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33.33% Glimpse Of Death / Chapter 1: ×Chapter 1× MY MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATION
Glimpse Of Death Glimpse Of Death original

Glimpse Of Death

Penulis: infinityGod

© WebNovel



You know, looks can be quite deceiving, one would look in from outside at a happily smiling couple, kids and everything, wondering how, how could something be so perfect.

Some would even be steeping with envy and would wish they had it for themselves, BUT, that's the one thing people always get wrong...there is, no sure thing as perfect, ever.

Hidden behind every beautiful smile is a crying face and hidden behind every kind face is a demon of mass destruction.

That is the same with the world of EslaEssa, if one were to look from a birds eye view at this world, one would be amazed at its beautiful.

Magnificent mountains standing as if they are the corner stones of the world and vibrant rivers with crystal clear water as though zero impurities exists within.

Forest of green stretching far and wide giving a feeling of calm prosperity, it seems like a holy and safe haven for all living things to exist in perfect harmony.

But the bird's vision has failed it, as it couldn't be further from the truth of what exists on this planet.

Now if one were to come down from a birds eyes view and took a closer look at what seemed so beautiful from afar, the amazement would turn to shock and fear, as they would hear the terrific suffering of life.





On this beautiful night of bright moonlight, just off in the east of the sand kingdom in a forest of their ownership, a very small remote village layed in ruins.

Fires were set ablaze with burning crackling sounds amiss the wailing screaming of the people being cooked alive and torture without mercy.


Amiss screams of pain and suffering voices could be heard speaking.

In the middle of all this suffering a female could be seen, a very beautiful woman, standing at maybe 5'8 having curves in all the right places.

With large supple breast, black eyes that seem to innocently shine with kindness and with an almost ever present smile...."Go on men have your fill with this village, you deserve it, you have won us a great victory against our great enemy the sword kingdom."She said.

."You have done well in service to his majesty the king, just think of this as a small part of your thanks this time from me princess Millie of the Sand Kingdom."The beautiful woman now identified as the princess of the sand kingdom said heartlessly.

She was standing at the doorway of her luxurious white carriage that was being pull by two mighty horses looking to her soldiers, who then shouted praises of glory to her as they were all captivated by her glowing beauty.


Amiss the shouts of praise for her, the princess smiled even more almost riping her face in half.

Her eyes gain a look of pure evil corruption and her body began to be covered in a black aura as she smile in satisfaction as she look at the village collapsing.

The culprits of this tragic event, the heroic soldier's and a member of the royal family of the great sand kingdom, who in fact were not enemies to these people but the ones that were supposed to protect them as the village is a vassal under the sand kingdom's rule.

They definitely did not do any protection they instead violated the people, they killed and raped the women and even the men, not sparing anything that moved as even the children were not pardoned.

These sick soldiers indulged in their twisted desires as they laughed and drank liquor while standing on the broken backs of both the young and old, as the princess looked on at all this with her "kind" smile.

When they were finished they set ablaze to the village with such finesse that one should be wondering how many times before had they done this.

In an event like this one would think that these soldiers have gotten away with it once again as they made sure they were no witnesses as everyone in the village was dead.

Burnt to a cris, BUT that would be wrong there was infact one survivor, lucky or unlucky who knows.

In a small crack in the ground there was what seems to be a drain with some metal bars, peering out of the darkness of this drain they was possibly the most beautiful eyes one would ever see in their lifetime.

They were a glowing light green with a tree inside that seemed like a magical Tree of Life created to be perfect, a masterpiece of divine quality, but reflected in the center of the eye was a sight that was the totally opposite of its beauty.

Fire reflected in these eyes, fire that spelt the doom for an entire village and its people.

In the drain one could hear small whimpering sounds inside, as the being within seemed to be crying.

Sure enough, as the light of the moon began to brighten and as the clouds that were covering them move, it shunned lighting the interior of the little drain system.

It revealed the owner of the unique eyes, it was a small boy that appeared to be no more than 3 years old, his beautiful eyes held the ugly emotion of sadness as he cried for the people that took cared of him.

He cried and cried for hours even till after the fire settled down and everything was ashes he continued to cry.

."Why- why- why wh- why!."The small boy bawled as he cried out these words like a broken record wondering what he did to deserve this as he imagined all the faces of the people that took care of him.

Even though they didn't know who he was and he couldn't do anything to help them, he kept on having flashbacks of him returning to the village finding it in flames.

