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75.3% God succession system / Chapter 438: Attack on Rabbit

Bab 438: Attack on Rabbit

In a corner of Asora, hidden away from the rest of the world barring a select few, hundreds of figures garbed in brown robes gathered. Many of them were humming lowly in harmony while a few lightly swung burners full of incense as they walked to their place.

The place they were gathering was before a fifty foot tall statue depicting Alex in his SSJ4 form, with an accompanying smaller statue depicting Shia at his side, clinging onto his legs and looking upwards at him with eyes full of adoration and reverence. And as they gazed upon the statue, the robed figures shuddered in the face of the awe and majesty of it.

Finally one figure in particular stepped forward and turned to face the rest, bringing the area to complete silence as they ceased their humming to be able to hear what was going to be said.

"Brothers and sisters, today we have gathered here as we do on any other day, to praise and give thanks TO THE BOSS!"


For a moment their shouts echoed throughout their surroundings, a forest filled with gargantuan trees that were wider than a house at their base, and stretched upwards into the very skies themselves. Once there was only silence once again, the lead figure gestured to the statue and declared,

"When we met the Boss we were but maggots, writhing in the filth of our own weakness! But the Boss saw only wet clay, yet to take form!

"And so He molded us! He changed us from the worthless maggots that did nothing but squirm and writhe on the ground, and made us into warriors! Assassins! Secret Agents! He molded and molded us, giving purpose to our worthless lives as we devoted our new talents solely to Him! Serving Him with all our being! TO THE BOSS!"


Again their chanting echoed throughout the forests, their voices filled with fervor, and eyes with devotion. Along with that though, every single one of them felt a type of heat build up within their bodies as they longed for the day that their beloved Boss would accept them wholly, regardless of if they were man or woman.


Interrupting their worshipping though, a device began to ring out loudly and obnoxiously. A device that the lead figure pulled out of the pocket of his robe, and flipped open before placing it against his face.

"Yes?" He asked in a completely calm voice, while the rest of the robed figures around him seethed with fury. Who dared to interrupt their sermons of the Boss? Whoever it was that dared act so impudently would quickly find themselves in a world of misery if it wasn't truly important, as the robed figures already began planning how they would break into their house and rearrange things just ever so slightly to irritate them.

If it was the Boss though...

"I see..." The lead figure said as the conversation seemingly ended, and flipped closed the communication device. Then, looking out over the crowd of hundreds, he cried out,


As he shouted out Cam threw off his robe in swift movement, allowing his rabbit ears to spring up and revealing the uniform he was wearing underneath. On the upper half of his body Cam was wearing a light brown jacket with a tan shirt underneath, while his lower half was attired in cream colored pants with a brown sash around the waist, and boots that came up past his knees. Under the jacket and boots though, one could see a series of leather straps that wound around his body.

Draped around Cam's shoulders though was a dark green hooded cloak that came down to his hips, with a white and blue wing crossed on the back.

Following his lead, every one of the robed figures before him threw off their own robes to reveal their matching uniforms as their own ears sprung up in freedom of their hoods.

Immediately after a loud siren rang out as a series of flood lights came to life, illuminating a series of five large zeppelins that were docked nearby. The hundreds of rabbit-eared men and woman then raced towards the zeppelins while Cam made his way to the largest and most grand one of them all.

Once aboard the zeppelins the Haulia began equipping the rest of their equipment, which consisted of a main housing unit on their lower back that had a pair of grappling hooks, a controller grip in each hand, a sheath on each hip that carried numerous blades, and a turbine to retract the cables of grapple hooks. After they were equipped the Haulia then rushed on their way to their respective positions, while Cam approached the bridge of their flagship.

"Are we ready?" He asked seriously, to which one of the pilots replied,

"Yes sir Commander Camwin, we're just awaiting the order." Nodding in affirmation, Cam turned and approached a grand chair that could've passed as a throne, before a child appeared with a short three legged stool that he placed directly in front of the throne.

Cam readily sat on the stool, despite it not even being a foot off the ground, and ordered,

"Men, MOVE OUT!"

At his command the fleet of zeppelins began to rise until they finally crested the treetops, which was when Cam ordered,

''Input the coordinates and open the portal!" The pilots in front of him punched in a series of numbers given to them during the earlier call, before pulling on a huge lever beside them. From under their feet a white beam shot out, before expanding in open space to create a large swirling disk of white mist before them.

"FULL SPEED AHEAD!" Cam shouted as the Zeppelin lurched forward towards the portal, passing through it to find themselves in a completely different world. Now a city was sprawled out below them that was filled with thousands of twinkling lights, but their attention was on what was approaching the city in the distance.

