"I'm surprised you knew I was there," The woman said. She's wearing a green cloak like mine, except significantly cleaner. I looked at her pointed ears for a few moments before addressing her back. "Just as surprised as you are. I took a slight risk doing that. So may I ask who you are," I question.
Despite the numerous weapons I see, I sense that neither of us wants a conflict. I see her pause and think for a moment, "My name is Thalia, 3rd ranger of the sentinels. who are you?" She answered. The sentinels? Must be some sort of guard. Hmmm...Should I give my full name? She didn't give hers. "My name is Aesar. I'm a...traveler and got lost in these woods", I simply state. "A traveler huh?" She crossed her arms "Where'd you come from?"
"Not really sure. I've never concerned myself with the names of places I visit", I lie. Can't really tell her the truth. Not until I have more information. "Kinda young for a traveler..." she observed.
I laugh, "yea, I've been told that a few times. I could say the same for you as well. I don't really know what a '3rd ranger' is, but I assume that it's quite an impressive title."
She thinks for a moment, then shakes her head slightly as if deciding something. "you said you were lost Aesar? If you come with me, I can escort you back to our convoy. We'll need to complete our, mission then we head for the city", She says in a surprisingly light tone.
"I'd appreciate that, but I have a few questi-" I couldn't finish my words as an overwhelming killing intent washed over me. Quickly I move my head like a bolt as one speeds right past where my eyes were mere milliseconds ago. I glance toward Thalia as she was just a few feet from me and see that she also dodged it. Not fast enough, as a dark red line can be noticed on her cheek. I look back at where the bolt came from and see a lean man with a crossbow in the distance already reloading another projectile. I duck behind a nearby tree and crouch low. My mind was in overdrive, and adrenaline pumped through my blood. There's nothing I can do here. I don't have any weapons. I don't even have anything besides the clothes on my back.
All of a sudden I hear a loud shout coming from Thalia, "The crime of attempted murder and assault of a ranger is punishable by death! Igniecto Demonego!" With that last shout, a coil of magenta energy appeared in front of her hands and traveled at impossible speeds into the hands of the attacker causing him to yell in pain and drop his crossbow. Trying to pick up the weapon he couldn't get a grip on it as the coils of energy covered his hands. "Stop prancing about like a fool and surrender," Thalia says, appearing next to me with her own crossbow in her hands, aimed at the attacker.
"Elven Bit-" were his last words before hearing the release of a crossbow and a subsequent thunk as a bolt appeared in his throat. He tried to scream out, but the only thing that came out was a gurgle of a red liquid as he slowly fell to the ground, lifeless. I hear a sigh from Thalia, and she turns to me. I slowly stand up from my crouched position, "Are you okay?" I look at the blood dripping down her cheek.
"I should be saying that to you," She chuckles. It's the kind of chuckle you have after surviving a life or death situation. She placed a finger on her cheek and looked at the blood on it, releasing another sigh. She then put her hand over the wound and whispers, "Extermiectus Canuro" A rose light emits from her palm and seals up the wound leaving just a faded scar. "That's a handy trick..." I say.
"just a basic healing spell. But I do agree that it is handy," Thalia replied. I gaze towards the corpse of the attacker, and questions began to form in my mind. "Any idea why he did that?" I ask Thalia, who is currently wiping the blood off her face with a handkerchief. "No clue. We've been getting reports of increased bandit activity. Maybe that's why? Come on, we should leave this place and return to the convoy, I'll answer any questions you have on our walk there", She says, trekking off towards a particular direction.
"No arguments here"
On our walk toward the convoy, I learned that it was sent to deal with a rising bandit problem. I learned that thalia found me because of an abnormal magical phenomenon that appeared suddenly in the forest. She described it as suffocating magical energy and asked if I knew anything about it. The only thing that comes to mind is my arrival into the world, but I say nothing about that and say I haven't seen or felt anything. She says she thought as much and says as a human I wouldn't have enough magical sensitivity to sense it. I asked about the nearby city and learned that it was called Else Thalis, A hub within the Elven kingdom of Lumeca, and one of the few elven cities open to all races. She asks questions about me, and I just brush them off, telling her I was just a traveler who lost all their gear a few nights before our meeting. She finds that story a bit hard to believe, but once I say that I fell asleep one day and woke up to find my supplies gone, blaming the events on bandits, she stops asking questions. I ask her another question, but she shuts me down and says, "We're almost there. Just let me do the talking and stay quiet for a bit" I nod, and we keep walking towards the convoy, her words unnerving me a little bit.
I hope so far you are enjoying the story limited as it is right now. I want to explore this story for a while and I'm trying to get a consistent upload rate but improvising is hard lol. from here on out I'm gonna try and stick to a plan I vaguely have in my head so bear with me. if you have any criticisms or thoughts on how I could improve this story please let me hear what you think. All your thoughts are appreciated good or bad. Welp, This is BecauseWhyNot signing off. See ya