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73.33% HP: Memoirs of The True Elemental / Chapter 11: Back at Hogwarts

Bab 11: Back at Hogwarts

Harry" indicating speech

'Harry' indicating inner thoughts

Before Flashback

The ICW representatives gasped as one. In walked one of the most influential heirs in the world. Before they could say anything, she ran towards Harry and tightly wrapped him in a hug. 


Harry hugged her back, much to the astonishment of everyone in the room, puzzled by the ensuing development. 


They finally broke their embrace to look at each other. 


"I'm here, Harry," grinned the exuberant Heir, delighted to be in Harry's arms. 


"Never doubted you, Ilya," grinned back Harry. 


Erwin Nott was flabbergasted, he genuinely couldn't have dreamt of something so extraordinary happening, the Einzberns, one of the top three most inlfuential families in the ICW, had interrupted their arrest and it wasn't just a messenger, it was the new heir of the Einzberns.

The family had gone through a mysterious upheaval, what happened was a mystery but one thing was clear, Lady Ilya Einzbern was to be the new heir of Einzbern and its Lady when she would reach 17, with an Interim head of house appointed.

"My lady, you must be careful, you cannot charge into unknown territory on your own!" stepped out a tall man, with white hair in a pony tail and a serious gaze as he surveyed the room.

The ICW representatives gaped at the newcomer's arrival "Lord Richard! but we thought you died, there was no contact from you for the past year!"

Richard smirked, "rumours of my death have been... greatly exaggerated."

Harry rolled his eyes "Old man act like your 70 and not a kid quoting a movie."

Richard's eye twitched but before he could go off on a tangent he saw Ilya glare at him, 'To think I'm reduced to playing nice with this brat because of a love-struck heiress.' He thought ruefully.

"Well Bra-, I mean Harry," Richard adjusted his words seeing the glare he was getting intensify, "I am 37, as I've told you numerous, numerous times, maybe something's wrong with your menta-" Ilya's glare was back and Richard had to change his words mid-sentence.

"I mean I forgot to remind you, of course, I can't expect you to remember that," He ended with a very fake smile and an almost unnoticeable twitch on his forehead.

If Erwin and his fellow representatives had been shocked before, their minds were reeling now, Richard was known worldwide for his incredible battle acumen, he was ferocious and had killed thousands, once ripping through an army of werewolves all on his own without a scratch, and he was having to play nice with the boy they'd come to arrest.

Nevertheless, they were here for a mission, they had to investigate Harry Potter, he had apparently been at the orphanage that had been chosen for the ritual, and the next thing they knew the wards where down and the Elthurian Princess had been rescued.

'He must know something, it was an easy job, in and out, no one but a defenseless Princess and some muggles, but for him to be alive, that means the Elthurians must have taken him back with them, he knows what happened and we can't leave without him even if it means stepping on the toes of the Einzberns.'

Erwin gathered his wits and coolly stated, "While I hate to interrupt, we must take Harry Potter with us for interrogation regardless of what anyone has to say, this is non-negotiable."

Ilya scoffed, "No".

Erwin's face tightened, "He does not have a choice and you do not have a say Einzbern!" Spat Erwin.

Before he knew it he was held off the ground by his neck by Richard, even as his magic swirled around him, daring anyone to act.

Richard spoke calmly, as if he wasn't holding the man up with one arm" Speak with respect, or it will be your neck." His words rhymed, but no one wanted to be the one to point that out, well except Harry.

To his credit he reign in his laughter... for about ten seconds, "Pfffft, where'd you get that line from old man," laughed Harry holding his stomach even as everyone else looked at him like he was crazy, except Ilya who giggled along and of course Dumbledore who seemed amused at the situation at hand.

'To show no fear and openly joke around with Richard the sword of the Einzberns, is not something you can do while hiding behind the heiress's back.' Thought Albus contemplatively.

"But then again maybe I'm overthinking it," an amused Albus muttered, watching on as Harry hid behind Ilya's back and stuck his tongue out at the taller man.

Ilya turned to Richard, "Richard, put him down, Nott, I hope you do not forget that the Einzbern's have diplomatic immunity when it comes to interrogations, bring concrete evidence and I might entertain you talking to Harry." She ended strongly.

Erwin was let down and to his credit, quickly composed himself.

"I fail to see how that applies to Mr.Potter" Erwin replied stressing Harry's last name.

"But it applies to someone the Einzbern's consider an Amicus Venerabilis."

There was stunned silence from the people who knew what that signified, while there was a confused one from Lily, James and Sirius.

"I- is there any proof of your claim Lady Einzbern?" asked Erwin, on the backfoot now.

Of course, he is not just a mere Amicus Venerabilis but Ille Veneratissimus, therefore he has the sigil.

Harry brought his right arm out and willed for his sigil to appear, and in front of everyone and appear it did as red lines weaved into existence, connecting to cover Harry's arm up to the shoulder, around the elbow region you could see the face of a lion, but not just any lion, it was the Naemeon Lion.

"Wait what does that mean?" asked a confused Lily, even as Harry willed for the sigil to disappear.

Dumbledore, was the quickest to get over his surprise as he let out a chuckle, "It is the most venerable title that can be bestowed on a person not from the family."

"How did Harry receive it?"

