now it's testing time!


As I was waiting at the dining table with Kurumi I went through a list of all the abilities I was able to recreate.

There are quite a few interesting Spatial Magics in Black Clover so I decided to start from there. 

The first spell I tried to recreate was Spatial Rupture, it basically creates flying slashes made up of Spatial Magic that can carve straight through space erasing whatever they touch upon contact. It's basically a bootleg Spatial Severing. Not something I ever see myself using, but still something fun to recreate.

Of course in Black Clover this is accomplished by swinging a Demon Sword of some kind, but I can do this on my own. 

Since I had already made a Black Clover spell, I ended up recreating all of the Spatial Spells I could remember.

There is Archangel Shootdown, basically the user creates multiple spheres of pure compressed Space and launches them at an opponent. The spheres will then erase anything and everything they touch. Of course unlike Black Clover this can be easily resisted as there are plenty of people capable of regenerating from the wounds such an attack would give. Let alone the fact that many have Barriers that might be able to block this.

I'm mostly just recreating these spells for fun, I don't see them having much use except for when I'm in other worlds and just want to mess around without being too serious.

Next was Archangel Destruction, basically the same as Archangel Shootdown, except instead of multiple spheres of compressed Space, I make one massive sphere of compressed Space, such a spell can easily erase a mountain. And even then it can get larger infinitely as long as I fuel it with more and more Magicules.

Of course I'm also capable of creating portals that can transport objects or attacks back at my opponent, along with creating entire new dimensions if I wish to.

I haven't experimented much with creating dimensions as I have not needed to, but according to Odin I am capable of creating dimensions similar to the Underworld, and Heaven from DxD, but far better. Dimensions that even the gods would drool over. After all, Olympus, Yomi, Heaven, Asgard, Takamagahara, and all those godly residences are theoretically just dimensions layered on top or under the Earth.

Those dimensions were larger than the Earth, so of course creating a Dimension of that size has an immense Magicule cost, but I have that covered should I ever need to create such a large dimension.

Of course I am not yet capable of creating a Dimension with its own Laws, and inhabitants, that's in the realm of its own, if I could do that I would be a Creator God in my own right. I'm capable of creating Dimensions that are sort of connected to the reality that I inhabit. But Odin did say such a thing should theoretically be possible if I obtain a Skill focused on Creation.

However the Dimensions I am capable of creating are still permanent, and quite stable. Not many should be capable of destroying the dimension, to do so one would need to release about 15% of my own power, which is quite a lot seeing as I am stronger than most Awakened Demon Lords, hell Luminous isn't even capable of releasing that much power.

Though maybe I can create a much smaller training dimension, one with a far higher gravity and extremely hazardous conditions, Raiden's Dragon underlings would probably grow quite a bit in such an environment.

'Answer. It is easily doable.'

'Nice! Then I'll have to set that up when I get back.'

There were also some other offensive and defensive Spatial Magic Spells but I wasn't particularly interested in those.

Next up was Gravity Magic. Black Clover has some interesting applications of this attribute, from the basic stuff like decreasing gravity, basically making things float, to making fucking black holes.

It's a damn good thing I used Isolate and increased the space inside the barrier before I started practicing these spells or there may not have been a city for us to be in.

Anyways, the people with the Gravity attribute could manipulate it at will, though for the more advanced stuff they need a Grimoire like everyone else.

They are capable of all the basic Gravity Manipulation, increasing and decreasing gravity, compressing an object by pressuring them from all sides with increased gravity, and they could even boost their attacks by increasing the gravity on a weapon making it do more damage due to the added weight.

I was able to recall basically all the spells in the series due to Odin being able to pull such things from my memories. Though I only ever watched the anime which ended off on season 4 when I was alive.

There was Presence of the Demon King, an ability used by one of those guys possessed by Devils which granted him the ability to use Gravity Magic. I think it was one of the big three of the Devils that gave him such an ability, Lucifero.

