Unduh Aplikasi
20.2% HP: Dance of the Veela / Chapter 20: A Needed Confrontation

Bab 20: A Needed Confrontation

June 1, 1998

London, England

Sirius was sitting in the office of his ancestors. It was a room dominated by an old hardwood desk, a lavish chair and bookcases of law books, trial records and all the trapping of a Wizengamot member.

Off to one side was a small tea table with three chairs. An exceptionally fine porcelain tea set had steam coming out of the pot and two cups as he sat across from an aged man he hadn't talked to in some months. Dumbledore had come seeking him out today while Sirius was in the ministry, instead of the ICW embassy or at his home. He was trying to spend as much time with Renee as he could but found his positions taking up more time than he liked. Sirius had sworn never to do all this.

Harry better know how much he was loved, Sirius internally grumbled, not meaning it.

He put a heaping pile of sugar into his tea and stirred while Albus waited for him. Once he put his spoon on the edge of the plate, he looked up. In a cold voice, he asked, "What can I do for you today, Albus?"

"Do you need to sound so confrontational, Sirius? We are not enemies in all this," Dumbledore said.

"I have still not forgiven you for everything that you have done to Harry," Sirius said. "I know what you have been trying to do. Harry will be here in two weeks. Fudge will grant him his Lordship, if the idiot knows what is good for him. Harry is not coming back here to stay. If you try to manipulate him by trying to steal Hermione again, or work on getting that new law passed to require permanent residency, we will not be on the same side," Sirius warned him.

Dumbledore sighed. "I promise that I have not broken any of my oaths or deals we made when you took guardianship of Harry. Those laws are not being supported by me. I can assure you of that."

"Then why are Diggory and Marshbanks proposing them? Aren't they your people?" Sirius demanded.

"Alas, I am not an all-powerful manipulator as many think I am, nor would I like to be. I have made mistakes, Sirius, and am trying to repent. I will talk with Amos and Grizelda. I do not know what is pushing them to propose this law, except that many fear what is happening both here and on the continent," Dumbledore said. "It is reminiscent of the lead up to the Great Wizarding War in the forties."

Sirius huffed. "Fine, you talk with them. What do you want? Harry doesn't want to come back. He's found a good girl and a good life."

"I understand, but you must understand that the Potters have been a symbol of hope and a leader of the Light for generations. The Death Eaters are on the rise again. Britain is looking to its heroes and Harry is one of them," Dumbledore stated.

"The Potters did what they needed too when there were people here they cared for and when they had a family to protect, Albus. You and others have seen to it that Hermione and I are the only family he still has, and I am only here because I am the ICW representative to Britain. The fact I sit in this office is only because it is my family's right. I will be moving into the new ICW offices once they are complete," Sirius informed him.

"This is much larger than just family, Sirius. Harry is a symbol and a hero. What he has done in the courtrooms not long ago and his fight at New Years has shown his skill. There are factions in the Wizengamot and ministry that want Harry back," Albus told him.

"And you are not the push behind Diggory and Marchbanks, you say?" Sirius accused.

"I am not. I am merely a messenger today. I see the way things are churning. I am keeping my oaths. Warning you of this satisfies those oaths. Britain wants its hero, and Harry is doing nothing to dissuade them that he is the one."

"Bull shite! Harry doesn't want to be a hero. He wants to shag his girl, make a family and have the life he never had. He was just a babe when James and Lily were killed. I don't think it was him to kill the bastard. All the Death Eaters should have been sent through the veil, instead of going to Azkaban so they could escape. How many disappearances have happened in the last few months now?"

Dumbledore gave a heavy sigh. "I firmly believe that everyone should be given the chance to repent and change. I know not everyone will. If the Wizengamot had listened to my proposal instead of sentencing them all to that hellish place, things would have been different."

Sirius snorted in dark mirth. "I once thought you the greatest wizard alive. I see you only as a fool now, Albus. None of those with the dark wankers with his mark can be saved. You know the ritual they all must go through to earn the mark and how it is made. No soul is untainted after that. How you would even get someone like Malfoy to repent after what he did I could never even guess?"

"There are oaths, mind healers and cleansing rituals. It can be done," Dumbledore replied.

"No. It can't. I am not going to discuss this anymore unless you are talking about the veil or death to those monsters. No, Albus, that is the only way that the psychopaths that call Voldemort their lord will understand. I am willing to talk about further sanctions against the families. I found out that Gringotts has found a loophole to do some business with those that escaped. I want to reopen negotiations to stop it," Sirius countered.

Albus pursed his lips. "Gringotts will never agree to a more restrictive treaty."

"Not if we don't give them something in return. I have worked with Alain. He is willing to have the ICW broker a deal that allows the goblins to expand their banking into new countries, change the muggle money to galleon rates based upon market value and allow for a path to have a vote in the ICW," Sirius said. He took out a thick folder. "This is what I am going to propose to the Wizengamot in a few weeks. I would like you to look it over and let me know if you see anything."

Albus looked at him dubiously. "Sirius, the Wizengamot would not agree to that. You know the resistance to anything where the old families or the ministry has to give up control."

"Like you?" Sirius put to him.

"I do not like to control people," Dumbledore said.

