Unduh Aplikasi
HP society for promotion of impregnating witches R18 HP society for promotion of impregnating witches R18 original

HP society for promotion of impregnating witches R18

Penulis: Thanatos18

© WebNovel

Bab 1: 1.

House Elves were the unseen backbone of Wizarding society.

They cook, they clean, they do the jobs wizard and witches don't want - without them wizarding Britain would come apart at the seams.

The life of a house elf is often thankless, compelled to do the bidding of their masters by their own biology, they're often underappreciated if not outright mistreated by many in the magic community. Some might think that the existence of a house elf is one of misery and despair - and they'd be right to an extent. However-There are some benefits to being a house-elf that can not be understated.

The Wizard Elf-Treaty of 1267

One of the oldest, still binding laws in the wizarding world. House Elves first came into contact and began learning human languages in the 800s AD. Wizards quickly saw that they were perfect for menial and demeaning labor. But things weren't as easy early on, as wizards did not fully understand the elves. House Elves are docile, obedient creatures - when their balls are empty.

The thing about House Elf physiology, males specifically, is that they have a VERY active libido, and have constant waves of heat throughout their long lives. They breed like rabbits, and when they're blocked from their natural urges, they get a bit…ornery.

After the 4th rampage of house elves through the streets, The wizards of the time realized they had to do something. Hence The Wizard Elf Treaty of 1267, in which in exchange for continued servitude to wizarding kind, house elves were given certain permissions.

Those permissions being free reign to the witches of the nation.

Yes, the witches had to bite the proverbial wand on this one. In lieu of rights and freedom, elves were given the right to fuck any witch they wanted, any time they didn't have a task - with VERY few exceptions. Now one might think that sounds grotesque, horrible, and wildly patriarchal, and again, they'd be right in a sense. But there were some practical reasons for this decision.

First - It remedied the problem of the elves' libido. House Elves didn't seem to discriminate by species. When they were in heat, they'd rut against anything they could get. This led to some problems with women being accosted by elves, pinned down and fucked into the ground for days on end. With this law, it was less likely that one unfortunate woman who happened upon a group of elves in heat would have to bear the brunt of their cocks. Every woman in society would play their part, making things fair for all.

Second - The early reports of woman being raped by elves found a startling discovery. It seemed as if elves were capable of impregnating witches! Not only that, the gestation period was startling quick, with witches having full bellies in less than 2 months. Further, it seemed there was something special about Elf DNA and semen. Despite the witches being bred, it seemed the offspring always came out as 100% elf. It didn't take long for the elites to discover that they could potentially have an unending supply of elf labor. While House Elves did have naturally long lives, they often died from accidents, and unsafe working conditions as well as general neglect.

So despite some protests from witches naturally the law was in effect. Now Wizards weren't COMPLETE depraved bastards. Elves could only use women of a certain age - the children naturally had to be protected. That in turn led to one of largest and most powerful confundus charms in magic, cast over all of Wizarding Britain. The underage could not perceive, or even comprehend the lewd actions of the house elves until they came of age, meaning kids could be at the dinner table none the wiser that their mother was bent over it, face mushed into her dinner plate as an elf railed her from behind.

Despite how barbaric this all sounded, the treaty did in fact have it's intended results. Incidents with pent up elves plummeted, while the number of elf labor went up. Wizarding Britain went right on along, but that didn't mean there weren't those who found issue with it.


Hermione re-read the letter, once, twice, thrice.

She couldn't believe what she was reading.

'The Wizard Elf-Treaty of 1267? What nonsense!' She thought. Obviously she was the victim of some perverted prank from one of the Hogwarts boys -likely a Slytherin. She was sure of it.

She was however less sure when she sent owls to Ginny and Luna, and they shared that they received identical letters informing them of the changes they'd be experiencing sixth year. Hermione was still convinced it was a prank though - an extensive, detailed prank that happened to be on a very convincing counterfeit Hogwarts letter-head. No way wizarding society was THIS backwards

Hermione's attitude changed when she finally arrived at King's Cross Station and boarded the Hogwarts express.

She boarded the train as usual, and began to head to her, Ron and Harry's typical car. However, she was stopped by one of the workers of the train.

"Sorry, all 6th and 7th year girls must go to the farthest car." The worker said unenthusiastically.

"What? Since when?" Hermione questioned.

"Look, it's just the rules." The worker said, annoyed that he was being questioned. Hermione, never being one to challenge Hogwarts policy sighed, and did as she was instructed walking through the train until she got to the last car. There she found Ginny and Luna already in their seats, so she decided to join them.

"Such a strange year." Hermione commented. "First that awful ludicrous letter, now this?"

"Oh I dunno Hermione." Luna commented in her usual airy tone. "I'm sure there's a reason for everything."

"Sure, but what-" Hermione began. She was interrupted by the sound of their compartment door sliding open. Standing in the now open door was a small, light brown house elf. Hermione had known house elves worked on the train, but she realized that she had never seen one up until this point. There was something off about this elf as well, nowhere was the typical submissive and wide eyed look that she had associated with the elves during her years in the magical world - this elf had a deep scowl on his face, and his eyes darted between the girls mischievously, unsettling her.

The other thing of note was the fat cock hanging between his legs, dragging on the ground. Hermione's eyes went wide and mouth slightly agape, Ginny looked absolutely scandalized, while Luna eyed his cock curiously, like it was one her mythical creatures. The elf looked between the girls, before lifting his hand and pointing a long finger at Ginny.

"You." He croaked. Ginny's eyes went wide at being singled out.


"Come with me, witchy bitch." The elf said meanly. Ginny's face went red with indignation and embarrassment.

"I-I'll do no such thing." She said adamantly. The elf just smirked at her.

"Dumn witchy bitch." He growled "Don't even know their own laws."

