The creature that descended fro the midst of the storm wasn't one that was uncommon to see in these lands.
Locusts are a fairly popular pet in Tehom; with three out of five homes owning at least one.
However, the ones that willingly let themselves be pets to just anyone are similar to corgis or chihuahuas in terms of power and temperament.
Those ridden by the Euphrates into battle are specifically bred for war; and bear the largest amount of Abaddon's magic in their bodies.
The difference is apparent with just a single look, as they go from being the size of a small grizzly bear to a full grown rhinoceros.
But Bagheera was somehow above even them.
He had a bit more musculature than other members of his species, and his hooves were so perfect and powerful that they threatened to crack the ground with every step.
His presence, though monstrous, was also noble and commanded equal parts fear and respect from onlookers.
I feel like we should skip Fourth of July this year it’s too hot to barbecue after 5 minutes of being outside imma be the same color as the meat on the grill
(side note) it’s a new month! as always, please keep helping me out with any golden tickets you can spare and I will buy you whatever kind of prostitute you want for Christmas :)