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Small Talk

//If you're interested in teading the new BC fanfic, drop by Patre0n and purchase a tier for as little as $3 and help me reach my goal. I'm dropping two kf them today.


As usual, If we can each the goal, I can make this a full time thing and keep pumping out four chapters a day. If you can, feel free to donate. No pressure though. We're making amazing progress. We're almos there!!!

And would you look at that, we made it to $200. Let's try for $300 next.

1 chaps on Patreon today if interested. I'll be posting more free chapters tomorrow so stay tuned.


Goal: $239/$400


The camp was abuzz after that, everyone shifting about in excitement and curiosity as Chiron walked over to the confused daughter of Athena, of whom was still clutching the flag like it was her only lifeline. For some odd reason, rather than look surprised, confused, or any of the other emotions one might possess when a glorified female mummy began walking, the elder centaur just looked grim, as if he was at someone's funeral.

Without a word, he touched Annabeth on her shoulder and gave a small gesture with his head. Without the slightest communication between the two, the girl climbed onto his back, handing the flag back to Chion before riding out.

(("What even was that?")) Chion questioned as he stuck the flag into the ground. (("A walking mummy that spouted rhymes? Friend saved, friend lost, curse befalling son of frost. Was it a prophecy?"))

"That was the Oracle Of Delphi." As if reading his thoughts, Luke spoke up. "It's responsible for giving out prophecies for quests."

Chion tilted his head, briefly eyeing Luke as he approached. The white-haired youth had definitely heard about the Oracle during the last month or so, but he hadn't actually seen it in person until that particular moment. It was supposed to reside within the attic of the Big House and wait until someone stood before it, or at least that's how it had been described. No one had mentioned the fact that it could actually walk, let alone seek out someone to issue a prophecy and quest directly. Especially Annabeth, who was already awaiting a quest of her own, waiting for the appearance of a child of the Big Three.

"So Annabeth got a quest just now, then?" Chion inquired. "Wasn't she supposed to be waiting for "the one' or something akin to that?"

"Yeah." Luke had a strange look on his face. "It's odd."

"You alright?" The youth turned towards him fully. "Something on your mind?"

Luke seemed to realize he was making a face and immediately smiled. "It's nothing. Come on. It's almost time for dinner, so let's hit the showers and get ready."

After that, everyone began to flush towards their cabins, chatting amongst themselves. Over the course of the month, the camp had been steadily growing bigger and bigger, namely due to new demigods as well as the approaching winter holidays. Some individuals who were homeschooled would wrap things up and finish their curriculum at the camp whilst others would arrive simply because the monster attacks were becoming too much for them. Whatever the case may be, Camp HalfBlood had nearly doubled in size in comparison to when Chion had first arrived. This was both a good thing and a terrible thing. More people meant a bigger wait for the bath, more crowded Hermes Cabin for the unclaimed, and more people swiping the good food off the table during mealtimes. Conversely, it also meant more people to chat with, to train with, and to run experiments on. So it kinda evened out.

Chions mind wasn't really on that, though. It was mainly still stuck on what the female zombie had said.

//You will travel to the island far out at sea, Obtain the item your companion seeks//

This was in reference to Annabeth since the Oracle had clearly been talking to her the entire time, and since it was in regard to her alone, it could mean anything. Leaving the island part alone for a second, it was almost impossible to figure out which companion Delphi had been referring to since Annabeth had more than a number of them. Even if they meant close ones, Chion could only think of Luke since he didn't think he himself was all that close to her. Sure they had gotten closer over the last month but he didn't know what she personally thought of him. She always kept her thoughts to herself on the matter.

And even if it DID mean him, was there something he was after? None that he could recall off the top of his head.

//One friend saved and another one lost, a curse befalls the Son of Frost//

The last part of this line definitely referred to Chion, him being the only demigod at the camp with access to snow related powers. Though it was definitely worded weird. Maybe it was solely for the rhyme, but why not say ice or snow, why frost? Maybe he was just nitpicking everything but it just felt off. As for the first line, again, if could refer to a number of individuals.

//A scent that strengthens with further power, a choice to leave or be devoured//

He had no clue about this last line. If it was in reference to Annabeth, than he didn't really know about such a thing.

The lines kept circulating through his head like a broken record, blasting the insides of his skull. More importantly, Chion wanted to know what Annabeth thought of the entire situation and how she was taking the sudden change fate had taken. From having awaited the arrival of one person in particular to getting a quest of her own, it was likely that the transition had been incredibly jarring. If anything else, he wanted to make sure she was alright and that she was faring okay.

However, for the last portion of the day, from the shower to dinner, he didn't see her. There was one less at the Athena table that night and even when Chion went looking for her, he was unable to locate her.

It was only when he thought to check near the camps borders, acting on a mere hunch, that he managed to find her. Positioned at the base of the pine tree, away from the prying eyes of others behind a pile of red and brown leaves, Annabeth was plopped down with her legs close to her chest. She was lost in thought, her head low as she glanced over a bright silver ring with an unknown insignia. She looked relatively normal except for the fact that her hair was disheveled and she looked as if she had been crying, her eyes puffy and bloodshot. That quickly changed when Chion cleared his throat, announcing his presence.

