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82.92% Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer / Chapter 102: Chapter 102 The Weeping Angels of New York

Bab 102: Chapter 102 The Weeping Angels of New York

Chapter 102 The Weeping Angels of New York

It took three tries for Harry to transfigure his clothes to something which didn't stand out, which said a lot both about him as a person and the fashion styles of 1938, New York. Although it was night when Harry portaled to this dimension, it took only a few moments to spot Rory who, for some reason, was carrying a pair of coffee cups and wandering around looking hopelessly lost.

What was even more interesting was that Harry wasn't the only one following Rory. There was a woman dressed to kill following him and three cars a block down slowly following her. It was all very noir.

The woman clearly knew that she was being followed and Harry didn't use any spells to prevent his own presence from being detected, but she didn't seem to care. Harry fought against the smirk that followed at the thought she clearly didn't see him as a threat.

They entered a park one after another before Rory turned around and spotted the woman. He did a double take before approaching her and said, "I just went to get coffees for the Doctor and Amy." He then took a moment to digest what was happening and seemed to decide just to accept it and continued, "Hello River."

The woman replied, "Hello, Dad."

Harry walked closer as Rory continued, "Where am I? How the hell did I get here?"

The woman answered, "I haven't the faintest idea. But you'll probably want to put your hands up."

The men following in the cars had already parked and were making their way over, but Harry used a bit of magic to slow them down, giving Harry a chance to say, "Hi Rory, long time no see."

Rory took a bewildered look at Harry for a few moments before asking, "Harry?" He dropped the coffee cups upon recognizing him.

Harry smiled and walked up answering, "I'm glad I made an impression. What happened to those swords I gave you and Amy?"

"Well, I keep it in the umbrella rack at home and Amy threw her's at someone a while back."

River was looking back and forth between the pair and asked, "I'm sorry, who is this?"

Rory shrugged, apparently having already accepted what was happening and answered, "This is Harry Potter. A Wizard. From another dimension. Somehow now in this dimension."

River gave Harry a raised eyebrow look and asked, "Harry Potter? Really? And I thought my name had some clout."

At that point the men from the cars reached them and pointed their guns at the trio. One of them asked aloud, "Melody Malone?"

Rory put his hands up to avoid getting shot at and looked over at River and asked, "You're Melody?"

River just smiled as the gun wielding goons escorted the three of them into a car and said, "Get in.

Once inside Rory looked at his apparent daughter and asked, "What's going on?"

River shrugged and stated, "You obviously didn't come here in the Tardis."

Rory asked, "Why?"

"You couldn't have. The city is full of time-distortions, be impossible to land the Tardis here, like trying to land a plane in a blizzard. Even I couldn't do it."

Rory looked confused at that and asked, "Well how did you get here?"

River held up her hand and pointed at a fancy device on a wristband and answered, "Vortex manipulator. Less bulky than a Tardis. A motorbike through traffic. You?"

Rory sighed and replied, "I'm not sure."

Harry asked, "Is there a reason you are talking like a sitcom character?" She'd made two analogies in five sentences which was a bit much for Harry's taste.

River giggled and answered, "Is this your first experience Time Traveling?"

"Second actually."

"Then you know how much you'd obviously stand out if your speech patterns don't match with the locals." She'd obviously had a lot of experience answering questions like this to newbie time travelers.

Harry nodded. He did have to speak like an old Englishman that time wound up in the early part of the 7th century and it made things difficult. Harry stated, "You just sound like something out of a book."

River replied, "It's called style sweetheart. And someone calling themselves Harry Potter has no right to say anything against me for sounding like something out of a book."

Rory picked up on that and stated, "A book! River, the Doctor was reading a book-"

The car stopped and the door opened before Rory could finish and the guns pointed at them muted anything else Rory had to say. They were escorted up the stairs to a wealthy looking multi-story house and invited in at gunpoint.

Ignoring the threat to her life, River turned the corner after entering and noticed an ornate vase, stating aloud, "Well, early Chin Dynasty I'd say."

