The silence that followed after Leviathan said that she wouldn't be going with her family did not simply come because they were over 30,000 feet underwater.
Abaddon, as well as all of his wives, had to wrestle with the fact that their daughter had just said no to going with them.
Why would she say no?!
Did she hate them already!?
Even Typhon, an empty bundle of rage and raw power, did not object to rejoining the family and receiving a new body.
So why was Little Levi refusing them?!
Abaddon remained calm as he tried to get to the bottom of this dilemma.
"My daughter, can you tell me why you-"
"She hates us!"
"We're terrible mothers!"
"I-I was goin to knit her a onesie and a pair of booties!"
"I wanted to be pregnant with her!"
Gradually, Abaddon turned around and saw his wives were all crying all over each other, seemingly bordering on a mental breakdown.
I know I been spending too much this month Wells Fargo text me 3 times to ask if I had my card stolen
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