The elf snapped his fingers, and suddenly Ginny was on her feet, much to everyone's surprise.

"Ginny, what are you doing?" Hermione asked tugging on her sleeve.

"I-I don't know." She said, not having control over her own body.

"It's the law, it's the law!" The elf laughed maniacally hopping from foot to foot. Hermione tried to grab Ginny to sit her back down, but the elf snapped again and she was struck with a stinging hex in the arm.

"You can't just-"

Hermione wasn't able to finish her sentence before the elf pursed his thin lips, and spit across the compartment, striking her right in the cheek. Hermione's mouth gaped at the blatant, and unsanitary disrespect shown by the elf. She didn't even know they could act like this.

"Keep your mouth shut, you muddy cunt." The elf said. Hermione's face burned red and she cast her eyes down word, suddenly finding herself unable to speak. "Yer lucky me and the boys like redheads, or we'd put that muddy mouth of yer to work. You. Come."

Ginny was possessed to move forward, taking a step, until he held out his hand.

"Crawl." The elf ordered. Ginny dropped down to her hands and knees, face burning red as her hair. The elf grabbed a fistful of said hair like a leash, and began leading Ginny out of the compartment.

"Bye Ginny, see you at the feast." Luna said as if nothing abnormal had just happened. Ginny just whimpered in reply as the elf tugged her hair harder, prompting her to crawl faster.

Dread filled her stomach as the reality of the situation began to sit in with Hermione. She could hear the sound of flesh slapping, screams and moans echoing through the train car.

Seems she really did underestimate how backwards the wizarding world could be.


While the train was bad, the Great Feast was even worse.

The Wizard-Elf treaty gave the elves of the castle free reign over the 6th and 7th year girls, and they were more than willing to take what they wanted. The great hall ,for lack of a better term, was a fuck-fest.

All around girls from every house in Hogwarts were fucking, sucking, and getting into all sorts of depraved situations with the elves. Some girls were led away to more secluded areas, others were dragged kicking and screaming by their hair and limbs, but most were fucked right there in the Great Hall - bent over the tables, on the ground, any and everywhere.

She looked over her shoulder at the Ravenclaw table to see a horde of elves had ensnared Luna. They had her on the table top on all fours, skirt torn and shirt open - an elf fucked her from behind, spanking her and cackling as he took her; another elf was in front of her with it's grey cock lodged in her mouth; various other elves surrounded the scene, slapping their pricks against Luna's body, pinching and grasping at any available skin.

Hermione looked at the Hufflepuff table where a pinkish elf stood on the table in front of Susan Bones. Susan was trying to enjoy her dinner, but the elf had other plans as the elf wedged it's cock between Susan's breasts, and was steadily fucking them - Susan was one of the more well endowed girls in the whole school. Susan tried to ignore the elf using her tits as its own pleasure toy, but it was a fool's errand. Every time she opened her mouth to spoon some food in, the elf's cockhead would slide between her lips. Eventually she decided to just focus on getting the elf off as quickly as possible so she could eat before her food got too cold.

Over at the Slytherin table, the girls weren't fairing much better. Hermione felt a little guilty that she found a tinge of satisfaction in seeing the haughty and rude Pansy Parkinson have 8 inches of elf cock shoved in her throat as her head hung over the side of the table and her feet kicking desperately.

Back at her own table, half the girls were getting fucked every way from Sunday themselves. Katie Bell had a elf cock in each hand stroking them desperately, Romilda Vane was bouncing on a cock in the middle of the table to the annoyance of some of the boys who's cups were being knocked over, and a girl Hermione didn't know by name was currently being made airtight by elves stuffed in every one of her holes.

At some point Ginny found her way back to the Great Hall from wherever she was dragged to on the train. She limped into the hall, clothes tattered, face a wreck of cum, spit, and makeup, and she was leaving a trail of elf jizz behind as she walked, as if she was some sort of horrid, lewd slug. She didn't even get a chance to sit down before a group of 3 elves accosted her, and dragged her to some secluded corner. She didn't even fight, just ducking her head as she was pulled away.

Hermione felt like she was going crazy. This was all so, so wrong. Worst yet, people were acting like everything was completely normal! She knew the underclassmen couldn't see what was happening around them, but all the professors and older boys carried on like nothing was happening as well. She looked at Harry and Ron, who offered her nothing but half hearted sympathetic smiles.

She couldn't handle this. She stood from the table, stepping over a girl who was being fucked into the hard ground as she did.

"Mione, where you goin?" Ron asked. Hermione ignored him, as she hurried out of the Great Hall. The dorms she told herself, she just had to make it to the dorms and keep quiet, and she'd be fine. It was a nice thought.

No sooner did she leave the Great Hall, did an elf apparate right before her, cutting off her stride.

"'Ello, muddy bitch." The elf croaked with an ugly smile. Hermione turned and tried to go another way, but two more pops, and two more elves appeared , surrounding her. Hermione looked around desperately, trying to find an escape route. She backed away slowly, hands in front of her. She wanted to draw her wand, but she couldn't will her body to do so. The elves laughed and slowly walked toward her like she was prey.. She retreated until her back was pressed into a wall, and she could retreat no more. Her eyes darted between the elves desperately, watching as their cocks bobbed menacingly.

"W-wait." Hermione tried desperately. "I-I'm an advocate for you and your kind! I've been fighting for your rights! Y-you can't do this to me!"

"We's know who you are." One elf said.

"Uppity bitch." the second elf joined in.

"Uppity bitch with nice tits." the 3rd elf added.

The elves didn't care, they just didn't care about anything other than their own immediate pleasure. Hermione sank to her knees in dread, and subconscious acceptance of what was about to happen. Their cocks loomed over her face, and her last thought before they were upon was maybe giving elves even MORE rights would be a bad idea.