Anyways, Presence of the Demon King drastically increases the strength of the gravity in front of them, all objects in the area are slammed to the ground, and it's even capable of bending light.

A pretty basic use of Gravity Manipulation, but impressive nonetheless. Still, Demon Lord's Haki is obviously better for intimidation purposes.

That very same user was also able to increase the power of his punches by simultaneously increasing and decreasing the gravity of his fists, making it stronger and faster.

There are some other uses, but the one I was most interested in was Gravity Singularity. Basically the user creates a tiny black hole by increasing Gravity to a point where nothing, no particles, or electromagnetic radiation like light can escape from it. The level of control and power needed for this is astronomical, to the point where I'm surprised a verse like Black Clover has such a thing.

The attack sucks in and destroys everything around it. The user is also capable of controlling the black hole's movement, as the black hole moves away from the user it grows bigger and bigger due to sucking in more things, and as a result the range of its destruction expands.

This spell can casually mow through an entire mountain range in moments. And the spell only gets stronger and stronger.

And due to the immense gravity the black hole is capable of warping space-time allowing it to bend incoming attacks.

Truly a fun spell.

And all that is done by a mere contractor of Lucifero, the shit that Lucifero or someone that eats his heart is able to do must be even better.

And Lucifero's peers must have a similar level of magic, Astaroth with his Time Magic, Beelzebub with his Spatial Magic, and possibly Megicula, Astaroth's replacement with her Curse-Warding Magic.

That world is definitely on the list of worlds to visit if it exists out there.

Then there was Time Manipulation. It was a bit harder for me to recreate these spells since Time is by default the highest tier element around, but I managed.

Though I only managed to come up with some basic spells with the time I had.

Like putting people into stasis by making them relive a moment in time over and over again, as well as accelerating my movement by accelerating my own time.

I was hesitant to go any further seeing as fucking with Time can go wrong real quick. There is a reason it is considered the highest tier element back in the Cardinal World and barely anyone can manipulate it.

I also practiced some other uses of Spatial Manipulation that I could come up with, I can erase or rupture Space itself causing whatever is occupying said Space to be obliterated as well.

Hell, I could tear off someone's limb by separating the Space that said limb occupies.

Then of course there is Blue which creates negative space which pulls all the surrounding space into it to fill the void, basically creating a magnetic pull that sucks everything in, and the opposite Red which 'pushes' space apart.

Of course there is no way I wouldn't try and replicate Kamui, it's a classic.

It basically works by hiding the physical properties of one's bodies inside another dimension, making it look like the user is visually present, but impervious to all attacks. Of course Spiritual attacks will still be able to get past Kamui, this is more for basic attacks that aren't capable of harming my Spiritual or Astral Body.

And guess who has his own special dimension located in his own body? 

I was easily able to use Stomach to recreate Kamui.

And since all these Spells I'm recreating are done using Ouroboros they are all intrinsically superior to normal Spatial Magic, or Gravity Magic. In fact these can be considered more like Arts rather than Spells, but eh, semantics.

Still, more than half these abilities will never see use but oh well, it was fun recreating abilities from my childhood.

I'm sure there are still many more abilities from fiction I can recreate, but that's what I got done during the time I had.

I'm sure Odin can come up with a bunch of better ways to make use of Ouroboros, but this is for my own enjoyment, and relying on Odin for every little thing is a quick way to make everything boring. 

I came up with some new Lightning abilities that I plan to share with Raiden as well, though some of these abilities I'm sure she is already capable of doing on the first try.

"Master, the food is ready."

I looked towards where the voice came from and was met with my beautiful maid coming out with two covered dishes. One for me, and one for Kurumi. I assume Raiden will bring her own food out after.

It seems she got a little fancy tonight. Rest in peace Old Man, you won't be able to enjoy this with us.

Raiden places the two dishes in front of us, and slowly removes the cover. It looks amazing, but I have no clue what this is, I wasn't a fancy person in any of my previous lives after all.

