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93.54% HOW DID I BECOME THE SYSTEM!? / Chapter 28: The End Of The USJ Arc

Bab 28: The End Of The USJ Arc

| Izuki P.O.V |

Izuki was not feeling good. Despite being a thirty-something-foot dragon with insane levels of durability and regeneration, being shunted through dimensions so fast was disorientating. If it wasn't for those same qualities, she would probably be on the ground groaning or passed out like the rest of class 1-A sans Izuku or the group of pro-heroes that were with them in front of USJ.

It was also due to her new ability that she could even perceive the near-instant she was in the shadow dimension before being deposited outside of it in front of the UA front entrance. Speaking of UA, the place looked like a warzone or what she thought one looked like. She had never seen a warzone before, even in a movie, and her only point of reference was the USJ defense the class set up.

The UA entrance had small craters littering the grounds usually pristine brickwork and flawless lawn. The fountain between the main building and the school gate was broken and leaking water everywhere. Glass on the main buildings was broken in several areas, and there were fires in some sections of the upper and lower floors. Most of the trees that surrounded the building were either uprooted, blown apart, cut down, or on fire. Even the wall that surrounded the property was not spared; it had holes and crates on it too.

For some reason, seeing the school like this pissed Izuki off. She didn't know why it did as she had no real love for the school despite dreaming of coming here not that long ago. But the thought of the school, no, any school being attacked pissed her off to no end and fueled her transformations just a smidgen. Shaking off the idle thoughts, emotions, and nausea, Izuki surveyed the class she had been resurrected to protect and saw that everyone, including Eraserhead and Thirteen, was here and fine. Aizawa no longer had a giant slash wound on his stomach, and Thirteen had his legs back.

The bus was gone though, Izuki supposed Izuku didn't deem transporting the battle bus or himself with them necessary for some reason. This confused her because she thought he was trying not to be suspicious, and she felt that his being the only one not transported back to UA would not be suspicious but potentially incriminating due to the past accident with his power. Izuki would ask him later, but for now, she would fly back to USJ, try to track him by scent or something and bring him here for help.

"HELLO! IS ANYONE THERE? I CAN'T HEAR OR SEE WELL!" Izuki turned her long draconic neck to the unmistakable and iconic voice of All Might. He didn't look all that heroic right now due to him groping the air blindly while stumbling like a drunk in half-burnt rags that were his clothes. The number one hero was also sporting a fresh tan, she suspected he had gotten from that massive explosion from earlier.

Izuki wanted to help the number one hero but there was nothing she could do for him or about his condition. She couldn't speak human languages due to her having a snout instead of a mouth. If she wanted to help All Might, the best option would be to find Izuku as soon as possible.

Izuki also had another, stronger, reason for leaving All Might and the class; she was worried about Izuku. She knew Izuku wouldn't be dead, Stella had made it very clear to her that she would never let Izuku die from anything other than possible old age. However, being alive and being healthy did not necessarily need to correlate for Stella to consider someone fine, so it was best if she checked on her brother herself. After all, even with his healing ability, he seemed a little woozy towards the end of the fight, so he may need medical assistance that was beyond his current ability to heal.

Besides, she was sure All Might and everyone currently knocked out on the ground or waking up would be fine if she flew off now. Her acute sense could smell a few dozen people coming this way, quite a few of them like disinfectant and blood. More than likely heroes considering they were coming from the school and the dog-like but not dog-like scent she picked up. Which meant either that one werewolf-looking teacher or Principal Nezu.

Sure for the safety of the group, Izuki turned toward the destroyed space of UA's courtyard before kicking off the ground in a fast sprint with her four arms and digitigrade claws before leaping high into the air and flapping her four wings to gain flight. She climbed higher and higher into the air before orienting herself to face the mushroom cloud that was now USJ.

Taking a moment to scan the area with her eyes in hopes of finding Izuku but with the dust so thick over the area it was impossible. So with a mighty flap of her wings, she took off toward where she guessed Izuku was before teleporting everyone. As Izuki soared, she noticed two things. First was that Uraraka's gravity wall around USJ was still holding strong despite the girl herself being comatose. Probably why the blast didn't simply kill and destroy everyone and everything even remotely close to it.

