Unduh Aplikasi
8.08% HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 8: Of Wands and Being Mental

Bab 8: Of Wands and Being Mental

November 13, 1997

Hogwarts, Scotland

It was still dark out, like it was wan to be in the Highlands of Scotland at six in the morning in the middle of November. Hermione had joined him on the Practice Grounds to start their light warmups in the cold. In a few minutes they would start their run. Thursdays they only had classes in the afternoon and he wanted to spend the morning doing his workout and start his training for the tournament.

They were about half-way through their stretches when a tired looking Neville and Seamus joined them. Through a big yawn, Seamus greeted them. "You two look too chipper. The sun isn't even up yet."

Harry just continued his stretching. "Was Ron coming," Harry enquired.

"I think he is still sore from your muggle fighting from yesterday. He just snorted when I poked him," Seamus replied. Harry wasn't surprised. Ron, Seamus and Dean were only joining him two or three times a week, while Hermione and Neville were most days.

"Are we meeting any of the Beauxbatons students today?" Neville enquired.

"Gabrielle is still refusing to do anything with me that might pertain to the tournament," Harry supplied grumpily.

"You know she is only doing that because she wants to prove she can do it on her own," Hermione informed him. "Were you hoping anyone in particular were going to join us, Neville?"

Harry blew out a breath. "I know. It doesn't seem to matter that I already think she can."

Neville was stretching his shoulders, some colour on his neck and not answering Hermione's question. It was obvious by his tone he didn't want to give something away. " Just curious. I don't see any others working out with Gabrielle or David."

Harry turned to him. "You see her and David working out together?"

"Usually she is running on the ground with David about four, when I head down to the Greenhouses and you head towards the library," Neville commented.

Harry thought that explained why she usually smelt freshly showered before dinner most nights. "I really wish she would stop being so stubborn about this," he softly griped.

"She is safe on the grounds. You know that," Hermione soothed him.

"I know," he sighed.

It was just about seven-thirty, the time he and Hermione usually arrived in the Great Hall and the owls flew in, when he sat next to Gabrielle and David. He gave her a soft peck as he sat. The Daily Prophet was already here.

"Anything good today," he asked David as he reached for some food.

"Your papers are so dramatized," David said in response. "What you put on the front page is usually for the gossip column. Can this be real? Some reporter named Rita Skeeter has printed an article about you and Gabrielle. I highly doubt Gabrielle entranced you with her allure to just steal your house and gold. Gabrielle, your family has higher positions than Harry."

Harry shut his eyes as Gabrielle looked sharply to David. "What!" she snapped. David handed her the paper.

Neville joined them with the dark-haired Esme. "What did I miss," he asked after making sure Esme had sat first and looking at the stormy look on Gabrielle's face, Harry pinching his nose and Hermione looking ready to turn someone to stone.

"Just some bint going after Gabrielle," Harry said testily. "I need to get hold of Sirius after this. I thought we had silenced that bloody hag."

"T'is is 'orrible," Gabrielle said as she read the article. "It mentions people in 'ogwarts saying I t'reatened their 'ouses and I was trying to ensnare them as well? Who would say t'at?"

Neville joined their frown. "Sounds like a pureblood," Neville offered.

Harry curled his lip. "How much you want to bet its Malfoy or some of their lot? I bet they paid for this too," Harry supplied.

"Maman will not be happy," Gabrielle added.

David gave a dark chuckle. "Madam Delacour is going to bury this woman."

Gabrielle nodded and Harry looked at them a little concerned. Gabrielle must have caught his look. "Maman does not put up with anything that would harm her family."

"Just as long as she stops going after you," he agreed.

She gave him a grateful look. "Maman won't let you be attacked like this either. She is protective of family."

Harry nodded. "You sure you don't want to practice or study together today?"

Gabrielle shook her head. "I will study with you for our normal work, but not the tournament."

He sighed before leaning in. "What if I start teaching you how I do my intent-based magic?"

She shook her head again. "You will teach me, but I want to get through the first task."

He sighed again. "I will be using the Room of Requirements today. It is available if you need."

She turned to look at him, a slight amount of surprise in her face. They had used it again last night, getting through one dance before he had pinned her to a wall and she had divested him of his jumper and shirt before he did the same to her.

"It can do that?" she asked equally as quietly.

"If you want to come with me after breakfast, I can show you," he offered.

He saw a quick internal argument go over her face before she nodded. "Fine. We have the weighing of the wands at eleven though."

He hadn't forgotten.

A little while later, Gabrielle and him were on the seventh floor. He had the Marauder's map out to make sure no one was around. "What is t'at?" Gabrielle asked in a determined manner as she stood at his side looking at the map. Her English was getting better.

"Something my father, Sirius and Remus made while here. It shows everyone in the mapped sections of the castle," he told her.

"That is incredible," she commented.

He nodded. Once convinced no one was coming, he walked along the wall a few times and when he opened the door, a wave of heat greeted them. Gabrielle closed her eyes for a moment. "I didn't know it could be so warm in Scotland."

He chuckled. "You are saying I am not warm or warm you up?"

He loved her giggle. "I would never say that. You warm me up very nicely. Where are we today?"

He took her hand and led her into the room, making sure the door was closed behind them. Before them spread a large sandy landscape with some ruins to one side and a clear river on the other. "The Sahara, along the Nile river. Too many of the clues lead to this."

She looked around. He took his wand out and cast a cooling charm on himself. "You have been practicing here?" she asked.