Still, Raiden has been enjoying exploring this world's cuisine. 

"This is Boeuf Bourguignon, a red wine based beef stew. I also prepared some potatoes to go with it."

I have no clue what the first item is, but it looks good.

I turned to look at Kurumi who seemed quite interested as well.

"Get your portion then Raiden, we can all eat together."

"Yes Master."

Once everyone was ready we dug in, and boy did it taste far better than it looked.

"This is really good Raiden, maybe I should get you some cookbooks from this world to take back with us."

Raiden looked interested. "Thank you Master, yes I would appreciate having these… cook books as long as it helps me prepare better food for you."

"I'll pick some up then." I responded.

"Indeed Raiden, this is quite delicious, I look forward to what else you make for our Master." Kurumi complemented.

Raiden gave Kurumi a brief nod before going back to eating.

Once we finished eating we all went and did our own things. I decided to hang out in my room and browse the internet, Raiden is doing maid things, and Kurumi is in her room doing who knows what.

Oh, it seems Satoru sent me a text. Hah! He wants to show me some of his favorite sweet stores tomorrow. Why not, I got nothing else to do other than some errands which I can do anytime.

I might as well ask him to show me some interesting Innate Techniques tomorrow as well.



Good, he agreed, we plan to meet up around noon so I will have to find a way to occupy myself until then.

I'll probably just have Ijichi pick up all the things Rimuru wanted me to bring, I'll also have him bring some other things as well.

Like guns. I wonder if I can enchant those to create some interesting effects. Maybe a gun that shoots bullets that erase space.

Glenda had a weapon that shot bullets made of Magicules so it is definitely possible to add magical effects to a gun.

I may not be an expert blacksmith, but enchanting is a type of magic, and magic is my bitch as long as I have Odin.

You can do all sorts of things with Enchantments, you can enchant people or objects with spells that allow them to use magic without possessing the knowledge or Skills for said magic.

You can even use it to create autonomous magic devices, for example Rimuru set up a self-sustaining barrier along the pathway connecting Tempest and Blumund.

Irene Belserion was capable of doing some pretty crazy things with Enchantments as well.

That will definitely be enjoyable to experiment with in the future.

I send Ijichi a quick message telling him everything I want him to get. 

'Guns? Which guns did you want?'

'Just get me a bunch of different ones.'


Once I have a single gun I can easily recreate them so all I need is variety.

Ah, maybe I can ask Satoru to get me a minigun! I'm sure he has the connections for that.

For some reason I feel like Megumin would love a minigun.

Hmm, I should also probably personally buy everyone a souvenir, Saeko, Arcueid, Megumin, Lalatina, Milim, Rimuru, Ingvild Glenda and Veldora. I don't think I'm all that close to anyone else, but man is it going to be difficult finding suitable gifts for each of them.

Though I do have a bit of an idea of what to get Lalatina, truly her degeneracy has corrupted me for me to even consider what I am going to get her.

I can probably buy Veldora some weeb shit, maybe I can buy Arcueid a fancy dress of some kind. Fuck it, I'll get Megumin a minigun if possible. I'll get Milim some sweets and store it in Stomach so they are as fresh as possible. For Saeko I can get her something more meaningful, she is my lover after all and would appreciate something like that. Maybe jewelry? And for Rimuru I can get… porn, yes I will gift him some porn.

Elf porn specifically, that dude has an intense elf fetish. Not that I can blame him, the Dark Elves I've seen around my territory are damn fine.

Last I heard Raiden has been training a group of Dark Elves to be my maids. There are some newer Dark Elves she recruited, along with some of the maids that already worked in my palace back when it was Clayman's. 

Though they weren't up to Raiden's standards so she is retraining them. She said that she was training them so that they can take care of the more basic tasks like cleaning and such, while Raiden herself stays with me at all times.

In total after Raiden's training I will have about 30 maids, and Raiden said she wanted at least 100 more. Talk about overkill, but they're maids, I'm not going to say no to more maids.