Sirius gave him a level look. "I am doing this, Albus. I have the support of thirteen houses, including the Longbottoms, Bones and Greengrasses. Of course, this will be done right after Harry is confirmed into his family seat and I call a Vote of No Confidence on Fudge."

"You will not have the support to depose Fudge. He still has too much support," Dumbledore told him.

Sirius gave a cheeky grin. "I think you will find I have more than you think."

"And who is trying to control people now?" Dumbledore put back to him.

"Not me. I make friends. I offer things I plan to deliver on. If the new proposal to the goblins is approved, I have the ICW ready to talk about changes in the tariffs on the continent. Can you imagine the way export and import businesses like the Greengrasses, Yaxleys and Abbotts will do if tariffs are cut in half because other countries think Britain is trustworthy again?" Sirius informed him.

"I tried doing that for twenty years," Dumbledore said.

"Yes, well, I don't think you played as nice as you thought," Sirius shot back.

"Perhaps not," Dumbledore admitted. "All this does not change the fact that Harry needs to return. Those around Diggory, Marshbanks and the other progressive houses will push for it. He is needed here with the Death Eaters on the rise again."

Sirius had to stifle the growl he wanted to make. He thought he had distracted the man. "Harry is not coming back. He doesn't want too. Your oaths are to leave him alone unless he asks you. Harry will return as required to keep his Wizengamot seat and residency, but he is talking about moving to Toulouse after he marries."

Dumbledore frowned. "I do wish he would marry here. It would raise the morale of the populous. Many are still very bleak about the ministry attack in April. You should have as well. It does not look good to have such prestigious houses living outside the country but still being involved here at home."

Sirius shook his head. "Albus, none of that is your business. I am moving back to Britain to be the ICW representative, as well as Lord Black. Once Harry has full control over his house, I will be representing him and maintaining his properties here. The Blacks will only be here as long as I have reason to be."

"And the Potters? They are just abandoning more than a thousand years of history? The family line goes back to Godric Gryffindor. Harry would abandon his home?" Dumbledore questioned.

"And my ancestors can trace their roots to the wizards that came with the Romans. What is your point? Your family goes back to Charlemagne in the Holy Roman Empire, and you only have history in Britain for the last two hundred years, so I do not understand your adamance on family history here," Sirius countered.

"It is Harry's decision what he does with his life. I feel I am repeating myself, Albus. It is not like he was given a good childhood or reason to call this place home. His life was a living hell until he came to live with me three years ago. A living hell that you created, that you kept up and did nothing to stop. He has found someone to love. A girl and family that loves him. He is going to be representing a senior house in the ICW, Wizengamot and Assemblée, so don't give me this shite that Harry is abandoning his home. He has no home here. This country abandoned him long before he thought about leaving it," Sirius angrily replied.

Dumbledore closed his eyes. "I never meant for him to suffer."

"But he did. You did nothing to check up on him. Nothing to stop the bullying, deformation or abuse. He suffered in your own school, never mind in the papers and in the ministry offices that you, yourself, led for more than a decade. That is why I had you swear all those oaths. You don't know how to leave anything alone. It's all about your 'Greater Good', Albus. You don't care about anyone else's 'Greater Good'. Harry is not a pawn. He is my godson. Until my child is born, he is my heir. I will defend him and my family to my last breath. Can you say the same?"

Sirius glared at the old man. Dumbledore took in an angry breath through his nose before letting it out. As he did, the man started to look aged. When Dumbledore spoke, his voice was much lower than normal. "I never meant for Harry or others to suffer. I only wanted what was best for us all. Have I not done everything I can to help you and make things better the last few years?"

It took Sirius a moment to let his anger subside enough to respond. "Since I was finally found innocent, you have. That does not change the decades you pushed and pulled people to fit into the neat mould you envisioned for your world. If you want to do the best for us all, use the influence you must help me get this plan done. If you do, I can have a word with Harry. It will be an olive branch to see if he will talk with you," Sirius offered.

Albus nodded after a moment. "I will do what I can. And the requests that I know you will have for the budget?"

"The Aurors and International Cooperation departments will be the priority. As you said, things are getting unstable. We are already behind on this after what I saw in the Southern Council and what seems to be going on in Poland and Russia," said Sirius.

Dumbledore gave him a small smile. "I would never have figured you for someone so knowledgeable in world affairs."

Sirius smirked. "I have reasons that I never had before to be."

"Can you tell me of the issues in Poland and Russia?" Dumbledore asked.


Later that day…

St. Petersburg, Russian Empire

Harry made sure that Gabrielle was sitting before he took a seat at the coffee table in Representative Ulis's offices inside the Zolotoye Mesto. The diplomatic wing they had been given had offices and rooms to hold twenty staff members. The eight she had in the palace were at the table. Harry and Gabrielle were the lowest rank among the staff, but of infinite importance to the task set to Representative Ulis.

A rather thin man in his forties was talking rather animatedly. "I have never seen the court this riled. The prince has named this boy a duke above fourteen others that are in the royal family that deserve the title."

"I did not ask for this and I cannot accept it," Harry replied to the man that had been disparaging them for the better part of the last ten minutes.

"Patrice, that is enough," Representative Ulis said. "This has been a surprise to us all. Harry has already informed the prince that he cannot accept the title."

"That does not change the fact that the prince is still calling him a duke. If he is a duke by royal decree, that would put him eighth in line for the throne," a young woman from next to them said.

