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100% Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory / Chapter 52: Chapter 52 Nymeria Footly

Bab 52: Chapter 52 Nymeria Footly

 Looking at the ruins of Old Toumble Town from a distance is completely different from looking at it from a close up. Only when you really stand in front of these ruins can you truly feel why the Blood Dragon Dances? At that time, the Green Party and the Black Party were competing for this place.

 The Highgarden warhorse under Linde's crotch was unwilling to continue walking outside the town. Apparently, the animal's intuition made it feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the ruins. On the contrary, Glory became particularly excited, jumping back and forth, unwilling to be quiet. Come down.

 Lind had to tie his horse to a small tree outside the ruins and then walk to the ruined castle at the top of the hillside.

 The moment he entered the town, Glory couldn't help but start to devour the resentful soul energy floating in this area, and the energy that couldn't be swallowed was introduced into Linde's body.

 Because he had already experienced it once, Linde was able to cope with it very well, but his face still became very pale uncontrollably.

 Linde walked very fast, and soon he arrived outside the ruins of the castle. At this time, he saw a very weak fire flashing inside the ruins of the castle, but he had not been able to detect it in advance because it was blocked by the wall.

 "Who is it?" The person who lit the fire in the castle heard Lind's footsteps and asked.

 "Woman?" That was a woman's voice. After hearing this, Lind couldn't help but be stunned. It was obviously unreasonable for a woman to appear in the deserted ruins late at night, so he put on the hood of his cloak and covered it. He looked at his face which had turned pale due to the energy of the resentful soul, and said: "A traveler who came here to pay homage to the site of the Dance of the Dragon."

 Hearing Linde's self-introduction, the woman in the ruins of the castle was silent for a moment, Then like a master, he said: "Come in! This is just a ruin, not something worth seeing."

 After hearing this, Linde waved to Glory, indicating it was to stay outside, and then walked in alone.

 The moment he entered the ruins of the castle, the first thing that caught Lind's attention was not the ruins, but the woman standing in the ruins.

 "So tall! So strong!" When Lind saw the woman for the first time, he couldn't help but exclaim in wonder.

 It is no exaggeration to say that this woman is at least two meters tall, about thirty to forty meters tall. Standing in front of her at Lind's height would be a head shorter. He suspected that this woman had the blood of a giant in her body. After all, in Ice and Fire In this world, giants are real.

 Through the weak firelight, Linde saw the appearance of this tall woman. Although she could not be called beautiful, she was pretty decent. Under her golden hair, she had a pair of bright eyes. Her high and raised nose was a little crooked. She looked She must have been injured but not healed. She has some small freckles on her face, but they are not ugly. In addition, her facial features are somewhat tough, which makes her look more masculine and heroic.


 I don't know why Lind thought this woman looked familiar the first time he saw her. After thinking about it quickly, he realized what made him feel familiar.

 The figure and appearance of the woman in front of him are very similar to the female Nord warrior who killed a werewolf with one hand in the promotional animation of the game The Elder Scrolls Online that he played in his previous life. The only difference is that now this woman is only wearing a uniform. Ordinary peasant clothes, while the female warrior wore armor and held a large axe.

 However, even if this woman is not wearing armor or holding a weapon, she is still extremely intimidating. No wonder she dares to come to this supposedly haunted ruins alone at night without fear of the arrival of a strange man.

 While Linde was observing this woman, the woman was also looking Linde up and down, and to the woman, Linde was also very weird.

 To say that he is weird does not mean that he deliberately wears a cloak and hood in such a dark environment, nor does it mean that the exquisite leather armor and combat boots on his feet are not at all what a traveler should wear. What really makes women feel weird is Linde was actually equipped with four swords. In addition to the two swords on his waist, he also carried two swords on his back.

 The woman is also proficient in various weapons. She can easily tell from the details such as the sword hilts that the two swords behind her back are half-hand swords. What caught her attention were the two knight swords at her waist.

 Although she could pick up and swing the two knight swords at the same time with her strength, she could never use them freely.

 The stranger in front of her who claimed to be a traveler seemed to be wielding two swords because, from the position of the two knight swords on his waist, it was easy to tell that he used two swords. She really couldn't imagine using both hands in a battle. What it's like to fight with a knight's sword.

