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24.24% Genshin: Teyvat's Wandering Demon / Chapter 8: 7. Mondstadt: The Roar Of The Storm

Bab 8: 7. Mondstadt: The Roar Of The Storm

Tayden didn't know how much time has passed. Tayden crouched in the dimly lit bunker, surrounded by the sounds of muffled sobs, frantic whispers, and the constant, low hum of fear that filled the space like a thick fog. The air was heavy with tension, each roar of Stormterror outside shaking the very foundation of the city, making the walls of their supposed sanctuary tremble. The bunker felt like a cage—small, suffocating, and fragile against the wrath of the dragon.

He tried to focus on the cold stone beneath him, grounding himself in the reality of the moment, but it was impossible to ignore the terror that gripped his mind. The roar of the dragon echoed through the city, a sound so powerful it seemed to vibrate through his bones. He clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms, as he struggled to steady his breathing.

This can't be happening, he thought, the words looping through his mind like a mantra. Not here. Not in Mondstadt.

Another roar, louder this time, reverberated through the bunker, and Tayden's legs threatened to buckle beneath him. He felt small—smaller than he had ever felt in his life. Like a rabbit hiding from an eagle, he was powerless, unable to do anything but hope the predator wouldn't find him.

Around him, the terror was palpable. Parents clutched their children, their whispers of reassurance betrayed by the fear in their eyes. Elderly citizens sat huddled together, their hands trembling as they whispered prayers to Barbatos. The room was filled with the sounds of desperation—whimpers, stifled cries, the frantic rustle of clothing as people shifted.

Tayden's heart raced, each beat echoing in his ears as he tried to keep his own fear at bay. But when the next roar came, accompanied by a deafening crash, he felt his resolve crumble. The wind howled outside, growing fiercer by the second, and then, without warning, the locks on the bunker doors flew off with a metallic screech. The doors burst open, and a powerful gust of wind tore through the room, sending people sprawling and screams filling the air.

Tayden squeezed his eyes shut, instinctively raising his arms to shield his face from the wind and debris. The force was overwhelming, as if the very air had turned against them. When he finally dared to open his eyes, he was met with a scene that made his heart plummet into his stomach.

The world outside was a nightmare. Tornadoes whipped through the city, their powerful winds lifting people, animals, and debris high into the sky as if they were weightless. Buildings that had once stood tall and proud were now reduced to rubble, their remains scattered across the streets. The sky, darkened by storm clouds, was illuminated by flashes of lightning and the eerie, unnatural glow of the dragon as it circled above, its massive wings generating the very winds that threatened to tear the city apart.

Tayden's breath caught in his throat as he saw knights outside, desperately trying to gather and protect the citizens. They were shouting orders, their voices barely audible over the roar of the storm, but it was clear they were struggling to maintain any semblance of control. He flinched as an explosion rocked the ground, followed by another of Stormterror's roars, more ferocious than before. The knights—were they attacking the dragon?

Tayden stood frozen, his mind a whirl of chaos and confusion. What am I supposed to do? The question echoed in his mind, but no answer came. He was paralyzed, trapped between the urge to help and the overwhelming sense of his own helplessness. He had faced monsters before, had fought with the powers he still barely understood, but this—this was different. This was a force of nature, something far beyond his comprehension.

The wind tore at his clothes, pulled at his hair, and the screams around him grew louder, more desperate. Tayden's thoughts spiraled, each one more frantic than the last. I can't fight that. I can't fight anything like that. He wanted to move, to do something, anything, but his body wouldn't respond. He was rooted to the spot, his feet seemingly glued to the cold stone floor.

The reality of the situation crashed over him like a wave, drowning him in despair. He wasn't a hero. He wasn't someone who could stand against a dragon, save the city, or protect the people he had come to care about. He was just a boy—a boy with powers he barely understood, in a world he still didn't fully grasp.

And right now, all he could do was watch as the world around him was torn apart.


