"...This is really stupid."
"I already told you that it would be though, peach?"
"Not this stupid!"
Currently, Abaddon and Gabbrielle were on one of the abandoned planets taken from Yaldabaoth.
In the middle of a large empty field, the dragon god was encased in a small translucent box of unbreakable spacial magic.
Gabbrielle was standing safety outside of it, wearing the meanest, and cutest scowl that her father had ever seen.
"I know that I often tell you that you should not do something, but this is something you truly should not do." She reaffirmed.
"But think of the potential gains!"
"Think of erasing yourself and leaving all of my mothers as widows."
At this, Abaddon did become slightly more serious.
He kneeled down inside of the barrier and placed his hand up against the wall.
His daughter mimicked this action, and placed her little hand over his own.
Since the sory began, I've been kind of reluctant to get to this point tbh.
I mean everybody likes op characters in theory, but people also get bored of them really quickloy and ig that's what I'm worried about.
But, I will do my best to make sure that Abaddon still remains interesting as an mc even if he is now beyond equal.
...or at least I hope it works like that.
fuck i'm nervous...
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