The muscle surrounding them all had at least one eye on River showing that they didn't care about Harry nor Rory. Harry was tempted to ask about that line about Harry being from a book, but decided to hold off for now.

From a room up the stairs in the middle of the entryway came a, "Correct." Everyone looked upstairs to confirm a man wearing a suit that pretty much said, "I am the boss," slowly walked down the stairs and made his way towards River. Once closer to ground level he continued, "Early Chin, just as you say. You're very well informed."

River smiled and replied, "And you're very afraid. That's an awful lot of locks on one door." Without turning around she pointed at the assortment of a dozen locks of various types and sizes on the heavy entryway door.

The boss man pointed at Harry and Rory and said, "These two. Put them somewhere uncomfortable."

One of the guards asked almost sadistically, "With the babies Sir?"

The boss smiled at the suggestion. "Yes. Why not? Give them to the babies."

Once again at gunpoint Harry and Rory were escorted to another door, this one led down into a musty smelling basement that lacked a source of light.

The suit pointed at the dead lightbulb swinging from the ceiling and said, "The lights are out. You'll need these." He tossed a pack of matches at Harry.

Rory asked, "Why do you care?"

"It's funnier," he replied before turning to leave and closing the door behind him.

The sound of giggling echoed from the room from at least two locations.

Harry snapped his fingers and a ball of light appeared, illuminating the room. Harry stepped down the stairs to the floor with Rory behind, the pair looking around and spotting three cherub statues on the ground, staring in their direction.

The moment Harry got close, he felt the magic within his ball of light be sucked out by the room. Harry pulled a road flare from his inventory and lit the torch head the moment his light went out.

"They moved!" Rory had no problem pointing out the obvious. The instant between the light going out and the road flare lightning up the room once more, the statues changed their positions.

What Harry found interesting was that he didn't see them move. He changed the Display Settings from his Menu to give him basically night vision, but the moment the magic light ball went out, it was as if the light in the area the little statues were gathered was devoured like a black hole. For just a moment he didn't see them, and that was when they moved.

Harry pulled out another flare from his inventory, lit it, and passed it to a grateful Rory. He walked up to the little statues and said, "Interesting. They look like normal statues." He didn't feel anything from them. Harry could detect ambient energy, but these things ate energy, making them a blind spot for him.

Harry picked up one of the cherub statues. It was as heavy as one would expect. He tried putting it into his Inventory, but it didn't work, confirming it was in fact alive.

"There's another one!" Rory pointed his flare at one and Harry looked over to it.


[Temporal Displacement Resisted.]

Harry felt something touch him the moment he let his eyes off the statues and when he looked back, two one the three babies seemed to be laughing at him and another had walked up to him and touched him. It seemed to use some kind of Time Magic on him. It was really weak though and Harry's current skill at Time Magic granted a high resistance to it so he wasn't affected.

"What was that?" Rory turned around to see what happened to Harry and Harry Paused. While time had stopped, Harry walked over to where Rory was and confirmed that the statue Rory had been looking at, started moving the moment Rory looked away. Harry guessed it could move at about 30 meters per second. Pretty darn fast, but it only moved when unobserved.

Harry unpaused and used Telekinesis to push the cherub that was about to touch Rory and lift the three others in front of him so they were within his line of sight.

Harry said, "They move when you don't look at them."

Harry then walked over and examined the cherub he'd thrown into a wall. It was stone once more, but looked cracked. Harry lifted it with telekinesis and the other three and moved them to opposite sides of the room.

"Rory, turn around."

"Um... okay."

The moment he did, Harry accelerated the four statues towards each other and blinked at the instant they collided.

The sound of the statue's collision was covered over by the thunderous clamour of space grading against itself as what sounded like the Tardis wheezed through the air causing the house to shake from its foundation.

Rory shouted, "It's the Doctor! And Amy!" He rushed up the door and confirmed a few times it was still locked.

Harry confirmed that the Cherubs gave some decent EXP in the form of Time Energy before using magic before tossing the flare at the ground and walking upstairs to unlock the basement door.