Tayden's breath hitched as he saw the scene unfold outside the bunker. The wind howled like a feral beast, tearing through the streets and lifting debris into the sky as if it weighed nothing. Two knights were struggling against the storm, each holding onto a person—a mother and her daughter—trying desperately to pull them to safety.

But then, a nearby roof collapsed, sending a shockwave through the street. One of the knights lost his grip on the child, and the wind snatched her up like a rag doll, spinning her toward the sky. The girl managed to grab hold of a pole, her small hands gripping it with all her strength as the storm threatened to pull her away.

The mother's scream pierced the air, raw and filled with terror, as she reached out for her daughter. One knight tried to hold her back, to bring her to safety, while the other knight fought to reach the girl, but the wind was too strong. It was chaos—pure, unrelenting chaos.

Tayden's chest tightened, his breath coming in short, panicked gasps. His mind raced, his thoughts a whirlwind of fear and helplessness. What can I do? What can I do? His vision blurred, his body trembling as he struggled to make sense of the situation. But the fear was too much, too overwhelming, and before he could even think, everything went black.


When Tayden opened his eyes, he was no longer in the bunker. He was standing in that familiar, unsettling room of the Infinity Castle. The air was thick with the scent of aged wood and blood, the walls dark and oppressive. And there, sitting casually in one of the grotesque chairs, was TD, his red eyes gleaming with an amused glint.

"You look terrible," TD remarked, a smirk playing on his lips as he took in Tayden's disheveled appearance.

But Tayden wasn't in the mood for banter. His heart was still pounding, his thoughts still racing. He crossed the room in an instant, grabbing TD by the shoulders, his grip tight and desperate. "What am I supposed to do?!" Tayden's voice was raw, almost frantic. "Tell me what to do!"

TD's expression didn't change, but before Tayden could continue his panicked rant, TD's fist connected with his stomach, sending him flying backward. The impact knocked the wind out of him, and Tayden crashed into the wall with a dull thud, sliding down to the floor.

Before he could even catch his breath, TD was on him, yanking him up by his collar. His face was inches from Tayden's, his expression no longer amused but deadly serious. "Get a hold of yourself, Tayden!" TD's voice was sharp, cutting through the haze of panic that clouded Tayden's mind. "If you want to help, if you want to make any decisions, you have to get your act together!"

The shock of the punch, combined with TD's harsh words, snapped Tayden back to reality. He sucked in a breath, feeling the weight of the situation settle over him like a cold blanket. "I—thanks," he muttered, the adrenaline starting to ebb away.

TD released him, stepping back and crossing his arms. "You're stronger than you think, Tayden. But right now, you're letting fear control you."

Tayden pushed himself up, his legs still shaky but more stable than before. "I know… I just… I don't have the strength to do anything. No Blood Demon Art, building destroying powers… I couldn't even keep up with Eula when she was just playing around. How am I even supposed to help?"

For a moment, TD was silent, his gaze intense as he stared into Tayden's eyes. Then, slowly, he asked, "What do you want to do, Tayden?"

Tayden opened his mouth to respond, but before he could speak, TD continued, his voice calm but carrying a weight that made Tayden's chest tighten. "You're right—you're not as strong as you want to be. But you're still stronger than most. Do you remember that time, back in your old world, when you could only give that child beggar half a piece of bread?"

Tayden's breath caught in his throat. He remembered that moment all too well. The way the child had looked at him with those hollow, hungry eyes. The way Tayden had felt so utterly powerless to do anything meaningful, knowing that a piece of bread wouldn't change the boy's life, wouldn't take away the pain of hunger or the cruelty of the world.

TD's voice cut through his thoughts. "Back then, you didn't have the strength to do anything more. You didn't have the power, the resources, or the influence to make a difference. But now?" TD stepped closer, his red eyes boring into Tayden's. "Now you have strength, Tayden. Even if it's not as much as you'd like, it's more than you had before. So what are you going to do with it? Are you going to fight, or are you going to stand by and watch as others suffer, just like you did back then?"