Slightly startled, Annabeth quickly tucked the ring away into her pocket. "Oh, Brain Freeze. It's you. What're you doing here?"

"Nothing much." Chion moved closer, squatting in place after he reached her side. "Just out for a nighttime stroll. Taking in the sights. Admiring the beauty of the night."

"Hardy har har."

Chion grinned a bit, punching her in the shoulder. "I didn't see you at dinner. Figured I'd look for you. Make sure you were alright after that mummy talk you experienced."

"Mummy talk?" Annabeth looked like she was fighting off a grin, as if she was trying her best to stay gloomy. "You mean Delphi?"

"Tomato tomahto. Same thing, really." The white-haired youth fully plopped down onto the leaf strewn ground, letting out a sigh of relief in exchange. Just like always, a wave of cold air exuded from the boys' exhale, drifting through the air. "I'm not gonna pretend like I know what you're going through, though I can make some guesses. I just wanted to check and make sure you weren't trying to throw yourself off the nearest cliff."

Annabeth said nothing at first. The only sounds in the area were the chirping of crickets, and the noise produced by various nocturnal critters spread out through the wilderness around them.

"I'll be fine." Annabeth picked at the blue hoodie she was wearing, something she had grown accustomed to using from all the times Chion had to hand it off to her. From recent weeks, those who stood near the white-haired youth had felt chills down their spine, but when she wore the hoodie, she didn't get them for some reason. "I'm just trying to process it all."

"Anything that you wanna talk about?"

"Not really." She jabbed at a few leaves that were on the ground. "Not in the mood."

"How about we share then?" Chion gave her a sideways glance. "I can give you one of my experiences in exchange for one of yours."

"Pfft. You have experiences?" Annabeth let out an unintentional snort before realizing she was supposed to be upset.

"Nothing about my past, obviously, but there was an incident I ran into while back in the forest." The youth rubbed the back of his head. "Not my finest moment."

"I can't recall you EVER having any finer moments."

"Shut it."

Annabeth smiled softly. "Okay, so what WAS this incident then?"

"It happened maybe 3 days ago?" Chion touched his chin as he recalled the scene. "I was trying to get a good layout of deeper parts of the forest and maybe hunt some monsters as well. I didn't make it very far."


The youth carefully marked an interesting looking tree on his parchment paper, eyeballing the surrounding area. Chion wasn't sure how long he had been out there but he reckoned that it was almost time to head back for lunch. Having started his exploration some hour and a half prior during his alloted free time, he didn't have much left to work with. Ergo, he opted to dive just slightly deeper before returning to camp.

"Chion Pagos. The snowman. I'd recognize that hair anywhere."

Before the youth could even react to the voice, some sort of vine descended from above and wrapped around his ankle and left arm, snagging him in a grip he couldn't break.

Before he knew it, he was hanging upside down, ensnared from head to toe.

"You're the one who nearly froze us to death. Do you know how cold we were for nearly two weeks??!! Now, we're gonna get our payback!!"


"Wait.....don't tell me-"

"It was the dryads from the patch of frozen forest," Chion admitted, shooting an embarrassed smile. "They ambushed me and then force fed me bottles of Pepsi as punishment."

Annabeth laughed. "How is that a punishment?"

"I've been tainted by inferiority. I've become one of you."

Annabeth slugged him in the shoulder but grinned from ear to ear, obviously no longer able to keep the gloomy look upon her visage. Without hesitation, Chion shoved her back.

"Fine. That was a pretty good story. Then I'll share a bit about me." Annabeth pulled the ring out from the pocket of Chions hoodie.

"You don't have to if you aren't up for it," Chion gave her look of indifference. "I mainly just wanted to cheer you up. The suffering of others obviously makes you happy, so I thought my pain and displeasure would lighten up the mood."

"You make me sound like evil incarnate."

The youth scoffed. "Are you not?"

Annabeth rolled her stormy grey eyes. "Shove it you wannabe Jack Frost."

The two of them sat together in silence for a while after that, only a much more upbeat one. The heavy atmosphere that had been present when Chion had first arrived had all but evaporated in light of the white-haired youths suffering via Pepsi consumption, leaving it far more cheerful. The two just enjoyed each others company, picking apart leaves and even trying to make an Eiffel Tower replica using twigs that happened to be lying around.

Eventually, though, Annabeth resumed what she was saying.

"I didn't want to burden you with something from my past." It was probably the first time the daughter of Athena had actually opened up to him, and instead of her usual strong and prideful demeanor, she looked incredibly vulnerable. "However, I guess telling you would help you understand."

Chion didn't reply, merely listening.

"I guess it starts when I first ran away from home and met Luke and another friend of mine." Annabeth took a deep breath, her voice trembling at the mention of the name. "Thalia Grace."

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