"You're mine!"
As Karliah lunged at the wives like a ravenous beast, they quickly mustered up a counter-offensive.
The brightly glowing gem in the center of their forehead became a sparkling blue color.
A neat beam of destructive silver energy came flying right out of the girls' forehead and made a beeline right for Karliah.
Unexpectedly, the pressurized energy cut through Karliah from her shoulder blade to her hip; bisecting her cleanly.
However, that did almost nothing to actually slow her down.
The Battle Nyasir came flying at Ayaana with both of her halves separated, and displayed a frightening level of ingenuity.
While her upper half slashed at the girls' chest to leave a long lasting cut, her legs worked in tandem with the rest of her to launch a series of devastating kicks to her stomach.
Ayaana thew up her shield at the last moment to protect herself while trying not to show her mysticism.
I would kill for a week off. idc who
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