Tayden stared at TD, his heart pounding. The memory of the beggar boy flashed before his eyes, followed by the image of the child outside, clinging to that pole for dear life. The desperation in the mother's screams echoed in his ears, intertwining with the memories of his past helplessness. But this time, it was different. This time, he had the power to do something, to make a difference.

He didn't need to be the strongest. He didn't need to have a Blood Demon Art or the ability to crush buildings with a punch. He just needed to act.

Tayden's resolve hardened. He clenched his fists, his eyes locking onto TD's with newfound determination. "I'm not going to be a bystander. Not anymore."

TD smirked, a flicker of approval in his gaze. "That's more like it."

Before Tayden could respond, TD's expression shifted to one of contemplation. "There's something else you should know," he began, his tone more serious. "Do you remember when I told you that we inherited the properties of the boy who Muzan turned into a demon? The one who conquered the sun?"

Tayden nodded, curiosity piqued.

"That boy had a sister," TD continued. "She was turned into a demon too, and her Blood Demon Art was 'Exploding Blood'—she could make her blood ignite into fire that only harmed demons and nullified or burned away other blood demon arts. Since we've inherited the boy's body properties, our blood should also be able to ignite into fire."

Tayden's eyes widened. "But… how do I control that? How do I make it happen?"

TD sighed, shaking his head. "You're not strong enough to do it willingly yet. If you tried, you'd burn your own cells to ash before you could even ignite anything. But…" He paused, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "There are other ways. You could splatter your blood on someone and use a pyro-infused attack to set it on fire. But you'd need pyro energy for that and normal fire wouldn't work."

Tayden thought for a moment, his mind racing. Then, he remembered something—a guy named Timaeus, an alchemist he had met in Mondstadt. "Timaeus… He has vials of 'Flaming Essential Oil,' if I remember correctly and he kept them in the shelf behind the alchemy table. That should do the trick, right?"

TD's eyes lit up, a grin spreading across his face. "Bingo. You're getting the hang of this."

Tayden returned the grin, feeling a surge of determination coursing through him. He wasn't powerless. He wasn't the weak boy he had been back in his old world. He was Tayden—a demon, THE demon in Teyvat.

TD's smirk softened into something more genuine. "It's time for you to go. But remember, Tayden—this time, live your life to the fullest."

As the dream began to dissolve around him, Tayden felt a sense of clarity he hadn't felt in a long time. The darkness of the Infinity Castle faded away, replaced by the cold reality of the bunker. But this time, he was ready. Ready to fight. Ready to make a difference.


A sharp gasp tore from Tayden's lips as his eyes snapped open, the chaos around him crashing back into focus. The air was thick with dust and panic, screams echoing off the stone walls of the bunker. His heart pounded against his ribs, each beat syncing with the distant roars of Stormterror wreaking havoc above.

Blinking rapidly, he forced his vision to steady, and that's when he saw her—the little girl outside, clinging desperately to a pole as the ferocious winds tried to rip her away. Her tiny fingers were white from the strain, her face contorted in sheer terror. Nearby, a knight struggled against the gale, attempting to reach her, while another held back a frantic woman, her screams piercing through the air.

Time seemed to slow, each second stretching into an eternity as Tayden's gaze locked onto the girl's slipping grasp. His chest tightened. There was no time to think, no time to doubt.

"Switch on!" he commanded himself, the words echoing fiercely within his mind.

A familiar, electrifying energy burst through him, igniting every nerve in his body. His senses sharpened—the howling wind became a roar in his ears, the scent of smoke intensified, and his muscles coiled with newfound strength. He sprang into action.

In a blur, Tayden dashed out of the bunker, the force of the wind slamming against him like a wall. He pushed through it, feet pounding against the debris-littered ground as he zeroed in on the girl. The knights shouted after him, their voices lost to the storm, but he paid them no mind. All that mattered was reaching her in time.