"Here. Antarctica. The Russian and Canadian tundras. A few other places," he said, not naming the others from the look his girlfriend gave him. She wanted to do this on her own. Harry would respect it, even if he didn't agree with it. "Today I was going to make it to that pyramid over there," he indicated the top of a structure in the distance. A heat haze obscured half of it.

She frowned. "That looks almost ten kilometers away," she commented.

"Sounds about right," Harry told her.

The eye she gave him said she had not been doing anything like this. "Does Sorenson know about this place?"

He shook his head. "This is a secret that you and only a few others know about. We really don't want it getting out. Besides, Sorenson can go jump off a cliff if he wants."

She smiled and pecked him. "May the best woman win," she said, playfully pushing him back and then taking off towards the Pyramid.

"CHEATER!" he yelled before laughing and following her. She might need his help with the surprises he had the room make.


The Weighing of the Wands...

Gabrielle was giving Harry a baleful look as she met with Madam Maxime in the entry hall like they had been asked to do at eleven.

She knew Harry had been training. David and her had been too, and looking up many of the creatures and plants on the lists. It was a pale comparison to what her boyfriend was obviously doing. He was using anyone and everyone he could ask about the clues, training in the actual environments they were probably going to face, not to mention whatever other studying he was doing about the task.

He had a creatures expert, herbology expert and Defense experts all at his fingertips. Neville and Luna were good friends to Harry, even more so in what knowledge they had for their age. His uncles and the insane ex-Auror, that she still wanted to blast, were some of the best Defence and duelling people she had ever seen.

Gabrielle wasn't upset with Harry. No. She was upset with herself.

After seeing how he was practicing, and how she had sustained a good beating from a giant wooden practice scorpion and almost having to duel an animated stone sphinx, she was feeling woefully inadequate at the moment.

Her Harry gave her a guilty look as he came to stand next to his Head of House.

She huffed, trying not to project her anger at herself onto him. Harry had done nothing wrong. It had also brought to the front that he was training to survive not just this, but what was happening back on the continent.

Madam Maxime eyed her as she came to stand next to her. "Where have you been this morning? I had expected you to train with us on the duelling run."

"I was training for the tournament," she responded.

The woman looked at her and then followed Gabrielle's gaze to Harry. Headmaster Gjoka and Sorenson were standing near the doors, keeping a good distance from her and Harry.

"You were training with Seigneur Potter?"

"Oui. He showed me his training area. Seigneur Potter has determined the clues and how to train better than I," she admitted, trying to think of a better way to catch up with him. The task was just over three weeks away.

The large woman regarded Harry. "I feel that is no small praise. Are you seeing clearly on this?"

She frowned. "Oui! Harry has been using the resources he has in a far better way. I shall have to do the same." She just couldn't understand how to yet without training with Harry or using some of his friends. She didn't know all the strengths of those with her, mostly because they had never wanted to really stay around her after her allure had started to manifest in her third year. There was no rule against her training or working with Harry. He was her boyfriend. He was courting her and she was starting to be convinced that he really did accept her for all she was.

They didn't say anything else as Mr. Bagman, Headmaster Dumbledore, Head Ross and Representative Sorenson entered from the main staircase with an old man that looked a little frail to be walking around as spryly as he was. Behind them was a reporter and a man with a camera.

"Ah, excellent, you are all here," Mr. Bagman called out loudly with a happy grin. "Headmaster Dumbledore has allowed us to use the antechamber off the Great Hall again. We can all go in."

She watched the man approach Harry and Harry throw the man's arm off his shoulder when Bagman tried to lead him to the side for a moment. She did not care for the man.

As they walked in, the reporter followed them through. "Why don't you set up a mirror there and there. I want to get some of this natural light over on that tapestry. It should make a nice backdrop for some photos. Bagman, you have a room for me to do the interviews in?"

The man reluctantly left Harry's side. "Yes. Yes. Just as you requested Emma."

"If the Champions would come over here, we would have you present any wands you are going to register for the tournament. As you know, only registered wands can be used. Should you lose any registered wand, a new one can be registered, but only if the original has been destroyed," Headmaster Dumbledore said, ushering them towards a table on the other side of the room as Bagman talked with the dark hair reporter.

She lined up next to Harry as Sorenson lined up as far away as he could but still be before the table. He didn't recognize either of them unless required.

"This is Garrick Ollivander, probably the best wand crafter in England and much of Europe," Bagman said coming back to them.

"Thank you for the introduction," the man said in a sure voice. "Now, I think we should do visiting guests and ladies first. Ms. Delacour, is it?"

"Oui, Monsieur," she said, stepping forward. She took her primary wand out, and then the second wand that her papa had insisted she get when she started to duel. He was afraid her primary wand would be damaged at one point.

The man looked at her. "Which one is your primary wand?"

She handed him a light colour wood wand with a hint of red in it. Mr. Ollivander took it and regarded it before looking at it from all angles. "Apple wood. Eleven inches. Slightly flexible. Veela hair core?"

"Oui. My maman's," she told him.

"A half-veela's hair? How unusual," the man commented. He shot it into the air and a large firework like effect filled the room. "Rather powerful. Who made this?"

"My Uncle Sebastien Delacour."

The man nodded as though impressed. "I had not realized he had such skill. I have only come across three others made by him. A rather rare treat to see another. And is your other wand made by your uncle, my dear?"

"Oui. That one is unicorn hair though," she told him.