Daphne Greengrass couldn't believe this was happening.

She couldn't believe this was happening to HER.

The damned treaty, what a farce, a disgusting farce. Daphne wasn't ignorant to what was to be expected of her this year. Her mother had informed her as much. The Greengrass household only employed female house elves to avoid the…aggression of the males. But at school, she was free game just like everyone else.

That was unacceptable to her of course - she was a pure-blood dammit! Her family was a part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, Maybe not as prestigious as the Malfoys, Blacks or Notts (or even the Lestranges for that matter) but their name carried weight! And now she was expected to be some craven cumdump to lowly elves. If anything the mudbloods and blood traitors should take the brunt of this barbaric law, let the decent pure-bloods live in peace

She was a proud Slytherin! She was a proud Greengrass!


The proud Greengrass recoiled as a 10 inch club of an elf-cock just smacked her in the cheek.

"Witchy bitch!" The elf yelled from his porcelain throne. "It's your turn. Swallow it, swallow it!"

'Her turn' referring to her current task of trying to cram all 10 inches of the elf's wrist thick cock down her throat. She wasn't alone in her efforts though, her fellow Slytherins Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode were her would be allies/competitors in this task, all cramped inside a stall in the girl's bathroom, kneeling on the cold as their puce colored elf overlord sat on the toilet like a king, wielding his dick like a scepter.

The elf smacked Daphne's cheek with it's cock again, laughing as it left a red mark across it.

"Stop that, you lowly cretin!" Daphne seethed. That only earned her another cockslap across the face. Daphne wanted nothing more than to hex the horrible monster, but all she could was kneel there in fury.

"Dumb witchy cunt needs to learn to listen." The elf laughed, bouncing his cock meat off of Daphne's forehead. "Be a good witch, and swallow my cock like Pussy Pansy!"

Pansy's face blushed red and she glared at the elf. Pansy had come startling close to sheathing the fullness of the elf's cock in her mouth, taking about 8 inches before she had to come up sputtering for air and drooling. Daphne was disgusted that someone she thought had some class would debase herself in such a way.

"Just do what he says." Millicent mumbled. The curvy girl did a miserable job taking the elf's cock, gagging and retching after only taking half the elf's cock. Daphne scowled at her deeply. Daphne didn't even think Millicent belonged in Slytherin, being a half-blood and all.

"If you want his filthy cock so badly, why don't you take it?" Daphne said, grabbing the back of Millicent's head, trying to push it toward the elf's cock

"Aht aht!" The elf admonished, sending a string hex towards Daphne, forcing her to let go of Millicent. "Fair is fair. Your turn, your turn! Swallow it, swallow it!"

The elf bounced it's cockhead off of Daphne's forehead several times, before dragging it down her face, across her nose and to her lips, smearing a trail of pre-cum all the way like it was signing its name. The elf's bulbous cockhead prodded at the blonde's thin lips, demanding entrance.

'Filthy horrid elf. I should mount this fat cock on my wall' Daphne thought as her lips parted hesitantly for the elf's girth. Her mouth stretched open, allowing the elf's cockhead to slip between as she slowly sank herself onto it's length. 'Dirty, stinking cock. These animals should be in a cage with horrible cocks like these. A danger to society. They should be lucky to serve us!'

Despite her enraged internal monolog, from the outside it looked as if Daphne was putting in a Herculean effort to cram the elf's cock into her throat. She held onto the toilet bowl, as she pulled herself forward, throat stretching around the cock.

"I knew you were over compensating." Millicent said meanly. "You're more cock hungry than anyone here."

'Don't you dare address me!' Daphne wanted to say, but all that came out ast a wet throaty gag, and spit bubbles from her nose as the elf's fat cock was more than halfway down her esophagus. By now the elf's long fingers were wrapped in Daphne's long hair, pulling her more and more forward.

"Yessssss." The elf moaned, loving the tight wet sensation of Daphne's throat. "You two witchy cunts don't just sit there! The balls! The balls!"

The two other Slytherin girls looked at each other, before sighing, and getting to work. While Daphne was tasked with cramming the elf's rod into her throat, Pansy and Millicent leant forward and lapped at the elf's baseball sized nuts. It was awkward, and the two girls licked about as much of the toilet seat as they did the elf's sack, but he certainly wasn't complaining. On Daphne's end, she was near the end of her journey, Nine of the elf's ten inches buried in her throat. The outline of his cock could be seen clearly through her throat as it molded itself around his girth. Tears ran down her crossed eyes as her lungs burned trying to force feed herself the final inch. With her final ounce of strength, Daphne pushed herself forward, burying her nose into the elf's wiry pubic hairs, and completing her mission.

'T-there! I did it, you putrid creature. All of your disgusting fat cock is covered'

"Ha ha! Winner! Winner!" The elf laughed. Both his hands were buried in Daphne's blonde main, as he flexed his cock in her throat. "HRRRUCK!" Daphne gagged loudly, spit shooting from the corners of her mouth - a little bit hit Pansy in her ball slurping face. With his grubby mits in Daphne's hair, the elf began to bounce the Slytherin's head in his lap, extracting 3 or four inches of his cock from her warm mouth before slamming her back down.

'W-wait! You only said I had to swallow you, you dumb beast - not hat you'd skull fuck me!'

Daphne's objections vocalized themselves as a series of "GRUCK…GLURCK…GLACK…GRUCK!"s, and other lewd throat sounds as the elf used her little throat like it was its own personal fucktoy. Daphne hust gripped the toilet bowl harder and squeezed her eyes closed, thinking horrid hateful thoughts about the elf violating her pretty mouth.

Eventually, when Daphne was on the verge of unconsciousness, the horrid elf pulled itself free from her throat, and blew it's load all over the faces of the three girls.

