Alone in his room, Abaddon was in the midst of getting dressed when he heard a sudden knock on his bedroom door.
With a flick of his finger, he opened the door without looking back and listened to the trail of footsteps entering his room.
"Come to make a last minute bid to change my mind?"
Glancing behind him, he found his parents and sisters standing around him like the old days.
Malenia and Kanami were glaring at him fiercely, just like when they were kids.
It should have been scary, but it actually brought back many fond memories of fighting with them.
"I thought we all agreed that you weren't going to stand in the way of our decision?" He asked.
"No one is here for that." Asmodeus dismissed. "Your sisters only came to share their well wishes."
Abaddon glanced at his sisters and found both of them still scowling at him just as they had been yesterday.
"…Yes, because they honestly look so repentant."
guys I don’t think I’m gonna be able to finish this novel, not because I don’t want to, but because THIS ALABAMA SUMMER HEAT IS BENDING ME OVER AND FUCKING ME TO DEATH EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!