"He can only be a duke and in line to be prince if he marries a princess. That is not happening," Gabrielle defiantly said.

"Gabrielle, you have been well taught, but the prince rules the Council of Dukes. If he wants to make Mister Potter a duke, he will find a way. If Harry is granted the title and lands of a duke, he will be a Russian citizen. You are in Russian lands. The prince can offer the hand of Princess Adrianna if he wants, and Harry, as Duke Potter, will have no choice but to accept or face penalties," the woman said.

"Are you sure of that, Miske?" Ulis questioned.

"It is part of the magical bindings of the royal family and court," Miske Renestova answered.

"We are here under diplomatic immunity, and I am marrying Gabrielle. If I am forced to be a Russian citizen, then I would have to give up my citizenship in Britain and France after marrying Gabrielle," Harry stated.

Gabrielle grabbed his hand and held it uncomfortably tight.

"You should have thought of that before you allowed yourself to be called duke," Patrice snarked.

"Mon Harry did not allow it! We were ambushed by this last night. I will not agree to him marrying anyone but me," Gabrielle retorted.

"That is enough," Representative Ulis said in a commanding voice. "I will not have us fighting between each other. Patrice, no more said against Monsieur Potter or Mademoiselle Delacour. Gabrielle, you said you talked with your father this morning?"

"Oui. Papa is terribly upset and will be here tomorrow," Gabrielle replied.

"How have you talked with him already? An owl takes a day to get to France and back," Patrice questioned.

"There are new methods that the ICW has, Patrice. Not everyone has the method, nor will they, but the Aurors and senior representatives like me have ways to talk with the home offices when we need," Representative Ulis said.

"Then why do two junior adjutants have these methods when I don't? I am your head of staff, Natasa. I should know these things," Patrice angrily stated.

"It is because Harry is the one to create the mirrors," Gabrielle said. She was not in the mood to put up with the snot nosed older man.

"That is a state secret at the moment, Mademoiselle Delacour. Everyone at this table will not repeat what you just heard," Representative Ulis ordered.

The man scoffed. "This boy is what? Eighteen? And he created something that I have never heard of?"

Harry's nerves were frayed, and they were just about broken now. "My father and his friends actually created them. I just learned how to make more," Harry shot back.

"Enough!" Ulis shouted over them. "We have issues. Fighting amongst us is childish and will resolve nothing. Miske, what are the chances that Prince Dmitri will be able to claim that Harry is a duke and now bound to the laws of the land?"

Miske frowned as she thought. Everyone was looking to her. "I would say it very high. It is nearly a done thing with the prince declaring it last night. There isn't a courtier or other representative that will not believe it now. We have already received four requests for other countries to meet Duke Potter. He has just been elevated to one of the key players in the court and our negotiations with Russia. If Harry declines it or finds a way out of it, I am unsure if the prince will agree to any deal with the ICW. He has already been holding up some talks until he arrived," the younger woman replied.

"Bugger," Harry muttered. He knew this was a bad idea. Gabrielle knew. Alain knew. But it was too important to try to get Russia to cooperate. "What do we do then?"

"You do not go near that little girl," Gabrielle fiercely demanded of him.

"I will agree with Gabrielle on this. For now, Harry, you and your betrothed are to stay inside the diplomatic quarters here. I have a meeting with Prince Dmitri in about an hour and will make an excuse why you are not there. You are one of my junior staff. It would be a good opportunity to work with Miske for a while on understanding the intricacies of the court and politics here," Representative Ulis said.

"Patrice, please get things ready for Director Delacour and his staff. If you need, double or triple up everyone here. I will offer my quarters when he arrives. Harry and Gabrielle, I will move you to one of the staff quarters."

"Oui. We will stay here," Harry agreed. He needed to keep Gabrielle from going mental on anyone before he went anywhere anyways.


That night…

Somewhere in Poland…

Tom was walking down the streets of the blocky cement buildings in an area once dominated by muggles. Now, the rather run down area was the heart of the wizarding underworld in this area of the continent.

He made out the hungry faces of vampires, hags, werewolves, seedy wizards, peddling witches and other half creatures that fled many other areas of the continent to settle here. He knew he could take on almost any of these people or creatures single handedly or in small groups but was uncertain if he could handle a dozen vampires at once on his own. That was why he had half his men with him, which was far less than he needed. In April he had nearly a hundred. After a string of losses, all involving Black, he was down to thirty-nine.

He swore eternal vengeance on that man and his family.

Towards an intersection, he turned down an alley, found the door to a cellar, then knocked on the steel door. He waited for a long moment, getting annoyed that he had to wait.

More than two years of plans had been uprooted and he found that the support he thought he would have here, was not there.

Thus, he was forced to hunt down supporters that he had hoped to avoid until he was in a place of better strength and had wheedled the secrets of their control form the shade of his older self. Tom didn't trust the loyalties of the elder Tom and afraid they may help to free the shade that Tom had in a safe location.

A metal slit opened in the door. A pair of dark eyes looked out at him. "Who are you?"

"An associate that needs to speak with your leader," he said, not liking to have to debase himself. If his older self had just told him how to control these monsters, he would already have what he needed.

The eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"

"They call me Leder."

"Who is with you?"

"My associates," he replied. "If you don't call off your men on the roof and in the buildings, there will be a fight. I know that the Black Hand has declared this area neutral, and I would not want to upset them."