Second was that she was shrinking, only bit by bit but shrinking nonetheless. Izuki realized quickly that her power was leaving her now that there was no one to fight. Meaning she had to get to her brother even faster! Now with even greater urgency, Izuki accelerated her flight towards the presumed location of Izuku, hoping to find him before she lost her ability to fly altogether.

As she approached the remnants of USJ, Izuki's keen eyesight allowed her to discern some movement amidst the rubble. Zooming closer, she saw Izuku, unconscious but seemingly unharmed, lying amidst the chaos. Relief flooded her as she swooped down and gently scooped him up in her claws, careful not to aggravate any unseen injuries.

With Izuku safely cradled in her grasp, Izuki wasted no time in taking off again, this time heading back towards UA at full speed. She couldn't risk delaying any longer; Izuku needed medical attention, and she was determined to get him help as quickly as possible.

As she soared through the sky, Izuki's thoughts raced. She couldn't shake off the feeling of anger and frustration at the attack on UA, but for now, her focus was solely on Izuku's well-being. Whatever had transpired at the school would have to wait; right now, her priority was her brother's recovery.

With each beat of her wings, Izuki drew closer to Izuku, her determination unwavering. Whatever the future held for her, whether it be in the system with Stella or out here with Izuku, she would face them head-on, for the sake of her brother and all those she cared about. 

| Bakugo P.O.V |

Bakugo woke up feeling like someone had been feeding him through a meat grinder. The sensation was worse than any of the harshest training he had undergone to mold himself into the perfect hero. On top of that, he felt a familiar horrid weakness engulfing his entire body, the same weakness he had felt while watching Izuki... Bakugo immediately snapped himself out of his train of thought; he needed to focus on the present, not the past. After all, with Izuki back, the past could finally stay as it was. His ultimate failure, the proof of his inadequacy as a hero, could be erased, and he could finally make everything right.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, Bakugo tried to gather information about his surroundings, a difficult task since his body was too weak to even rotate his head, and someone's posterior was obstructing his vision. Judging from the red of the costume, it could be either Momo or Kirishima, but considering the feminine bare legs attached to the butt, it was probably Yaoyorozu. Realizing he wasn't going to get a proper look at his surroundings, Bakugo attempted to move his arms, but each felt like it was strapped to lead blocks. Judging from the groans of strain his classmates were making, it was the same for them.

He tried to move his mouth next and found that he could, but with a strain he felt was more appropriate for lifting dumbbells. He tried other parts of his body but found the only other parts he could move were his eyes and eyelids. His quirk seemed to work, but he wasn't going to test it so close to his classmates. Plus, his wrists were in so much pain he felt like it would be a mercy for someone to cut them off.

"Is everyone okay?" the slightly unfamiliar voice of his classmate, Toru, shouted with clear worry.

Bakugo did his best to answer despite the strain making every word come out like he had a speech impediment. "M' fine. Can't move."

A strained chorus of similar replies came from different members of the class, but not from others. It was when Mineta began waking up and moving that it was revealed that the members of the recon division were completely fine and capable of moving. Said recon division also revealed that they were in UA's front entrance, that their teachers were fine and with them, and that Momo, along with half the class, was unconscious. The half that was awake could barely move, much like himself or even better. They also reported that Izuki was nowhere to be found, even though her tracks were nearby, meaning she had at least been present when they were moved here.

Izuku was also missing, again! Bakugo felt a small spike of panic at the report before he forcibly calmed himself down. He reasoned to himself that Izuku must have been left behind when whoever moved them here tried to take him with the class, and Izuki decided to go back to him and fight the shadow figure that caused half this mess in the first place. However, his reasoning had the opposite effect, and he began panicking again. Bakugo feared for the safety of his childhood friends. He couldn't bear the thought of losing them again, of letting them fight alone, and he felt that their deaths were a real possibility against whoever the shadow bastard was.