He nodded, picking up the other and looking at it. Ollivander commented. "This one is willow. Unusual to have such dichotic woods. It has a strong connection to you though. Not as powerful as your applewood, not as flexible. Ten and three-quarter inches." He made a whipping motion and a strong wind shot out. "Very nice, Ms. Delacour. Please tell your Uncle I would not mind talking with him if he was in country."

She nodded her head and took both her wands back. "I will pass it along, Monsieur Ollivander."

"Now, is it Mr. Sorenson?"

"It is, Mr. Ollivander," the boy said, stepping up to the table. He held out a single wand of some dark polished wood.

"Ah, a Chekovski wand. I was not aware he sold outside of Russia," Ollivander commented, looking almost as excited to see her uncle's wand.

Sorensen just nodded.

"Rowan. Nine inches. Quite inflexible." He regarded the wand for a moment. "Is that a heart string of a sea serpent?"

"Yes," Sorenson replied.

"Very unusual. Very hard to obtain." Mr. Ollivander spun the wand in a circle and a shield that looked solid and made of bronze appeared. "Excellent and powerful for defensive spells. Here you are, Mr. Sorenson. None others?"

Sorenson took it and shook his head. "I only need vone," he responded.

Ollivander nodded and gave a sort of creepy smile to Harry. "Ah, and Mr. Potter. I have not seen you in over six years. Do you still have that wand that chose you?"

"Yes, sir." Harry had one wand appear from a holster in his right hand, and then another in his left.

The man looked at him a little oddly. "Are you left-handed?"

"No, sir," Harry said, handing the one in his right hand first.

Mr. Ollivander looked at it for a long few moments. "This is an Ollivander wand, but not one made by myself, my father or my grandfather," the man said, looking up to Harry.

"It was one I found in my family Vaults. The last person to use it was Isolde Peverell," Harry told him.

The man's thick eyebrows rose up into his hair. Head Ross' eyes grew wide and the Headmaster's head turned sharply to Harry. She didn't understand the significance of that.

"Wands do not typically hold their powers for that long. When did Isolde Peverell pass?" he asked, looking intently at the wand.

"A little over five hundred years ago. It just felt like it was calling to me one day I was in my vaults," Harry told him.

"Red Oak. Thirteen and three-eight inches long. Flexible. Curious. Very Curious. This is a phoenix feather related to the one in your first wand, but not the same phoenix. This one is a silver phoenix. Very interesting," the man said as though starting to drift into a thought that was more important than the here and now.

"May I see your other wand," Mr. Ollivander asked. Harry handed it to him and she looked at Harry curiously. He had an odd expression on his face.

"Yes. This is the one I sold you. Holly. Phoenix feather. Eleven inches and supple. It still holds you as its master, but I suspect it doesn't work as well for you anymore?"

Harry didn't say anything for a moment. "No, sir. Not for a few years," Harry told him.

"When did the red oak wand call to you?"

"About two years ago," Harry replied.

"But this one wasn't as strong for you before then, was it?" Ollivander indicated the holly wand.

"No, sir."

"Curiouser and Curiouser."

"Garrick, perhaps you should talk with Mr. Potter about this later? Unless you think the wands are not serviceable," Headmaster Dumbledore prodded.

"Oh, yes. I would like to talk more with Mr. Potter after, but I am here to certify the wands. Expecto Patronum," the man said with Harry's red oak wand. An elegant eagle flew out of it. It was bright. When he repeated it with Harry's holly wand, it was a lesser patronus, but still impressive. "I declare them both useable."

Harry took them back and they both vanished up his sleeves quickly. He met her eyes for a moment as though to tell her he would explain later. Why did she feel like he had so many secrets? So many more than she had.

"Excellent! All the wands have been presented and found useable. Some very different wands," Bagman declared loudly. "Now, we would like some pictures and then to announce something special."

Harry didn't look impressed with the man.

It started with the standard poses. One each of them with their Headmasters. Some group photos, and then Harry and her were put together. "Just like this. That's it. Put your arm around her back and hand showing just like that," the photographer was telling them as the reporter stood next to the photographer.

The photographer was short, balding, with a large mustache and pleasant eyes. The woman was of average height, with fine brown hair, hazel eyes and red lips. "This will look great in the Society Section. Do you know when you will announce your betrothal?" the woman asked. "Or are you waiting to see how you both do in the first task on December the sixth?"

Harry's hand tightened. They hadn't discussed that yet, but she knew this was where their relationship was going. She was about to respond when Harry spoke up. "That is a question between House Delacour and House Potter. If, and when, we decide to take that step, there will be an official press release."

Her insides fluttered. There was little doubt in his words that he was thinking of the when. She took his hand that was on her left hip and the photographer took a few pictures as the reporter went on.

"Of course, Scion Potter. Are you going to take up your Head-of-House or the Potter family's senior seat in the Wizengamot soon?"

"That depends on the Wizengamot. So far they have not even taken up my petition to do that sooner than twenty-one," Harry informed her.

Her eyes widened a bit. "That is surprising given the current makeup and support that many would like for the Longbottom and Bones Factions. I assume as Lord Potter you would support the old alliances?"

"I think they are afraid my opinions may not be their own. My godfather and a few others would like to have Britain more involved in the mess we started elsewhere," Harry replied. "If you want more explanation, talk to Lord Black. He is the current leader of our allies and Regent of House Potter."