Too add extra insult, the elf wouldn't allow them to clean their faces with anything besides the toilet water.

They were already running late for Potions with Snape, so the Slytherin girls had no choice but to debase themselves further, taking turns dunking their faces into the cold toilet water as the elf laughed like a maniac, and pulled the lift chain, essentially giving them all swirlies.

Humiliated, wet, and angrier than she thought she had ever been, Daphne went to class thinking of horrible things she wished she could do to house elves. Millicent and Pansy didn't even make it to the classroom, accosted on their way by a group of elves in the halls and dragged off to Merlin knew where. The Potion's lab wasn't much better. It didn't take long for the boys to figure out that if they actually wanted to get any work done and not have Snape chastise them, that they could only partner and group with each other during lessons. That means the class was split near down the middle: one side of boys working on their potions, the other side the girls in all manner of undressed, getting fucked, stuffed, and otherwise ruined by the Hogwarts elves.

Snape wasn't at all sympathetic to the girls' plight either, demanding just as much precision as if things were normal. It tended to be a bit hard to count how many clockwise stirs you were at when a house elf was butt-fucking you!

Daphne walked in late, which earned her a disapproving look from Snape, as well as 5 points from Slytherin. Daphne didn't really care at that point, and went to take her seat at her usual station. Daphne wasn't even able to put her book back down before an elf jumped on the stool next to her.

"Mangy wants to fuck!" The elf said. "Mangy wants your cunt!"

Mangy, what an appropriate name Daphne thought, as the gray house elf looked particularly scraggly with bushy eyebrows and hairs coming from its nose. Daphne scowled at the creature, but assumed the position she had come to learn over the last week and a half. She bent over the work desk, feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. She hiked her skirt up over her hips - it was shorter than usual after constantly being hexed and shortened by horny elves. It barely covered her ass. She had forgone wearing underwear at this point - they had been ripped from her body too many times, and she hated having them stuffed in her mouth.

"Get on with it, you horrid creature." She said through gritted teeth. The elf didn't need to be told twice, maneuvering his stool so that he was behind the bent over witch, before plunging its 8-inch cock into her velvet sheath.

Daphne gasped, and braced her hands on the table from the hard thrust. She still wasn't used to how big every house elf was - she hadn't encountered one that was under 8 inches. The biggest she saw she estimated at 14 inches, with Hannah Abbot being on the unfortunate receiving end of it. The elf set an immediately brutal pace - none of the elves knew how to fuck gently. To Daphne they were barely more than rabid beasts all look for their next nut.

Filthy fucking creature, slamming into me - ruining my pussy. If my daddy was here, he'd turn you into a pair of boots for ruining his favorite daughter with your fat, thick disgusting cock.

"Ms. Greengrass." Professor Snape's voice rang out. "Please keep your quiet. Other students are actually TRYING to get their work done."

It occurred to Daphne that that thought in fact was not inside her head, but escaped her lips as the elf pummeled her cunt. Daphne's face flushed red in embarrassment. Mangy just cackled, and rocked into her harder, smacking her thick ass as he did.

Daphne was hardly the only girl bent over at the moment. Hermione was actually trying to add ingredients to her potion as an elf had it's limbs wrapped round her like a baby koala, and fucked into her. The Patil twins were being forced to french kiss by a group of elves who stood in a circle around them, beating their cocks.

Daphne couldn't deny the reaction her body was having - she never could. Even when she was held down and raped by 4 elves on her first day back, she couldn't deny the pleasure their cocks were bringing her. She hated them, hated every time they pulled her hair, every time they spit on her and called her names - but every time, every single time she came harder than she even knew she could. It was intoxicating, being utterly dominated by creatures she saw as lesser. She hated it, but she couldn't deny it.

This was no exception, moaning wantonly as Mangy drove particularly deep within her, cockhead kissing her womb.

"Oi, Greengrass, will you keep it down over there?" Ron said, trying to focus on not ruining his potion. Daphne didn't hear him, slumping forward and passing out from her orgasm. The elf just carried on fucking away until his nuts clenched, and he filled her to the brim


The rest of the day was more of the same for Daphne. She tried to maintain a semblance of normality, a semblance of dignity, but more often than not she ended up on all fours or on her back, cumming around an elf's cock. Every fuck wore her down more and more - her haughtiness and superiority complex fucked right out of her. She skipped dinner entirely, having swallowed enough cum for the day that she had undo the bottom of her shirt.

She returned to the Slytherin girls dorms, the sound of flesh slapping and moans filling the room. No one ever had the chance to cast a proper silencing spell.

When she opened the curtain to her bed, waiting for her was a light pink elf, with big eyes and an even bigger cock.

Daphne didn't bother to disparage the creature - she knew how this was gonna all end anyway. She simply stripped nude out of her uniform, laid on her back, and pulled her ankles above her head.


Tonks could hardly believe she was back at Hogwarts after all this time. She was surprised when Professor McGonagall had offered her the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts. She was just 24, making her the second youngest Professor to ever teach at Hogwarts (the first being Snape of course.)

Tonks accepted the offer almost immediately. She felt she had a lot to offer the role of the DADA instructor. Her mentor Mad-Eye Moody taught the class after all - kind of. With the threat of dark magic growing everyday , the students needed to be ready for all the threats that came with it. Who better than a young Auror to teach them, she could connect with them better than some old fuddy-duddy wizard could.

Plus Hogwarts were some of the happiest years of her life. A return to a place that gave her so many good memories was a given.

Then of course, there was of course the OTHER reason she wanted to return.

She couldn't wait to return to all that free elf dick.