He could vividly imagine Izuki and Izuku staring down an entire army of those shadow things by themselves. Blinded by the darkness, outnumbered, and fighting against impossible odds. Just like before, just like when he was weak. 'No, I can't accept this! I'm more powerful than before, I'm better than this, I'm stronger! I have to get up! I have to fight! FIGHT!" Bakugo tried with all his might to move, to writhe, to do something, anything, but his struggles remained unrewarded.

His body was too tired to do anything, so all he could do was lie down on the ground and lament his weakness. He cursed himself for being a fool who thought that just because Izuku's power could keep them going, it would have no side effects.

If only he were as strong as All Might.

If only he had a power like Izuku's!

If only he were as talented as Izuki!

If only he could shatter his limits to save his friend like Ochaco!

'If only...' he thought slowly as his mind finally caught up with his body and slowly gave way to unconsciousness as blurry voices, not those of his class, spoke around him.

| Nezu P.O.V |

Nezu waited cheerily on the steps of the main building of his school, in front of his now destroyed courtyard, watching as the heroes, paramedics, and other personnel loaded his students - whom he thought had died in USJ - onto stretchers to be brought to the infirmary. Most would think that the happy expression on the mouse-bear principal would indicate happiness at the retrieval of his students and the end of the attack on the school, and to a certain extent this was true, but this happiness was mostly just a mask. Deep down, the hyper-intelligent creature that was the principal of U.A. was feeling far different, but that was unimportant right now.

Now normally, the students would be going to a hospital, but the fighting of the shadow army in the city damaged the roads extensively, and most air support was either being used now or grounded early during the attacks by the flying types of enemies. So even now that the anarchy has stopped and the enemies have all disappeared, medical help was not on the way. Not that medical treatment on school grounds would be a problem with Recovery Girl and the other medics on the premises.

Speaking of medical attention, the students looked very healthy and whole, if a bit war-torn and tired despite the fighting. Nezu supposed he had All Might, Endeavor, and the other pros who were sent to retrieve the students to thank for that. If the kids had been left to fight alone against even a tenth of the horde of enemies that had assaulted UA, Nezu knew they would not have lasted long before being killed.

That would have been bad for the school's public relations and reputation as the number 1 hero school in the country. Especially when the suspect(s) responsible for this attack were currently and most likely to remain at large. UA prided itself on being a safe and secure place from villain attacks due to its staff being Pro-Heroes and its security being top-notch. With All Might being here it should have been even safer.

Speaking of All Might, his accomplice in justice/revenge had been considerably blinded and deafened. Whether or not his hearing and vision would recover was still up in the air, but Nezu was optimistic thanks to having Recovery Girl and other medical experts on payroll. The principal would still prepare to have all information about All Might's injuries suppressed, just in case.

After all, having the number one hero be weakened right after a major villain attack would not only chip away at the well-developed image of All Might being unstoppable but could also incite a new rise of villains and bring about a lawless era not seen since before All Might's time. A worst-case scenario but an all too realistic one. Thankfully, this could still be considered a win for the heroes over the villains as the original objective of the attack, according to one Tenya Lida, was to kill All Might, and they had failed. From what he heard from the police, most of the damage was property-based, and the current casualties were far lower than what was anticipated for an attack of this scale.

The worst part of all this for Nezu was that it would set him back weeks, maybe months, in tracking down and taking down Hisashi and bringing down his organization. This thought, out of everything that happened today, is what made his pleasant facade break into a rage.

"Is that Ryukyu?" He heard Present Mike ask loudly while looking into the air, drawing Nezu's and everyone else's attention to the sky.

Most people saw only shadows due to the altitude the dragon was flying at, but those with enhanced eyesight or even basic familiarity with the hero could tell that it wasn't her. The first and most notable differences to Nezu were the color of the scales and the lack of clothes. There was also the sheer size difference between the dragon heroine and this newcomer, with the hero falling short in height.