 "Crazy!" was the woman's first comment when she saw Lind dressed like this.

 "Or a fool!" came the second comment.

 "You are not a traveler." The woman spoke very directly. She picked up the logging ax that had been placed aside and looked at Linde.

 "You are not a farmer either." Linde had already vaguely guessed who this woman was, so he bowed slightly and saluted her, saying: "Countess Nymeria Footly."

 The woman was not recognized by Linde because of herself. And she was surprised. After all, her figure and shape were so outstanding. Anyone who had heard of her reputation would have a hard time admitting her mistake.

 "Who are you?" Nymeria asked in a deep voice.

 Linde did not hide his identity and said: "Lind from White Village, but now I have a name, Linde Terra."

 "Lind from White Village?" Nymeria was stunned and seemed to have thought of it. What, said: "Lind the Bear Hunter?"

 The song of the Bear Hunter should have been spread here.

 "That's right." Linde bowed and admitted.

 Nymeria once again clenched the ax handle in her hand and said in a deep voice: "Are you here to kill me?"

 Lind was stunned for a moment, very surprised by this question, and asked: "Why do you think that, Lord Earl?" Am I here to kill you?"

 Nymeria seemed to sense that Lind had no ill intentions. She relaxed a little and said with a slightly teasing tone: "Maybe it's because I am the illegitimate son of Prince Lewin, the martyr of the Targaryen Dynasty. Girl, maybe I occupy a good place and make people jealous."

 Linde smiled and said: "Prince Lewen's illegitimate daughter is just a rumor, and even if you are Prince Lewen's illegitimate daughter, Lao King Bo will not take his anger out on you because of a dead person. You know that even the fearless Barristan can accommodate him, so how can he not accommodate you? As for occupying a good place and making people jealous, this It's possible."

 "You seem to know something?" Nymeria was very smart and heard some hidden information in Lind's words.

 "Know a little bit," Lind admitted.

 Nymeria looked at Lind and said in a deep voice: "I have heard the Bear Hunter's song about you, and you don't sound like the song."

 "People change," Lind explained He said: "I think the Bear Hunter's song you heard, Lord Count, should be the old version. After what was told in the song, a lot of things happened. For example, I am now a knight."

 "Knight?" Nymeria also had a look of surprise on her face. Although she was destined to be a count from the moment she was born, she also knew very well how difficult it is for an ordinary person to become a knight, so she couldn't help but be curious. Asked: "Can you tell me about it?"

"Of course." Lind did not intend to stand and speak but found a suitable large stone to sit on, and then he became the knight attendant of Fortimo Klein on the recommendation of Joel Flower. Then he went with the Tyrell family team to King's Landing to participate in the tourney, and some of the things that happened in the tourney were abridged and told to Nymeria.

 "You beat up the king, and then the king made you a knight and invited you to join the Kingsguard?" Nymeria's face was full of disbelief when she heard King Robert made him a knight.

 Lind smiled and said: "Our King Robert is not a qualified king, nor a qualified noble, but he is a good warrior."

 Nymeria didn't seem to agree with Lin De. Although she didn't refute De's words, she then asked Linde: "Then why did you come to my remote place now? Don't tell me that you really came to see these ruins."

 Linde did not hide anything and confessed directly. He said: "I came here this time mainly under the order of Duke Tyrell to suppress the bandits in this area, and the location of Tengshi Town is very suitable as a central stronghold."

 "Suppressing bandits? You brought the army here?" Nymeria hesitated and asked.

 Linde said frankly: "My cavalry team is currently staying in a dense forest not far away. There are two hundred official combat personnel, all of whom are cavalry, and there are dozens of people in the logistics team."

 "You want to let your People be stationed here?" Nymeria frowned and confirmed.

 "I do have this idea. Of course, it depends on whether you are willing, Lord Count." Lind saw Nymeria's thinking look and added: "However, before that, I think there are other things to do. ."

 "What do you mean?" Nymeria obviously misunderstood Lind's words and clenched the ax in her hand again.

 Lind said calmly: "When I came here, I wiped out a group of bandits called the Blood Shoes Brotherhood. I think you, Lord Earl, should know their origins?"