See it wasn't as if the Wizard-Elf treaty had no amendments whatsoever. Back in 1823 there was an addendum that barred elves from using active duty Aurors. It stemmed from a situation where a female Auror was tailing a very dangerous Dark Wizard, but was dragged into an alley by 3 house elves, allowing the wizard to get away and commit even more heinous crimes.

That meant Tonks missed years of elf servitude that she very well intended to make up.

Now Tonks when she first learned of the treaty herself as a student, she reacted like may other girls did - with disgust and defiance. She thought the law was as barbaric as anyone else did, and at first, she fought the elves as many other girls did.

However, unlike the other girls, the first time she was left face down in some back corridor with her holes oozing cum, she didn't feel ashamed, or disgusted.

She immediately wanted more.

Her mother always said she was a bit of a strange girl.

Tonks at her last two years of Hogwarts somewhat created a reputation for herself as a "Craven Elf-fucking slut" as some of her fellow classmate eloquently put it. She didn't care what others said. Half the girls in her class were moaning around elf cocks too, Tonks was just open in that she very much enjoyed it. She was already shamed for being a Half-Blood Black, so why should she care that others saw her as nothing more than a vacuum mouthed elf breeder. Tonks walked proudly through the school with her belly engorged with elflings, most other girls did what they could to hide and conceal it. She gave birth to three separate litters of elves - she wondered where they were taken sometimes.

Regardless, Tonks was back, and she had some lost time to make up for.


When Tonks entered the DADA classroom, the students looked surprised to see her. The students who weren't currently being molested by elves immediately locked onto her pink hair, long leather robes and boots. Hogwarts did have a tendency to surprise students with their new DADA professor. She saw some familiar faces look at her happily and hopefully - Hermione and Ginny, both who looked a right mess, hair frazzled and make-up smudged and running.

"Wotcher, class." Tonks said in her usual fashion. "My name is Tonks, and ONLY Tonks. I'll be your new Defense Against Dark Arts Professor."

Immediately whispers started to fly in the class.

"Her? She'd dressed so strangely."

"Wasn't she at the Battle of the Ministry?"

"She's an Auror right? Aren't they exempt from the law?"

"Maybe she can help us-"

"She has a fit arse."

Tonks didn't have much of a lesson plan, so she began to wing it for the first 10 minutes or so, talking about her experience as an Auror, and some unique magic she's encountered during her time. The students all looked to be impressed by her stories, maybe not as impressed as they were with Moody, but she was certainly easier on the eyes than he was.

After about 15 minutes into her speaking and questions, she heard the unmistakable sound of an apparition pop. Tonks had to suppress a smile - she wondered what had taken them so long.

The class went silent as they looked at the head of the class. In apparted six elves, but not just any elves.

The Gremlins.

The Gremlins was a name given to a group of particularly ornery elves at Hogwarts. They were all a queasy shade of green with rough skin, they were taller than most other elves, coming in at a whopping 4'1 on average, and their cocks were fat and covered in bumps and studs. Some thought they must have had small traces of ogre in them. Hogwarts often used them for heavier lifting and more labor intensive tasks at the school . They gained a reputation of being very MESSY with the girls they used. When not working, they essentially roved the school like a gang. They even had a leader, Wretch. The female students all got nervous, and averted their eyes, hoping that they wouldn't get picked today. Tonks was VERY familiar with the elves herself from her days as a student, Wretch especially. She nearly missed Advanced Transfigurations final because she was tied to her bed getting railed into by The Gremlins one after another (she tied herself there.)

Tonks spared them a glance, but continued to lecture as if the elves hadn't entered the room. The Gremlins began to skulk about the room looking to see which lucky witches they were going to play with.

Wretch himself had his beady eyes locked onto Tonks. She could see him out of her peripherals, and a bolt of arousal shot through her as Wretch stalked toward her. Wretch hopped on the podium Tonks was standing behind, so that his head was actually a bit above hers. Without a word, Wretch pursed his little lips, and spit right in the corner of Tonks' eye. She gasped a little, as the warm wetness stung her eye, and another warm wetness dripped down her leg. Otherwise though, she didn't react, continuing to speak as if nothing happened

The whispers began again -

"Whoa? Why isn't she reacting?"

"I thought they couldn't do that to her?"

"I wish I could spit on her."

"-And remember, the dark arts are nothing to play with. It can consume you just like that-" Tonks continued to speak. Wretch casually yanked on Tonks' pink hair, jerking her head and neck around painfully. He slapped her cheeks with her hands, hooked his long fingers in her mouth like a fish hook - all the while Tonks just continued to speak, cunt gushing. By now the rest of the Gremlins were messing about with the female students of the class, going around groping and molesting their bodies, taking their cue from their leader. Wretch decided to step up his game; he stacked a few books on the podium and stood on them so that his prick was level with Tonks' face. The Metamorphmagus' nostrils flared at the undeniable scent of his cock musk as it bobbed right beside her face, but she kept speaking.

"-I once saw a man turn another man inside out. The man lived and now has his own section at St. Mungo's and-"

Wretch made sure his cock was pointed at Tonks, before he gripped the base and shifted his hips forward. The length of his cock shifted under Tonks' chin, across her neck. Ruth his other hand, he reached around the back of her head, grabbing his cock head, and pulling. Tonks began to sputter, as Wretch used his hard cock like a police club to choke Tonks, who tried to power through, spitting and sputtering.

"H-he can't do that!" Hermione said, standing from her seat. "S-she's an Auror! You can't- the law-"

"Shut your mouth you dumb muddy cunt!" Wretch croaked. "She's not an Auror here! She's just an hole like the rest of ye! Like the rest of ye!"

Hermione looked at Tonks with pleading eyes. Tonks looked back, eyes red and stinging with tears from lack of air. She gave Hermione a sympathetic look, but simply stood there allowing herself to be choked out by the elf's cock. Hermione's face was a mixture of dread, and pure disappointment at the woman she thought was a strong role model. She sat back in her seat despondent as two Gremlins came behind her, and started to roughly pull at her clothes.