A piece of shattered roofing flew past him, narrowly missing his head as he leaped onto the crumbling remains of a nearby building. The structure groaned under his weight, but he didn't stop. With a powerful kick, he propelled himself toward the girl just as her fingers finally gave out.

She fell with a scream, eyes wide in horror—but Tayden was there. He caught her securely in his arms, holding her close as he landed back on the ground in a crouch, absorbing the impact with ease. The girl's sobs were muffled against his chest, her small hands clutching desperately at his shirt.

"It's okay," he murmured, his voice steady despite the adrenaline surging through him. "I've got you."

He rose swiftly, shielding her with his body as he sprinted back toward the bunker. The wind fought against him, debris whipping past dangerously close, but he pushed forward, unwavering.

The knights stood at the entrance, their expressions a mix of shock and relief as Tayden approached. He gently transferred the trembling child into the arms of the nearest knight, who looked at him with wide eyes.

"Thank you," the knight managed to say, voice thick with emotion.

Before Tayden could respond, the mother rushed forward, collapsing around her daughter in a tight embrace. Tears streamed down her face as she choked out words of gratitude, her eyes meeting Tayden's with profound relief.

He gave a brief nod, a flicker of a smile crossing his lips before turning on his heel. The knight reached out, calling after him, "Wait! Get back inside—it's too dangerous!"

But Tayden was already moving, his enhanced speed carrying him swiftly away from the bunker and into the heart of the storm-ravaged city. The wind roared in his ears, but his mind was clear, focused. He knew where he needed to go.

' I don't know how im going to pull this off ' he thought, determination hardening his resolve as he navigated the debris-strewn streets. ' But this time, im not going to back down '.

Dodging fallen beams and shattered glass, he raced toward Timaeus's alchemy table near the city square. The familiar sight of the wooden stall came into view, though it was battered and teetering under the relentless assault of the storm. Behind it, shelves lined with various concoctions and materials shook precariously.

As he closed in, a thunderous boom shook the ground beneath him. Tayden skidded to a halt, whipping his head upward just in time to see Stormterror reel back, a pained roar ripping through the sky as another explosion from Mondstadt's defense cannons struck its side.

The massive dragon thrashed, its wings beating furiously as it retaliated. Tayden's eyes widened as he saw glowing spheres of condensed wind forming around Stormterror, each one crackling with destructive energy. With a mighty sweep, the dragon hurled the wind bombs toward the city, their descent swift and deadly.

One of the spheres hurtled toward a nearby street, detonating upon impact and sending a shockwave that flattened everything in its radius. Tayden shielded his face as debris rained down around him, the force of the explosion rattling his bones.

As the dust settled, movement caught his eye. Through the haze, he saw a lone figure standing defiantly amidst the chaos—Eula.

Her usually pristine uniform was torn and bloodied, her azure hair matted against her sweat-soaked forehead. She gripped her claymore tightly, though her hands trembled from exhaustion. Even from a distance, Tayden could see the weariness etched into her features, the strain of battle taking its toll.

Eula's gaze was fixed upward, tracking Stormterror's movements with fierce concentration. As another wind bomb hurtled toward the city, she grit her teeth, summoning the last of her strength. With a powerful leap, she launched herself into the air, blade poised to intercept the attack.

Her claymore met the swirling mass with a resounding clash, but instead of deflecting it, the sphere erupted on contact. The resulting explosion engulfed her, a burst of energy that sent her hurtling backward like a rag doll. She crashed through the wall of a nearby building, disappearing into a cloud of dust and rubble.

Tayden's heart lurched into his throat. "Eula!" he shouted, fear slicing through him like a knife.

Before he could move, another wind bomb arced through the sky, its trajectory aimed directly at where Eula had fallen. Time seemed to slow, each heartbeat pounding louder than the last. He could see Eula struggling to rise, her movements sluggish and pained. There was no way she could dodge in time.


Without a second thought, Tayden surged forward, every ounce of his power channeled into speed. The world blurred around him as he closed the distance, lungs burning but mind singularly focused.

