After hearing Abaddon's laughter so clearly, there wasn't an immortal soul inside who wasn't mesmerized by the sound.
Including of course, Nyx.
She quickly crossed the room and rested her breasts atop his head.
It was then that she noticed that her friend was completely fine, just as he would have been at home.
"Hm? Aba-Daddy, you're fine?"
"What did you just call me..?"
"Don't like it?"
"Too bad!"
Abaddon wondered if this was how Demeter and Sif felt when he gave them their hated nicknames…
"Nyx, will you please get off of my husband please?" Lisa posed it like a question, but truth be told it wasn't a matter up for debate.
But Nyx already knew by now not to be fooled by her outwardly gentle smile.
Still, flirting with danger did always amuse her.
"Aww, you can have my attention too, Lovely Lisa. How bout a little kiss-"
""You will be kissing your life goodbye in the process!""
I hope this finds the right audience but I do not like Star Wars like that anymore… literally EVERYTHING they ever put out is either before the Jedi fell or during and I’m kinda sick of it.
it’s really bad with the during part cause these people will be like ‘we have to be the ones to stop Vader’ and it’s like… boy do I have news for you.
and don’t get me started on the new trilogy… ‘somehow palpatine returned’ my ass. I will fucking hang myself
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