/ Anime & Comics / Hiatus:Ultimate Card System: One piece
4.8 (38 peringkat)
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Tulis ulasanearly days but keep up the good work look forward to more chapters ... .....................................................................
Really Really Really good plz dont drop Bdjdkffiddififfofogogphou0y8t7e6e6e7e8t9r9rdififkvivoglhlgogofoohglhgogogofkckckvkvkvkgysudifjcjcjcjcn n njxhdusudufur7r7rr7r7t859totoffofkvkcjxhzhzyyq6q27489506476wsyjxx nxmhzkgzhzykzlyxusul ,kg,hhh hl
the story is dope. power is especially dope. MC is strong and becoming OP fast. all dope. what sucks. the time MC is in [ very close to water 7 arc...basically he has 3 moths left before water 7 arc ] and the MC's intention of wanting to not change and wait for cannon events to occur and wanting to help SH. Seeing his mission, i;ll assume he'll temporarily become their nakama .... would've preferred way earlier or something different, rather than him helping or joining em. MC also seems to be more of a heroic of ' good ' character, that wants to save rather selfish, neutral, evil, etc. so theres that. hopefully MC isnt a fan boy who later joins SH. hopefully changes cannon or atleast does his own shit rather than joining em and slightly changing cannon, whilst mostly riding on their coattails cause that'd be shit. other than its all pretty much dope. the plot might seem boring but still too early to judge, hopefully it'll be different from the other ff's of a similar plot.
Membuka SPOILER꠸ ꪖꪑ ꪻꫝꫀ ꫀ᥊ρ ꪮᠻ ꪑꪗ ᠻ꠸ꪀᧁꫀ᥅. ᭙ꫀ᥇ꪀꪮꪜꫀꪶ ꠸ᦓ ꪑꪗ ᥇ꪮᦔꪗ, ꪖꪀᦔ ꫀ᥊ρ ꠸ᦓ ꪑꪗ ᥇ꪶꪮꪮᦔ. ꠸ ꫝꪖꪜꫀ ᥴ᥅ꫀꪖꪻꫀᦔ ꪮꪜꫀ᥅ ꪖ ꪻꫝꪮꪊᦓꪖꪀᦔ ꪊᦓꫀꪶꫀᦓᦓ ᥅ꫀꪜ꠸ꫀ᭙ᦓ. ꫝꪖꪜꫀ ᭙꠸ꪻꫝᦓꪻꪮꪮᦔ ρꪖ꠸ꪀ ꪻꪮ ᥴ᥅ꫀꪖꪻꫀ ꪑꪖꪀꪗ ᥅ꫀꪜ꠸ꫀ᭙ᦓ. ꪗꫀꪻ, ꪻꫝꪮᦓꫀ ᥅ꫀꪜ꠸ꫀ᭙ᦓ ᭙꠸ꪶꪶ ꪀꫀꪜꫀ᥅ ꫝꪮꪶᦔ ꪖꪀꪗꪻꫝ꠸ꪀᧁ. ᦓꪮ, ꪖᦓ ꠸ ρ᥅ꪖꪗ...... ꪊꪀꪶ꠸ꪑ꠸ꪻꫀᦔ ꫀ᥊ρ ᭙ꪮ᥅ᛕᦓ!!!
It's Good. Definitely better than your previous one. Looking forward to reading more.........................................................
Need more chps bruh!!! ................................................................................................................................
I like the story so muchhhhhhh ÒwÓ 😍😜😝✨😘 Isjsjsusjsnjsidujskissjudjdnsudhsbjssnjsjsnsnsjshwujwysuskakduhsbwyajjsidjrnesuisndyeuwjekeijwjshsbsh (just filling in)
one of the best one piece fics ever in this site until now, keep up with the good work, waiting the next chapters...........................
I am really enjoying it so far! I hope you continue the story soon and hopefully we'll get more chapters at a time. I recommend anyone questioning this book to read it.
Just keep him as a bounty hunter unless you don't know how to write a story because If he joins Luffy's crew he probably going be a beta mc plus good work on the card system but don't rush the skills he gets hope it's not a harem.
i like this novel..... hope it gets released regukarly..... i like this novel..... hope it gets released regukarly..... i like this novel..... hope it gets released regukarly..... i like this novel..... hope it gets released regukarly..... i like this novel..... hope it gets released regukarly.....
Thndndjddnnfnfnfnffnfnfnncncjcjcjcncjfrjfkdksjsndndndjdjdjdjdkfkgmfmfmdmddmdkdkdkdkdjjddkdjdjdjhahwkednndemnwjwkenenqqmemmekieklfpdldjkmmwn be c
So far so good.... the story has a lot of potential so hopefully it stays this way and keeps getting updated! Excited for more
Just Here For the exp BUT great story as of chapter 13....... Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp Just Here For the exp.
I like the synopsis so five stars......... ..................... ....... ...................... ..................... ......................
Penulis Vencha
I’m out as soon as i saw the cards in the title don’t really like them and they’re soo overused but i’ll give you 5 stars out of pity. i’m an nice guy, you’re welcome.