There was more wondering and murmuring and not enough prepping to take out the intruder. So Nezu got everyone moving with a cheerful command to get ready to shoot the dragon down. That was at least until young Mineta stopped him by explaining - read rambling - that the dragon was Izuki's sister, who was dead and returned to life, helped them fight off the horde of shadow monsters, and so on.

Midway through his rambling, Nezu interrupted him and told everyone to stand down. A genuine smile on his face as he watched the dragon descend and then glide into a landing with Izuku gently tucked away in one hand. The green-haired student also looked war-torn but otherwise fine as the dragon gently dropped him down next to the slightly scared medic.

For the first time since the attack, Nezu felt like today was looking up! After all, even if the school was destroyed, he had gained another piece to use against Hisashi when the time came to bring him down.

| Umbra P.O.V |

The creator had rejected it, REJECTED IT....

Even after everything it had done for him, the searching, the capturing of evil individuals, the investigating, the running, the fighting, restlessly for years. He had even saved him, albeit accidentally, from the results of All Might's final attack. But when he finally met him again, when he finally reached out to him and asked for the creator's acceptance. He banished him to the dark world instead of taking its hand. 

Why? Was it because it had not found Muscular yet? Was it because it was not like its fellow created being? Why? Why, why, why, why, whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy, WHY!? Umbra would have continued this descent into madness for hours on end if not for being confronted by an impossibility. 

"Alright, I think I've let you run around for long enough." A voice not his own said from behind him. This was an impossibility to it, in this lonely world that belonged only to him and the creator, there should be nothing entering here without his knowing. Yet the impossibility was behind him. 

As the shadow of Izuku turned towards the voice he saw a young girl floating casually through a bright blue crack in reality that he could not see into. Strangely it felt like it knew her but at the same time didn't, another impossibility. Umbra had a perfect memory, it could not forget anything or anyone. 

The girl invading its domain looked around 16 years old and was of medium height with dark eyes and hair. She was wearing a plain white shirt and black shorts. But despite the casual attire, he could tell from her expression and feel with his power that the intruder was angry. 

"You know Umbra," the intruder said while levitating down to stand right in front of him. "I thought leaving you alone all those years ago would be fine since you were made from Izuku's power and all, but then you shat all over my beliefs and started attacking the school, the city, and you're creator. So I've changed my mind, this time I'm packing you away for good."

"Help me?" Umbra asked. At least to others, it would sound that way. But in his own little language, he was asking who she was and how she got here. 

He was not expecting an answer due to his inability to communicate with most people, but asking and curiosity felt natural to him. Umbra was not concerned about her threats because even though she had invaded his home without detection, he doubted she could destroy him. Many heroes, vigilantes, and villains have tried and failed. Including those who stood at the pinnacle of power like Stars and Stripes and All For One. Sure he had lost those fights but he still came out relatively unscathed. He also mentally dismissed her claims of him attacking the creator, he hadn't so much as laid a finger on him and never would. 

Upon hearing his question, the girl's face transformed from one of passive anger to amusement, almost like she understood him, which both excited him and made him even more curious about her. Only two people in the world other than the creator and his sibling creation, should be capable of understanding him. The creator's creator and the clone of the creator's sibling, yet she did. 

"You know what," She said as her tone and body language went from radiating anger to both arrogance and confidence. "I'm in a Lobotomy Kaisen mood, gonna have to visit there at some point, and I haven't gotten the bones loose in my own body for a while. So how about this, if you make it past five minutes, I'll give you your answers, right before killing you." Then in an instant, her clothes went from casual indoor wear to a deep indigo buttoned-up jacket, black pants, black dress shoes, and a blindfold that covered the upper half of her face.

"This should do well or...hmmm...maybe I should go with the other outfit he used in his fight against Sakuna since your powers are kinda like the Ten Shadows." Umbra was confused as the girl began muttering things he could not hope to comprehend without context, all while staring up into the black "sky" of the shadow world, showing the constantly shifting exits into the shadows of everything. "Nah, this fight will be more like when he fought Jogo than his second fight with Sakuna anyway." 