The guard next to the door looked at the pair with surprise but that only delayed the act of him pulling out his gun for a moment. Harry didn't need it, but he used that moment to send a red stunner at the man knocking him out.

The wheezing sound got louder at the bright blue box materialized in the entryway and came fully into view. A moment later Amy exited the box and spotted Rory. She ran over to him and took him into her arms and buried her face into his shoulder.

The man Harry recognized as the Not-a-Doctor exited next and spotted River. She was in the side room and a battered looking Angel Statue was holding her by the wrist.

The Not-a-Doctor walked up, smiled, and stated, "Dr. Song. How's prison?"

River flirted back, "Oh I was pardoned ages ago. And it's Professor Song to you."


"Turns out the person I killed never existed in the first place. Apparently there's no record of him. It's almost as if someone's gone around deleting himself from every database in the universe."

"You said I got too big."

"And now no one's ever heard of you. Didn't you used to be somebody?"

"Well, aren't you the woman who killed the Doctor?"

"Doctor who?"

The Not-a-Doctor laughed and examined the point at which the statue was gripping her "She's holding you very tight."

"At least she didn't send me back in time."

"I doubt she's strong enough."

"Well, I need a hand back. So which is it going to be? Are you going to break my wrist, or hers?"

The pair looked at each other, with the Not-a-Doctor looking more and more awkward with each moment.

River noticed this and huffed, "Oh, no. Really? Why do you have to break mine?"

"Because Amy read it in a book. And now I have no choice."

At that point Rory shouted, "Um, Doctor? About that book. Did it have Harry Potter in it?"

The Not-a-Doctor looked over and frowned, "What, of course not. Why would a book have.." Then he finally noticed Harry who was waiting patiently and looking over the crashed and shattered pieces of art the Not-a-Doctor's arrival caused to fall and break.

Now that Harry had his opening, he approached the Angel Statue and said to River, "You're a Professor? Good title. It's much better than Doctor, don't you think?"

River smiled and agreed, "Oh absolutely. A Doctor is just a person acknowledged to be smart. A Professor is trusted to be wise."

Harry nodded and said, "Of course. Where did you teach?"

She happily answered, "The University of Jaska Major. I am also a guest lecturer at over a dozen other Universities throughout the Milky Way."

Harry turned to the Not-a-Doctor and asked, "Did you ever submit a Doctoral Thesis, or are you still just an honorary Doctor?"

River answered for him, "Well he doesn't have any papers submitted on record and there are no records of his schooling anywhere, so I wouldn't ever call him an honorary one."

The Not-even-an-Honorary-Doctor shouted, "Wait! Hold On! Just give me a moment. Harry Potter?! How did you get here?"

Harry turned to River and asked, "A bit slow on the uptake isn't he Professor Song?"

"Well, you get used to it after a while. In any case, what is this book you are talking about?"

Amy pulled it out and said, "It's written by you and seems to be about what's happening now. But it didn't include Harry." She turned to him and also asked, "What are you doing here anyway?"

Harry answered, "Exploring the multiverse. Noticed this region was a bit messed up and thought it would be fun to check out why."

River rolled her eyes and gave a half look between Harry and the Not-a-Doctor and said with complaint, "boys..."

Amy started reading the book, skipping pages at a time and said, ""Harry's not here. Actually. This says Rory gets taken by the Angels and... Winds up in a hotel? But Rory's here."

Harry replied, "That might be what happened if I didn't show up. But I did."

River said, "Well since we're Not following the book, can someone please give me a hand?"

Harry replied, "I'll take care of it."

The Not-a-Doctor shouted, "Wait! Weeping Angels consume all forms of energy, you can't use magic on them."

River replied, "Wait, he knows real magic?"

Amy gave River a knowing smirk and said, "It's not a code name. He is actually Harry Potter. Though not the book one."

Harry decided he would need to have a conversation with these people about this book, but that would have to wait for a moment. Usually if there was information he wanted he'd just look into their heads. But none of their heads seemed normal and looking deeply into them without permission would be too rude.