He was out in the forest playing around as he for some reason felt the urge to visit it and see what it's like in the dark, he was at first scared but found his courage in the fact that they were no strong wild animals in the immediate vicinity surrounding the village.

The village warriors kill them every few weeks for food, even though he knew this he was still scared, he went out into forest almost in a hurry as the urge was getting stronger.

As he was walking through the forest suddenly his heart began to race for some odd reason and his breath rushed.

He had a bad feeling, since he was born he had always had a great what the adults call intuition and was able to tell sometimes what was going to happen before it happened.

As result he helped the village alot and became loved more by everyone, though he was already loved by everyone as he was an orphan and was without a doubt the cutest baby they had ever imagined seeing and they wonder how could a mother and father abandoned something so adorable.

Using this intuition he became more interactive as he could tell most of the time when someone had bad intentions towards him, he tested it with both the young and old of the village gaining alot of information both good and bad, it forced him to gain a mature mindset less he be taken advantage off.

After his almost 4 years of life this was the first time he had felt it this strongly before, it was telling him to run, so he knew something was wrong in the village.

With speed he took off running at the fastest speed his little feet could take him as he traversed the dark terrain of the dimly moon lit forest.

As he got closer to the village his intuition got stronger almost shouting at him to turn around and run for his life, but for the first time he didn't listen to it and continued running like a madman towards the village.

Soon he began to see and smell smoke, waving though the deep forest, his tiny feet maxed out their speed, then he saw it, flames, orange flames burning his village to the ground.

His eye constricted like needles."NOO!!!."He scream as he desperately ran towards the village, right now he felt like he could barely breathe, maybe he's out of breath from running or it's from this situation he doesn't know or even care at this moment.

But just before he got to the village and had passed by a tree, he tripped on a root of a tree that seemed like it came out from nowhere almost like in a fairy tale.


After he tripped he fell into a small hole in the dirt that also appeared seemingly out of nowhere, it was perfectly placed and for some odd reason it felt soft when he land.

He got up and looked around frantically as he searched for a way out but the hole he fell through was too high up for him to reach, so he looked for another way.

But there was only one way, he then glanced back at the perfectly placed corridor like structure, he is began to feel something suspicious.

It didn't feel like a coincidence but not thinking along that line, it was the only way for him to get back to the village so he'll have to go through it regardless.

He stepped in the corridors and began to walk as he doesn't know where these corridors will lead him so he had to be careful, but as he thought that something bad had happened to the village he sped up his pace.

Then it came to his mind, DOUBT, even if he did manage to reach the village what could he possibly do, after all he was just a kid and was too weak, he couldn't do anything even if he does arrive.

He might possibly make the situation worse as he would then have to be rescued, as he thought about all this his pace began to slow down.

He thought that if the village warriors who were strong couldn't do anything about it then how can he."Noo no I must not give up."He said trying to shake himself out of the doubt and this time increased in pace to a running pace.

Soon as he ran through the long corridor he saw a beautiful orange light at what seemed to be the end, he smiled as he came across a 10 stair set of stairs.

At the top of these 10 flights of stairs there was some metal bars that block off this window like box and the orange light that seemed to be reminiscent of the sun were peering through the bars.

As he saw these bars his heart sank, he knew that he wouldn't be able to get out of here to help the village, but he steeled himself anyway and climb the flight of stairs to get a look as that is all he can do right now, hopefully the village warriors managed to put a stop to whatever happened.

With that line of thought he regained a bit of confidence and hope as he climbed the stairs with more at ease footsteps, then he finally reached the top which felt like forever, he then glanced through with his hopes up and.....

An explosion went off in his mind as he bared witness to what had happened, he gazed through the bars, he saw what could possibly be the most cruel sight he had ever seen and one that would scar the poor boy for a lifetime.

The orange flames that moments ago he thought were beautiful now turned into the most heinous thing he had ever seen.

He was forced to look on at the burning as his body was frozen, yet that was the end to it as he emptied the contents of his stomach when he heard the next thing.


.""I'M BURNING!!!"".


Multiple voices could be heard from both men, women and children, crying and screaming in pain and misery as he continued to watch up with his mind almost broken and seemed to be barely held together by some invisible mysterious force.

The pain truly began to set in when he tried to move forward to help them and realized he couldn't as he was trapped like a rat behind these bars.

All he could do was let the tears fall, as a small whimper escaped his lips, he saw what seemed to be the culprits, they looked like soldiers and they seemed familiar to him, but as he thought about it his eyes widen in shock as he recognized them.