There, they could see a massive plume of steam rising up that came from an army of gigantic humanoid figures that marched ever closer to the city, easily numbering in the millions at the very least. Of course, rather than the fear one would usually feel when approaching such a daunting force of enemies, the Haulia instead grew excited as they spotted their enemies.

Their excitement only grew as Cam stood up from his little stool said into a nearby instrument that projected his voice,

"See there?! They are the Boss's enemies, WHAT DO WE DO TO THE BOSS'S ENEMIES?!"


As their answering cry shook the air Cam roared back,


With that being the trigger, hundreds of Haulia suddenly leapt from the zeppelins they were riding on into the open air. Had it not been for the wind whistling in their ears, all any of them would have been able to hear was the insane laughter of their comrades as they seemingly plummeted to their deaths.

Once they reached a certain point however, the hundreds of rabbitmen fired a pair of grappling hooks into the open air that then stuck into the air itself after flying so far. The turbines mounted on their gear then began to spin at high speeds while powered by a magic circle engraved within the interior, which not only rapidly reeled in the rabbits to the grappling hooks, but also propelled them forward at even greater speeds.

Closing in on the marching Titans at high speed, each of the Haulia then slammed their grips against the sheathes before withdrawing them to reveal long and thin blades on each one. Then, using the propulsion system and cables, the lead Haulia proceeded to spin herself around as one of the Titans tried to lunge at her, allowing her circle around its head before she carved a slice out of the back of its neck.

The Titan then went limp as steam began to billow out of its body in greater volume, signaling its death after being dealt a killing blow. It was just the first though, as flying rabbits began slicing their way through the Titans and sending pieces of them flying using their reinforced blades.

Watching this all from a distance, Alex retained a neutral expression even as the Haulia began to sing a loud and graphic song of what they were about to do to the Titans in the name of their Boss.

Ignoring their singing for the moment, Alex turned to Lucy after she arrived alongside the rest of his peerage.

"Lucy. While the Haulia are taking them from the left, I want you to go up the front with your new friends to meet them when they make landfall. Remember, their weakness if the back of the neck, any other injuries they'll just constantly regenerate."

"Right!" Lucy declared seriously as she stepped forward, three golden keys gripped in her right hand.

"OPEN THE GATES OF THE FAYTH, VALEFOR, YOJIMBO, AND BAHAMUT!" She cried out while thrusting the keys forward, causing more than little confusion in those around her.

"What...?" Yuna uttered, scarcely believing what she just heard even as three magic circles formed next to Lucy.

From the first a large bat-like creature shot out at a high speed, screeching as it did a lap in the air above them before coming to a stop before Lucy. Though it appeared to look like a bat it's wing seemed more draconic in appearance, while a trio of soft looking spikes were growing out from either side of its abdomen, one of which had several rings and a lantern hanging from it.

From the second magic circle came a series of pink Sakura petals that drifted aimlessly in the wind, followed by the clacking of sandals on the roof of the building. When the Aeon stepped through the magic circle they saw a large humanoid figure adorned in a wide flowing red cloak, and a wide rimmed hat that one typically saw associated with feudal Japan. Beside him though was a large red-furred dog that growled menacingly.

The last Aeon to appear though was the most awe inspiring and dramatic, as a large black dragon erupted from the magic circle, spreading its massive red wings as it too did a lap in the air before returning to its place before Lucy. Aside from the fact that Bahamut took a humanoid stance on its hind legs, the curious thing about it was the large golden wheel that hovered behind it. The massive black dragon then turned its attention towards Alex, and bowed its head towards him respectfully due to Alex's status as the Dragon Emperor.

With her three new summons present, Lucy had a wide smile on her face from the fact that she had been able to successfully summon them, though all three retained stoic expressions on their faces as they awaited her orders. Of course there were several other Aeons that Lucy now had the keys to that she could summon, but she decided to only test three for the time being.

Instead, she held out a different key in front of her and turned it, creating a rift in the space around them through which hundreds of fiends began to walk through.

"Alright everyone, ready for our first battle?!" Lucy asked them excitedly, to which the gathered fiends and Aeons nodded and cried out their eagerness to join the fight. Lucy then leapt off of the building and landed on the back of one fiend in particular, a Humbaba, the most powerful form of the Behemoths in Spira.

Not only was it larger than the standard Behemoth, but the Humbaba was also more green in color while its spikes, fangs, and talons were all even more deadly. Not only that, but the fiend possessed significantly more powerful skills than the Behemoth that also included the most powerful level of lightning spells, and even the fearsome Meteor attack, which would call down a meteor from space if it was ever about to be defeated.