Harry said, "Not all magic," and caused an orange mandala to appear in front of his hand. He then rotated it three notches and the Angel suddenly moved, into another position with each notch. The first one had the Angel a step back allowing River to move away from the Statue. Harry then turned his hand back to the original position, causing the Angel to return in steps back to its initial position, but without River there to be held.

River observed with a small amount of awe, "You rewound it. Then fast forwarded it back to normal."

Harry nodded, "A simple form of time manipulation. These guys seem to use Time energy, so it is not immune to Time Manipulating effects. What are they by the way?"

Amy answered, "Weeping Angels. They can't be hurt when you look at them and move really fast when you don't."

River continued, "They Quantum Lock themselves when observed. If they touch you, they send you back in time. Displacing someone in time like that creates Time Energy. It's what they feed on. Of course if they really don't like you, they'll just as quickly snap your neck as they will send you back."

Amy added, "And anything that holds the picture of an Angel, becomes an Angel, so don't take a picture of one."

Harry snorted, "Then is it possible all Angels are copies of a single, first Angel?"

River answered, "Possibly. That or imprints. They can also turn people or even ordinary statues into Angels as well."

Harry shook his head, "And here I thought Vampires and Werewolves were weird."

The Not-a-Doctor replied, "Oh, you have those in your dimension too? The ones I met were aliens though," he added as though disappointed.

River took the book out of Amy's hands before she could read more of it and said, "Since we're not bound by this book, what should we do?"

Harry answered, "Well, I'm not bound by it. Jury is still out on you guys. Let me read it. I'm pretty fast at reading."

The Not-a-Doctor begrudgingly admitted, "He is a pretty fast reader."

River handed Harry the book and he flipped through the pages at lightning speed, Pausing on each to read before moving onto the next. The last page was torn out but it didn't really matter, he had a general idea of what would've happened if he had not shown up and understood why he was sent to save the Ponds. He still found it funny the Quest referred to them as the Ponds though Rory's last name was Williams and technically, Amy Pond's name was actually Amy Williams.

Harry closed the book and said, "There's someone we have to meet at a hotel and we don't have much time, let's get a move on. River, there's a car out front I'm sure you can start without the keys."

The Not-a-Doctor asked, "What should I do?"

Harry shrugged, "Go back into your Tardis if you want. Even in the book you don't actually do anything useful, it's Amy and Rory who defeat the Angels and save the day. I'll be changing a few things though so you can come along if you're bored."

The bow tie wearing man looked completely offended while Amy had a look of proud amusement hearing what Harry said about her and the Doctor.

The group left the house and Harry didn't bother closing the doors behind him. The Boss looking dude was knocked unconscious from when the Tardis flew in and Harry doubted he'd see the man again. A number of Angel statues were outside, standing on the other side of the street.

River started the car and the rest got in while Harry gave directions.

Once on the way, Harry asked, "So I'm in a book here?"

River asked, "How old are you now?"

"Almost nineteen."

River nodded, "I guess it isn't spoilers then. There are seven books about each of your years at Hogwarts."

Harry chuckled, "I dropped out of Hogwarts after my first year to study magic independently. I did show up at my class's graduation to prank the lot of them, but I only spent my first year there."

Amy turned to the Doctor and asked, "Do you have some copies of those in your library?"

"I think so? I read them all but this Harry's nothing at all like his book counterpart."

Harry said, "My story got changed and now I can change the stories of others. Sounds awesome to me."

They arrived at the hotel a moment later and Harry handed everyone a flare. "Since they can devour energy and light, flashlights and candles won't do much. These flares can burn for an hour and the Angels can't put them out." Harry also conjured a couple of small disco balls on a stick and handed one to everyone. "Since they can't move if you look at them, hold these up while walking around and you'll see in every corner of a room at once."

River took one of each and stated, "Very practical."

Amy sighed and said, "I miss my sword."