Tom had been negotiating with the Black Hand. They had been withholding their support until he had the Southern Council in his control. Now that that had gone up in smoke, the Black Hand wouldn't even meet with him.

The man's dark eyes grew even narrower. "Drop your wands in the alley."

Tom snorted. "And let you kill us while we are unarmed? No. Let me in and we will both maintain our forces."

There was a long few minutes eyes glaring at him as he held the gaze. He refrained from using legillimency. Now was not the time to upset the man behind the door. He needed more supporters, and he needed a place to further his plans. If this group was as far along in their plans as he thought, then it would be fortuitous for them to join forces and reclaim their homelands either in Britain or Norway.

"The wards will kill anyone that tries to harm us," the man said as the metal slid back into place.

Tom snorted. He felt the wards. They were dangerous, but if they reacted, he knew he could twist them back onto the men here. It would cause harm to both sides though, and he valued his men far more than these traitors.

When the door opened, he was met by three people in bone white masks and holding wands on them. "Only you. Your men can wait outside."

His men shifted behind him. He held up a hand. "I am here under parley. If they are hurt, I will destroy you all."

The one to the right snorted. "Big words for a small man."

"Cut it. Take him upstairs," the mask to the left said. Tom noticed the man was holding a black wand with a silver wolf on the end. Lucius Malfoy, he thought.

Tom entered the rundown building. Behind him the door shut, and Malfoy stuck his wand against the base of his neck. Tom let the man guide him to a stairwell halfway down the hall, up two flights and into a room with rather ratty looking furniture. He was sat and the man sat across from him. There were eight figures with the masks in the room.

"What do you want?"

"I would like us to deal like civilized men. Please take off your masks," Tom requested.

"Are you going to take off yours?" Lucius snarled.

Tom reached up and took off the Woodsman mask. It was a moment later that the blonde man did the same. All the others kept theirs on.

"Alright, we are being civilized. What do you want?" Malfoy demanded.

Tom looked at the man rather unimpressed. "I come representing a common thread between us. I know of your former master and his aims and wish to seem them come to fruition."

This had most in the room tense. Lucius wasn't the refined young man he had glimpsed from the shade of his older self. This man had known hard battles and life. "You know nothing of what our aims are. Where you even alive when our master was around?"

"Ah, you see, that is where you are mistaken. Your old master is still around, just not maybe in the way you think," Tom said, deciding that games would win him no favour.

Four wands came up to point at him. His wand was moving faster. He disarmed one, cut the wand in half of another, ducked a killing curse, blocked a bludgeoner, banished a third man and was about to eviscerate the last that had attacked him when Lucius commanded, "Stop!"

Tom stopped where he was, a spell ready to go as the men attacking him all backed away.

"The bastard destroyed my wand!"

"You were an idiot, Draco. What do you want? The next ones to attack you will not be babes," Lucius snarled.

Tom gave him a grin. "If you look outside, you will find the eight men on the roofs bound and gagged. If I am attacked again, they will die. Then you will join them. If you wish to listen, I have a way for us both to get what we want."

Lucius cast a glance to someone by the window. When a nod came, Lucius took in a long breath. "What is this about our former master still being around? We have searched for years and found nothing."

Tom spread his arms and gave a mocking bow. "Lucius, my friend, did I not say that I went further along the path of immortality than any other?" he asked, praying to mother magic that he had been able to gain enough knowledge from that insane shade. He felt tainted just by having to enter the things consciousness. What his older self had done to so corrupt his soul was almost unthinkable. But at the same time, he was sure the ignorant boy he had taken over had done something to rebuild his soul. "Was it not me that told you how to win your wife and kill your father?"

Lucius eyes widened as he paled. Others around the room shifted uncomfortably. "It can't be?"

His smile became rather evil. "Can't it? I can tell you that I gave five of you your masks. Avery. Carrow. Mulciber. Ericks. Williams." He pointed to each on in turn. "As I said, I can see both our aims come true, if you but follow me again."

Lucius licked his lips. "But how? You can't be our master. You are too young. Our marks…"

"I am as old as I need to be, Lucius. Now, kneel before me," Tom demanded. He would never do this with his own men, but Voldemort had demanded it. If he was to gain their loyalty, he could not go easy.

Lucius looked a little uncertain. "I don't feel your mark."

"Yes, I was afraid of that. That is something that Harry Potter broke that night, but I assure you, I am Lord Voldemort," he said. The distaste on his voice was for the name, not the boy. "Serve me now and you will live."

Lucius swallowed. After a minute, he got up and knelt before him. Tom had just gained more than fifty people. A few, like Rosier and Avery, would be invaluable for their knowledge of the British Ministry. The group itself must have contacts in Poland that he could use to gain more men to his cause. Once he had a country under his control, he could start his plans to dominate Europe. He had no aims to claim the world, but Europe would give him enough power to satisfy him and influence far beyond its borders.

It would also allow him to move in the open soon. He would very much like to move in the open in near future. Unlike, the shade, he did not want to rule from the shadows.


June 2, 1998

St Petersburg, Russian Empire

Gabrielle had only been stuck in the few rooms that made up this wing for a little over a day and was already feeling stir crazy. She had never known her veela side to be so agitated as it was right now. She knew that they shouldn't have come. She knew that that little harpy would try to find a way to sink her claws into Harry. She knew this was a mistake, but her papa had said it was important.