Umbra had no time to react as the girl suddenly went on the attack, sending a powerful kick into his abdomen that had him floating off the ground, followed by three punches to the same spot, and finished the combo with a spinning axe kick to his head that sent him flying. The attacks did not hurt him because he could not feel pain, but they damaged his form well enough to cause minor concern.

"SAVE ME!" Umbra cried out as he exerted his power over the world and froze the attacker in place, saving him from their pursuit of him as he rolled on the ground and skidded to a halt.

 But before he could take advantage of the opening he had created, a small glowing red ball appeared in front of the attacker's face. "Sorry kid but that little trick isn't going to stop me from beating your ass. Cursed Technique Reversal: Red." She exclaimed before gently blowing on the small orb and bathing the dark world with the bright red light of an explosion that hit him and disrupted his hold on her.

Umbra tried to immediately reestablish a hold on her but before he knew it she was behind him, the shock causing him to hesitate for a fraction of a second and allowing her to land a devastating kick that felt like it was going to snap him in half. 

"Black Flash!" She shouted in excitement as he began to feel threatened by the intruder and feared his form may be destroyed if she landed more of those attacks.

Umbra's fear served to strengthen his power and allowed him to pour his newly bolstered negative energy into summoning his scattered army to him, hoping to overwhelm her with sheer numbers. He initially thought of using his paralysis power again but decided against it. If the girl could pull off more of those red attacks or even teleport again it wouldn't be a waste of energy.

At his call, hundreds of thousands of shadow minions from his attack on USJ and more types he hadn't let loose appeared around him and her like a raging sea. "Save me!' Umbra ordered them and began to teleport away. He was a coward at heart and so would never fight personally unless he had no other option. The last thing he saw before completely leaving the area and appearing far away was the army charging her and a flash of blue overtaking everything.

Confident in his safety and his army's ability to take care of the unknown girl, he took a moment to focus his thoughts on planning what to do instead of just fumbling around like a scared child. Umbra wanted to leave this realm and run further away from the scary girl, like to the moon, maybe Mars, and come back later when she was dead or left but he couldn't. Not because he didn't have the option to but because this was the creator's world, a sacred and important place to him. It was also where he housed his army and the bodies of the people he used to sustain said army. He wouldn't leave without making sure the intruder was either completely expelled or killed or he feared he would not be able to face his creator ever. 

Then in an instant, the girl stood before him, hands still in her pockets, a knowing smirk on her face. On reflex alone, he threw a wide sloppy punch at her only to hit nothing. No, not nothing, it felt like his punch connected to something but whatever it is was not visisble. "You're wondering why you can't touch me, right?" she said, her voice cutting through his thoughts like a blade.

Umbra, retreated with a quick teleport back but still remained infront of her, no longer intrested in running anymore. He stared and remained silent, wary of her but all together curious. If the girl wanted to give him an explanation as to why he couldn't hit her then he would let her, it would be no disadvantage to him. 

"It's called the Limitless Technique," Stella explained. "It's a little something from a show called Jujutsu Kaisen. Basically, it makes me untouchable via infinitely dividing the space between your attack and me."

Umbra's mind raced as he processed her words. If what she said was true, then even freezing her with his power wouldn't help him. It would stop her from moving but it wouldn't let him capatalize on those openings.

However, despite the revelation of the her power, umbra was still not fully convinced she was indeed untouchable. So he summoned more shadow minions, sending them to attack her from all directions. The girl allowed them to come, her posture as relaxed as someone taking an afternoon stroll, and as expected, they couldn't touch her. Each one of the attacks was halted to a stop before they ever met her. Then the girl took a hand out of her pocket, brought it to her mouth, yawned and the minions were blown away with ease. 

The moment her technique was confirmed, Umbra realized his only chance at victory lay in a direct clash of attacks with her. Umbra guessed that if she wanted to hit her apponent through the infinte space, she need to take it down atleast partialy and there would lie his victory. So, he dismissed his army, not interested in using them anymore as they were useless and could not even serve as a distraction, plus it seemed she only used the blue and red attacks when she was frozen or surrunded. He was ready to summon them anytime he pleased, however.