Harry asked as they entered the Hotel, "What did you throw it at?"

Amy answered, "I don't remember, but it was a good idea at the time."

"You don't remember what you threw a glowing monomolecular magic sword at?"

River answered, "There are some things that are remarkably hard to remember when you're not looking at them."

Harry nodded, "Ah. You threw it at a crumpled horn snorkack?"

River answered, "What? No. Are those actually a thing? She threw it at an alien that you can't remember if you're not looking at it."

Amy asked, "Then how do you remember it?"

"Tied one up and wrote about it in my journal. I don't remember doing it but I certainly wrote down what I did."

As they entered the hotel, the lift opened for them and they all entered. As they ascended they noticed a dozen or so statues in the halls. The lift stopped a few floors up and Harry led them to a hall and confirmed the name on the door before opening it and leading everyone inside. An Angel statue outside the hall looked at them with a confused expression.

Harry closed the door behind him and walked in to see the group looking at the room's occupant, an old dying man.

According to the book, this was Rory Williams, a man who had been trapped in this hotel for decades and decades. Now, since Harry prevented him from being taken to the Hotel, this Rory should not have existed, but he did. This implied that Rory would still be taken and still be sent back in time and trapped in this Hotel until he died of old age.

Amy recognized the old man right away and moved closer. Harry pulled out a vial of Elixir of life and walked right up to him and poured into the old man's throat.

Amy asked, "What's that? Can you help him?"

Harry answered, "That's what I'm here for. According to the book. He'd been holding onto his last breath waiting to see you one last time. Once he got his final wish, he didn't have the strength to keep going and died then and there, cementing a fixed point where, by seeing Rory die, it became a fact and would prevent the past Rory from escaping."

River asked, "Then why bring us here?"

"To save him and prevent his death. If you've read books about me, you might have come across the term, Elixir of life. That's what I just fed him and it prevents death from old age for a month, so he's mostly fine now."

The old Rory's eyes closed after Harry fed him the Elixir, but he was just resting off the effects of the magical recovery, not dying at the moment.

Harry turned to young Rory and asked, "How do you want to deal with this? I can make it so that he never existed or I can fuse you both together."

Rory asked, "What do you mean fuse? I'll become old?"

"No, you'll just inherit his memories. You'll still be the same age you are now."

Rory nodded, "Do that then. I don't like the idea of any version of me not being with Amy."

River pointed out, "But you'll experience decades of being without her, waiting for her."

Rory smiled, "I've already waited two thousand years for her. A few more decades won't change anything."

Any pulled Rory into a kiss which had the Doctor turn away in embarrassment and had River smile.

A loud thumping sound started echoing throughout the building. It got subtly louder and louder each time it sounded, getting closer and closer.

Harry ignored it and lifted Old Rory off the bed with telekinesis and said, "Stand next to yourself."

Young Rory did so and Harry conjured a mandala in one hand and jerked it in a twist. Old Rory started glowing. His body started to visibly get younger while it also appeared to slowly disintegrate. After a few moments the Old Rory matched the age of the Young Rory and Harry motioned the previously Old Rory towards the Young Rory. Doing so caused the glowing form to scatter completely into glowing particles of dust which flowed around and into Young Rory.

River asked, "What are you doing?"

The Doctor answered, "He's moving one space into another. Block Transfer Computations."

Harry replied, "Basically. Before I started playing with Time I created a means to fuse diverging timelines back into each other without destroying either. I can do the same thing with people. I'm treating the two Rorys as two diverging timelines and fusing them together."

Once the light show was over Rory fell to the ground but caught himself. Amy rushed over to him but he said, "I'm alright, I'm okay."

The sound of thumping got closer. Harry said, "It's time to go to the roof."

Harry opened the room door and found a very, very angry looking Angel outside. Harry used telekinesis to lift it along with the other half dozen Angel statues and threw them at the wall. The force of the throw caused the statues to shoot through the wall and out the wall on the outside and out the building.

Harry asked aloud, "I wonder if they can actually fly with those wings."