Sensing Tonks was about to lose consciousness, he let go of his elfhood, letting Tonks breathe. The witch fell forward, catching herself on the podium with her hands, drooling and gasping for air. Wretch snapped his fingers, and Tonks' leather robe disappeared. He snapped again, and there went her boots. The elf kept snapping, disappearing each article of Tonks' clothing, until she stood there nude as the day she was born. There were a few audible gasps from the desks, not just at her nudity and the dripping between her legs, but at the tattoo that was on her lower stomach, right on her womb.

"Number #1 Grade Elf fuck-meat." The tattoo read and moved. She had gotten the tattoo seventh year - it was quite fashionable to have at the time. The class began to whisper again.

"Dude she's a total freak slut."

"She probably got this job so she could fuck the elves."

"I've always wanted a tattoo, and the calligraphy is cute-"

Tonks' face burned red at her nudity, but she continued to speak as if nothing was different, voice a bit hoarser of course.

"-My job in the end is to teach you all how to protect yourselves, especially with times as crazy as they are now."

Wretch laughed, as he maneuvered a stool behind Tonks'. He gave her back a hard shove, bending her over. Without much grace, he crammed all 11 inches of his cock into Tonks' twat, gaining a loud squeal from the pink haired instructor. Leaning forward to grip the witch's shoulders, Wretch began to fuck Tonks savegly, rocking the podium with each hard thrust.

Tonks missed this - missed being made into an Elf's fucktoy. She tried to soldier on, continuing with her words, screaming them between moans now.


The other Gremlins were laughing and enjoying themselves in the crowd, 2 of them pinning Hermione to the ground between the aisles and fucking her into the stone, two more spit roasting Ginny over her desk, while the last Gremlin was was bobbing Lavender Brown's head in his lap.

Tonks' words at this point just turned to banshee like moans as Wretch fucked her within an inch of her life, slapping her ass, and pulling on her hair. It was so much like the first time he took her on the stairwell of the girl's dorms 6 years ago.

Wretch came with a loud cackle, snapping his cock into her until it was pushing through her cervix, and cumming deep within her. His balls twitched and contracted as he flooded her insides with his spunk, bloating her belly a little by the time he was done. He took his time pulling out, sawing his cock back until only the head was plugging her cunt. He pulled out fully, allowing his overflow of cum to escape, splattering on the ground audibly. Tonks, sweaty, delirious and breathing heavily, shakily looked up at her students, who all had a mix of disgust, embarrassment, and disappointment on their faces, especially the girls.

"I-I hope I made a good first impression as your new professor." She said shakily, before her head fell forward against the podium, blacking out.



Fleur Delacour admittedly never understood the English, both the language and its people. They did things so strangely to her. So, uncouth so to speak. She was admittedly a bit hesitant to join the Hogwarts - Beauxbatons exchange program especially given how her last visit during the Triwizard tourney turned out, but she was a model student and was seen as the best face for the program; she couldn't argue with that.

So she accepted the transfer, being sorted into Ravenclaw for the year. She was told she'd experience everything a Hogwarts student would.


When Fleur heard of the Wizard-Elf treaty, she was shocked to say the least. House Elves were of course a thing in France, but they were used to a lesser degree than the English, and treated much better. Most elves on mainland Europe were seen more as unskilled labor than indentured servants - the vast majority were paid, and even had little elf villages scattered throughout the countryside. But in Britain - well the transaction between elf and human was a bit different to say the least.

In theory, Fleur should've been outraged by the law, and she was partially. That she be expected to be some cocksleve for elves, and she was outraged for a while.

That was until she actually arrived at Hogwarts for her first day.

People never realized how much being a quarter Veela affected one's physiology. Sure people knew about the famous 'allure' that Veela could use on men (and some women), but rarely did people examine past that. While Veela are near human creatures, they were primal beings at the end of the day. Their sense were far more attuned than that of humans, their intuition more instinctual and their sex drive…well there are legends of Veela's fucking a lucky - or unlucky depending on how you look at it - partner for days, even weeks.

So when Fleur entered Hogwarts, she fully intended to upturn her nose to everything, but her nose ended up being her downfall as the quarter veela could do nothing to avoid the rampant pheromones of the elves in heat.

Normally elf pheromones had little effect on humans, as they're naturally targeted to female elves. Overtime however the pheromones could make witches more susceptible and open to the sexual advances of the elves, they'd struggle a little less and their legs would open just a bit easier. But for a Veela, Fleur could smell the full potency of their powerful pheromones, dozens of if not hundreds of elves throughout the school, all horny and ready to mate, their heated scents going into the air. It was as if the frenchwoman was hit with an aphrodisiac bomb - her knees went weak, her eyes watered, she couldn't get a straight thought in her head besides she needed ro BREED. Her Veela suppressants had very little effect either, the elves' powerful scents tearing through her medication. She watched in jealous wonderment as some of her housemates were picked during the sorting ceremony, and why SHE wasn't being held down and fucked on the table. She could only press her legs together as Cho Chang was fucked into a plate of mashed potatoes right next to her.

When the sorting ceremony ended, and many of the girls ran for cover, Fleur took her time leaving the great hall, making sure the elves had a chance to 'accost' her. It didn't take long on her slow walk to the Ravenclaw dorms for a group of elves to approach her.

"You, Frenchy whore!" One small grey elf said pointing his long finger "We want to fuck! We want to fuck!"

The other two elves hopped side to side in agreement, cocks bobbing as they did. Fleur could SMELL them just standing there, balls so full of thick, virile seed.