"And you, Ms. Delacour?" the reporter asked as the photographer asked them to shift again. "How does your family view this? Your father has some very high positions on the ICW High Council, the Senior seats in your Assemblee and now Head of the Magical Cooperation Department of the ICW."

She felt how uncomfortable Harry was, but she had been trained to be in the spotlight like this. Unlike Fleur, she didn't mind it, just as long as her allure didn't affect the ones asking her questions. Then it got ridiculous at times.

"T'e Delacours have always supported the international laws and treaties between t'e governments t'at participate in the ICW. We have given our support to the Potters and Blacks. Lord Delacour has a statement and ot'er information ready upon request," she responded in a slow and clear voice. She would have to have Harry work with her more on her English later. Kissing could wait a little tonight.

"I will take you up on that offer, Ms. Delacour. Now, it is known that you are of veela descent. Do you find that difficult to deal with people or in your relationship? Some have questioned whether you and Scion Potter..."

Harry cut her off. "Mrs. Bates, you had better not be insinuating that Ms. Delacour has used her allure to ensnare me in some way. I can tell you that is not the case and anyone that wishes to insinuate that will not care for the possible repercussions."

"Oui. Madam Delacour, ma maman, is already going to talk wit' t'e Daily Prophet."

The woman nodded. Harry had not been subtle in the least. Not that he was usually, but it was not always wise to be so overt to a reporter. She would need to help him with that later. It was what made it necessary to bring up her mother.

"Of course, I did not mean any offense. I was just trying to bring up some rumors. Perhaps you could dispel then," the woman pressed, undeterred.

She squeezed his hand, trying to tell him to be quiet. "I can say Seigneur Potter is not affected by my allure or any of my family. 'e is very special t'at way."

The woman smiled. "So I see. Could we get one of you two kissing each other? It has been a long time since a couple competed against each other. Excellent," she said as Gabrielle turned and Harry leaned down. It was a short, sweet kiss. Neither of them really liked to advertise, but it was necessary at times.

"Now, I was listening about your wands. Is it usual for one to have Veela heritage to be able to give a hair and have the magic be powerful enough for a wand core?"

"My maman is half-veela. If freely given, her magic is almost as strong as a pure veela," Gabrielle answered. It was known, if not very widely, that this was the case so she was not giving away any secrets. Fleur and her were still close enough to do the same. Her children would not be able to, though they would still possess much of her power. It took five or six generations for the allure, the perpetual youthful looks and her fire to become too weak to pass on. The beauty would last far longer.

"You learn something new every day. And you, Scion Potter, a wand from a relative? I am not familiar with the…" she looked at a note pad, "the Peverells. Are they an extinct blood-line?"

Harry nodded. "Yes. As far as I know, Isolde Peverell was the last of her line and married the Lord Potter as a House-union."

"A union, you say? Is that why House Potter has three votes for their Senior seat?"

"As far as I know, but I must admit I am still learning about all this. If we are about done, I would like to get to lunch and make my classes and do some more training for the first task this afternoon," Harry told her.

The woman smiled at him. "I see you are taking the Tournament very seriously. Just a few more questions and then you can go."

It was another ten minutes before they were able to leave. By the time they did, lunch was in full swing. She went to enter the hall and Harry pulled her the opposite way. "I need a few minutes away from everyone. I hate reporters and so much attention."

She nodded, taking his arm. "You did very well," she said proudly.

He gave her a small smile. "Thank you. Sirius has spent some time training me. I still don't like it."

"If you are to one day be my betrothed, you will need to do this," she replied, hoping she hadn't gone too far.

His smile broadened as he led her down a flight of stairs into the upper dungeons. She had not been down here much and didn't relish being down here. "You caught that, did you?"


He kissed her on the temple. "Would you mind if I talk with your papa?"

She skipped a step, taking in a sharp breath and Harry had to catch her. He laughed. "Here I thought you coordinated."

Out of reflex she lightly hit his arm. "Harry Potter! I am very coordinated. Non!"

He continued laughing. "Non."

She huffed, giving him a mock glare. "You are insufferable."

He just shrugged. "So I am told." There was a few moments of silence as they walked up to a painting of food on a table. "Would you like me to talk with your papa?"

The same skip of her heart and breath. The green eyes that brought out feelings in her she was growing to like very much. After a moment, all she could say in a small voice was, "Oui."

He nodded and then tickled a pear in a painting. Getting used to the surprises of Hogwarts, her eyes still grew wide to see so many house elves in one spot. "How about a picnic lunch and then I wanted to go to the library before Transfiguration."

She smiled. He was a very sweet man.


November 15, 1997

Hogwarts, Scotland

Harry was supposed to be meeting Hermione, David and Neville while Ron was as Quidditch practice. Next weekend was the first game for Gryffindor. They were going to be facing off against Hufflepuff. Ginny still wanted him to be Seeker, but he couldn't with everything he was doing this year. Luckily they had been able to find a decent second year so Ginny could keep playing Chaser.

Instead, Gabrielle was straddling his lap, after climbing into it when they had decided they were getting nowhere with the charms homework due Monday because they kept stealing kisses with each other.

She was kissing his neck after taking off his shirt. Her nails trailed down his chest and he was running his thumbs over her nipples through her bra. He liked how her breasts didn't fully fit in his hands. In the last two weeks this was how far they had come and he was far from complaining as he groaned to feel her press her crotch against his.

She moaned as he managed to kiss her shoulder and slipped a hand under her bra. "Take it off," she told him.