The group headed for the roof with Harry tossing all the Angels in the way through the wall like trash. Amy asked, "Are things always like this with you?"

Harry answered, "No, sometimes things actually get interesting."

Once they made it to the roof, they turned and saw something rather unexpected.

Rory said with a bit of humor, "I always wanted to visit the Statue of Liberty. I guess she got impatient."

The face of the Statue of Liberty was inches away from the edge of the roof of the Hotel. It's mouth twisted like that of a screaming Angel.

River asked, "Why did we have to come up here?"

Harry answered, "This whole place is a nest for the Angels. I'm sure you've guessed it by now, but everyone in the Hotel is trapped here. They are sent back in time over and over, generating more and more Time Energy."

Amy asked, "How'd we beat them in the book?"

Harry replied, "Well, in the book, I wasn't here with some Elixir of life. Rory died, then River figured if they could stop his death, it would create a paradox. Some stuff happened and Rory decided to jump off the roof. Oh, and Amy jumped with him. That created a paradox at the heart of the Angel's food source, poisoning it, rewriting this hotel out of existence."

The Doctor asked a bit hesitantly, "And you're not going to let them do that again right?"

"Obviously. I have a better idea. I've pretty much calculated how they've put together this Hotel. It's anchored here through that." Harry pointed at the Statue of Liberty still frozen in the moment, looking down on them.

Harry continued, "I just have to destroy that and I can take care of this whole mess. And I have just the spell to do it with."

River repeated, "You can't use any form of energy on them."

Harry just smiled and said, "Do me a favor and turn around."

The group sighed and turned their back to the Statue of Liberty with Harry now being the only one looking at it.

So far away from his own dimension, Harry could not channel Sorcery, but he did have a lot of it stored in artifacts so he pulled out some equipment and put it on. Harry readied himself and took in a breath.

Fully Saturated with Strength Energy and Dragon Chi and everything else he could think of, Harry shouted, "I cast. FIST!" and smashed his fist into the Statue of Liberty, closing his eyes the instant before impact.

The shockwave shattered every window in the hotel. The titanic form of the Statue of Liberty was sent flying backwards and did multiple twists and flips in the air, skipping along the length of the water like a tossed stone making its way a half dozen kilometers before it hit the water at an angle it couldn't bounce off creating a massive explosion like splash that reached multiple times higher than the height of the statue itself.

The Doctor, the Ponds, and Professor Song turned around in time to see the massive explosion of water in the distance and were unable to keep their jaws from dropping to the ground.

Amy recovered first and asked, "Fist? Is that a standard Wizard Spell?"

Harry smiled and answered, "It is for Muscle Wizards."

Amy did her best but unsuccessfully held back her giggle with Rory and the Doctor both looking at Harry with awe and River muttering once again, "boys.."

The whole building started shaking and Harry lifted his hand into the air, creating a massive spell circle above the entire hotel. Harry then pushed more power into it causing it to rise higher into the air and grow and grow and grow. It reached all the way to the clouds and by then it extended over the entirety of New York. Then it started spinning.

Rory asked, "Can others see that?"

River answered, "No. It isn't emitting light on the color spectrum, we can only see it because frequent Time Travelers are more sensitive to other forms of existence."

Amy asked, "What's he doing?"

River was already playing with her Vortex Manipulator for a moment before answering. "He seems to be draining all the Time energy in the city. I have no idea how though."

Harry was mostly done with the setup so he answered, "I'm stealing the moments between seconds. It's a useful trick for dealing with creatures that can skip or freeze themselves in time. This will drain the time from every Angel in the city, turning them into unmoving statues. These guys didn't build any defenses into their system. They obviously didn't think someone could show up and steal all their hard earned Time Energy."

Every Angel in the city was connected in some way to this Hotel, granting them life from the accumulated Time Energy the Hotel generated, meaning the Angels themselves didn't need to come there to refuel. But that same connection could be used to drain the Time Energy from them. Harry was basically taken advantage of the fact that these guys were being lazy. This kind of thing wouldn't work normally and the Anchor would prevent any outside force from taking what was there. Too bad for them Harry showed up.