"It is not possible to receive, but only achieve it, it is bestowed when the Family Magic's believe that the recipient is worthy, the Grimoire activates and guides the Head of House to bestow it to whoever they've chosen and imprint's a small part of it's magic to their chosen, of course the Head of House can veto the suggestion, but it rarely ever happens and to veto the decision is even rarer.

One of the ICW representatives stepped forward, she had stayed silent so far, but Erwin Nott's giving her the floor indicated she was his superior, she was tall and attractive with black hair and black eyes and was of Asian descent.

"We apologize, Lady Einzbern, we were not aware of Mr.Potter's title, it will be of quite some interest to my superiors, tell me may I know when exactly he received the title?"

"You may not."

The lady hummed, before letting out an "ah" of realization, "I forgot to introduce myself, I am Lee Juna, but you can call me by my English name June.

'She's strong.' thought Harry, her presence had been hidden but now she had revealed herself and he could feel her Aura, it was one of death and suffering, she had killed but killing alone didn't leave you with that Aura.

'She enjoys it, the death and suffering, she revels in it, an addict.' concluded Harry.

"And just why are you here interrogator June." Ilya let out through gritted teeth.

"Wait she's THE interrogator June?" cut in Sirius, eyes wide in surprise.

"Were you here to help interrogate Harry?" James asked coldly, glaring at the woman.

June only tilted her head in amusement, "If need be, yes" she smiled.

"To think the ICW has fallen that low." said a furious Sirius.

"Who is she?" asked a puzzled Lily not getting the picture.

"She's ICW hound dog, known for being able to get anything out of her interogee's in an interrogation, theirs not much left of them after though." stated Ilya much to Lily's shock who's eyes widened.

'To think they would go this far, I won't let them, they'll never touch Harry.' an angry Lily decided.

June found the situation hilarious, "Hahahaha, to think there is so much protection for the boy, my, my what fun this seems to be."

"You wouldn't last."

June cocked her eyebrow, "Quite confident aren't you Richard of the Einzberns."

Richard snorted, "He'd eat you up for dinner."

June hummed, "well I'd like to eat him up for dinner and desert, look at those eyes, seems like a fun ride."

That statement was the spark that lit the fire, James, Lily, Sirius and Elizabeth all went for their wands and the Erwin and the other ICW wizard went for theirs, only Harry, Richard, June and a shell-shocked Ilya stayed still but were interrupted by Dumbledore.


The word was said softly but it was the power behind it that stopped everyone in their tracks.

"Miss June, it is unfortunate to see you have not changed, you could so with some humanity, but as it is I implore you to leave before I remove you myself."

June grinned bloodthirstily at Harry who just cocked his eye brow and blew a kiss at June, surprising her with his audacity.

"You're hot but the batshit crazy ain't really my type lady, see you hopefully never, but with my luck I'll have to gut you myself."


Harry, gulped looking at a stone-faced Ilya, before raising his hand in apology, only for her to huff and look away.

Amused June looked at him, before she snorted, "I like you kid, you're definitely more than what meets the eye, can't wait to see what you're packing."

Seeing the glowering looks she was getting, particularly from Ilya and Lily, she chucked, "I was referring to his combat ability."

making her way to the door, she lingered, "or was I? and she was out of the door before they could respond.

"I don't like her." Ilya said flatly, getting nods of agreement from both Lily and Elizabeth.

Lily tuned to Harry, "Harry, what was that?! you're 12!"


"And you're flirting with a maniac?!"

Harry annoyance showed as he retorted, "By that logic I'm a maniac too."

Ilya had been annoyed at the flirting as well, but seeing Harry get agitated, she put that aside and took him by the hand and turned to Dumbledore, "Professor, we're off to tour the castle, I hope you don't mind?"

Before Dumbledore could respond, she had already dragged Harry outside, disappearing from view.

Lily sighed, "I didn't mean he was a maniac."

James slung his arm around her shoulder, "I know Lils, he just needs time and space, we can't cling to him, he won't like that."

Lily leaned into his embrace even as she responded, "I still see him as my baby, he's so different from Danny that I haven't wrapped my head around it yet."

"I hadn't wrapped my head around it either, till I saw his body language," added in Sirius solemnly.

"What do you mean?"

"The utter calm that he exhibits, when June stepped up, his eyes were alert, always keeping her within sight, it was something I've seen MadEye do."

'I'll have to digress Sirius, the reason that he kept her within eye sight isn't that complex.' Dumbledore thought to himself. 'He looked at her the same way Richard or I did, as in she wouldn't have been able to leave a mark on him, just how strong are you Harry?'

"Albus, to cut to the point, does that mean the Elthurian princess and Lady Einzbern will be part of Hogwarts this year? enquired Elizabeth.

Albus nodded, This year's batch will be unprecedented, the world has flocked to Hogwarts this year with the enrollment of the boy-who-lived, Lady Einzbern, The Elthurian Royal Family, many foreign student's have enrolled this year, pushing Hogwarts average acceptance of 40 students per year to 110, almost triple its size, James and Sirius, if you would take the time to help me work out the security plan for this year, I think I might need the advice while Minerva could use some help with the logistics, Elizabeth and Lily.

'No matter what this year will prove to be one of the most interesting one's yet, mused Dumbledore, 'I'm not sure that's a good thing yet.'

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