The wind bomb descended, its ominous glow casting eerie shadows across the wrecked street. Eula looked up, eyes widening as she realized the impending danger. Her body refused to cooperate, muscles screaming in protest as she tried to move.

At the last possible second, Tayden dove toward her, tackling her with enough force to knock them both clear of the blast zone. The explosion detonated behind them, the shockwave propelling them further across the ground. Tayden twisted mid-air, positioning himself beneath Eula to absorb the brunt of the impact as they skidded across the rough pavement.

They came to a halt amidst a pile of shattered wood and stone, dust swirling around them. Tayden coughed, his body aching from the force of the blast, but relief flooded through him as he realized they were both alive.

Eula lay atop him, her eyes squeezed shut. Slowly, she opened them, blinking through the grime and confusion until her gaze focused on his face. Recognition sparked, followed by a whirlwind of emotions—shock, relief, anger.

"Tayden?!" she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of disbelief and exasperation.

He offered a weary grin, wincing slightly as he shifted beneath her. "Hey, Eula. Fancy meeting you here."

She pushed herself upright, wobbly but determined, eyes narrowing as she took in his presence. "What in the Seven are you doing out here? You should be in the bunker!"

Tayden struggled to his feet, extending a hand to help her up. "Couldn't just sit around while the city's falling apart," he replied, his tone light despite the gravity of the situation. "Thought you could use a hand."

Eula hesitated before accepting his help, gripping his hand firmly as she rose. Her gaze softened for a brief moment, gratitude flickering beneath her stern exterior. But just as quickly, her usual authoritative demeanor returned.

"That was reckless," she chastised, though her voice lacked its usual bite. "You could have been killed."

"Maybe," Tayden admitted, shrugging off the concern. "But so could you."

Eula sighed, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "You and I are going to have a long talk about this later."

Tayden chuckled, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Looking forward to it. But first, we've got a dragon to deal with."

She followed his gaze upward, where Stormterror continued its assault, undeterred by the city's defenses. Eula's grip tightened around her claymore

"Since you decided to come all this way, im guessing you have a plan?" she asked, casting him a sidelong glance.

He met her gaze head-on, a confident smile forming. "Actually, I do. But I'll need your help."

Eula arched an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "I'm listening."


Tayden's explained his plan to Eula. "My blood can ignite into a fire more potent than normal pyro energy," his eyes locking with hers. "If I can get to Timaeus's stash and grab a vial of 'Flaming Essential Oil,' I can splatter my blood onto Stormterror and set him on fire."

Eula stared at him, her expression a mix of disbelief and concern. "Are you out of your mind?" she snapped, her voice rising with each word. "You want to splatter your blood on a dragon and set it on fire? That's suicidal, Tayden!"

He tried to explain, to tell her about his regenerative abilities, but she was too caught up in her tirade. "You could die out there!" her voice laced with frustration. "And what makes you think you can even get close enough to do something like that? Also since when could you do something like that?! This is reckless, even for you!"

Tayden knew he had to show her. Words wouldn't convince her—she needed proof. Without hesitation, he grabbed her claymore, and before Eula could react, he pressed his finger against the blade and sliced it clean off.

Eula gasped, her eyes widening in horror as she grabbed his hand. "What are you doing?!"

But then, as she watched, the impossible happened. The blood that had pooled at the end of his severed finger began to recede, and in its place, new flesh grew rapidly. Within moments, his finger was whole again, as if nothing had happened. Eula's grip on his hand loosened, and she stared at him, speechless.

Tayden met her gaze, his expression resolute. "I can regenerate, Eula. Faster than you can imagine. People are dying out there, and Stormterror isn't going to stop. We have to do something."

Eula's face was a storm of emotions—anger, fear, disbelief—but slowly, she nodded. "It's true that the last attack only seemed to enrage Stormterror more. If we don't stop it now…"

She trailed off, her thoughts racing, then looked back at Tayden with a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of the world. "Alright. We'll do this your way. But after it's over, you owe me a big explanation and mark my words I will have my vengeance on you."

