The air was completely still.
Even though Abaddon's newest baby girl had just been born, he was already contemplating the very real possibility that he was going to die before she learned to drive.
"Why does she sound like that?" Valerie raised a brow.
"N-No idea-" Abaddon began.
"Our husband thought that it wold be a good idea to let Nyx's son fight Satan." Erica snitched.
"I didn't think it was a good idea! He wanted to do it on his own!" Abaddon clarified.
Another series of bangs rocked the bedroom door and the family decided that it was better to open it on their own before the Night Goddess just knocked it down.
When Abaddon opened the door, he found Nyx standing all by her lonesome in a dark hallway.
The hallway shouldn't have been dark, she was just sucking in every particle of light around her like a beautiful black hole of rage.
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