Her whip in hand as she used her other hand to stabilize herself on the Humbaba's back, Lucy then cried out in a shrill voice,


At her signal the literal swarm of fiends and three Aeons rushed forward to meet their enemies as they were about to make landfall. As they departed though, Yuna looked at Alex and asked,

"How is Lucy able to summon Aeons? They're all supposed to be gone!" Alex grimaced slightly from the accusatory tone in her voice, before saying,

"I have a VERY skilled magic craftsman working for me. He made his own rounds around Spira and studied the different Fayth to see how they worked. He must've used the information he got from them to create the keys Lucy uses for her summons."

Though he didn't mention how Hajime had also harvested a small piece of the different Fayths to use in the key's construction, he could still tell that Yuna and the supporters of New Yevon were less than pleased with revelation, especially since the people who had been maintaining the temples never even noticed Hajime's presence. In an attempt to try and divert the topic, Alex then said,

"You know Yuna, you should head out there with Lucy to fight since this would be a good opportunity for you to gain some experience." Though none of those outside Alex's peerage knew what he was talking about, Yuna's expression shifted as she considered his suggestion. Finally she said to him,

"Fine, but remember that we're going to talk about this later!" Yuna then changed into her Psychic Dressphere, which allowed her to fly with telekinesis, and took off after Lucy. After a moment of hesitation, both Paine and Rikku similarly changed and took off after her since, as far as the duo were concerned, even if Yuna joined Alex's peerage they were still a team.

After they left though space began distorting next to Alex, and Kuroka made her reappearance after he sent her on reconnaissance.

"I'm back~Nya!" She cried out before clinging onto Alex's arm lovingly, nuzzling against him while purring loudly. Alex didn't even flinch at the display as he asked her,

"How did it go? Did you learn anything?" Kuroka nodded happily as she said,

"Yep~Nyan!" She then created a projection in the air before them that allowed everyone to see several Titans that appeared differently than the millions around them, as well as a single normal looking man dressed in a white lab coat.

A quick glance told Alex that the opponent had the Colossal, Armored, Female, Beast, Cart, Jaw, and War Hammer Titans, while he could assume that the one man amongst them was the Founding Titan. Though he briefly wondered where the Attack Titan was, Alex attention focused on the Cart Titan that was carrying an entire building on its back.

"Did you investigate in there?" Alex asked Kuroka seriously, to which she nodded and explained,

"Yep, it appeared to be that guys home and lab~Nya. There was a lot of journals, strange equipment, and these weird weapons~Nyan." As she said that Kuroka help up what appeared to be a missile, but Alex could see that it was mostly a glass outer shell with a green substance within.

Suspicious of the substance within the container, Alex told her,

"Go and make sure that man doesn't have any of these on him, take them all. And then afterwards take the Titan carrying the lab and bring it into one of the Grigori's underground testing facilities. When you get there tell them to investigate all of his research and to prepare seven more large facilitates to hold our new test subjects, let me know when that's all done."

"Awwwww..." Kuroka pouted as Alex gave her new orders, but rather than arguing, she quickly left to carry them out. Once she was gone though, Yue stepped forward and asked him,

"....Should we fight...?" Alex shook his head at her question and replied,

"Nah, things aren't that serious, and if you, Rias, Grayfia, Sun, or Mirajane got involved then things would be resolved too quickly. Instead I want you guys to watch from above and make sure none of the Titans wander off before they're dealt with, while also helping anyone who might get injured."

Yue, Rias and Grayfia all took off to follow his orders while Alex turned to his remaining peerage members, and said to them,

"I want you guys acting as the 'last line of defense'. If any just so happen to get past us then feel free to eliminate them with extreme prejudice." As Moka, Shizuku, Erza, Kurumu, Sun, Yami, Lala and Mirajane voiced their confirmation, Shia asked,

"Are going out to fight yourself?" Alex smirked at her question, his smile widening even more so as Kuroka messaged him the preparations on her side were done, and replied,

"Of course, this IS a rare opportunity for me!" Though at first none of them knew what Alex was referring to, they realized it soon enough when he closed his eyes momentarily, before opening them reveal that his eyes had completely turned into glowing red lights.

Taking a step forward that caused several cracks to appear in the roof before his feet, Alex opened his mouth and unleashed a mighty beastial roar that made all of Zanarkand shake.


He then leapt off of the rooftop, leaping the entire distance between them and the approaching Titans, before crashing down with enough force that all of Spira felt it. Except, instead of his usual self, Alex had turned into a massive ape that was covered in brilliant golden fur, and put many of the Titans to shame with his size.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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