The generals of the Uma-Sarru are referred to as the Nyasir.
All seven of them have certain specialities that make them the single most feared warriors in all of creation.
When they are unified, there exists not a force, god, or monster who is capable of subjugating them.
Your only option to preserve your sanity is to pray for a quick and merciful death at their hands.
From least to most powerful, they are the Blood Nyasir.
The Beast Nyasir.
The Flame Nyasir.
The Discord Nyasir.
The Death Nyasir.
The Ruin Nyasir.
And the Battle Nyasir; Karliah.
There is no enemy they have not felled, and no battle they have not emerged from without harm.
For Abaddon to so callously disregard them by telling them to move was not only insulting, but it was practically comical.
"We think not, challenger."
finally getting around to the bonus chapter sorry for the wait guys but I hope it is worth it.