I don't really mind either way so I gave her the go ahead to continue.

While normal Elves follow the Human evolution path of Enlightened, Saint, and then Divine. Dark Elves are technically Majins, as they were corrupted by the Chaos Dragon's miasma when Milim went on a rampage, so I'm able to name them, though I've held off from doing so due to Raiden's suggestion to only name them once their maid training is complete.

She said it would be a reward for getting through her harsh training, plus Raiden has been training them in combat as well. According to her, as my maids they must be able to deal with insignificant bugs who overstep.

So holding off on the naming until they are stronger will give them a larger boost in power. I don't have an issue with that as I trust Raiden to make sure they are loyal and don't step out of line.

In fact I remembered that Arcueid has also been making use of the Dark Elves, she said that she has been training some to be her servants to take care of the simple tasks so she has more time to spend with me.

There are a bunch of Dark Elves to choose from, and most don't really have anything to do, though they are all generally eager to work. 

And since they aren't making a fuss that I killed their previous ruler, I don't need to purge them! A win-win scenario for both parties.

Heh, I bet Rimuru will be jealous once I show him all my Dark Elves. He knows of them, but hasn't quite gotten around to seeing them. Maybe I'll invite him and Milim to explore those underground ruins with me whenever I get around to it.

I can get Ingvild something related to music, maybe I can get her the sheets for a bunch of modern songs. She fell into the sleeping sickness way before the modern age so she hasn't had an opportunity to listen to or sing modern music.

Fuck it, I can also get Glenda a custom Desert Eagle and then enchant the shit out of it. She won't need to worry about the knockback as an Enlightened.

Still, coming up with gifts was easier than I thought it would be.

I looked at my creations, these weapons should be good enough for my plans. I ended up browsing the internet for a few hours, I had a lot to catch up on after all, new shows, new anime, new memes, I only stopped around 12 AM before having a quickie with Raiden. Sex has been a staple in my life ever since I first slept with Saeko, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I ended up deciding to get some work done before I meet Satoru, so I decided to create the weapons I plan to hide in this world, and figure out how exactly I want to hide them.

I created around 50 Special-Grade weapons, each enchanted with a basic magic like Icicle Lance, Wind Cutter, Wind Blade, Lightning Lance, etc.

Then there were 20 Rare-Grades, each capable of channeling an element, for example one could coat itself in Lightning, and with enough mastery, one can use the Lightning coating the weapon in all sorts of ways, like sending out a beam of pure Lightning.

Then I ended up creating 3 Unique-Grade weapons rather than the 1 I originally planned to make. 

One is capable of manipulating Gravity to an extremely limited extent, like using Gravity to pressure someone, or to increase the weight behind their attacks. And that too at the most basic level.

Another is capable of weakening someone with each cut, even being able to knock someone unconscious after enough damage is dealt, this effect was created using Curse Magic.

And the last one is able to manipulate both Water, and Ice. Each of these can boost a Sorcerer's strength significantly.

I wanted to make one of the Unique-Grade weapons have the ability to affect Space to a limited extent, but decided against it since it could be used to harm Satoru, or the Old Man since he plans to stay here, not something I want to have a hand in, even if unintentionally. 

And all these weapons were created using Material Creation so they are a tad bit inferior to same grade weapons made by a blacksmith, of course I could create far better weapons by using Stardust in their creation rather than Magicules, but I'm definitely not going to do that for this world.

Stardust can do some crazy shit, and I don't feel comfortable leaving anything it has influenced in this world unmonitored, that would just be irresponsible.

I ended up deciding to hide the Special-Grade weapons in a pretty classic way. I'll hide them all over the world and leave clues, and or a treasure map that correlates to each weapon. These weapons are good, but not game changers since anyone experienced enough can deal with them so I didn't put too much effort into hiding them.

I'll probably end up distributing the clues, and the maps before I make my announcement. I can have them sold for cheap at pawn shops and such.

