In the open fields outside of Luxuria, a massive black dragon with three heads was laying on the ground and appeared to be in a rather foul mood.
"This feels more embarrassing than it should." he grumbled.
Audrina: "Just relax, beloved."
Bekka: "There is no reason for you to feel embarrassed, you know this is necessary."
Lailah: "Be a good dragon and let us finish and I promise we'll make it up to you later."
"...I suppose I can live with this then."
As the wives burst into fits of giggles, they continued on with their current task without missing a beat.
Abaddon currently looked like a living jungle gym as his body was currently being crawled over by various dwarven workers.
The goal of this humiliation was to collect Abaddon's scales and take them to Valerie's workshop where they would be repurposed into weapons and armor.
Currently reading re:monster again for the eigth time while my daughter watches baby sensory videos. This is bliss.