Tayden couldn't help but smile, the tension easing just a little. "Deal."

With that, the two of them rushed toward the alchemy table, their footsteps echoing against the cracked stone streets of Mondstadt. The city was in ruins, but they pushed forward, determined to carry out their plan.

The alchemy table was in sight, but as they approached, another explosion shook the ground, the force of it nearly knocking them off their feet. Tayden looked up, his eyes widening as he saw Stormterror swooping lower, its massive claws tearing through buildings as it aimed to cause as much destruction as possible.

But then, as if drawn by some unseen force, the dragon turned its attention to the grand cathedral at the heart of Mondstadt. With a powerful beat of its wings, it ascended, landing on the statue of Barbatos, its claws digging into the stone as it let out a deafening roar.

"This is our chance!" Eula shouted, her voice cutting through the chaos. Without waiting for a response, she took off toward the statue, her claymore gleaming in the dim light.

Tayden followed close behind, his thoughts racing as he mentally prepared himself. "Focus all your blood, pump as much as you can into one arm!", feeling the rush of energy surge through him as he ran up the seemingly endless stairs toward the statue.


When they reached the base of the statue, Stormterror was already preparing another attack. Its massive form seemed to glow with energy, and Tayden could feel the raw power radiating from the dragon.

"I'll distract him! Make sure you don't mess up!" Eula said and without waiting for a reply, she planted her claymore into the stone and used it as a springboard, launching herself into the air. As she ascended, she pulled her claymore free and with a fierce cry, slashed at Stormterror's face, her blade glowing with cryo energy.

The impact of her attack caused Stormterror to roar in pain and lose its grip on the statue, its massive body crashing to the ground below. As it struggled to right itself, Tayden saw his opportunity. With a burst of speed, he jumped onto its back, his hands gripping the rough, scaly surface as he fought to stay on.

From this vantage point, he could see the strange, dark purple spikes protruding from Stormterror's back—infected and corrupted by something malevolent. Gritting his teeth, Tayden focused, gathering all the blood he could into his arm. He knew what he had to do, but the thought of ripping off his own arm made his stomach churn. Still, he readied himself, knowing that there was no other way.

Just as he was about to act, Stormterror roared, its body shaking in pain. Tayden nearly lost his grip, his heart racing as he clung desperately to the dragon. Below, he saw Stormterror lock its enraged eyes on Eula and lunge at her, its claws tearing through the air with lethal intent.

"Eula!" Tayden shouted, panic surging through him as he watched the scene unfold. Eula dodged the initial attack, preparing to counter, but the dragon's tail lashed out, striking her with brutal force. She was sent flying through the Barbatos statue, her body crashing to the ground with a sickening thud.

The statue began to crumble, pieces of stone raining down around them. Stormterror, sensing an opportunity, charged toward the fallen Eula, its massive form barreling through the collapsing statue. Debris flew in all directions, and Tayden knew he had to act—now.

With a fierce yell, Tayden forced all his blood into his arm and, in one swift motion, tore it off, sending a spray of blood across Stormterror's back. The dragon screamed in surprise and pain. Tayden focused on the dragon's eyes, ensuring they were doused in blood, knowing it would inflict even more pain.

But before he could follow through with his plan, Stormterror roared and took to the skies, its massive wings carrying it higher and higher above Mondstadt. Tayden lost his grip on the vial of Flaming Essential Oil, but he caught it just in time as they soared into the clouds.

"Tayden!" he heard her scream, her voice distant and filled with desperation as he was carried away.


The wind whipped around Tayden, stinging his eyes as he clung to the dragon for dear life. His arm had already begun to regenerate, the pain intense but manageable. Stormterror flew erratically, twisting and turning in an attempt to throw him off, but Tayden held firm, his resolve unshaken.

With the vial gripped tightly in his hand, Tayden raised it high and, with all the strength he could muster, he smashed it against Stormterror's back. "Burn, you overgrown lizard!" , his voice lost in the storm as the blood ignited, flames erupting in a glorious dark red and pink hue.

