Just out of curiosity, let's say Barthogan or his children want a Mistress or potentially a future wife, it's just a minor question, Nothing especially serious, I only want to get your guys opinion on if it did happen then who do they take, here's the list I imagine:
Wylla Manderly
Dacey Mormont
Alys Karstark
Myranda Royce
Arianne Martell
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Mya Stone
Bellegere Otherys
Tyene Sand
Nymeria Sand
Alla Tyrell
Margaery Tyrell
Taena Merryweather
Janna Tyrell
Bethany Redwyne
Mina Tyrell
Roslin Frey
Jeyne Westerling
Talisa Maegyr
Myranda (Yes, that Psycho)
Violet (Another Psycho)
Before I forget I'm posting progress updates as the days go by on the previous Chapter, So check it daily. I've found posting progress updates a useful means of motivating myself so there's that at the very least to give you a general idea of when it might next get an actual chapter for Story purposes over any of the listed polls or other shit