"...You're stupid." Gabbrielle finally decided after a long silence.
"You are actually talking about cutting off the fingers of Yesh as if such a thing could ever possibly phase him. Not to mention the fact that you asked me to call him here. What do you think our father would do if he sensed a man, even god himself, in my room at the night?"
Mira looked down at the floor awkwardly as she shuffled her feet. "He would blow this whole-"
"He would blow this whole place up, yes." Gabbrielle finished.
Mira shook her head hard as if she remained undeterred.
"I-It doesn't matter! I'm going to make that old shit give daddy his powers back, and if you won't help me then I'll just go find him myself!" True to her word, she started to storm out the door again.
A smooth, shiny white tail that glimmered with all of the colors of the rainbow shot out and snatched Mira up by her torso.
"Gabbrielleee!! Let me go!"
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