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81.25% GoT: Lucion Lannister, Kingslayer / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: And Who, Are You, The Proud Lord Said?

Bab 12: Chapter 12: And Who, Are You, The Proud Lord Said?

(Casterly Rock, Lannisport, The Westerlands, Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Time-Skip: 273 A.C)


(Lucion Lannister POV)


''THE FUCK YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!'' Lucion screamed at his sister.

He'd come home for their mother's pregnancy and became acting Lord of The Rock for the duration of the nine months of her pregnancy.

Cersei was twisting Tyrions cock trying to hurt him.

In response, Lucion had his sister pinned face first against the wall, as he screamed into her ear.


''You what he did!'' Cersei bites back.

''Do you?! It was a difficult birth Cersei! Shit happens! Be grateful mother isn't dead! You were not much different, giving birth to you was hard on mother, and do you see me doing shit like that to you!? To Jaime? No! You don't! And the reason you don't is because a Lannister is a Lannister, he's our brother and you will treat him with kindness and respect or I will see that you become a Silent Sister!'' Lucion screams at her.

''Lucion? Cersei? What's the meaning of this?'' Their father asks as he and mother enters the room.

''My dear sister has the makings of a kinslayer it would seem. I just caught her torturing poor Tyrion! And while I can sympathize with why, it does not excuse trying to turn him into a eunuch!'' Says Lucion as he scowls at his sister.

''We will speak about this later, to your chambers...now!'' Tywin bites out at Cersei.

''I meant what I said Cersei, don't ever let it happen again.'' Lucion warns her hotly.

As Cersei scurries out of the room picking up her skirts, she noticeably stiffens at her brother's warning.

Turning to face him, Tywin approaches Lucion.

''I understand you've been busy. And that you have something to show me.'' Says Tywin.

''You? No. You, Uncle Tygett, Uncle Kevan, Uncle Gerion, Aunt Genna and mother? Yes, but uh...I also have a confession to make.'' Lucion tells them.

''Speak freely Lucion.'' Says Joanna.

''I made a sacrifice in order to keep you alive mother. I offered up my as yet unborn firstborn to R'hllor, promising his or her life in exchange for ensuring you survived the birth. As you know well what happens when you don't survive this.'' Says Lucion, as he reveals the length he went to to protect his mother.

''Lucion, that's not the sort of price a child like you can understand the gravity of promising.'' His mother tells him gently.

''Whatever it takes, for a better future.'' Lucion says as he leads them to the Lord's Solar.


Already there in the solar was Aunt Genna, who Lucion gave a radiant smile, also there was Uncle's Gerion and Kevan.

''Where's Uncle Tygett?'' Asks Lucion.

''Your Uncle is -''

''Tired.'' Whatever Gerion was going to say was cut off by Tygett.

''Drunk.'' Lucion finishes for Gerion.

''I only had four Arbor Red's.'' Tygett says tiredly.

''Four BARRELS of Arbor Red hardly qualify as four Arbor Reds brother.'' Gerion says cheekily as he see's his eldest nephew's coy smile.

''Enough teasing Gerion, Lucion? You have some for us?'' Genna tells her brother.

''Well, your all here so we can begin. Five years ago, I went to the Isle of Faces, the gods smiled on me, gave me a few gifts. Of the five, I'm showing three. I was given this Goldenheart bow, now it may not be as big as the ultimate gift I received.'' Says Lucion, showing his open palm before snapping his fingers to create a lighter effect and a small flame.

''So you can use magic? Is that all?'' His father asks pointedly, though not unkindly.

''Hehe, you'll like this father, and dare I say you may actually cry.'' Says Lucion handing Gerion a Key that hung around Lucion's neck.

''Uncle Tygett? Uncle Kevan? Please help me lift that Weirwood Chest to the table. Uncle Gerion will open it.'' Both his remaining uncles turn to his Father - who looks at them and Lucion expectantly - before picking up the Weirwood trunk and placing it before Gerion.

''There better not be anything funny in here.'' Gerion tells Lucion, who simply rolls his eyes.

As Gerion opens the chest he makes the motion of unwrapping something, before both he and uncle Kevan gasp, while Uncle Tygett simply sobers up.

''It can't be what I think this is?'' Says Gerion, looking at Lucion shocked.

''If you think it is something that was lost before the conquest and after the fall of Old Valyria, then it mostly can be and it is.'' Says Lucion dryly, before turning to his father, as he approaches the chest. ''Father, I present to you...Brightroar.'' Lucion says as he spins the chest around to show Aunt Genna, and his Father and Mother their Ancestral Sword.