 Nymeria was stunned and said. : "Brotherhood of Blood Shoes? Isn't that the bandit group on the Golden Road?"

 Lind nodded and said: "Yes, but Duke Tywin recently sent troops to wipe out them, and their remnants fled to the Mander River. The area to the east is your territory."

 "It seems like I should thank you." Nymeria raised her eyebrows and said.

 Although the actual territory Nymeria controls is only the small village of Tengshi Town, the land she nominally controls is very large. The large areas of land on both sides of the Mander River, leading to Rose Avenue and Golden Avenue, are nominally owned by the Fu Deli family. soil of.

 It's just that since the Dance of the Dragons, these lands have begun to escape the control of the Fu Deli family, so Nymeria now does not regard these lands as her own territory at all, and Linde wants to eliminate those entrenched in them. Robbers can't produce any special emotions like gratitude.

 "No, that's not the point." Linde emphasized and said, "Later, I obtained some information. The information mentioned that more than a dozen bandit groups are now gathering together to form a bandit group called the Poisonous Scorpion Society. The Bandit Alliance, their goal is to loot Tumstone Town."

 Nymeria said with a surprised look on her face: "Robbing Tumstone Town? Are they all stupid? Are they here to rob stones?"

 While surprised, Nymeria Ya also felt a little confused. The bandits in this area knew very well how poor Tengshi Town was, so they basically would not waste manpower and material resources to come here to steal things. The Poisonous Scorpion Society was also a bandit entrenched in this land, so it stands to reason It is said that one should know the actual situation in Tengshi Town and should not make such a decision.

 Lind continued: "The dozen bandits gathered by the Poisonous Scorpion are all from the bandit gangs near the Golden Road. They are also the targets of Duke Tywin's suppression this time."

 Nymeria is very smart and soon realizes Lind came to what he wanted to say and confirmed: "You mean Duke Tywin wants to use these bandits to..."

 Nymeria did not continue, she knew very well that some words could not be said clearly.

 She was silent for a moment, picked up the ax, walked towards the ruins of the castle, and said to Lind: "Follow me."

 Lind did not refuse, stood up, and followed Nymeria out of the ruins of the castle.

 After walking for a while, Nymeria suddenly stopped, raised her axe, stared at the shadow of a ruined wall next to her, and reminded at the same time: "Be careful, over there..."

 "Don't be nervous, Lord Earl. That's my partner." Lind stepped forward and stopped Nymeria's attack, and then saw Glory walking out of the shadows, coming to Lind's side, rubbing against Lind, and then again He looked at Nymeria curiously.

 Glory's reaction also surprised Linde, because this was the first time that Glory didn't bar his teeth at anyone other than him. You should know that even if Raul, who is responsible for feeding him every day, approaches it, he will show his fangs and make an attack move.

 "Is this a shadow lynx?" Nymeria was stunned and confirmed.

 "Yes." Linde nodded.

 "Are you a shapechanger?" Nymeria couldn't help but ask curiously.

 "No." Linde shook his head.

 Perhaps she felt that if she continued to inquire, she might touch on Lind's secret, so Nymeria did not continue to ask. After taking another look at the shadow lynx, she continued walking down the mountain.

 They quickly walked down the hillside and arrived at Tengshi Town.

 Although it is only a village-sized town, there is still a tavern here. From the sounds coming from the tavern, it is easy to tell that many people have gathered there.

 Nymeria walked directly outside the tavern, signaled Lind to tie the horse at the door, and then led Lind into the tavern.

 Just as Lind guessed, the tavern was full of people, but what surprised him was that the people in the tavern were not farmers from Tengshi Town, but a group of Dornishmen wearing armor and weapons, and among these Dornishmen were Some of them looked familiar. Lind seemed to have seen them at the tourney. They were Martell warriors sent by Dorn to participate in the tourney.

 Among this group of Dornishmen, there is one person who is very special. He has short black hair, and angular facial features, and looks a bit similar to Nymeria, but his eyes are colder, and combined with his lazy look, he feels like... A venomous snake entrenched that looks harmless but is actually deadly.

 "Red Viper." Seeing this Dornish man with a special temperament, a name came to Lind's mind.

 (End of chapter)

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