The flames spread rapidly, consuming Stormterror's body as it roared in pain. The burning dragon was a sight to behold, a fiery beacon that could be seen all across Mondstadt. The city fell silent as people looked up in shock and confusion, unsure of what they were witnessing.

All except for Eula, who stared up at the sky, a mixture of relief and disbelief washing over her. She laughed, the sound tinged with joy. "That insufferable idiot actually did it!"

Before she could celebrate further, footsteps approached from behind. Eula turned to see Amber, breathless and wide-eyed as she took in the scene. "Eula, are you alright? What happened?"

But before Eula could respond, a deafening roar echoed through the sky. Stormterror, its body ablaze, began to plummet, its descent swift and uncontrolled. Eula's eyes widened in horror as she saw Tayden still clinging to the dragon's back.

"No!" she screamed, grabbing Amber by the arm. "We have to get to him, now!"

The two knights sprinted across the debris-strewn streets, following the dragon's descent as it crashed into the outskirts of the city. Tayden was thrown from its back, his body hurtling through the air before slamming into the ground with bone-shattering force.

He cried out in pain, his leg impaled by a jagged piece of debris, blood pooling around him. Through the haze of pain, he saw one of the purple spikes on Stormterror's back, now cracked and damaged. But before he could free himself, the fire that had engulfed the dragon began to die out, the flames sputtering as they consumed the last of his blood.

Stormterror, furious and desperate, locked its gaze on Tayden, its eyes burning with hatred. It began to charge, its massive form hurtling toward him with terrifying speed. Tayden struggled to move, but the debris stuck through his leg made him unable to move.


The dragon's attack was swift and brutal, a close-range blast of wind that sent Tayden flying all the way to Mondstadts outer walls.

Tayden hit the wall of Mondstadt with a sickening splat, his body crumpling to the ground in a twisted heap. Pain radiated through him, but it barely registered as his vision blurred, darkness creeping in at the edges. The world around him seemed to slow, all of it faded as unconsciousness claimed him. 'am I.. gonna die?'

When he finally blacked out, the last thing he heard was Stormterror's enraged roar as it prepared to unleash another devastating attack.


The battlefield was chaos. Buildings lay in ruins, and the once vibrant city of Mondstadt was now a battlefield. But amidst the destruction, two figures stood defiant against the onslaught of the dragon—a towering beast that had brought the city to its knees.

Amber, her eyes narrowed with fierce determination, watched as Stormterror, eyes glowing with malice, charged up another attack. She had to act fast. With a swift motion, she summoned her ultimate weapon... Baron Bunny!, the decoy bouncing playfully before the dragon. It seemed almost ridiculous, this small, cheerful toy against such a monstrous foe, but Amber knew its power.

Baron Bunny blinked, its cheerful expression unwavering as it drew the dragon's attention. Stormterror hesitated for a moment, its massive head lowering as it locked onto the decoy. Then, in a flash, Baron Bunny exploded, the force of the blast disorienting the dragon and sending it reeling back.

"Yes! Take that!", her heart racing as she realized her plan had worked. But there was no time to celebrate. She saw Stormterror shaking off the explosion, its eyes narrowing in anger as it turned its attention to her. The dragon began charging another attack, its body glowing with lethal energy.

But Amber wasn't afraid. Instead, she smirked, her eyes flicking to a shadow that moved with lightning speed. Stormterror lunged at her, its massive maw opening to unleash its fury, but before it could strike, a blur of blue slammed into its jaw with the force of a thunderclap.

Eula's claymore connected with a satisfying crunch, the impact sending the dragon's head snapping back. Stormterror stumbled, momentarily disoriented by the powerful blow. Amber watched in awe as Eula, her face set in grim determination, landed lightly on her feet, her blade already poised for another strike.

The dragon snarled, its glowing eyes searching for its attacker, but Eula was already behind it. She moved with fluid grace, her every step calculated as she closed in on the creature. "This is Vengeance!" , her voice roared as she brought her claymore down in a devastating downward slash.