His father slowly stands up...


(POV Shift: Tywin Lannister)


Lucion turns to him, Genna, and Joanna, as he approaches the chest. ''Father, I present to you...Brightroar.'' Lucion says as he spins the chest around to show Genna, Tywin, and Joanna their Ancestral Sword.

Rising slowly, Tywin approaches the Chest and runs his hand along the flat side of Blade. ''Valyrian Steel.'' Tywin says as he picks up the Blade and gives it a few test swings.

''After so long, it has returned to us.'' Says Lucion motioning for him to hand him the blade.

Though reluctant to let it out of his grip he slowly takes a hand off, but rather than grabbing hold of it Lucion places his hand below the blade, snaps his Fingers, and the Blade lights up in flame.

''I can set my arrows aflame too! But I thought I'd show you some of my gifts first.'' Says Lucion.

''What else do you have to tell and show us?'' Joanna asks.

''I took stock of people and resources in the westerlands getting a detailed list of our people and their skills. I need your approval to formalize the creations of several guilds to improve our taxes and also my plan's to improve our farms.'' Lucion tells him.

''What else?'' Asks Tywin.

''I wish to rebuild Castamere and Tarbeck Hall, in a few years I will take them as my Seats, and following me they will be the traditional Titles of the Heirs of Casterly Rock, the castles will retain their names, but they will serve the future Heirs of Casterly Rock.'' Says Lucion.

''If you can ensure that they maintain a steady income and prove a long-term and effective investment, your wish will come true.'' Tywin decides as he looks over Lucion's reports and plan's.

''Thank you father, now all we need do is wait for the Martells, and with any luck marry their Daughter to Jaime so as to remove an obstacle to Rhaegar for Cersei.'' Lucion says.

''You understand our end goals.'' Says Tywin, feeling proud of his son a little.

''I understand more than you realize.'' Lucion counters as he extinguishers the flame and takes Brightroar and places it back into the Weirwood Chest, locks it, and places the key back around his neck.

''Tygett will see how far your training has come, and how good you are at arms.'' Tywin says, ordering his brother to test his son.

''So be it.'' Lucion agrees leaving the room with Tygett.

Once the door closes, Tywin turns to his remaining siblings and Joanna.

''What does Lord Stark say?'' Tywin asks his wife.

''Genna and I have been keeping track of every report, Lord Stark takes his reports seriously. His reports include details Lucion fails either fails to explain further, or omits entirely in his own messages. Lord Rickard claims that after caving to Lucion's urging, the results of what our son suggested have lead to an increased supply of grain and higher quality metalwork. He recommend's sending Lucion to the Citadel for at least a year.'' Says Joana.

''And do you agree?'' Asks Tywin.

''Lucion is almost too smart for hid own good, sending him to the Citadel to study for a year or two as a Novice or Acolyte may be in our best interest. And Joanna tells me that the Princess intends for her younger son to study there for a time as well. He'll have a potential friend there.'' Genna agrees.

''And what of being a squire? Where does Lord Stark and Lucion stand on that?'' Tywin asks.

''Lucion has told me privately, that if he's to squire for anyone he'd prefer to squire for Lord-Commander Hightower, he's stated that serving under the White Bull means he could potentially receive training from the other Kingsguard.'' Gerion speaks up.

''Based upon the reports I've seen, Lord Stark paints Lucion as a genius warrior and steward. And let us not forget, a Squire gains a measure of honor and prestige from the man who knights them.'' Kevan agrees with Gerion, and reminds them all of the traditional transferring of Honor and prestige to newly minted knights.

''And Lyanna Stark? What of her?'' Tywin asks.

''She seems to be attached to Lucion, both our son and Lord Rickard speak well of it. Lucion even suggested having her foster here for a time to better familiarize herself with the Rock and Westerlands.'' Joanna tells him.

''That would all but confirm that we're seeking a betrothal, and could reveal our intentions. Do we want to fulfill our son's youthful desires? What are the benefit's?'' Tywin asks.


(POV Shift: Cersei Lannister)


Lucion didn't understand, he just didn't understand. He had been away for five years, in a land of Barbarian's and terrible cold. He had left her and Jaime for some she-wolf according to the gossip around the Rock.

What was so important about the North? It might have a strong army, but it was poor and not as powerful as House Lannister by any margin.

''Cersei? I'm coming in.'' Her mother called as she entered.