But why, why would they do this what did his village do, the culprits were the sand kingdom, the ruler of these lands they inhabit, so why, the village was loyal their pay all there yearly taxes without fail, that was when he heard something that made him realize, the world was a trashcan, it's people, trash.

.""Hahahahahaha, this is true fulfillment, imagine burning a village to the ground and having no repercussions, hahaha this is the greatest, long live the sand kingdom and long live the princess of sand."Some random Cannon fodder.

."YEAHHH!!!!."Hundreds of Soldiers.

He finally saw the truth, they didn't do anything, that was the point, the soldiers did it because they can, they destroyed a village of innocent people because they can, they cause him misery and pain because they CAN.

And all he could do in this situation is cry and ask why, he cried and cried till the morning came, even after the soldiers left and the village was burnt to ash and smoke rose.

The scene of him arriving to the village and seeing it in flames continued to replay in his mind and eventually...

His little mind reached its limits and couldn't take the pain and grief anymore, he collapsed like a building and fell off the top of the stairs hitting every stair, he fell to the bottom and landed on the muddied ground of the corridor, however miraculous, he only suffered a bleeding head but he was unconscious.


The boy in a daze opened his eyes to a dark room that felt familiar but he didn't know why, that's when he heard from behind him a beautiful, calming and possibly the most elegant sounding voice he'd ever heard.

.""Wecome home my beautiful boy"".

He turned around in surprise and was shocked, he saw a floating woman with a green light that surrounded her and more than that, her eyes.

They were the exact same as his own, he looked at her in curiosity."Who are you ma'am."He asked.

The woman smile at him lovingly with tears coming from her eyes."..Me..I am your mother, my beautiful baby boy Axel."She said softly.

He was in turn shocked again how does this lady know his name, she called herself his mother."Mother?."He tilt his head and looked at her in the eyes.

She nodded her head with a smile,, that soon faltered.

."If you are my mother then why did you abandon me, now look what happened."Axel said, tears ran down his cheeks as he remembered everything that happened.

The woman gained a sad look in her eyes seeing her child cry, she went forward and hugged him as if she doesn't want to ever let him go."I'm so sorry, Axel, I'm so sorry, I didn't know this was going to happen, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."She said emotionally.

They both started to cry, for which half an hour passed, then they started to settle down.

Axel looked up at her as he wiped his eyes."So you really are my mother?."He asked a bit unsure, maybe he was dreaming, or worse.

The woman smile with tears still in her eyes and with some sadness." Yes you are indeed my son, I did not abandon you, I did it for you, you won't be able to grow properly with me."She said getting emotional choking up.

."So I put you in this peaceful village in hope that they will take care of you, mama was also always with you."She said smiling as she touched his head."I've helped you through everything, that thing you called intuition, was me guiding you, see I've never left you, ever my baby boy."

Axel hearing her thought back to all the things that happened and he realized he was actually being guided even with the root which causes him to fall in that hole.

If it wasn't for that he would have probably been killed along with the villagers, burning.

But then he looked at her angrily."If you could do all this, that must means you are powerful, so why didn't you help the village, they were kind to me, they helped you take care of me and you let them die."He said backing away.

He was angry at her and wanted to know why she let it happen if she could stop it, but what he heard next, it shook him, all his anger disappeared and his knees buckled.

."..It's because I love only you, my only true child, I don't care about anything else, they could die again for all I care."His mother said with a cruelty that flashed in her eyes, all the while still looking at him lovingly.

At that moment he became afraid of her, she seemed to want to see all existence burn, as she was saying that he saw images of a burning world causing him to fall down.

His mother seeing him fall quickly picked him up off the floor with worry."Oh my, are you alright, I'm sorry my little baby, mommy just doesn't like those bad living things, but I love you so don't be scared of me alright?."She said reassuringly.

Axel seeing her smile lovingly at him could only smiled back like a good boy and nod, at least he had someone living that loves him, but mostly because he was still scared.

He then looked around the dark room still in her hands."Where are we, in a cave?."He ask curiously.

His mother smiled at him and said some of the most shocking words."This...it is the place of your birth, MY MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATION."She said as she kissed the shocked Axel on the cheek with pure love.

infinityGod infinityGod

Creation is hard, cheer me on by voting for me if you'd like!

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If you have any ideas about my story feel free to comment it and let me know also!

Thank You Very Much!!!

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