That was the last time she was going to listen to her papa when she had a feeling like this.

Harry was pacing around the smaller room. He was acting more like a caged animal than she was. Usually when he got this way he would go for a run, workout or make love to her. Today was not a day for that though. Like her, he was stuck in the same few rooms.

Of course, what had them both so agitated was the invitation on the small desk.

"I can't go to this lunch! Alain is not supposed to be here until this afternoon and the damned thing is still addressing me as a duke," Harry agitatedly said.

"Will you sit? It is getting harder for me to control myself with you stalking around," she snapped at him.

Harry stopped, ran a hand through his hair then looked at her. The angry gleam to his eyes was as much arousing as terrifying. His magic felt barely in control. It caused her own to respond. He let out a long breath before sitting next to her on the bed. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and made sure his arm was between her breasts. If she didn't calm him, she would be throwing fireballs herself. "We will get through this. Papa will find a way."

Harry huffed. "I only want you, Gabrielle."

Her heart fluttered. "And I only want you, mon amour."

He gave a wry smile that disappeared quickly. "We can't skip this lunch. Representative Ulis said we need to attend since the prince invited us directly."

"I know," she said, kissing his neck. He shivered in her arms. Perhaps she could distract him enough to calm down before the lunch. "Harry, make love to me."

He let out a long breath before turning his head. He kissed her cheek. "I'm not sure I'm in the mood."

She wasn't going to take no for an answer. Her veela-self was screaming at her to claim her mate. She had to know he was hers. She kissed his neck. Her hands snaked down the front of his shirt to rub his chest. "I need you," she said in a very needy and sultry tone. She knew she was losing control. She could feel that her powers were reaching out. Harry never really seemed effected by her powers, but the allure of her veela to her mate was overpowering her.

Harry closed his eyes as she kissed lower, nuzzling her nose into the collar of his shirt to give her access to the base of his neck. She could feel his heart quicken as her hands traced over the hard muscles under his shirt. "Gabrielle, we need to be there in an hour…" Harry took in a hissing breath as her hand moved lower.

The hiss sent a shiver through her body. What that could do to her when his tongue was in her was something she desperately wanted. "Take me, my love," she whispered into his ear.

Harry let out a low growl. When her veela took over like this during their love making, it was one of the few times that Harry gave into her allure. His head swivelled around. Her mouth found his and they were almost immediately using their tongue to decide who would have dominance right now. Her veela screeched in pleasure to feel the thrall it had over her mate.

Harry moved quickly. She didn't resist as he pressed her down to the bed. She pulled him down. His left hand supported him so he didn't fall on her while his right hand slid down her side. She moaned as he caressed her hip before lifting her dress. His hand was quickly rubbing her through her knickers.

Gabrielle's whole body bucked as he rubbed her. Her nails dug into Harry's back over his clothes. She was not able to turn like her grandmaman, but she felt part of the change as her fingernails became slightly more avian.

Harry gave a delectable hiss.

"Take me," she ordered.

"Be careful what you ask," he said, a feral growl meeting her own. Harry sat up on his knees to take his shirt off. As he did, she struggled to undo the buttons on her dress. He was just shimmying out of his trousers, his large erect manhood ready for her as she managed to get the dress off and her knickers down. Harry didn't wait. He grabbed her legs, pulled her over to him, spreading her legs wide. She was already wet for him. With a groan of pleasure, Harry moved to position himself at the opening of her core before pulling her by the back of her knees. She let out a small whimper of need as he filled her.

She reached up to grab his arms and pull herself up. Harry grabbed her bottom, sliding her up and down his shaft. She let out a gasp then a cry of pleasure as he buried himself inside her each time she jammed down on him.

It was a fast, frantic pace as they both needed a release and the knowledge that they were still meant for each other. Her nails dug into his back to pull him closer. Harry kissed down her neck and then bit her collar bone. Like it always did when he did that, it called to her inner beast, which let out a screech of pleasure before she was suddenly caught in one of the hardest orgasms she had had. "Come, please," she just barely got out. His grunts sent her even further into her extasy. He buried his shaft as deeply as he could a few times before he started to shake. She felt him spend his seed in her. His grunts were drowned out by her shouts as her whole body seemed to explode. Her breath shuttered and Harry shook as he held her up.

After a moment his teeth let her collar bone go and she sank down, his shaft still inside her. He gently put her back onto the bed. His arms were quaking from holding her up. After a moment, he moved to lay next to her. It had been one of the most explosive experiences yet. She pulled his head to rest on her chest as they both breathed hard.

"I love you, Gabrielle," he said.

"I love you too."

She rubbed his back. When she felt something sticky and warm, she moved her hands to look at her fingertips. There was blood on them. She wasn't sure to feel guilty or not. She had totally given herself over to her veela-self. Harry touched her collar. She hissed at the touch. "I broke skin this time," he remarked.

"You mark me as yours. Let me heal your back," she told him, trying to reach her wand. Harry kissed one of her breasts, eliciting a moan from her.

"Don't. If you need me marked to know I am yours, then leave the marks for now," he told her.

Could she love this man anymore?

She healed his back anyways. She didn't need the physical reminder. Besides, he had enough scars already.