Her blade struck the cracked crystal on Stormterror's back with a resounding crash, the force of the impact sending a shockwave through the air. The dragon let out a deafening roar of pain as the crystal shattered, it was flung backward, crashing through several buildings as it tumbled to the ground.

For a moment, the battlefield was silent, the only sound the distant howl of the wind. Amber stared, wide-eyed, as the massive beast lay in a heap, smoke rising from the wounds inflicted by Tayden's burning blood and Eula's final blow.

But Stormterror wasn't done yet. With a pained, guttural growl, the dragon forced itself to its feet, wings unfurling as it prepared to take flight. It was a battered and broken creature, but it still had the strength to escape.

Eula and Amber watched as the dragon, deciding it was no longer worth the fight, beat its wings and lifted off, retreating into the sky with a final, mournful roar. As it disappeared beyond the clouds, the storm began to dissipate, the dark skies giving way to the first rays of dawn.

For a brief moment, all was still. Then, the silence was shattered by the cries of joy and relief that spread across the city. Citizens and knights alike emerged from their shelters, cheering and crying as they realized the battle was over. Stormterror had been driven away.

Amber turned to Eula, her face breaking into a wide grin. "We did it, Eula! We actually did it!"

Eula, still catching her breath, allowed herself a small smile. "Yes… We did."

But as the adrenaline began to fade, a chilling thought crossed her mind. "Where's Tayden?"

Amber's smile faltered as she too realized they hadn't seen him since the battle began. The two women exchanged a glance before their eyes were drawn to a splatter of blood on one of Mondstadt's walls.

"No… no, no, no," Eula muttered, her heart sinking as she rushed toward the wall, Amber close on her heels. As they approached, the sight that greeted them made their blood run cold.

Tayden's body lay crumpled at the base of the wall, mangled beyond recognition. His arm dangled by a few shreds of muscle, his legs twisted at unnatural angles. Worst of all, his neck was twisted 180 degrees, his head facing the wrong way in a gruesome display. It was a sight that would haunt them for years to come.

Eula felt tears welling up in her eyes as she dropped to her knees beside him. "No… no no no no," she whispered, the tears threatening the spill over as she reached out to touch his broken body. Amber stood frozen in shock, her hands covering her mouth .

But then, a faint cracking sound filled the air, followed by a grotesque but unmistakable sight—Tayden's body began to heal itself. His legs twisted back into place with sickening pops, his arm regrew slowly, and finally, his head snapped back into position, the bones realigning with an audible crack.

For a moment, there was silence. Then, with a sudden gasp, Tayden's chest heaved, his lungs filling with air as he jolted back to life. He coughed violently, his body shuddering as it adjusted to its newly restored state.

Eula, who had been paralyzed with shock, suddenly lunged forward, pulling him into a tight embrace. "Tayden!" she cried, her voice choked with emotion. Amber, with a relieved smile, quickly joined in, the three of them collapsing into a pile of relieved laughter and tears.

Tayden, still disoriented, managed a weak smile. "Did we win?" his voice hoarse.

Eula pulled back just enough to look at him, her eyes shining with a mix of anger and relief. "Yes, we did, you reckless idiot. But you have a lot of explaining to do."

Tayden chuckled, though the sound was more of a wheeze. "I'm looking forward to it."

As they finally let go of each other, Tayden glanced around at the stunned faces of the citizens and knights who had gathered to witness his miraculous recovery. He looked up at the now-clear sky, the dawn breaking over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the ravaged city.

With a deep breath, he let out a laugh—a laugh that was filled with exhaustion and relief "It's over... it's finally over."

But before he could say anything more, his vision blurred once again, and the world faded to black. The last thing he heard was Eula's frantic voice calling his name as she and Amber rushed to his side.

SadGetti SadGetti

A fight scene is hard to write :" but hopefully this was a good one. Not bad for a first boss fight scene right?

next chapter
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