"We should go meet our friends," he replied, not really wanting too. He undid her bra and slipped it down her arms. It was still an hour or more before lunch and they could study this afternoon.

"I am not sharing you right now," she told him, nipping at his shoulder. It was slightly painful but pleasant too.

He moved to kiss her neck as she pressed her chest against his. They hadn't gone farther than this, but Merlin!, did he enjoy the feel of her. And the cute moan and squeak as he sucked on the base of her neck. "I am not sharing you either."

She moved to take his face in her hands and kiss him. His hands drifted lower today and gripped her bottom. She moaned and thrust her tongue even deeper into his mouth. Gabrielle lifted up a bit at his touch so she was leaning over to kiss him.

He used her position to slowly kiss down to her chest and then to her right tit. Her arms wrapped around his neck and held him there. When he took in her nipple she grabbed his hair, put her head on the top of his and moaned.

After making sure both her breasts had equal attention, he kissed her again.

"Harry?" she asked, pulling back. As she did, he couldn't keep in a groan as her chest pulled away from him, but she sat very firmly on his hard problem.

"Oui, my little ballerina?"

Her deep blue eyes, with a hint of lavender today, looked intently into his eyes. "Am I moving too fast for you?"

His goofy smile brought out one on her face and he took in a deep breath as her hips moved. "I was afraid I was pushing you."

She bit her lip for a moment. "Non. Would it be alright if I want more? My veela wants you. All of you. I am not ready for that, but I feel I want more," she told him, moving her hips again. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them.

"Gabrielle, I am willing to go as far as you are. I would like to be betrothed before I have sex with you," he told her. Apparently Sirius' talk in the summer had embedded itself farther into him than he thought. Alain was going to be in London tomorrow with Sirius. Perhaps he should go there for a little while. She closed her eyes as her hips started to ground her crotch into his. He groaned. It was equal parts pleasure and pain to be caught in his jeans and to have her jeans against his.

"I can wait for that," she told him in a breathy voice.

Merlin, he had never felt this way before. All he wanted to do was grab her bottom, take her into his room and take off the rest of her clothes. It was infuriating the way she had started grinding against him. She had done something a little like this a few times, but not as aggressive as today.

He grunted as she pressed very hard into him. "Does that hurt?"

"Non," he told her.

"Don't lie to me, Harry Potter. I am finding this very pleasurable, but you sound like it hurts."

He groaned as she slid up and down for a moment, her eyes drifting down to watch her own motions and the bulge in his pants. "It hurts to be in my jeans, but I am finding it pleasurable as well."

"It should not hurt," she told him. After a moment, she reached down and undid his belt. "Is this alright?" She sounded shy and unsure, but also excited.

"Oui," he replied.

She continued to undo his pants and when her hand touched him through his shorts, he took in a sharp breath and his dick pressed into her hand. She sat back enough so she could see him as she pushed his pants and shorts down some. He was forced to sit up a little, lifting her on his legs until he was fully out.

"It is better than pictures," she told him.

He chuckled and then moaned as she tentatively touched him and wrapped a hand around his shaft. "You look at pictures?"

She flushed a little as she looked up to meet his eyes. "Fleur and Renee wanted to make sure I was not surprised whenever I was with a man. Maman was not as explicit."

Harry flushed a little, remembering the very embarrassing talk Sirius had tried to give him a few years ago. He groaned as she explored his dick with her fingers. When she traced over his head and found the precum oozing out, she ran her finger over it and he leaned back, just barely breathing. "They said a man usually likes this," she said, spreading out his precum and circling his head.

"Merlin, that feels good," he told her.

She giggled at his reaction and took her hand off him. He opened his eyes to see her putting the finger to her mouth. He wasn't sure he had ever been this turned on. She shrugged her shoulders. "It is not that bad."

"Merlin," he repeated. Ginny had used her mouth once on him and he had been a grinning fool for days later.

She giggled again before putting her hand back on him and moving in to kiss him. His hands roamed over her as she gently started to stroke. Her moans became less as his became more.

"Gabrielle," he said as he felt the heat build in him.

She smiled against his lips. "I have been told what happens. I would like to see it."

"Merde!" he whispered to her before she pulled back to watch his lap. It wasn't long before he made a mess of his lap, her hand and got some on his pants and hers. He didn't think he had ever made such a mess.

Her eyes were looking at his lap intensely as she still stroked him. "Enough," he had to tell her. His body was shaking and as pleasurable it was, he was also extremely sensitive.

She looked up to him, her blue-eyes looking satisfied and lust filled. "Did you enjoy that?"

"Oui," he told her. She was still holding him as he started to go limp.

"Can I do that again?"

"Merde! Any time you want," he told her, unable to deny her anything she wanted, or something he wanted just as bad. This was much farther than he ever thought they might be at this stage. He was wondering what else Fleur and Renee had talked with her about?

Her smile was pleasant, exciting and predatory all at the same time. "I would like you to touch me down there soon. Now, we should get clean and head to lunch."

He took out his wand and cast a cleaning charm.

She leaned in to give him a deep kiss as she ran her hand over his cock again and he jerked, starting to stiffen again. "If you don't stop, we won't make it to lunch."

She had an innocent smirk. "Are you saying you'd rather me keep playing with you than go see our friends?"

"Is that even a question?" he put to her. "Would I get to play with you too?"

She giggled again. "Perhaps. I just like to know you like me that much."