It really all depends on your luck if you can get one of those weapons.

For the Rare-Grade weapons I'll hide them underground, in a dungeon of sorts, with traps everywhere, and maybe some golems and other such enemies. I don't want it to be too easy to get these weapons after all.

And then for the 3 Unique-Grade weapons I plan to give the one with Ice and Water abilities to the Old Man for him to distribute to whomever he finds worthy, Mjölnir style.

And for the other two, I plan to hide them in extremely difficult to locate, and navigate dungeons. I plan to make the most difficult one to acquire the Gravity Unique-Grade weapon, after all that one has the most potential. 

I sure as hell want it to be hard to get. I plan to hide it deep underground in a dungeon, and said dungeon will be filled with all sorts of enemies. I think Special-A rank enemies should be good. Special-A Rank enemies are generally capable of fucking up a smaller sized nation, of course I don't plan to give it any sort of intelligence as that will be far too difficult for the majority of this world to deal with.

Possibly even Satoru would have trouble with a Special-A Rank enemy with intelligence, hell Satoru himself would probably be ranked Special-A Rank in the Cardinal World. Not an enemy that needs to be taken seriously by anyone who matters, Spatial Abilities are quite common at the Demon Lord Seed level and beyond after all.

All someone needs to do to get past Infinity is mess with Space a bit, one of Carrion's subordinates, that snake girl even has a Unique Skill that makes it impossible for anyone other than her to manipulate Space, which is a game over for Satoru.

Of course that's not counting on what Unique Skills he may acquire if he is in the Cardinal World.

Anyways, I'll probably just end up making some golems to protect the weapon. I don't want to use any monsters born out of my Magicules, as they will sort of be my children which feels kinda weird. And I don't have a way to control how strong they will be born, or what Skills they will be born with. Some of them might grow strong enough to have other monsters born of their own Magicules, that sounds like a quick way to spread monsters all over this world. Which will kill the majority of humans as Magicules are toxic to them.

I still have a little bit of time before meeting up with Satoru, so might as well hide the Special-Grade weapons, I'll have Odin create some good riddles, and maps to locate them.

I quickly went all over the world and hid all 50 Special-Grade weapons, it shouldn't be easy to find, the world is vast after all, and with only 50 to find, that's a lot of ground to cover.

Now I need to create the dungeons for the Rare-Grade, and Unique-Grade weapons, but I can do that later. I want to put some thought into the dungeon layout and stuff.

Now it's about 11:30 AM, I guess I'll just wait at the location Satoru said to meet up at, maybe I can visit some nearby stores as well.

Oh? It seems Satoru got here early.

I appeared right behind him while hiding my presence, "Sup!"

I saw his shoulders stiffen slightly before I heard him sigh. "Man, is that what it's like dealing with me? Now I get why everyone hates when I do that."

He turned around with a grin on his face. "You got here early."

"I could say the same to you."

"Ah! Well I could never be late for our date!"

I stared at him, dead in the eye. I remember he pulled some of this weird shit on Megumi before too, what with his whole violin lesson thing.


"Hahaha, yeah sure sure, you can call this a date between friends."

"Nothing can get you to react huh?"

"Haha, well if you want me to react to something like that, you're going to need to try harder. After all, I was able to deal with the first Demon Lord's seduction attempts."

"Aha, yeah that seems like it'll be hard to match huh? Alright, let's get started! I got a bunch of sweets store to show you, they are just the best! We can go check out those Innate Techniques afterwards."

I gave him a thumbs up, "Sounds good to me."


I hang out in Crossedge's Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4 I also have a channel in Shiro's Gaming Omniverse.

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note: 

Sup guys, we get to hear a bit more about what the Old Man has been up to, and we finally learn his name!

We also see Felix learning some cool magic, but in general he is living his Slice of Life dream, exactly what he came to this world for.

Anyways, leave a like if you enjoyed this chapter, see you next time!

Support me if you want on pat reon *.com* / theogbasilisk

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