"Of courze" Fleur said immediately, straightening her back and pushing out her ample 34 DD chest. The elves seemed actually caught off guard by her blanket acceptance, they expected her to put up more of a stink.

Y-you have to listen to us Frenchy cunt!" One elf said.

"Yeah! It's the law! It's the law!" another added.

"I understand. It iz my duty az a guezt in your country." Fleur simply nodded her head, lips in a small smile. Once again, the elves were a bit caught off-guard. They didn't really understand her earnestness. "Did you want to find a private plaze, or iz here fine?"

"Erm…Come! Come!" Said one of the elves, roughly grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her down the corridor. The other two elves pinched and slapped at Fleur's ass as they walked, which was just fine with her. Fleur could hear and smell the sounds of sex all around her - girls being fucked up against walls, in side corridors, even just in the middle of the floor. If the elves didn't get to where they were taking her soon, she'd mount them right then and there.

Luckily for her, they arrived at their destination, an abandoned classroom, promptly. The elves roughly pushed her inside, making her stumble to her hands and knees. She pushed herself up to sit on her knees, and the elves were upon her, cocks pointed at her face. Her mouth literally SALIVATED, like a dog waiting for it's meal. The elves circled around her, pricks poking and slapping against her face, rubbing against her beautiful regal feature, smearing her makeup with their pre-cum. Her nostrils flared constantly, snorting and inhaling their scents. Her head swam as her body responded with pure need. She wasn't a witch at that moment - she was an animal that needed to breed. Fleur quickly pulled out her wand from her holster, making the elves jump back a little. She had no intention to try and harm them, rather the opposite really. She waved her wand, and vanished all of her clothes at once. She then discarded her wand to her side, not caring where it landed. She turned her back to the elves, and dropped down to her elbows and forearms, pressing her head to the ground submissively, and presenting her dripping quim to them like a bitch in heat. She wiggled her bottom invitingly.

"Pleaz0,e" She gasped desperately. "Pleaze hurry."

The elves did not need to be told twice. The three fought on who would go first, All pushing their cocks at her hole trying to get themselves sheathed inside of her. All three of them could've jammed themselves into her snatch at once for all she cared, but she needed a cock in her NOW. Fleur pushed her hips back, and sank onto the lucky elf who happened to be most lined up with her entrance. The elf groaned, and his little hand latched onto her slim hips, and began to thrust wildly into the French witch. Fleur squealed and moaned wantonly, thrusting back against the elf desperately.

"Frenchy bitch is crazy!" Said one of the elves watching.

"Frenchy bitch is HORNY!" said the other. The elf fucking her didn't have anything to say, his tongue loling out his mouth like a wild dog as he fucked her doggy style.

"Ohohohoh!" Fleur moaned loudly, her cunt gushing around the elf's girthy rod. She felt so right in this position, face down, ass up, being roughly taken from behind. It felt so right, so natural.

"I need to tell the others about Frenchy bitch" One elf said, before apparating away. Several minutes later, he not only returned, but a half dozen other elves returned as well. Then several minutes after that, even more elves came. Soon there was a line leading outside the classroom and around the corner of elves waiting to take their turn on the French breeding bitch.

It was pure heaven for Fleur, who took them all willingly and happily. She did not let one elf cum anywhere besides her waiting womb. This was a breeding session through and through. If by some miracle of Merlin she didn not get pregnant that night, she would try, try again until she got it right.



When the school year ended, and summer finally came, Hermione was more than ready. To think at one point she dreaded the summer, dreaded being away from the wizarding world and Hogwarts, but she needed a BREAK. Month upon months of fucking, sucking, and being otherwise used as a broodmare for the Hogwarts elves. She'd given birth twice to a litter of elves, and would've been a third time if Hermione didn't make it an effort to finish off elves with her mouth when she could - it ended up earning her the title the blowjob queen of Gryffindor, but she was well past the point of being humiliated by names. Hermione wanted nothing more than to go home, back to MUGGLE aka Elf free England.

So when her friend Harry invited her to Potter manor for summer celebration, she admittedly was a bit hesitant. But she had no REAL reason to say no; he was her best friend of course. So she accepted, only on the promise that he'd make sure the house elves of Potter Manor would be sent somewhere for the duration of the party. Harry thought she was overreacting, that she should be used to being used by elves by now, but nevertheless he promised.

Harry also invited Daphne, Fleur, Luna, Ginny, and even Tonks. The women might have all been different personality wise, but there was a certain sisterhood in being an elf's cumdump.

The ladies all arrived at the Manor the first day of the summer. The Potter family was quite old money and the manor was huge. James Potter was out of the country on business, so that left Harry with his mother Lily in the house. True to his word, the elves weren't present when the girls arrived, bringing relief to Daphne, Ginny and Hermione, and slight disappointment to Tonks and Fleur. Strangely Harry's mother was nowhere to be seen, but Hermione just dismissed it thinking she was probably out running some errands.

Harry was a gracious host, treating girls to good food and drink, as they laughed with each other. There wasn't much opportunity for the girls to socialize during the school year with them being on their backs most of the time. At some point during the festivities of the evening, Harry got an owl. He opened it, and read it.

"Bugger, I nearly forgot I let Ron borrow my broom." Harry said, eyes scanning the parchment. "Sorry ladies, but I need to go swing by the Burrow really quick."

"I'm sure we can handle ourselves while you're gone, Potter." Daphne said. Harry went to his Fireplace, and Floo-ed away, leaving the girls to their own devices. They continued to talk and eat, admittedly a bit awkwardly. When Fleur began to go on about the honor it was to carry an elf's offspring in her belly, Hermione knew they needed SOMETHING to do. Eventually they began to wander around a bit, realizing the sheer size of the mansion they were in. They walked the corridors of the ancestral home of the Potter family.