It was close to half past noon when they met with Representative Ulis and the rest of the staff. "Are you ready?"

"Oui. We studied all the packets last night and this morning," Harry replied.

Gabrielle had her arm tightly holding his. "We are to be your underlings."

The older woman snorted. "I doubt that. The castle is in even more of a stir today after you did not show for dinner last night. The prince had a council meeting earlier today. I don't know what they discussed, but Patrice is worried."

"My contacts in the royal family have said the prince will only join the ICW in an alliance if Potter marries Duchess Adriana," the snotty man said.

Gabrielle's grip tightened on his arm. "She can't have him. Harry is mine."

Representative Ulis snorted in a rather unladylike way. "Yes, I think that is clear. I would rather you wait to see the prince until Director Delacour arrives, but this invitation cannot be ignored. I implore you to be polite. Gabrielle, I know what you are. You must keep your baser nature under control."

Harry stiffened. "Are you saying Gabrielle is some creature?"

"Of course not! I have worked with Director Delacour for many years. I know what his wife can be like when roused. I see Gabrielle has the same fire in her. We are not in France. We cannot banish a world leader from our house here. Things are heating up in the region and we need Russia to be on our side, or best, neutral. Do you understand?"

"I still say they are too young for this," Patrice stated.

"Patrice, be quiet! It doesn't matter. You know the importance of the Delacours to the ICW and most of the continental politics. Harry Potter has almost as much clout by name and reputation alone, never mind his family reputation. Prince Dmitri will want you, Harry. You are a jewel that he has been looking to add to his crown for years. He will not try to break up you and Gabrielle. I think he wants the ICW seat, and you can give it to him. Do not agree to anything. Do not imply that you will accept anything. Do not even give the impression that you agree with anything he says or proposes," Ulis told them.

"Harry will not," Gabrielle stated, her face set and defiant.

"And you, keep your temper. Both of you. Patrice, I want you to meet Director Delacour while we are at the luncheon. Am I understood?"

"But I have been invited as well," Patrice complained.

"Patrice, this is too important. Get Director Delacour here as soon as you can," Ulis demanded.

When he agreed, they went to greet the guards outside the diplomatic suite.

When they were led through the palace this time, Ulis looked a little bothered. Gabrielle wasn't sure, but this was not towards the main wing they had been in the other night. Out the corner of her mouth, she said, "We are being led to the family wing."

Gabrielle stiffened her back more. This was unusual.

The guards brought them to a large set of doors. Once there, they were greeted by a new set of guards. These had red emblems on their shoulders. Gabrielle recognized them as the prince's personal guard. They only guarded the royal family.

Representative Ulis gave a slight bow to the guards that handed them over to the royal guards. Gabrielle and Harry, as junior adjutants, didn't do a thing. The guards at the doors regarded them. Natalia was there to greet them. "Representative Ulis, it is only you, Duke Potter and Mademoiselle Delacour that are to accompany us."

"Monsieur Potter and Mademoiselle Delacour are here as my junior adjutants under the ICW. I would prefer to have my senior staff with me," Representative Ulis replied.

Natalia bowed her head. "I understand, but this is not any formal meeting. The Prince Dmitri would like a private luncheon with his family and Duke Potter. As he is your adjutant, you are invited, as is his betrothed."

Harry was keeping his face calm. She was not doing as well. Gabrielle clenched her hand. The euphoria of Harry taking her not long ago was wearing off because of the anger at this manipulation.

Ulis gave them a quick look. "Miske, please take the others back and make sure everything is prepared for Director Delacour. I would ask for him to join us if we are still at lunch when he arrives."

Miske nodded her head. Natalia nodded her head. "I am sure that Prince Dmitri would be honoured to meet with Director Delacour when he arrives. If you would?"

They were led through the doors with four guards trailing them. The dining room wasn't far from the door. When they were let in, the entire Romanov family was present.

Prince Dmitri sat at the head of the table. To his right was his wife, the Princess Elizabet. Then, the prince's son, Svenozar, his brother, Konstantin, the man's wife, who they had not met yet, the Duchess Natalia and another younger girl of about twelve she didn't know but looked to be Konstantin's daughter.

To the left of Prince Dmitri was Duchess Adriana and four seats. Gabrielle could see where this was going and could do nothing about it without upsetting their hosts. Her fingernails bit into the palm of her hands.

Everyone stood when they were shown in.

"The Duke Harry Potter, his betrothed, Mademoiselle Gabrielle Delacour, and the International Confederation of Wizards Representative, Natasa Ulis," the woman escorting them announced their entrance.

The prince and his family all stood. "Thank you. If you would. Duke Potter, I would have you sit closest to me."

Harry was stiff in his reply. "As you wish, Prince Dmitri."

When the doors were closed behind them, they were left only with the people around the table and four house elves. The prince waited for them to sit before beginning. "I would introduce those I am uncertain you have met before. My brother, Prince Konstantin, his wife, Princess Agrafena, and their daughter, the Duchess Zariyah."

As he had been addressed first, Harry replied. "It is a pleasure to see you again, Prince Konstantin. The last time we met I did not have the privilege of meeting your wife or daughter."

The man smiled. "Yes. The last time I admit was business, so they did not accompany me."

The skin pinched around Harry's eyes. "Well, they are here now. May I introduce my betrothed, Heiress Delacour?"