"I like you for more than just having a half-naked vixen doing what you are doing," he told her, kissing her.

"If you ask nicely, maybe you can have a naked vixen at some point soon," she teased, kissed his nose, finally letting him go and reaching for the table and her bra.

He growled at her. "This is not done."

She gave him a broad smile before working on her shirt. "I hope not."

He made a face at her before looking for his own clothes. When they left his rooms, Gabrielle's smirk looked just as pleased as his. She was giving off a little bit of smugness. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Seeing you shiver and squirm because of me... it was enjoyable. As much as you enjoy kissing more than my lips."

"You still look all smug about it though. I don't preen after I make you moan."

"Maybe you should. It is not every man that makes a veela-blood enjoy it as much," she told him, her face blushing some. Yes, veela and veela-blood were sexual creatures. She had not believed her maman, sister or cousin about the feeling it invoked to be with someone. But there was a difference. If someone cared, the veela-blood knew, and it was simply more enjoyable, for both partners.

Harry pulled her in and whispered in her ear. "I don't need to show off how I make you feel or how I feel for you. As long as you feel it, that is all I want."

She leaned into him. "How do you know what to say to make me like you more every day?"

He smirked and kissed her temple. "It's a gift."

She laughed. "And there is that smugness."

He laughed too.

"Why do you usually call me Gabrielle and not Gabi most of the time?"

"I like the sound of Gabrielle more," he responded truthfully.

She stopped for a moment to give him a long kiss before pulling one of his arms up to wrap around her shoulder. "Would you like me to call you Gabi more?"

"Non," she shook her head. "I like the way you say my name."

"Gabrielle it is then."


November 17, 1997

London, England

He had accompanied his brother and sister-in-law to London today, hoping to get to Hogwarts this afternoon to see Gabrielle and Harry. It was not often he was on this side of the Channel and it was a rarer day as well to not have any other obligations than to affirm a betrothal between his niece and Sirius.

It was a straight up affair. A standard contract still affirming Renee as an heir after Gabrielle, and binding a House almost as prestigious as the Delacours to each other. As Head of the Delacour line, his signature was last, below Sirius and Renee.

Apolline, Athena and Renee were already talking about a Christmas wedding in about six weeks. It would be a small affair since they did not want to wait. He had some suspicion why, but that was their business. All he had to do was recognize any child they might have for them to be a Delacour.

Sebastian leaned back in his chair and smiled. "I must say I approve of Renee's choice in you, Sirius. Though it is sad she is leaving France."

"I have offered to live in France a few months a year, but she wants to stay here and make this her home," Sirius replied.

"And what of Harry," Alain enquired.

Sirius reached to the table and took up his tumbler of scotch. "That is up to him. He has a place here for as long as he wants. He also has two other places. His grandparents townhouse is only a few miles away. It's about the same size as Grimmauld Place, or he has Potter Haven. It is a rather large country estate out towards the Lakes Region."

Alain nodded. "I will offer him the same when I see him next, but you and Harry will always have a place at Le Soliel de Ville or the Delacour manor House."

"That is a generous offer, Alain. This boy must have impressed you more than I thought," Sebastian commented.

"I am very sure he will be family. We never abandon family," Alain responded.

Sirius suddenly turned towards the door. Alain gave him a questioning look. "Someone just came through the Floo."

Alain nodded and they watched Sirius get up. "That man is very dedicated to his family and much brighter than he leads on," Sebastian commented as the ladies got more animated as Renee rejected more people for the wedding.

Alain chuckled to watch them. "Now that he is going to be family, we have items to discuss. I need your help, Sebastian. There are some very big and bad things on the horizon and Sirius and a group he is working with are already trying to fight them as the ICW and the Assemblée are bogged down in their own bureaucracy."

His younger brother eyed him. Sebastian was the middle child of the Delacour boys, but he had settled with Athena first. It was how Alain had met Apolline and eventually had the little birds that were the diamonds of their lives. "Alain, I am just a wand maker. That is all I ever wanted to be and what I do."

"You have many contacts from your business that could help. You don't need to make any decisions until you hear us out, but I would prefer to keep this in the family for now," he told his brother.

Sebastian looked at him. He was the pacifist of the family, and always neutral ground, but sometimes Sebastian had to work with the shadier side of things to get his supplies. They would always be legally obtained, even if it was just on the edge of legal.

"And what of Pierre?"

"Already signed on. He is going to represent the Delacours in the Assemblée for a while until Gabrielle is ready to take up that responsibility. He has also gone back to the Ministry as an Under-Secretary in the DMLE."

Sebastian regarded him for a moment, providing no answer before Sirius poked his head into the parlour he had left them in. "Alain, Apolline, could I steal you for a few minutes. Luv, feel free to give your parents a tour or whatever."

"Sure, Siri," Renee replied.

Alain raised his brow. Sirius didn't look disturbed or anything, but there was something afoot. Sebastian had the same questioning look on his face. "Nothing is wrong with Gabrielle or Harry?" Apolline shot to Sirius.

The man grinned. "Nothing a good shot of fire whiskey won't solve."

Renee laughed at him, as though understanding what was going on. "Give Harry my blessing."

Alain's eyes really shot up and Apolline had an amused look on her face.

When they joined Sirius in the kitchen, Harry was pacing and his elf was putting some tea on the table. "Thanks, Dobby. Please sit," Harry asked, indicating the chairs across from him. Alain eyed the boy, who continued pacing.

