In all seriousness, Louis should have probably turned the other way and run the second he saw trouble knocking on the metaphorical door.
Even when facing the extremely high chance of getting caught odds, Louis had the brilliant idea to join in on the shenanigans caused by one Phoenix Dionysus.
There was definitely a lapse of judgement when he was making said decision, but that's not important right now.
" What in blazes do you think you're doing? " A stern voice joins the short silence. Professor Snape comes barreling toward them, Lockhart stumbling close behind.
The stern man looks from the empty flasks littering on the ground to the cauldron propped up next to the two, and asks, " Mr. Princeton, would you care to explain why you decided to join with Mr. Dionysius on the subject of such Tomfoolery? "
" We were conducting an experiment, " Phoenix answers instead, not a hint of guilt on his face when stern eyes narrows on him.
" An experiment? " Professor Snape repeats, slowly. One judging brow raised questioningly. Clearly, the man's not buying what he's selling.
" And what might this 'experiment' be about? " Louis, whilst the attention is on Phoenix, has made the executive decision to turn invisible.
" The different reactions on a variety of ingredients combined together under a certain temperature. " Phoenix no doubt sees what Louis is doing, if the small snort he fails to hold back is anything to go by.
" I've concluded that the reaction, as you've seen, is mildly explosive. " Lockhart laughs a little hysterically, " 'Mild' is a little of an understatement, dear boy. "
" Same to you calling yourself humble and honorable, but hey, who am I to judge, " Phoenix quips under his breath.
Lockhart lets a stiff smile stretch on his face; an attempt to regain his cool. " Anywho, you two are to — Wait, where'd the other one go? " Lockhart questions, only now realizing Louis is nowhere to be seen.
Snape turns his attention from Phoenix to Lockhart, annoyance clear on his face. A Cheshire grin sneaks its way onto the young boy's face.
" Wonderful, now he's gone, too! " Lockhart exclaims, having turned his focus back to Phoenix and seeing nothing but the empty cauldron and vials before him.
" Did you see where they went? " Lockhart asks Snape, choosing to ignore the clearly very angry glare from the man himself. The man has quite the thick skin.
" Would I be here, standing beside you, if I did? " Snape asks, rhetorical.
• • •
" Drat! " Annie curses under her breath. She turns on her heels and pulls both Draco and Richard by their arms back into the forest.
" Let's go, let's go, let's go, " she hurriedly says, voice low enough to not be carried by the wind.
" Go? Go where?? " Draco asks, stumbling on his own foot when he quickens his pacing to keep up with Annie's quick steps.
" The great hall, " Annie answers, not missing a beat. " But we're going in the opposite direction, " Draco points out, looking back at the direction they came from.
" It's a shortcut. " Annie answers, not looking back once as she brings them further away from civilization and deeper into the wildlife.
• • •
" So you're the little rascal I've heard so much about! It's very nice to meet you, sir Bandit! " Phoenix happily shakes the small paw of Bandit, crouched down just enough to maintain eye contact with the little one.
" I have literally never told anyone outside my family and friends — What small numbers I have of them, at least — about Bandit. I'm bloody sure I've never told you anything, considering we met and know each other for less than two whole days. "
Louis says, brow raised as he watches the other stand from his crouch and take a seat across him.
" The wind tells me things, do you not hear the same? " Louis just stares.
" No? Are you nuts? Have you always been nuts or is it now that school's starting you've become nuts? " All guesses in Princeton's head lead to only one conclusion, no matter the variation.
Phoenix just obnoxiously chortles at the barrage of words thrown at him.
' You're laughing now, but I'm seriously considering throwing you Mdm Pomfrey if you do actually turn out to be deranged — in the dangerous sort of way. '
' You can try, but I'm not going there without a fight. ' The response has Louis reeling back, as if physically burned by fire.
The boy realizes his slip up and his mouth audibly clicks shut.
" ...You heard me? " Heck, that's not even the most surprising part. " You sent your own thoughts to me??? "
Now, Louis may be a child when it comes to the ways of human interaction and all things political on the family front, but he knows when something is impossible. And projecting thoughts into someone else's head is definitely impossible, unless, of course, you're a Princeton.
" Welp, gotta run, sun's going down already — See ya! " Phoenix doesn't even try to explain himself before running off and away from Louis.
Which, first of all, rude.
And second off, eh, he's had enough of thrilling emotions and events for the day.
Chasing down Phoenix for answers will most certainly only make Louis even more spent than he already is.
" We're in the same classes, school, and general vicinity no matter what he tries, anyways. I'm sure he'll crack on his own, one way or another. Besides, he seems like he's got his own issues to work out, " Louis reasons to the air.
Not at all bummed out on missing his chance at a new, possibly dangerous, discovery laid out before him.
It would, in fact, be not a 'Him and him alone issue' Phoenix problem but more of a 'All for one and one for all' type of problem Phoenix was buried 6ft under with no visible way out.
The 'All for one' mostly points to both Princeton and Dionysius and their concerningly troubling days in the near, near future. Very near, really.
(Crawls out of my cave of laziness and greets you like I definitely did not update for over and/or close to a year — not even sure if any of you are still reading this but writing when stressed or bored definitely beats reading on slow days) I live. Stay safe out there.
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