Looking at her mother, Cersei saw the tiredness and paleness of her mother. ''You should be in bed.'' Says Cersei.

''I convinced your father to let me discuss what happened with you. You have to understand, Lucion has greater responsibilities than any of us. He's spent the last year familiarizing himself with Casterly Rock and the West. And Lucion is even more concerned about the Lannister Family than your father. As the next Lord of Casterly Rock it's his duty.'' Says Mother.

''He doesn't understand, it nearly killed you!'' Cersei says.

''He.'' Her mother says frowning.

''What?'' Asks Cersei confused.

''Tyrion is your brother, not an it or who. You owe it to your brothers, your father, to me, and yourself to remember that. Tyrion will face ridicule and bullying, but he's a Lannister, and he is a key part of our pride of lions. We must guard him against those who'd hurt him. We must guide him to good friends and a happy life. Do you understand?'' Mother tells her gently.

''But what if you'd die it would have been his fault.'' Cersei presses.

''Only the gods decide when our time is up, and your brother sacrificed a grave price in order to ensure I did not die giving birth to Tyrion. He prayed to a god and the god answered, but the price was steep.'' Mother tells her.

''Why did Lucion leave us? Leave Jaime? Leave me?'' Cersei asks after hearing her mother's words.

''He was being fostered at Winterfell because we're considering wedding him to Lyanna Stark. With any luck, Jaimie will marry Elia Martell, giving us two powerful allies and a strong case.'' Says mother.

''But who will I -''

''Cersei, nothing is set in stone yet, but for now...promise me you'll be kind to Tyrion? If not for him or yourself...then for me?'' Mother asks.

''I'll...Ill try mother.'' Cersei decides...


(POV Shift: Jaime Lannister)


''How did you do that? Can you teach me?'' Jaime Lannister was very excited, he'd just watched his elder brother who he hadn't seen in since he was two years old defeat his Uncle Tygett.

Lucion disarmed Uncle Tygett, kicked his feet out from behind him, and levied his sword against Uncle Tygett's neck.

This more or less was repeated again and again in varying forms but ended the same way...with Lucion's sword against Uncle Tyg's Neck.

''Jaime, your smaller than me, you also don't have my resistance and endurance. If you do want to try it, focus on speed and control. If your able to control your angles and strike quick as a viper, you could best probably anyone.'' Says Lucion, as he picks Jaime up and places him onto his shoulder.

''Let's go for a ride Jaime, away from prying eyes, I want to see how good you are.'' Lucion says, exciting Jaime.

Lucion hadn't been able to train in front of Jaime before, his studies and Lucion's duties as acting Lord of Casterly Rock had often kept Jaime from being able to learn from his brother.

But now Lucion was taking him out to train in private?

''You eight! Get ten horses saddled and ready, your accompanying Jaime and I.'' Lucion orders.

''Yes, Lord.'' They reply, thumping their fists against their chests.

''Grab two Swords from the Armory, Live Steel. Also grab me a Short Sword, Dagger, and a small bow.'' Lucion orders, going to a nearby small chest, and unlocking it, checking the contents before locking it and placing it into his saddlebags.

''We'll be back in a couple of hours, inform our Father. We Ride!'' Lucion Orders.


(Author's Note:)


Didn't expect to get one out so quickly again, but here we are. I also did not expect to time skip five years, I didn't necessarily want to, but I'm thinking of making up for it with a chapter or two focusing on the Citadel, before doing two or three focusing on King's Landing and Lucion as a Squire.

I also wish to include this note now, I care little for anybody posting the opinion that empowering a vassal with a specific focus to contributing is stupid. That did if your able to provide constructive criticism it won't be deleted, but comments that are not constructive get deleted.

I will empower certain Lannister Vassals in order to dramatically improve things by the time of second Long Night, if anyone takes issue with that and doesn't provide a satisfactory reason not to, their comment gets deleted. By the way, this is stupid, or anything along those lines is not an acceptable reason. I'm bringing this up because I plan to make the Crakehall's in charge of forging and designing weapons, given that most men of Crakehall are kind of like a mini-me of Gregor Clegane size wise and are naturally quite strong it makes sense to me.

Anyways, the next chapter see's some Lyanna, Genna, some of what happens with Lucion and Jaime, as well as potentially the arrival of the Martell's and maybe a spar between Oberyn and Lucion to see who's better with a blade, be it spear or Sword, we'll have to see what happens in the end, but here's hoping huh?


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