"Harry, just take a seat and you can tell us," Sirius laughed at his godson.

"You are going to think I'm mental," Harry shot back at his godfather.

Sirius laughed at the boy. "Too late for that."

He gave a rather rude hand gesture with two fingers, which made the man laugh harder. Alain cracked a smile until his wife spoke. "Seigneur Potter, I would think you more cultured than that," his wife said a little coolly, but he saw the slight uptick to the side of her mouth. The poor boy's eyes bugged out as his godfather laughed louder.

"I, uhm, sorry Madam Delacour. I didn't mean..."

"Just spit it out," Sirius barked.

Harry stopped pacing, looked at Sirius and then Alain before taking in a deep breath and standing tall. Alain had a pretty good idea what the boy may be trying to get out. After letting out a deep breath, Harry bowed to them, much lower than his station should call for. "Gentilhomme and Madam Delacour, I would like to request a betrothal between House Potter and House Delacour."

"Well, that was sooner than I thought it might be," Sirius commented.

Harry was looking at them so seriously. He knew his daughter had already chosen Harry. Apolline and him were very happy for the eventual union. Looking at Harry, and knowing it had only been about eighteen days they had been back together at Hogwarts, he was actually surprised it had not happened last weekend. Alain had marched to Apolline's parents within eight days of meeting her. At least this had been a few months in the making. William had asked for Fleur's hand within two months, and Apolline was pretty sure that was only because they were on a job for the goblins and couldn't leave the job site before then.

Harry was starting to fidget as he just looked at the tall, raven-hair boy. "Alain, just put the poor boy out of his misery already," Apolline replied with a laugh on her voice.

"I have three conditions," Alain told Harry.

Sirius' smile dropped and he turned to Alain. His wife's eyes narrowed. They already had a basic betrothal worked out between Sirius and them, knowing this would come. Alain had proposed it to Sirius a few weeks ago.

Harry swallowed. "What are they, sir?"

The boy was being too formal. "First, when you're among family, you are always to call me Alain or papa. Second, you and Gabrielle are going to take an apprenticeship in my office, under my direction for no less than three years after you graduate. After that, you two can decide how you would like to split the responsibility of our houses. I plan to step down someday. You and Gabrielle shall take yours and our hereditary seats. That is the way of a Delacour and a Potter, from what I understand."

Harry looked like he was swallowing a frog.

"What is the third, si... Alain?"

"Gabrielle is not to be pregnant before either of you get your NEWTS or IAWL's. Is that understood?" Alain was looking at the boy sternly. He knew the way veela-blood had a hard time controlling their urges when their mates were involved. His daughter was of age and he trusted Harry was more likely to keep his head than his daughter.

"What are the IAWL's?"

"The International Advanced Wizarding Levels. They are the standard the ICW administers. Your O.W.L.'s are equivalent to a level one IAWL and N.E.W.T.'s to a level two IAWL," Apolline stated.

Harry looked confused. "A level two?"

"Oui. Level fours are equivalent to a Mastery here."

Harry thought about it for a moment. "I will accept the first and the third, Alain, but I can't sign myself up for three years. Not with what is out there," Harry replied.

As always, Harry impressed him. Alain had been so nervous, even if he had been the senior person in the negotiations for Apolline, that he readily agreed to the few stipulations Apolline's parents had put to him. It had taken almost a decade before he had finally stood up to her mother, and that only after she had tried to tell them how to raise Fleur when she was about two years old. Since then, her mother hadn't given him a hard time.

He shook his head. "Harry, I understand what you have been told you are to do, but prophesies are not always set in stone, even if the conditions are met. Yes, Sirius told us about the prophesy. It is something you should tell Gabrielle. The foundations of a good relationship, especially with anyone of veela-blood, is honesty and trust. I assume you already know Gabrielle will be able to tell whenever you lie or hold something back?"

Harry nodded, still standing ramrod straight. "I do, si... Alain."

"Then you should tell her, even if she does not want to hear it. Then, you two are going to be my apprentices. You shall learn what it is to work in politics, and you will also learn what it is to be a diplomat. It will also give you and Gabrielle diplomatic immunity, and allow you to work as a liaison between governments. You may have heard that the ICW diplomatic division now has a permanent Auror Guard for our representatives. You and Gabrielle can train with them, but you are also training in how to be a diplomat. When you are ready, I will trust you to go out on your own diplomatic missions. Oui?"

Harry looked at him for a moment, no one else said a thing. Eventually Harry nodded. "Yes, Alain. If that is what it takes for you to agree," Harry told him.

Apolline gave a pleasant smile before getting up. "Harry, we would always agree. Gabrielle has chosen you. This just gives you and our petit oiseau doré the training and support you need."

She moved around the table and kissed the boy's cheeks before hugging him. He got up and extended a hand across the table. "I will be proud to call you my son," Alain told Harry, firmly shaking his hand.

Harry finally relaxed. "Thank you, Alain. I have no idea what comes next in this."

"Well, if you are serious, we have two ways to do this, pup. Either you and Gabrielle just agree to a betrothal with both of our signatures and yours. Or, Alain and I can sign one that will become magically active when you present a gift to represent your commitment and she accepts it. Either way, it will only be active once you both accept it," Sirius told Harry.

Harry looked at his godfather. "A gift? Like a ring?"

"That is one traditional object. I know the Potter vault has many betrothal rings, or you can commission a new one."

Harry scrunched his brow for a moment, his face becoming suspicious. "But not the Blacks?"

