/ Fantasy / How I saved the world singing my ass off!

How I saved the world singing my ass off! Orisinil

How I saved the world singing my ass off!

Fantasy 12 Bab 9.2K Dilihat
Penulis: NeighBadger

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An idol finds herself reincarnated as part of a nomadic kobold tribe. As war between Kobolds and goblins breaks out, she finds her unique talents allow her to forge a new path of peace between the races. Will She save the world and become a world renowned idol or perish singing her ass off?

General Audiences


  1. NeighBadger
    NeighBadger Berpartisipasi 11
  2. Breno_Ranyere
    Breno_Ranyere Berpartisipasi 9
  3. Avatar

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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Penulis NeighBadger