Besides the Sons of Qotal, there were hundreds of Tyrions amongst the Caeruleum populace who heard the dragon's whispers.
Those that had a Metal-Rank were simply referred to as 'The Faithful.' Veteran adventurers, popular gladiators, men of the Church, they comprised the most powerful secret army in the nation.
It was bothersome for Antonidus, having to reveal his hand... but after over a decade of accruing forces, the Senate-- no, not even High Oracle Troia would be able to challenge his iron rule over Caeruleum.
"Well?!" Antonidus waved his arm, his official robe billowing majestically, "What are you waiting for, Decanus?"
Decanus Philippos' expression didn't change, "There are several dozen of the fire slimes burning the city, sir."
"S... several dozen, you say?"
"That's right, sir."
Antonidus gulped... "Then the uh... the Faithful... have the Faithful alert... The Branded."
Tycon - “Korr, Zenon... any idea why my helmet doesn’t modify my voice as much as yours do?”
Zenon - “[No idea.]”
**Korr shrugs**