The girl, seeing his move and possibly gleaming at his intent, smiled excitedly as if she had just caught him in a trap. "Come on, then!" she exclaimed as her smile bordered on the maniacal. "I haven't gotten a good fight in ages so let's see what you've got!"

Thus the fight for his life began, Umbra charged at her with impressive speed and strength, but his form was sloppy, and unrefined, like that of a child play fighting. Nonetheless, he pressed on, driven by the desperate need to defend his home and be accepted by his creator.

| Stella P.O.V, Approximately Two Minutes Into The Fight |

Two minutes into the fight, I found myself really enjoying it. Umbra wasn't much of a fighter and to call him a challenge would be an insult to myself but despite that i found this bout really fun. Despite the initial clumsiness, something was promising about Umbra. Despite being small, his blows possessed surprising speed, strength, and weight behind them even though his form was akin to that of a child flailing about.

Intrested in seeing where this construct would go given a bit of proper guidance, I decided to do a bit of training with him. As the fight went on, I found myself subtly adjusting my attacks, guiding Umbra's movements with each strike. And with every correction, every adjustment, I could sense him growing stronger, more agile, more aware of his own body and it's capabilities.

It helped that every time he made a sloppy move, I punished him with a Black Flash punch to the ungarded area until he learned to defend himself properly. It was a harsh lesson, but one he seemed to be learning quickly from.

Don't get me wrong though, his form was only amateur at best but the fact he went from flailing child to amateur fighter in minutes spoke of immense talent. As expected of my brother's creation! But Umbra wasn't done surprising me yet, he began utilizing teleports in his attack, leaving mirage-like afterimages to confuse me before teleporting behind me, attempting to land a punch to my head. It caught me by surprise but I was still faster so I turned around in an instant, seizing him and judo-slamming him into the ground before he could even react. Then going for a stomp of his head before he rolled away, avoiding it with ease before teleporting a little bit away again and re-engaging me.

Even as i weived and parried his onslought of attacks, I couldn't help but admire Umbra's progress. His determination and ability to improve, to adapt, and overcome reminded me a lot of his creator. It was why I had turned off Limitless right after Umbra had started absorbing my lessons and improving. It was my way of giving him a chance to actually do something in this fight before the end And trust me the end was coming.

When Umbra charged straight at me again after being kicked back for the umpteeth time, he looked to be poised to for a staight punch which i was goig to meet head on with one of my own but once again shocked me by teleporting out the way of my fist and right into my guard to land a blow to my abdomen. Because i was unprepared, the power behind the attack had almost instantly destoyed my organs and stunned me. The little helion wasn't done with just one punch though, realizng his attacks had actually had an affect one me, the shadow spawn had begun laying in punch after punch with painful efficency. 

His tiny fist struck a series of letal blows from my hips all the was to my breast, shattering bone and destoying organs all the way up and casuing me to caugh blood. Then to top it off, he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me down to slam his head into my face, shattering my nose and nearly createring my face before teleporting behind me, avoiding a blast of red i hastily made to get the little shit of me, and kicking me in the lower spine hard enough to snap it clean from my hips and send me flying in a bloody twirl. 

If i was a normal person, the first few attack would have been enough to killed me, but because i was using a body simmular to the Satarou Gojo I could endure the strikes with a smile. I could smile because despite the pain and damage, those felt like nothing compared to the proudness swelling in my chest at seeing my little student improve so fast. Within the brief few minutes since my impromptu training of him began, he noticed that i was no longer using the Limitless to defend myself but kept acting like he hadn't noticed. No, it wasnt that he acted like he hadn't noticed, it was just that I was ignorant to his notice due to being caught up in the joy of the fight. Umbra was testing me the entire time i was testing him.

