On the sidelines, the odd pairing of Asmodeus, Discordia, and Eris were sitting with the rest of the offense, watching Abaddon's dominant performance take the crowd by storm.
A bit of jealousy began to crawl into the general of the Black Legion, and he folded his muscular arms across his chest.
"I don't get it... Why is everyone so obsessed with that brat of mine? My looks are clearly superior. "
Eris / Discordia : "They aren't."
"I smell better than him too."
Eris / Discordia : "You don't."
"...I'm more athletic than he is too."
Eris / Discordia : "Be for real."
The former demon lord gritted his teeth as he glared at the pair of women. "Bah! You two are both biased anyway! One of you is sleeping with him and the other one is trying to!"
"Damn right I am-"
"Ow! You name stealing bitch!"
Eris ignored Discord's scathing words as she met Asmodeus' eyes with her usual warm smile.
i always get discouraged so easily when it comes to writing sometimes and I have no idea how to fix that other than just keep writing
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