"It's quite large, isn't it." Luna commented as they walked.

"Do you always state the obvious, Lovegood?" Daphne said rudely, jealous that her home didn't look like this.

"Be nice Greengrass." Tonks warned.

"Shhh?" Hermione suddenly shushed. "Did you hear that?"

"What are you on about Granger-" Daphne began, before being cut off by Hermione shushing again."

"There it is again!"

All the girls listened, and faintly, they could hear the faint sound of muffled groaning.

"Is the Manor haunted?" Luna asked, not seemingly put off by the prospect.

"Harry said there were no ghosts here?" Hermione answered. Being the nosy girl she was, she took out her wand. "Come on."

Hermione began to walk to the source of the noise. The other women looked at each other, before following along. The sounds of the grunts got louder as they walked into a less unkept section of the manner. Soon they came upon a large set of doors, where the groaning seemed to be coming from. Gripping her wand, Hermione blasted the door open, ready to duel with whatever was on the other side.

That was until they all realized what they were seeing.

In the middle of the large room was none other than Lily Evans Potter, being made airtight by a group of house elves. She was on her knees, bent over roughly as an elf was stuffed into each one of her holes. She groaned loudly from her throat as she was being thoroughly used.

The elf in her mouth looked over to the door and the new set of witches standing in the room.

"New witches!" He laughed. "New witchies!"

Lilly was able to pull her mouth free from the elf, and craned her neck to look over at the girls.

"Y-you're not supposed to be here." She said, voice hoarse.

"Mr-Mrs, Potter!" Hermione exclaimed. "What in Merlin's name are you doing?"

Lily's face burned with shame. "Harry told me to keep the elves busy while you visited. This was the only way I knew ho -MRGHL!"

The elf in front of her didn't let her finish before stuffing it's fat prick back into the older woman's mouth.

Sensing that her nosiness might've got them into trouble, Hermione quickly turned to leave, but one of the elves snapped, and the door slammed closed, and locked.

"L-let us out!" Daphne said, panic setting in.

"You can't keep us here!" Added Ginny.

The elves all just laughed, and snapped their fingers simultaneously. After a moment, the familiar sound of an apparition pop was heard, and then another - and another. One by one more elves apparated into the room. First several, then a dozen. They all looked hungrily at the women before them, evil little smiles on their faces.

It was Daphne who broke first - whipping out her wand, and pointing it at the elves

"No! It's summer! It's not supposed to be like this!" She said, pointing her wand at the elves futilely, knowing she couldn't cast a spell on them. 3 elves were quickly upon her, knocking her wand from her hand and wrestling her to the ground. They began to rip at her clothes and manhandle her into position. "It's not supposed to - HRUCKK- GRUCKGLURCKGLACK"

Ginny also put up a bit of a fight, but was quickly overpowered like Daphne, pinned face down to the ground with an elf standing on her head while another positioned itself behind her body, ripping off her underwear.

Luna knelt politely when ordered to by the elves, and passively began to strip out of her clothes as a group jerked their cocks around her. Fleur and Tonks were ripping at their own clothes, trying to get naked as quickly as possible and be stuffed with as much elf cock as they could.

The remaining elves loomed towards Hermione menacingly, who stood stock frozen at the scene around her. She sighed sadly as she herself was pushed to the ground, and her clothes were pulled at. She didn't put up much of a fight, simply regretting that she didn't mind her own business.


"Girls? Girls, where are you?" Harry called out. He had returned with his broom and a cup of teak at the Burrow. He looked around for his guests, wondering where they could've gone. He hoped they didn't get lost, it was easy to do so in the manor.

Harry heard strange noises echoing through the halls - like a wounded animal almost. He went to the source of the sound, opening the door to look inside. His eyes widened at the sight.

His friends and mother were all around getting ruined by the elf staff of the manor.

Ginny was pinned face down, ass up, being railed into hard from behind as a line of elves stood behind her, waiting their turn. Luna was bouncing on an elf cock, with a cock in each hand, and her mouth being put to good work as well. Daphne's legs were spread eagle by two elves while a third slammed himself between her open legs. Somehow a group of elves managed to get a hold of some collar and leashes, and tied them around the necks of Tonks and Fleur. The two women didn't seem complain though as they were fucked from behind and eating from a bowl of what Harry could only presume was a copious amount of elf spunk.

And Hermione - The brightest witch of an age was right beside Harry's mother, the former brightest witch of an age. Both were completely stuffed, an elf or two in each hole riding them brutally, flesh slapping loudly, as their bodies were rocked back and forth, and they could see nothing but cock and more cock.

"MOOOOOOM!" Harry whined. "I told you to keep the elves busy and out of sight."

"Sorry." His mother said, but with her mouth stuffed with 2 elf pricks, it came out more as "GHRCULKL"

"It can't be helped I suppose" Harry sighed. He looked around at his friends and shook his head. "Well I suppose I'll come back when they're all finished."

And just like that Harry walked right back out the door, closing it behind him and leaving the witches to their own devices.

Hermione didn't know how much time had passed - felt like days, but was probably only a few hours. At some point, all the girls were moved to the center of the room encased in a circle of elves all with their hard rods pointed at them like wands. The elves all stroked themselves until they seemed to sync up, and exploded all over the girls, absolutely covering them from head to toe in their elf cum. Through the thick glaze of cum, Hermione could see Tonks and Daphne swapping cum between their lips, while Fleur lorded over Luna and dribbled a thick mouthful of spunk onto the girl's forehead. Hermione herself could do much besides gurgle the cum clogging her throat and nose.

"Don't worry." Lily said, swallowing her own mouthful of seed. "You get used to it all after a while."

Somehow Hermione found that hard to believe, but she didn't have to think for much longer, before she fell forward, and blacked out.

next chapter
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