The dark hair woman to the prince's left smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet you. The European papers have spoken much of you and your beau over the last few months," Princess Agrafena remarked.

"Oui. My betrothed has made a few headlines. I am immensely proud of him," she said.

Princess Elizabet spoke next. "As you should be. For such a young man, he has already showed great strength and potential. You were both quite the life of the party the other night and we missed you at dinner last night."

Ulis dipped her head. "I do apologize, Princess Elizabet. We had a few staff members not feeling well and I thought it best to not risk getting you or any of your guests sick."

"Oh, that is prudent. I shall call for our physicians," Princess Elizabet said.

"We had our own medical staff look into it. I wanted to thank Prince Dmitri and you, princess, for inviting us to such an intimate luncheon. I will admit, this is my first time in your private wing," Ulis said. They all knew that the plan was to keep as much attention on Ulis.

Gabrielle took Harry's hand under the table when Adriana leaned over towards Harry.

"I am glad you could come. There has been a lot of excitement about you being declared Duke of Livonia," Duchess Adriana said.

Prince Dmitri nodded to Ulis before turning to Harry. "Ana, I think you are putting the cart before the horse. There are details that need to be worked out, as my advisors and other dukes have said."

Harry squeezed her hand. "Prince Dmitri, again, I am deeply honoured that you would recognize what I did for you, but I didn't save you or your family for any award. To be awarded the rank of Duke, is beyond what I may have done." He stopped for a moment, as though looking for what to say next.

She took the opportunity. "Oui, I am immensely proud that you would honour my betrothed, Prince Dmitri. It is not an honour that we can accept at this time. We are only hear as a training opportunity. My father, the Director of International Cooperation, has sent us here as junior envoys. Under our ICW mandate, we may not accept anything like this without the approval of the ICW or Director Delacour."

The prince frowned.

"Oh, but you must accept. Papa is certain we would have been killed at New Years was it not for you. Right, papa?" the duchess said.

"My guards say so," Prince Dmitri said with certainty. He was deliberately ignoring what Gabrielle had said. "It is a rank and title you have earned. I do want to discuss with you what it will mean to be a duke of my realm, but first, my family and I have gathered for lunch so that we might get to know you, and you us."

Gabrielle was feeling very apprehensive, especially at the starry eyes of the blond on the other side of Harry.

"I look forward to the meal, Prince Dmitri," Ulis said. "Though, Junior Adjutant Delacour is correct. Everyone here is under ICW mandate."

The prince just barely nodded before the house elves moved in to serve them. With a few snaps of their fingers, golden platters, trays and tureens appeared. They were full of delicious smelling food that must have been the height of cultured food in the area.

She didn't really look at it as her bowl was lifted by a house elf to be filled with a vegetable stew.

"As this is a family and special guest event, I would like to drop our formal titles. Harry, I have been able to obtain copies of yours and your betroth's IAWL scores. They are most impressive. Are you still interested in becoming an Auror or Hit Wizard?" the prince asked.

"At one time, but since last we talked, I have found that I have another calling. Gentilhomme Delacour and my godfather, Seigneur Black, have impressed on me the importance of diplomacy over combat. It is why I am here with Gabrielle. I am learning to defend myself still, but am focusing on becoming a representative for my family," he said, being far more casual with the man than Gabrielle would have ever dared to be.

"Would you not like to be like the war mages of old to be both a politician and battlemage?" Prince Konstantin questioned.

Harry grinned. "That is an interesting question. Is it alright if I call you Konstantin?"

"Please. My family and close friends call me Sasha, after our grandfather, Alexandre," the prince bid him. Ulis eyes had widened just a fraction.

Harry inclined his head. "Thank you, Sasha. I will admit I had not thought about that, but I think that might not be a bad way to look at my planned path."

"It would be a shame for him not to use his talents, but I do not think Harry should go looking for fights," Gabrielle spoke up.

"But he does seem to find them," Princess Agrafena said.

"Is it true that you killed five people the day the Dark people attacked your ministry?" Adriana asked.

Harry's hand clenched hers tightly. His jaw showed the tension. He didn't think about that day because of that. She knew he thought of Ron. Harry may be getting better, but he was still deeply affected. "I did what I had to," he said in a strained voice.

Duchess Natalia, who for the first time was looking at Harry in a way that made her uncomfortable, said, "The papers said you were solely responsible for saving more than a dozen people. You used ice magic. That is not a common thing."

She was forced to squeeze back to let him know it was alright, as well keep him from hurting her. He was building up more muscle than when she had first seen him. She could feel him starting to struggle with his magic. "I did what I had too."

"Some might think that a special family affinity. Ice is not a common affinity. That type of affinity, and your reported ability to talk with snakes, would be highly regarded around the court," Dmitri casually commented. "I would like to hear more about what happened at the ministry. You had an interesting form and were quite skilled for your age at New Years. Would you tell us what happened and how you defeated so many opponents at once?"

"I do not think that good talk for lunch," Ulis said, as though catching onto Harry's mood.

"Sasha always tells us about his latest duel or some of the actions that he has been in. I don't see this as any different," Dmitri said. "Harry, I have heard you have mastered a very advanced technique and used it in the ministry. I would really like to hear about your duel."