The Hotel below them slowly changed as the Time Energy that kept it going was sucked out. The Hotel was created years ago by the Angels, but its very existence depended on the Angels constantly sending people back to fill and occupy its rooms. Without occupants in the past, the Hotel went under and was bought and sold and replaced. The layout of the Hotel beneath them slowly changed as the Timeline rewrote itself.

Eventually the storm of Time Energy that once prevented the Tardis from coming was completely sucked dry. Harry stored it for later. He'd see if he could imbue it into something he could fight and kill so he could absorb the energy to level up himself.

Harry then snapped his fingers. The space around them shattered and they were now in a park, it was daytime, and the Tardis was right behind them.


[Quest Complete: Save Amelia and Rory Pond from the Weeping Angels of New York.

Reward: Reward +1 Magic Path Rank]

The Doctor asked, "Couldn't you have done that from the start?"

River asked, "What the hell did he do?" She had never traveled like that before.

The Doctor answered, "Harry read and learned Block Transfer Computations. The science behind how a Tardis works. Universe Hacking 101 as it were. He can manipulate reality by calculating it."

Harry added, "Only under ideal circumstances. Before the Excess Time Energy in New York was cleared up, I was a bit limited, though I could still use Time Magic assisted by Block Transfer Computations."

Harry handed the book back to River and said, "There is something you need to know though."

Amy was the first to ask, "What?"

"In order to fix New York, I needed an anchor of my own, which is where Rory came in. It was why I wanted to fuse Rory and Rory together. I basically used Rory 2.0 as a Hacking Tool and Admin Password."

Rory nodded, "That's fine, what's the problem?"

Harry pointed Rory towards the Tardis and said, "Touch it."

Rory didn't know what that meant but he walked over to the blue box and did so. The Box started wheezing erratically the moment he touched it. River and the Doctor seemed to recognize the noise and ran over to move Rory's hand off the box.

Amy asked, "What was that, what happened?"

River and the Doctor's eye's met and without speaking they seemed to have a conversation and reach a consensus.

The Doctor sat down, looking exhausted and older than usual even for him. River took Amy and Rory's hands and said, "Rory is a living Paradox. The Tardis doesn't react well to those. Even my Vortex Manipulator won't respond well to him. Rory can't time Travel anymore. Besides someone like Harry, nothing will be able to send Rory into the past or future. He can't time travel ever again."

Amy frowned and looked over at Harry. "You knew this would happen?"

Harry nodded, "The alternatives were worse. Not stopping the Angels would have caused them to spread and turn Earth into a planet of Angels. Stopping them the wrong way would have blown up half the planet. Stopping them in any other way would have heavily risked destroying the planet. There actually wasn't a single option that didn't heavily risk the entire planet besides this one. Trust me that I calculated them. Even in the book, Rory ends up stuck in the past. After using a paradox to poison the Angels and return to the present, he is still pulled back into the past by an Angel that shouldn't even exist. I can change the end to make sure you don't have to split up or spend your golden years in the era before the Internet, but I can't stop this from being Rory's final adventure with the Doctor."

Amy took in a breath and grasped her husband's hand tightly. "That's alright then. As long as we have each other."

Harry smiled and said, "Before I go, was there anything else you wanted?"

Rory seemed to think of something and leaned over to whisper something into Harry's ear. "Can you restore Amy's ability to get pregnant?"

Harry nodded, "No problem."

Rory smiled brightly and looked like he was about to cry. Amy asked, "What did you say?"

Rory just smiled wider.

Harry asked, "What about you Amy? What do you want?"

Amy grabbed Harry's hand and said, "You still owe us a movie night. And I know just the eight movies I want to watch."

Harry laughed. It seemed he'd be staying a little while longer.

next chapter
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Stone -- Batu Daya
Laporkan konten yang tidak pantas
Tip kesalahan

Laporkan penyalahgunaan

Komentar paragraf