Sirius gave a dramatic sigh. "I know how much you wanted to steal my House and all my wealth, but I am afraid you missed that opportunity now."

He blinked. "Should I tell Gabrielle or let Renee tell her?"

"Don't you dare," Apolline admonished. "Renee is excited to let everyone know. This is her moment. I am sure Gabrielle will be the same."

Harry ran a hand over the back of his neck. "The betrothal itself, what exactly is in one?"

"Sirius and I have already made a framework we can go over with you. I assume you would prefer to ask her with a ring?" Alain questioned.

"Will Gabrielle have any say in the betrothal if I do that? I don't want her to be upset that I would do so without asking her," Harry replied.

Apolline smiled. "Your concern warms my heart, but we would never do anything that would be disadvantageous to either of you. You are both old enough that you would both need to agree to all the clauses."

Alain added, "We can also leave some of it open for you two to agree too. The important things would be the basic clauses, which would include the line of inheritance of both Houses, acknowledgement of any children conceived by the two of you, the availability of our hereditary seats, the combining of our royal lines and the protection of each of your monetary means. Anything else can be agreed upon after the initial contract is activated."

Harry looked a little lost. "Oh, that's all," the boy retorted.

Sirius laughed. "Trust me, pup. I already had Ted review it and we have already agreed it is the best deal. Once you propose to Gabrielle, you two can decide on anything else."

Harry still looked concerned. "When you mean monetary means, what does that mean?"

"Just that each of you have a large inheritance that should be protected and any heirlooms you both bring to this should go back to proper people."

"I don't have anyone else for any of my wealth or anything to go back to," Harry replied.

"Ted and I will talk to you about it. I will get an appointment."

Harry let out a deep breath. "I'm being totally mental, aren't I?"

"No more than normal," Sirius told him.

Harry didn't look any less nervous or unsure. Apolline took Harry's hands in her hands. "Harry, I told you that we are creatures of great passion and inspire great passion in others. You have decided to love Gabrielle. This passion you feel for her is part of her. And I do not mean just the passion for her body, which is a large part of who we are, but all of her and the life you two will make. As long as you love her, it will never lessen. It will change. It may spread to others, but it will never lessen. I knew Alain was the one I wanted within hours of meeting him. Alain asked my papa and maman eight days after we met, and we were married eight weeks later. I understand what we can do to a man, but think of Gabrielle too. Whatever you are feeling she is probably feeling just as much, if not more. Do not be afraid of your feelings, or Gabrielle's."

His wife was making sure Harry was paying attention. "If it helps, Alain and I approve and already regard you as our family because Gabrielle does. You two are to take this at the pace you want. Do not let us dictate that. But if you truly love her, do not be afraid and you are far from insane. Love is not a rational thing."

Harry snorted. "Sirius told me the same."

"Renee is to marry a man that is wiser than he thinks. I want you to know that you may talk to Alain or I at any time as well. William has contacted us a few times to understand Fleur and our veela-blood better. Your mirrors have been worth more than I can ever say. I want you to call or write when you need. It is not always a good thing to figure out a veela-blood on your own," his beautiful wife told Harry before kissing him on each cheek again.

"Thank you, Apolline. I will contact you if I need. Alain, thank you," Harry told him.

He reached out a hand for Harry again and put his other hand over his when the raven-hair boy took it. "There is not need for thanks. Just treat my daughter well and love her. Also, contact me if you need anything. William has done that at times too."

His wife gave him a look. "Why would William contact you instead of me?"

He chuckled at the affected affronted look from his bride. "You are veela-blood, mon chere, but I am the one who loves you. Sometimes a man just needs to talk to a man that has experienced it."

She huffed and Harry looked amused. Alain had a feeling Gabrielle did much the same at times. She was more like Apolline than Fleur. Fleur was more like himself. Apolline put up her chin like she always did when she was not impressed with him or upset. "I can tell you it is not always easy to live with you either."

He laughed, knowing he would be in trouble for a while. "I never said you were hard to live with, Apolline. Life with you has been full of wonder and laughter. It is something I would never give up. You have given me two daughters. One has grown into a bright, beautiful woman with a fine husband. The other is getting there and has brought this young man into our life. I just said I know what it is like to go through all that from my perspective."

She sniffed before a smile poked at her mouth. He winked at Harry, having a good idea how his daughter was at times and hoping Harry learned a few tricks.

"You always think you are such a smooth talker, don't you?"

"I have my moments," Alain shrugged.

Sirius just shook his head. "Is Sebastian as suave?"

"Athena does not like to have her ego stoked," Apolline said, acknowledging some of her own faults. "Renee is more like her mother, as you may have seen."

Harry let out a sigh. "I really would like to stay longer, but I should get back to Hogwarts. I'm sure Gabrielle or others will be looking for me soon and I have some work left for Charms tomorrow."

"Yes. Go. Apolline and I can return next weekend if you would like. How soon would you like to finalize the details?" Alain asked.

Harry looked at the man. "As soon as possible?"

"Is that a question or a decision?" Sirius questioned.

Harry sighed. "I really am not mental?"

"Non, Harry. You are just in love," Apolline tried to comfort him.

"Would you come with me to my vault this week? If I'm going to do this, I don't think I can last any longer than Christmas to ask her," Harry looked to Sirius.

"Sure, pup. Maybe take your girl and she can have some time with Renee while we do our business."

Harry nodded. "That could work."

next chapter
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