I couldn't help but laugh as i floated in the air, applying my limitless to keep me affloat and reverse cured technque to heal me, this was without a doubt my best fight in two lifetimes. "YES, THATS THE WAY, UMBRA! MORE, MORE, FIGHT ME MORE!!! I yelled like a mad woman as spittle, blood, and bone flew from my mouth. The euphoria of such a great fight making me feel more alive than i had in years!

Then I felt it - a subtle shift in the atmosphere, a tremor running through the very fabric of the dimension. At first, I dismissed it as a side effect of Umbra tying something new since he was heavily tied to the dimension but as the shuddering grew more pronounced, realization dawned on me and all the excitement left my body. It was me that was causing this. Coming to this world the way I did, connected to my true body, was causing the system to converge on this reality, threatening to crush it under the weight of my higher dimensional existence. In other words, it was time to end this fight and save the dimension from destruction so that I wouldn't have to recreate it.

I oriented myself mid-air to face Umbra and watched as he looked all around, probably feeling the dimensions collapse was imminent. He took one look at my face and his own turned into a rictus of rage. Most likely and rightfully blaming me for this apocalyptic scenario. He teleported to me and began trying to wail on me with flurry if punches but this time i was ready and easily weaved all his attacks without moving from my spot in the air.

This made him even more aggressive with his attack, screeching incoherently, as he teleported rapidly with his attack and tried to land even more hit on me but could not due to my body being reinforced with cursed energy and my six eyes seeing the spacetime distortions he made when he teleported. No longer intrested in the game of cat and mouse and needing to end this soon, I turned on my limitless again, making him unable to touch me he lashed out. I can't lie, I felt a little bad doing this to him now. After all, we had just started to bond and our battle was just begining. 

So it was with a solemn expression that my gaze met Umbra's void white eyes, a mix of pity and regret in them. "It's been fun but it's time to end this, for what it's worth I will always remember you," I said, my voice carrying a weight of finality.The dimension shook again, this time harder, in desperation, Umbra abandoned all technique and tricks and just wailed against the limitless in hopes of breaking through.

Taking off my bloody blindfold, I revealed my pearly blue set of six-eyes to him. Then I made my right-hand palm face upward and locked my fingers in flick motion while focusing my cursed energy and technique, aiming right at the wailing Umbra as he clawed punched, and kicked at the limitless like a rabid dog.

"Cursed Technique Amplification: Blue, Cursed Technique Reversal: Red," I declared, my voice echoing with command as purple lightning crackled around me, casting an ominous glow. With the cursed energy gathered and technique at one hundred percent power, I wasted no more time or words and flicked my finger at him. "Hollow Purple!" I exclaimed as a blinding flash of purple light engulfed Umbra. In an instant, the darkness of the dimension was erased, consumed by the brilliance of the technique and when the light died down Umbra was gone without a trace, as if it had never existed. 

With my work here done, I removed myself from the dimension before my existence could cause any more damage. Back in my room, I instantly flopped down on the bed I created for Izuku, a little tired, more emotionally than physically of course, but tired all the same. I think killing Umbra weighed on me a little, even if I don't regret it. Umbra was like a cute street dog you took care of for a while, lovingly feeding it every day, only to suddenly find out it had rabies and needed to be put down before it could endanger someone or you. Nasty business but necessary all the same.

With a sigh, I slipped beneath the covers, seeking solace in the embrace of sleep. As I closed my eyes, I allowed myself to let go of the thoughts about... everything. I already checked before confronting Umbra that no more danger would befall Izuku for a while, so right now I think I'll just let myself sleep. It's not like I was forgetting something now was I?


A/N: Finally done with this.

Thanks to for the stones Genskot, Minichip, and ICExAIS and everyone else for the stones. Yall the best and sorry for the long wait and sorry if the chapter seems rushed. Next up is a sort of kind of epilouge and some filler chapters, followed by the turnament arc. Which is going to be way different than cannon and hopefully not tke as long to get through. Now, till next time, author out!

RecluseCultivator RecluseCultivator

Creation is hard, but life is harder! Here's the chapter you've been waiting for.

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Stone -- Batu Daya
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