"If he was as brave and courageous as he was in Stockholm, it must have been a great duel," Adriana said. Gabrielle took in a sharp breath. She recognized those eyes. It was the same eyes she had for Harry when she used to look at his posters before she grew up.

"There isn't much to say. It was chaotic. We got hurt. I did what I could to save everyone. In the end, seventeen people died, five Death Eaters were killed, and I didn't stop them," he said rather gruffly. She tried to let him know she was here.

"It must have been more than that?" Konstantine pressed.

Harry didn't say another thing.

"Harry does not like to talk about that. He lost someone very dear to him that day," she told the ambush.

Princess Agrafena seemed to finally get Harry's mood. "We are sorry for your loss. My husband and brother-in-law highly value and praise those that show such prowess. I'm sure they were not trying to offend you."

Harry nodded his head after a moment.

"I'm sorry for your loss. It is never easy to lose a comrade or someone you care deeply for." Prince Dmitri reached for a small, fluted glass. "I propose a toast to the fallen."

They all reached for their small glasses. After raising them, Dmitri said something in Russian before taking a long sip. Harry downed the alcohol in the glass. He winced a little. She avoided the impulse and only took a small sip. It was some type of hard alcohol that burned on the way down, and not in the good way.

"Perhaps you would allow a duel with my brother or myself? My sister-in-law is correct. We prize marshal prowess. If you are as good as we have heard, then I would like to have you tested to be an officer in the Guard."

Ulis's, Harry's and her head all shaped to look at the man.

"Seigneur Potter is an ICW attaché. He cannot be drafted into any other military unless he gives up his position or it is in defence of his home country," Ulis was quick to say.

Dmitri graciously nodded his head. "I understand the rules. As a Duke, he will be granted citizenship, and I already have a vote in the council of dukes to allow Duke Potter to hold the multiple citizenships he should. To be a citizen, man and of the age to be an adult, it is mandatory to either serve in the military or the social branch."

"I am not a citizen of Russia," Harry said. She could tell his nerves were fraying and his temper getting short.

"Harry is currently a British citizen. When we are married, he will have French citizenship as well," she said, unable to keep her own cool.

"And his title and lands will give him citizenship here. To ensure that you will be fully accepted by the Council of Dukes, I would offer you my daughter's hand so that your royal heritage can be fully recognized," the man said, not looking pleased to have his word rejected.

Harry shot up. His chair toppled over, crashing loudly to the floor. The tight control he usually had on his magic was escaping him. The napkin in his hands was thrown down onto the table. He gave a rather curt, offensive bow towards the prince. Then turned to Ulis. "I'm sorry. I'm done."

She moved to get up. Others around the room were getting up or looking wide eyed at him.

"Duke Potter… Harry, where are you going!" Prince Dmitri demanded.

Harry marched to the doors. When they didn't budge, his magic surged. She had only felt this level of power that day in the courtroom.

Everyone paused.

Gabrielle would have been scared if she wasn't his mate. His auror wasn't visible, but she was sure that everyone else in the room could sense he was more powerful than any two other people in the room.

She saw wands come to the princes' hands. Most of the woman shied away. Her own came up as she moved towards his side. She would not allow them to hurt him.

"Open the damn doors," Harry demanded in a low, angry voice that carried throughout the room.

"Duke Potter…. Harry?" Dmitri said in a more conciliatory tone. "These are matters we need to discuss, and it is best between family for what I wish to bestow on you."

Harry didn't turn around. Each word pulsed with power and the implied threat of what would happen if not obeyed. He spoke in French this time. "Let. Me. Out."

"The doors are sealed until I let the guards know to let us out. I would know what has upset you," Prince Dmitri demanded. The man was not used to anyone denying him, nor was he comfortable at feeling afraid if his demeanour said anything.

Harry hit the doors with the palm of his hands. His magic crashed through whatever wards were there. It was the same thing he used on the mirrors to break through wards, but this time he didn't use a wand or runes to power it. His magic flared. An icy wind ruffled the occupants. The princes moved to shield their families. Ulis looked wide eyed at Harry.

The doors blasted off their hinges and shot across the hall. The guards reacted. Two of them were knocked off their feet. The other four moved to draw wands or their muskets.

Harry's wand was in his hand. He was moving to protect her while there was clear intent as magic collected on the tip of it, then dripped off it in long strands. Dmitri yelled out something in Russian.

Both sides stood still. The guards looked ready to cast or pull their triggers. The two that had been knocked down, one was flat out on the floor while the other was getting to his feet.

"I want to go back to my room," Harry told them when the guards didn't immediately attack them.

She moved in a little closer to Harry's back. She had been watching the reactions of awe, fear and desire around the room. A nimbus of purple flames covered her left hand as her wand was ready to use in her right. She was not able to pool magic yet, but she felt like she could do far more than a few months ago.

The prince nodded to the guards. With a look of deep distrust, the guards slowly lowered their wands and muskets but didn't put them away. Harry pulled his magic in enough to dissipate the ball of magic on the tip of his wand, but he did not put it away. When he reached out for her left hand, she didn't even realize that her fire was still at her call. As a sign he was her true mate, the fire protectively wrapped around his hand.

After a moment, they were led back to the room. Gabrielle didn't miss that the muskets were held in their hands and two of the guards had their wands pointing at them. This situation was being stressful, and apparently that had been too much for Harry.

next chapter
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